
The Name Of The Star Quotes

The Name Of The Star by Maureen Johnson

The Name Of The Star Quotes
"In my town, Bénouville, Louisiana, hurricane preparations generally include buying more beer, and ice to keep that beer cold when the power goes out."
"Every fifty years or so, everything but the old hotel gets wrecked by a flood or a hurricane—and the same bunch of lunatics comes back and builds new stuff."
"If you see someone running in Bénouville, you run in the same direction, because there’s probably something really terrible right behind them."
"I love where I’m from, don’t get me wrong, but it’s the kind of town that makes you a little crazy if you never leave, even for a little while."
"Annoy a Southerner, and we will drain away the moments of your life with our slow, detailed replies until you are nothing but a husk of your former self."
"Panic on the streets of London, Panic on the streets of Birmingham…"
"England and Britain and the United Kingdom are not the same thing."
"The English will play hockey in any weather. Thunder, lightning, plague of locusts… nothing can stop the hockey."
"This is the problem with all of this media coverage of the Ripper. It makes people afraid."
"The police had nothing. So, to help them, thousands more people joined the ranks of amateur detectives."
"The Ripper shaped our school life as well."
"During that precious hour or so between dinner and eight o’clock, everyone would run out to whatever shop was still open to get their provisions for the night."
"The curfew was a great equalizer. The entire social dynamic had altered."
"Every night, Jazza and I had a ritual of tea and biscuits and rice crisps with Cheez Whiz."
"I had lucked out on the roommate front."
"The Double Event night was bigger than New Year’s and we were not going to be a part of it."
"I heard someone say that she didn’t even want to go outside."
"One man has made the entirety of London afraid."
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. We’ll be able to see everything from up there, and no one will know, I promise."
"It’s okay," I said quickly, once I swallowed a scream of surprise. "I go here."
"The eagle has landed, I wrote. Operation successful."
"You lot, you stop filming now," she barked."
"I can’t believe this is happening. Just look out there."
"What’s going on now?" Jazza said, setting down her tea and throwing a leg over the bench. "We’re annoying Charlotte," I said.
"What I was really watching was the light in the aisle upstairs. It clicked off, and neither Boo nor Alistair emerged, and Boo didn’t switch it back on. They had to be talking, or …"
"In boarding school, you have to respect other people’s privacy. I couldn’t just say that I’d been looking at Boo’s notes. That violated the unspoken code."
"Her notebooks were there, just inches away from me. I hesitated for a moment, then, using my pen, dragged the one marked Further Maths over to me, keeping one eye on the balcony in case Boo emerged."
"I saw Alistair sprawled in the middle of an aisle, reading. He had his book on the floor and was idly turning the pages with one hand."
The Diary of Samuel Pepys is massive," Alistair replied. "Oh … I mean, just the part about the fire. The major theme of the part about the fire is the fire.
"I looked at them—Stephen, so young and so serious. Boo, smiling away next to me. Callum, keeping suspiciously quiet and shoving food into his mouth. They did look pretty normal."
"I choked," I said after a pause. "A few weeks ago. At dinner."
"I saw the back of a head, with black, closely cropped hair, then a heavily muscled arm with a tattoo of some kind of creature holding a stick."
"I wasn’t supposed to be worried about it, why am I sitting here with you? You said you were police. What kind of police? Why did the police come to tell me I could see ghosts?"
"I was trying to cram in the writing of the aforementioned essay. This was the first major assignment I’d had for literature—seven to ten pages on any work of my choice that we’d already read."
"Their bathroom was a pretty no-frills place, just two toothbrushes, two towels, two razors."
"I scrubbed my skin with a bar of hand soap, turning the makeup to a gray runny mess."
"When I looked at myself in the mirror, my skin was pale and raw, my eyes were red, and my hair was wet and streaked with makeup and soap."
"The sight of my reflection almost brought me to tears for some reason."
"I had to sit on the edge of the bathtub and take a few deep breaths."
"One turned out to be a pair of sweatpants that said ETON down the leg."
"I removed it and found that I had several messages from Jazza and Jerome, wanting to know if I was all right."
"This is a nice place, I said, just to make it less quiet."
"There was also an oversized and over-washed polo-neck shirt from some event called the Wallingford Regatta."
"Stephen was well over six foot, and I just about made it to five foot four, so I had to roll up the cuffs of the sweats in order to walk."
"I spoke to someone at the hospital. She’s awake. They’re x-raying her now."
"Everyone’s always known that London is full of ghosts."
"But belief in ghosts, and science, and law and order, these things didn’t really go together."
"In 1919, with the help of the Society for Psychical Research, the Shades were born."
"We’re the only people who can keep you safe."
"What happened to you? To make you like this?"
"He commits murders in full view of CCTV cameras."
"Everyone’s going to think this Richard Eakles guy wrote that."
"I look forward to visiting the one with the sight to know me and plucking out her eyes."
"I’m not going back in there. I don’t know if you can prefect-arrest me or something."
"The whole thing was kind of a media creation."
"Jack the Ripper never called himself Jack the Ripper."
"He’s laughing at everyone for all the attention he’s getting."
"We’re the only people who know Richard Eakles didn’t write that message on the board."
"It’s as Prime Minister Churchill said: ‘Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty.’"
"It vibrates a little. Just keep pressing."
"For the next few days, Callum and I will be keeping an eye on you."
"I tried to kill myself. You must have failed. Because you’re here."
"The thing they don’t tell you about hanging is how much it hurts."
"I swore never, ever to take my life for granted again, no matter how bad things seemed."
"I accept what I did, and I won’t do it again."
"Hanging leaves some terrible bruising around the neck."
"Technically, I would be a police officer. I would be trained as such. In reality, I would be the commanding officer of a new police squad."
"Stephen squeezed the steering wheel so hard, his fingers went white."
"It’s because you’re doing something brave, and I felt I should too."
"The only warmth came from Stephen, who was right at my back."
"I see the way you look. The way you hold on to that terminus for dear life."
"We were always a little different, a little more intense."
"I had to get them to see sense, to give me one."
"The girl with the long hair, your friend in the window? They’ll be scrubbing the walls for weeks, trying to get the blood off."
"The sight is a curse, and the terminus is the only cure."
"I knew precisely what he meant. Maybe we were always going to finish this."
"What happens then is that someone gets hit by a bus or falls into an old sewage ditch and dies."
"We were all safe. We’d survived the Ripper, all of us."
"Some things are so bad that once you’ve been through them, you don’t have to explain your reasons to anyone."