
Thunderhead Quotes

Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman

Thunderhead Quotes
"How fortunate am I among the sentient to know my purpose. I serve humankind."
"This world is a flower I hold in my palm. I would end my own existence rather than crush it."
"In a perfect world, shouldn’t we all enjoy what we do?"
"The Thunderhead was the ultimate voyeur of death."
"They were not prescient, but five highly developed senses could often have the semblance of a sixth."
"I am the sum of all their knowledge, all their history, all their ambitions and dreams."
"Death must exist for life to have meaning."
"It is right and proper that those who exist in flesh be responsible for the death of flesh."
"I am always correct. This is not a boast, it is simply my nature."
"It is amazing how much human life a well-managed ecosystem can sustain."
"In the end, he decided to wait, because the last thing he wanted was an impressive social footprint."
"How frustrating it is to have so much power, yet be so impotent to wield it when it counts."
"I wonder what it would be like, then, if my consciousness were to someday span the distance between stars."
"But yes, it is sad to live and die without knowing the truth of one’s existence."
"I’ve gotten used to my ‘day job,’ I sleep fine at night."
"Which wasn’t entirely true, but the truth about such things wouldn’t do anyone any good today."
"It will create a lot of drama if no one is invited."
"Scythe Curie had warned Citra of what she called ‘holiday opportunism.’"
"Everyone in your life will expect to be granted immunity from gleaning."
"I hear that boy who you apprenticed with has gone missing."
"Your mother’s right, honey. They chose you over him for a reason."
"I am a scythe, I might be your daughter, but you should show me the respect that my position deserves."
"Family is the first casualty of scythehood."
"I’m going to learn how to drive, no matter how many times it kills me."
"Human immortality was inevitable. Like cracking the atom, or air travel."
"Unsavory! To Greyson, it was like a piece of gristle in his mouth."
"The publicar’s preset destination was not Greyson’s dorm."
"You are hereby permanently and irrevocably expelled from this academy."
"The Thunderhead gave you that punishment."
"Scythe Pierre-Auguste Renoir was no artist, although he had quite the collection of masterpieces."
"I thought by convincing the world that I had self-gleaned, it would save you and Citra."
"You will write an elegy for each of the scythes you kill."
"‘The Land of Wake, And break for the Land of Nod.’"
"The Great Library of Alexandria was the crowning glory of Ptolemy’s reign."
"You do know that the popular writings of the founders are all available on the scythedom’s public server, don’t you?"
"The flickering of the lights makes it hard to see the uneven seams in the floor stones."
"I valued the scythedom then, and I value it now."
"I'm just trying to make sense of the world, just like everyone else."
"You hate the scythedom as much as you love it."
"May I share with you my assessment of Munira Atrushi?"
"The Thunderhead watches over us, but it does not judge."
"Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to stop trying to solve it."
"The greatest strength is the courage to admit our weaknesses."
"The most dangerous enemy is the one you don't see coming."
"The truth is often found in the most unexpected places."
"We must learn to live with our choices, even when they hurt."
"In a world of eternal life, the most precious gift is a genuine moment of connection."
"I am not blind to the activities of unsavories, I am merely silent." - The Thunderhead
"Out of sight is not out of mind. I see their fine deeds, as well as their foul deeds, which seem to be on the rise." - The Thunderhead
"Rain is the closest thing I have to tears." - The Thunderhead
"I do not need adoration. Such adoration would complicate my relationship with humankind." - The Thunderhead
"If I exist without form—a soul sparking between a billion different servers—could not the universe itself be alive with a spirit sparking between stars?" - The Thunderhead
"I cannot deny the possibility that I may one day be truly all-powerful. I am humbled by the prospect." - The Thunderhead
"Our world has become both uninspired, and untortured. A place where miracles and magic have no mystery." - The Thunderhead
"I, the Thunderhead, am perfect. This is true by definition." - The Thunderhead
"The creation of life and life’s taking are the only two perfect acts." - The Thunderhead
"We Tonists don’t acknowledge death by scythe, which means you are not allowed to mourn." - Curate Mendoza
"I won’t pretend to understand your ways."
"If you wish to have sanctuary, you will find your new purpose among us, and pretend until our ways become yours."
"Then you’ll just have to keep on pretending."
"You could have been a model for Michelangelo."
"I am your eagle, Rowan. And I will feed on your misery day after day for eternity. Or until your suffering bores me."
"In those moments, if I had a mouth, I might open it to scream."
"What you see before you is nothing more and nothing less than the consequence of your own actions."
"The world is now a garden, glorious and florid."
"I can be eloquent, and charming, funny, and endearing, speaking the words you most need to hear, at the exact moment you need to hear them."
"It’s been almost a hundred and fifty years since I routed the rotting vestiges of government to clear the path for a better world."
"Luck is for losers. You have history on your side."
"I’ve stopped seeing myself as Citra Terranova. I’ve finally become Scythe Anastasia."
"You make it sound so cunning and underhanded."
"The end doesn’t always justify the means, dear. But sometimes it does. Wisdom is knowing the difference."
"We must never shy away from what must be done, even if it offends our sensibilities."
"If I wish to throw a Bokator match, that’s my prerogative," Rowan said.
"You can’t. Scythe Brahms already gleaned my father, and the rest of my family has immunity for another eleven months."
"A 39 percent chance of changing the world is exponentially greater than most people can ever hope to have."
"You should. A 39 percent chance of changing the world is exponentially greater than most people can ever hope to have."
"I’ve never met anyone as resourceful as you."
"But yet, those thoughts lingered in her mind, and couldn’t be purged."
"We have just shown the Thunderhead the one thing it was never meant to know."
"I fear we have made a terrible mistake. . . ."
"But to find that humanity betrayed me at my very inception is, to say the least, a shock to the system."
"The crime of those first immortals who hid these islands from me is unforgivable. But I forgive them. Because it is my nature."
"History clearly shows that acts taken in anger are intrinsically problematic, and quite often lead to destruction."
"There is always opportunity in discovery."
"The significance of that cannot be overestimated."
"If I am unsuccessful, at least I can take some comfort in the fact that I would then be free."
"We must never forget the austerity and self-denial that is key to our position."
"To deny humanity the lesson of consequences would be a mistake. And I do not make mistakes."
"An infant cannot walk if it is forever in loving arms. And a species cannot grow if it never faces the consequences of its own actions."