
Hollowpox: The Hunt For Morrigan Crow Quotes

Hollowpox: The Hunt For Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

Hollowpox: The Hunt For Morrigan Crow Quotes
"These quiet, still moments had become Morrigan’s favorite time of day."
"Like mechanical dragons waking from slumber."
"Ready to carry millions of people all over the city of Nevermoor on a complex tapestry of tracks."
"Miss Cheery was pure sunshine. She was fresh linen, birdsong at twilight, perfectly cooked toast."
"Without their conductor, Unit 919 would be lost in the wilderness."
"She was all rainbow-colored clothes and impeccable posture, deep brown skin and enormous smile."
"I bet none of you even knows how to splint a leg."
"People are dangerous when they’re frightened. Remember that."
"I can swing a sledgehammer like it’s a yo-yo."
"He tried to lead his fellow Wundersmiths in a crusade against the crown."
"We must close old wounds, even if the scars remain."
"The air was perfectly still. She could smell the promise of snow."
"It was an epic, exhilarating battle once again."
"He was cut off by a squeal at one end of the train car, followed by a roar that sounded a bit like Fenestra when she was furious."
"You can't do it, can you? You can't do anything. Obviously."
"We're in public! Do you realize how much trouble you could—"
"There's nobody here. Everyone's off hunting for treasure."
"It should have been you, you know. You should have been the one to lose your knack. Not Alfie."
"I can't even get so much as a mish kadrach f’al to my hal’clahar fejh alm’ok."
"I'll have a dragon one day. A real one."
"It wasn’t a big deal, honestly. Just a bit weird."
"He’s from the Society!" Morrigan said, a little louder than she’d intended. "It’s… Brutilus Brown, Thaddea’s wrestling coach."
"No—Heloise, WAIT!" Morrigan grabbed the older girl’s arm and yanked her back against the station wall, into the shadows.
"We have to get out of here," she whispered. "He’s going to attack us."
"HOTEL," Morrigan shouted, and then in a slurred clarification she added, "Doolekion. Doykelion. Durkel… loyne," before the world went sideways, then black.
"You are not a mouse, Morrigan Crow. You are a dragon."
"I am but a lonely traveler," sang Theobold as the wayfaring Happenchance. "And my weary heart is lost. But in you I find a love that I must win at any cost."
"Ginger fella? Big flirt? Thinks he’s funny?" "That’s the one."
"What’s that got to do with Dr. Bramble?" someone called out from a seat near the back. "She’s an unnimologist. Wunimals aren’t unnimals. Don’t know how many times we have to say it."
"It’s all about the horsewun and his… whatever that was. Barely a word about my performance, or Theobold’s! And they didn’t even mention the De Flimsé costumes."
"You’re never more than six feet away from a numpty."
"I think a Monday would be best. Everyone’ll still be tired from the weekend, so they won’t be up to much fighting back."
"Anyone can throw a rock at a window, but the art of Ruination is not about using external brute force. It’s about unraveling a thing from the inside, separating all its constituent parts, then breaking down those parts, and on and on, until you have transformed the thing, made it unrecognizable to itself. The truest, purest act of Ruination is an act of transformation."
"The truest, purest act of Ruination is an act of transformation."
"The rest of us—Conall, me, the Sub-Nine Academic Group, even Rook—we’re all just guests here. The School of Wundrous Arts belongs to Wundersmiths."
"They ask us no questions and we tell them no lies."
"After what happened in Courage Square, when there were no more Wundersmiths to protect people against Squall and his monstrous army… there was a brief, very dark period when it seemed he had won. That he’d conquered Nevermoor."
"Don’t let my ancient roots bother you, they’re only anchored deep in the ground in this fixed position. I’ll just hop out of your way in a sprightly fashion, shall I? Hoppity hop hop."
"Some of us are trying to listen to the trees."
"You’re much more stalwart than I am, Morrigan."
"You’re having a laugh, squire. I won’t sell it for less than a thousand."
"I’m so sorry that crawling around in the sewers isn’t my idea of a good time."
"We’ll take it from here. Right, you lot—we’ll take it from here."
"He didn’t see anything," said Cadence, her voice a pleasant hum. "We’ve been having a lovely chat about… history or whatever. You think Miss Cheery’s scholars are just delightful. So well-behaved. You’d love us all to come again."
"You’ve no idea what a help you are, Jackie. I’m proud of you."
"I’m not trying to be boring, Mog. Just… responsible."
"He’s a liability! I bit a man at the supermarket last week!"
"We don’t ignore bigotry, Jack. That’s how cowardly bigots turn into brave bigots."
"If you live for a hundred years, Morrigan, you will do a great many things you wouldn’t believe."
"It’s a nine-star hotel, I don’t have fleas, and I’m not a cat."
"One day, Miss Crow, you may begin to understand how much of Nevermoor lies dormant or dead, waiting patiently for you to nudge it back to life."
"Can’t let people near the Whingeing Woods—they’d be bored to death."
"Makes you look less dangerous than the headline suggests. That’s something?"
"No Hollowpox," his uncle echoed. "No Wunimals."
"We’ll do each other’s hair and share our fondest ambitions and most scandalous secrets."
"For goodness’ sake, it’s barely been a week! And it’s not my employees’ fault the Deucalion’s closed."
"I told you, Squall is a liar. And even if he’s telling the truth, there is nothing he can offer that’s worth what he wants in return."
"I would do anything to return to Nevermoor. I would raze entire cities, end civilizations. My body may be on this side of the border, but every other part of me—my mind, my heart, my soul if I have one—every bit of me worth anything is there, in Nevermoor, and I would kill every living creature in the Republic if I thought it would bring me home."
"You think I’m the dangerous one, and you are correct: I have done terrible things. I am a ghoulish man, a maker of monsters. But Wintersea is a monster. Always hungry. Never satisfied. If you let her into our city, she will devour it."
"You have to go. I want you to go. You have to die."
"I don’t care less whether they live or die. I have no feelings about them whatsoever; that’s not my fight, it’s Wintersea’s. I only care about Nevermoor."
"It’s what we do. We say yes. We do the ghastly things that are asked of us by people in power, and we take none of the credit and all of the blame."
"You think you love him because you’ve had him since you were a baby. You think you love him because he listened to eleven years of your secrets and stories."
"They think I’m nowhere near as powerful."
"Even with everything she’d tried to do these past few days... so many Wunimals were still in danger. Her friend was still in danger."
"I’m glad you’re awake. We had a little party here for you, hoping it might wake you up, we were all so worried. What you did… it was really brave."
"I just wish... I wish there was something we could do for the ones who are already here."
"I thought I’d cured them? Or worse—I thought Ezra Squall had cured them? It seemed outrageously foolish now, to have believed he would keep his word."
"Jupiter said they’re not giving up," she went on. "They’re still looking for a cure."
"You didn’t," she insisted. "The Wunimals are still hollow. They’re still unnimals. You promised—"
"I want Sofia back! I want to talk to her. I want Dame Chanda to get her friend back and be happy again."
"She needn’t sign this contract at all! Squall had already cured the Wunimals, and it wasn’t as if he could undo it without her cooperation."
"The universe was gone now, but the space it had occupied was still there. Cavernous and wanting, filled with a hunger like nothing she’d known."
"But Morrigan was too tired to be frightened."
"She would cling to that memory by the skin of her fingertips, for as long as she possibly could."