
Powerless Quotes

Powerless by Lauren Roberts

Powerless Quotes
"Home. Sort of. Technically, a home implies that one has a roof over their head. But stars are far more fun to stare at than a ceiling."
"Adena’s smile could rival the sun over the Scorches desert. 'Pae, you and your sticky fingers work magic, you know that?'"
"It’s not the words that bother me, it’s—'And it’s the meaning behind them,' she cuts in with a smile and a shockingly accurate imitation of my voice."
"Selfishness only stole my sanity for a single night, but that was all it took for me to endanger the both of us."
"Mark my words, I’m going to steal a cot one day."
"The Elites who compete aren’t chosen, but rather, born into their fate."
"I’d rather not have people staring while I’m committing crimes. That seems a bit counterproductive."
"Every girl deserves something as equally pretty and deadly as they are."
"I won’t stand by idly again. I couldn’t save my father, but I’ll honor him now by saving someone from the same suffering he endured."
"I’m completely and utterly alone in the world."
"But this is for the best. It’s safer for her without me here."
"Mark my words, prince, I will be your undoing."
"The twisted, drooping trees loom over us, oddly enchanting with the way the sun streams through their leaves."
"My eyes sweep to Hera, quiet as she looks around in awe..."
"I walk quietly while watching the pink petals fall from the trees, drifting to the ground on a gentle breeze—"
"Life on the streets isn’t much of a life at all."
"Living in the slums is survival of the fittest."
"She is the embodiment of a bad decision. The twin of danger and desire. The fine line between deadly and divine."
"There won't be a kingdom for you to rule if you die, Kitt."
"Honor to your kingdom. Honor to your family. Honor to yourself."
"You’ve had a knife in your back this whole time and you just let me talk?"
"A dance. A brutal, bloody, beautiful dance."
"Different does not even begin to describe how drastically these Trials have changed."
"This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t real."
"Hello, Paedyn. Did you enjoy catching up with your younger self?"
"I will not die. I will not die. I will not die."
"Remind me to make you smile like that again, when you aren’t dying..."
"She’s too stubborn to die, and I’m too stubborn to let her."
"Is that how you thank me for saving your life?"
"The Trials aren’t meant to build trust, and yet, here we are, divulging the deepest parts of ourselves to one another."
"I never wanted this. Never wanted to be what I am today."
"Is it really so shocking that I don’t want you to die?"
"I think you despise that you don’t despise me."
"I’ve never seen a stare so icy, yet so full of fire."
"I’m surrounded by color, by life. It’s beautiful, breathtaking."
"I’m tougher than I look, I assure you. The strongest weapon a woman has at her disposal is that she is often underestimated."
"Sometimes it takes martyrs to show people that there is something worth fighting for."
"A king who doesn’t know his people cannot be a king for his people."
"The only thing I’m resisting when I’m around you is the urge to put a dagger to your throat."
"But if I get to have you, it will be because you let me."
"Nothing about this year’s Trials is normal."
"Did your Psychic abilities not warn you that was coming?"
"I may have lost the match, but it’s Blair who lost her pride."
"People aren’t born strong; they’re made that way."
"You hate this game because you’re bad at it."
"She’s smiling in death, as though happy to be rid of life."
"I am grief. I am sorrow. I am anguish alike."
"Like a shadow, the fabric clings to her body. Like a second skin, it outlines her curves as she steps down the stairs."
"She is a devil. She is a deity. She is a man’s downfall in human form."
"Pae, when I look at you...I’m devastated. I’m drowning. I’m dying to catch my breath."
"I’m never sober around you, Pae. Never not drunk on every detail that is you."
"Perhaps the beast can earn the beauty after all."
"Plagues, the glowing grin she gives me is gorgeous."
"This is not a goodbye...only a good way to say bye until I see you next."
"The Resistance. A man is standing beside my father wearing a black mask..."
"Today, we come out of the darkness and show you who we are. What we want to change."
"A monster? Maybe. The most powerful king Ilya has ever had? Most definitely."
"Everything I’ve endured was because of you."
"Then I will leave my mark upon your heart, lest you forget who’s broken it."
"And this is for me, you son of a bitch."