
Oral Health Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Oral health, including the oral microbiome, the health of your palate, your tonsils, indeed the entire oral cavity, is an extremely important component of general bodily health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are so many aspects of oral health and daily protocols for oral health that extend to cardiovascular health, to metabolic health, and indeed to brain health and to staving off diseases in all of those bodily compartments."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Oral health is inextricably linked to all aspects of brain and bodily health, both in the short term and in the long term."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Oral health is not just about having clean, straight, white teeth and fresh breath. It's about all of that and it's also about reducing cardiovascular disease and irritable bowel syndrome."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping a healthy mouth, including healthy teeth, tongue, gums, and palate, is oh so important not just for your mouth but also for your heart, gut, skin, and brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Class dismissed, we are moving on from oral health care."
"Who in their right mind would think that it makes sense to sterilize the oral cavity every single day?"
"You're nuking the bad bacteria but you're also nuking the good bacteria."
"We rely on oral bacteria to derive maximum benefit from those foods."
"Another thing that you should be doing is brushing your tongue because our tongue is actually the reason for bad breath."
"Triphala mouthwash is effective for reducing plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation, promoting dental health."
"One bacterium out of kilter affects all three subsystems: gum, bone, and immune system."
"Your mouth is the beginning of your digestive tract. If this isn't healthy, then the rest of your body is not going to be healthy."
"Your mouth is so important, when something's wrong, nothing seems right."
"It's all about healthy teeth and a healthy life going forward."
"Dental hygiene is essential. Poor gum health is actually correlated with a lot of other negative health effects."
"Enhancing fluoride levels could reduce the number of teeth extracted because of Decay by up to 56%."
"...toothpaste needs to do... it's something that actually nourishes the oral microbiome, leaves it alone, helps restack the saliva with all the right ingredients, so that the biofilm can pick it up and take care of itself."
"You want to nourish and feed and leave the oral microbiome alone because it can take care of itself if given the right products and environment."
"Things going on in the mouth are really very important as it relates to our General Health."
"Your oral health is a big part of how people see you."
"Your breath, if it stinks, nobody's going to want to talk to you."
"Gum chewing, as long as it has this one active ingredient in it, is actually very good for you. It will make a big difference in your oral health, and this ingredient is xylitol."
"If Mom is chewing gum for a year before the first baby tooth erupts, the reduction in the incidence of decay is phenomenal."
"Nothing is as good as your natural teeth."
"Which would you rather have in your mouth? Would you rather have something that looks, feels and functions just like teeth? Or would you rather have something big and massive that feels like a denture, for the most part in your mouth?"
"It changes the whole shape of your teeth."
"Orthodontists are critical in developing proper form and function in the oral cavity which can ultimately help patients maintain their teeth for longer."
"Studies have shown that poor oral health leads to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, respiratory diseases, and many more."
"The health of our mouth is more important than many people realize."
"Proper dental hygiene and whitening products can improve your smile."
"There's a link between gum disease, bleeding gums, and diabetes."
"Oral health is a big player in overall health, not just longevity but in the quality of your life."
"These teeth look, feel, and function like natural teeth."
"Poor oral hygiene is linked to heart disease."
"I never knew that dentistry could not only influence oral health but also mental health as well."
"Oral health is not to be second to anything, it is so, so important."
"Dentists are the experts in oral health; they diagnose and treat problems of the teeth, gums, and other tissues in the mouth."
"The mouth is an interesting area; it's got bone, it's got tissue, and it's got a microbiome that is incredibly diverse."
"Brushing with herbs is great for killing off the bad bacteria that can build up in our mouths."
"Bentonite clay is great because it's going to help pull toxins out of the mouth and help re-mineralize the teeth."
"What's good for the oral environment is going to be good for the systemic environment; what's bad for the oral environment is going to be bad for the systemic environment."
"What happens in the mouth happens in the body."
"Having a fundamental understanding of the oral microbiome, that is what's new, that's new information."
"We're giving the consumer a choice for a better destiny in oral health."
"What's good for the mouth is good for the body."
"Every time you chew on those fresh mint leaves or even sip on your mint tea, you're not just enjoying a refreshing experience; you're giving your oral health a boost."
"I believe that if we begin with pregnant women and with children, educating and helping them to have a better time with their teeth and their oral health, we can develop a new generation that doesn't fear the dentist."
"Xylitol suppresses the bad bacteria and nurtures and feeds the good bacteria in your mouth."
"Xylitol simply stimulates a flow which stimulates a flow of better pH saliva in your mouth."
"Proper treatment can include things like better oral hygiene such as flossing daily or fluoride treatments using a higher fluoride toothpaste."
"Your hygiene department could legitimately be considered a chronic oral wound care center."
"Oral health is super, super important to our dogs and it's going to guarantee you a much happier and longer life with them."
"The oral microbiome is fundamental to healthy teeth and gums, it's important for systemic health."
"The oral microbiome helps keep our blood pressure regulated."
"The greatest thing about Xylitol is that it helps to change the flora of the mouth."
"Xylitol tips the mouth acidity to alkaline within seconds."
"Your teeth remineralize every day, and if they didn't, you wouldn't have teeth by the age of probably seven or eight years old."
"Oil pulling has been a game-changer for my oral hygiene."