
Fight Night Quotes

Fight Night by Miriam Toews

Fight Night Quotes
"It doesn’t make sense because it takes way longer to put things back together than take them apart."
"Grandma says fragments are the only truth."
"That’s life! You gotta love yourself, regardless."
"It is important to fail at mothering or else your child will not pass from illusion to reality: the mother teaches the child to handle frustration by being one."
"Letters start off as one thing and become another thing."
"There are no winners or losers when it comes to bladder control."
"You don’t wait until the spring to bury people. What nonsense!"
"It’s not life-threatening. It is not those who can inflict the most, but those who can suffer the most who will conquer."
"If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you."
"The worst thing is that they were alone."
"She protects me from everything. Even the things she can't see or understand."
"She’s knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door and she is at 110 percent peace with that."
"It's not much point in having special wishes, as far as the world went, that was clear. So long as one could be alive, take part in it. And that's what he was doing."
"You can only die once so don’t die a thousand times worrying about it."
"We need teams. We need others to fight alongside us."
"Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen? Not at all."
"If you lose your mind can you find your mind again? Of course you can. That’s life!"
"We’re a family of fighters. What can I say!"
"Sometimes when we fight … sometimes we’re not fighting in quite the right way … we need to adjust our game."
"It’s okay, Swiv, everything is gonna be fine. It’s okay."
"She believed it had destroyed her family, especially you … the person she loves most in the world."
"She was so skinny and her face and her arms were tanned, so brown from being outside … her face was so thin and bony and brown and then her huge pale, pale eyes."
"It was at that point where one of two things were going to happen. She would disappear right before our eyes. Or she would begin to rebuild."
"They replaced our love, our resilience! Our madness … we go crazy, of course! We lose ourselves. We’re human."
"To be alive means full body contact with the absurd. Still, we can be happy."
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
"She’d had an affair with that other guy for protection, for kindness—if it was kindness. It was protection."
"Grandma said fighting can be making peace."
"She hadn’t fully understood what had happened to her … the fear, the terror, the shame … She was rebuilding … slowly, slowly."
"To think! To think that Willit Braun came around to the house. To think he came around to the house to have us listen to him tell us that Grandpa and Momo are cast out, are unable to enter the gates of heaven."
"Babies are wonderful! So wonderful! Just wonderful!"
"Grandma couldn’t stop laughing because of the way she sounded, talking without her tooth."
"Out of what? said Grandma. She looked around. Let’s just skedaddle, Swiv!"
"This is your new house. You’re staying here forever and wearing diapers."
"She wasn’t worried. The nurse gave her a T3 for free. Don’t tell anyone, she said."
"I tried to make them not grab Grandma’s broken arm when she leaned over to kiss them."
"She said hoooooooo. I had her red purse on my shoulder. I felt the nitro spray in the outside pocket."
"She laughed and said, Oh, just that maybe we should go home a little sooner than we had planned to."
"I knew she would say I was angry with myself for not protecting Grandma."
"She made her face go small so she could think."
"Grandma said she’d give him twenty bucks to drive us back to Ken’s place."
"You just feel your way around when you’re in Fresno."
"We were gonna be feeling our way around Fresno for a long time."
"I love that! he said. You just feel your way around when you’re in Fresno. I love that."
"Let me think, said Grandma. Juuuuuuuuust give me one little minute to think."
"T probably had a thousand messages from tall California girls in Hollywood asking him to come to their pads to bob around in hot tubs and rub oil on them."
"I’m calling Ken, I said. Hold on, hold on, said Grandma."
"Charge of the Light Brigade! Grandma yelled, right before she swallowed the killers."
"Life is a failed mission! Don’t you get it you old hippie grandpa/nephew man?"
"She was using her eyes to tell Ken, Of course it was a failed mission! It’s just funny!"
"We’re all gonna go crazy and die so just have some fun and keep doing it with Jude all over the house!"
"This is the very least of my concerns, she said."
"I love you, he told Grandma. You’re my heart, man, you’re my—Lou cried."
"I’m still here! she said. Did you have dreams? I said."
"She wanted to talk about John Steinbeck. Would you saw up The Grapes of Wrath? I asked Grandma."
"That’s what? said Mom. But Grandma had fallen asleep again."
"Gord screamed because who wouldn’t scream if suddenly someone was jamming a part of their body into you."
"Mom forced me into the bed with her and Gord."
"I heard a squeak. I jiggled my backpack a bit under the sheet."
"Gord lay there with us making small noises and small movements."
"Gord! she said with her eyes. You have got to be kidding me! What a sight for sore eyes!"
"Gord’s head swivelled around. Grandma smiled."
"She closed her eyes. Mom was doing the crossword puzzle."
"She was whispering into Grandma’s ear. We’re going to name Gord after you."
"Gord’s toque was poking out of the top of my backpack."
"I heard her talking about those sharks that survive by playing dead."
"Mom and Gord and I are still in the same house."
"She says she just does not jive with directors even though the word is jibe."
"Gord is hilarious most of the time. And the rest of the time she’s a basket case."
"You’re a small thing and you must learn to fight."
"Man, you should have seen how fast I fell to my knees."