
Mickey7 Quotes

Mickey7 by Edward Ashton

Mickey7 Quotes
"THIS IS GONNA be my stupidest death ever."
"In my line of work, you spend a lot of time pondering different ways to die."
"You get chilly, fall asleep, and then don’t wake up, right?"
"Replace 'go to sleep' with 'get crushed, or vaporized, or set on fire' and you’ve pretty much got my life."
"Deep down on some level below reason, I’m pretty sure I’d know I was dead."
"There’s no point in trying to argue this out, Seven. I mean, we can’t really compromise on this, can we?"
"The only thing keeping us up here is Bernoulli’s principle."
"Getting iced is your job, and you were out there on orders. He can’t be mad at you for being a klutz."
"I’d rather this particular job went to an asshole."
"This isn’t about fixing the blame, it’s about fixing the problem."
"In any case, the post that you are applying for right now is not a hobby. It is most definitely a job, one which, if you take it on, you will never be able to relinquish."
"The thing you have to understand about Berto is that he was one of those obnoxious kids who was prodigy-level good at nearly everything he ever tried."
"I remember thinking that this really wasn’t going to be so bad."
"It would take me half a lifetime to get back to the surface."
"I spent an hour in the bay sitting in my cockpit and crying like a baby."
"That’s still hanging in the air between us when a chat window pops up in my ocular."
"Welcome to Himmel Station. This will be your home until the Drakkar is cleared for boarding."
"None of that, please. I promise you'll be given everything you need."
"Physics is cruel, Mr. Barnes, and the antimatter that fuels starships is heinously expensive."
"You'll get over that eventually. Or else you won’t, I suppose."
"I'm sure we can all come up with hundreds of more productive ways to allocate any additional mass we might carry than to your luggage."
"They're not a cult, they're a serious religion, and Commander Marshall is a serious believer."
"One of the prime doctrines of the Natalist Church is the belief in the sanctity of the unitary soul."
"You realize these people are going to own us for the rest of our lives, right?"
"Dead is dead for me. So, yeah, I’m wearing armor."
"If you actually take on this job, you'll probably be rebuilt all at once at some point, but at the end of the day, it’s really no different, is it?"
"I forget sometimes that you’re simply a construct."
"Your activities of the past several weeks have permanently removed nearly three hundred thousand kilocalories from our energy budget."
"Considering that you have no access to alcohol here on Niflheim, Mr. Barnes, I think we can take it as a given that such experiences are more likely to indicate reboots than the results of three-day benders, wouldn’t you say?"
"I thought we were about to have sex. Yes, I am exactly that stupid."
"As of today, you’re officially Mickey1."
"It’s just like going to sleep, right? I do this, and I wake up in my sling, good as new?"
"I admire you guys, the colonists, I mean. I don’t understand you, but I admire you."
"The human body takes a surprisingly long time to actually shut down, even after it’s picked up many times a fatal dose."
"I was thinking of something. You realize these people are going to own us for the rest of our lives, right?"
"Great. Now I'm the Expendable who's afraid to die. I'm pretty sure that's as low as you can sink in terms of social standing around here."
"Tell you what. I won't objectify you if you won't objectify me."
"I wanted off of Midgard. This was the only way to make it happen."
"This was a bit of a misunderstanding, sir."
"I'm not unkillable, I get killed all the damn time. That's the entire point of being an Expendable, isn't it?"
"Yeah, that's fair. I just fucking bet it was. My jaw is knotted so tight that it feels like my teeth might crack."
"Maybe I'm an idealist. Maybe I was just looking for a way to do my part for the Union."
"You’re making that up. You don’t know any more than I do about the network, and I don’t have any idea whether what you’re saying is even plausible."
"I’m pretty sure this is a temporary reprieve."
"We’re fucking mayflies, and when Marshall shoves us down the corpse hole, that’s it for us."
"I’m pretty sure they were doing what we did to that creeper you hauled in."
"It’s only been a couple of days since Eight came out of the tank, and we’ve already got two other people who know about us."
"I wasn’t afraid of Command. I was afraid of those fucking creepers."
"You risked actually getting cycled because you couldn’t admit to me, to Marshall… to yourself?"
"If any of me makes it through into Nine somehow, I’m gonna make a point first thing of kicking the crap out of you."
"It's only a war crime if we use these weapons on humans. Anything goes on a beachhead."
"It doesn’t matter. You heard what Marshall said. If we don’t do this, we go into the cycler, and we don’t get to come back out."
"This is their house, Eight. How long would it take us to figure out that one of them had gotten into the dome?"
"I don’t want to kill anybody other than maybe you. What I want is to talk to Marshall, face-to-face."
"You can't kill me... I’m your only liaison to the creepers, and they’ve got an antimatter weapon now, just like we do."
"Sending a doomsday weapon down into their tunnels wasn’t my idea, and it wasn’t my fault that they took Eight before he could pull the trigger."
"We are at war... And for reasons that I honestly cannot fathom, you seem to have taken the enemy’s side."
"I’m your only diplomat. Do you really think killing me is in anybody’s best interests at this point?"
"I’m not going down the corpse hole... I am hereby resigning as this colony’s Expendable."
"I’ve died seven goddamn times... Don’t tell me what I wouldn’t dare."
"I told you. I had to check on something."
"They don’t care at all about the creepers we’ve killed, and they don’t have an inkling of why we’d care about the people they’ve taken."