
Stellarlune Quotes

Stellarlune by Shannon Messenger

Stellarlune Quotes
"A scared boy with no idea how to survive in the Forbidden Cities."
"I'm not abandoning him. I'm just… admitting I might have overreacted a bit."
"Probably is all we really have anymore."
"I'm trying to be. But I'll feel a lot better if you can make contact with him, so I can make sure he's safe."
"He's a survivor. He also begged me not to come after him."
"He's better off where he is. And he can handle himself."
"He can handle anything the humans throw at him. Let him take care of himself."
"I wish so, but... I've also realized that Keefe will probably be safer if he stays hidden."
"We’re all willing to believe that everything is perfect and shiny and wonderful here in the Lost Cities—until something happens that forces us to admit it’s absolutely not."
"Leaders usually aren’t very popular. But they get the job done."
"I’m sure she’s holding out for some big, dramatic moment, when revealing the power will let her do something awful that no one will be expecting."
"We have to be ready to make a lot of imperfect decisions."
"You need my help. Without me, you never would’ve found the Neverseen’s storehouse."
"I knew change wouldn’t come easy. I knew there would have to be a little bad to bring on true good."
"The only thing I’ve held back is my identity."
"I knew it wouldn’t matter—and I was right. The only jobs that would consider me were those for the Talentless."
"I had no idea if anyone remembered what his natural fur even looked like. But he was always happy about each change."
"The old Tam was barely willing to trust Sophie, even after she helped us over and over."
"I’m not exactly excited to be part of this cheerful little group either. I’m just trying to help."
"You may not want Blondie to be your leader, but it sure is easier to complain than it is to come up with actual ideas."
"I don't know how he doesn't constantly want to strangle her."
"How about we just agree to update each other once we actually learn something?"
"I can survive anything. But if you don't get control of your group, you’re heading for an epic disaster."
"I knew it was kind of a long shot. I just appreciate you trying."
"If I were in the Neverseen, this is where I’d strike the hardest."
"I’m not sure when it’ll be safe enough for Foxfire to start having sessions again."
"I can’t see how that might take some practice," Prentice teased.
"You’re right—and there’s no subtle way of saying this, so I’ll just have to put it out there. I brought you here because I’m hoping you’ll be willing to serve as my Keeper."
"It’s part of our training after we’re elected to the Council. That, and how to keep these obnoxious circlets from slipping off our heads."
"But I think it’s time to tell me what you want."
"He mentioned something about an oasis a few times—but it always sounded like a joke. And he never offered to bring me there."
"Do they also teach you to rely on mysterious locations? I never realized this library existed."
"Most of the times she’d seen Prentice, he’d either been unconscious, imprisoned, or unstable."
"You certainly know how to keep someone in suspense," he told Kenric.
"That is some heavy flattery. Sounds like this is going to be a big proposition."
"Queen Hylda’s loyalties are first and foremost to her subjects—as they should be."
"The more we let the Neverseen affect our lives, the more we send the message that they’re the ones with the power."
"Taking the lead only matters at the finish line."
"A good education will never be a waste."
"The knowledge you’re receiving is vital."
"I believe the best way to lead is by example."
"They’re words I still have on repeat in my brain every time I’m fighting: 'It’s them or me.'"
"I realize these challenges feel all-consuming at the moment."
"Taking the lead only matters at the finish line, Miss Foster."
"The wind is unpredictable—just like those who control it."
"It’s not cool. So I understand the whole trying-to-be-who-you’re-expected-to-be-and-still-be-you struggle."
"That doesn’t mean everything revolves around you."
"I might’ve been able to drag him free from that darkness."
"It’s okay if I don’t know what I want or don’t have everything figured out."
"I am special and amazing, and I deserve to be with people who see that and want me to be happy."
"We need to start digging this stuff up and calling it out so we can deal with it—before the Neverseen use it against us."
"You’ve said that with such disdain. And yet, the morale in our world has drastically improved since Foxfire reopened."
"The longer sessions are also allowing for much deeper insight into each subject."
"I’m pretty sure everyone hates the longer sessions. Even most of the Mentors."
"It’s so hard to see the purpose of each individual piece when the larger picture remains obscured."
"But rest assured that everything you’re doing—including your education and training—will come together in a significant way."
"The Council has been worried about that. So has Lord Cassius."
"Our training and weapons are far beyond anything the trolls could muster. Everyone knows that."
"The most important thing to remember is that we don’t know if any of this is true."
"Small steps add up to something significant."
"But they still crashed into the void, which was all that mattered."
"The void cracked open, and they skidded to an ungraceful stop in front of Buckingham Palace."
"Sophie wasn’t thrilled that she was going to look like some sort of tangled sea monster for her big reunion with Keefe."
"Sophie tried to wring some of the water out of her hair. 'It’s a super-fancy hotel.'"
"So fancy that Sophie asked Tam to cover them with as many shadows as he could before they tiptoed into the lobby."
"This place costs thousands of dollars. Well, actually, it costs thousands of pounds since we’re in London—but whatever."
"Sophie told him, waiting for him to meet her eyes before she added, 'about everything.'"
"She knew she was overthinking everything—but how could she not?"
"He pivoted at the last moment, placing his palms on her shoulders—which would’ve felt more intimate if his fingers hadn’t made a squishy sound when they touched her soaked cape."
"Sophie’s heart ached at the rawness in his voice. 'You’re not a mess, Keefe.'"
"I wasn’t lying when I said my mom will try to use anyone I care about to hurt me."
"But I’m not afraid of her. And I’m not going to let her control my life."
"Trust me—this is what I’ve wanted from the moment I first saw you."
"I can’t tell what you’re feeling—and it’s seriously terrifying."
"I don’t want to mess this up. Please don’t let me mess this up."
"I have no idea what to say. That really hurts, Sophie."