
Brain Health Quotes

There are 1049 quotes

"There are so many aspects of oral health and daily protocols for oral health that extend to cardiovascular health, to metabolic health, and indeed to brain health and to staving off diseases in all of those bodily compartments."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Oral health is inextricably linked to all aspects of brain and bodily health, both in the short term and in the long term."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It just so happened that cardiovascular training done three times per week for an hour at a time at moderate intensity increased the size of the anterior mid cingulate cortex."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's like giving your brain this wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Taking care of your...oral microbiome is critical for cardiovascular health. It's critical for brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regularly trying to learn and keep our brain functioning well and acquire new knowledge is just a wonderful part of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We want to exercise at least five days per week... it's immensely beneficial for the production of things like brain-derived neurotrophic factor, for limiting inflammatory cytokines like IL-6, for promoting anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One of the most common questions I get are what should I eat for my brain? Well, ironically enough, one of the best things you can do for your brain is to not eat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep as the primary way in which we can ensure our overall health, including our brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Foods that are good for your brain in terms of focus, in terms of brain health generally, and the longevity of your brain, your ability to maintain cognition and clear thinking over time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can change what you eat so much so that you can drive your brain and your body to crave foods that are good for you, or at least better for you than the foods you might currently be eating."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough sleep allows you to transition through all the various forms of metabolism and use all those different forms of metabolites during sleep in a way that's immensely beneficial for the systems of your brain and body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to enhance the size of neurons, the number of connections between neurons, and maybe even the number of neurons, is to enrich its environment and get it moving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love the idea down the road of humans just getting control over some of the horrible ways that their brains go wrong, like addiction or depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Probiotics are one way to support the gut-brain axis and the gut health generally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is this incredible feature of our nervous system that allows it to change itself, even in ways that we consciously decide."
"Music therapy is on the up, which is just so beautiful because it does so many wonderful things for your brain."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's plasticity and this that I'm referring to is the ability to change at any age, better or worse."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body health each and every day."
"Improving the quality of our sleep is arguably the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brains and recharge our bodies."
"When we consume two eggs daily, we're essentially giving our brains a choline boost, which in turn enhances our cognitive abilities and overall brain function."
"Protect the brain... to remove the beta amyloid that gums up the brain."
"Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt to changing circumstances."
"Good brain diet: Avocados, blueberries, broccoli, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, wild salmon, and turmeric are neuroprotective."
"Sleep is important for your brain because that's where you consolidate short to long-term memory, clean plaque out that could lead to dementia, and where your creativity in dreams happens."
"Sleep is a very important period of time for the brain to do a lot of repair."
"The brain needs stimulation, the brain needs glucose, the brain needs oxygen; that's what it has to have to thrive."
"Brain health is very reliant on mind health."
"Sulforaphane has been shown to increase glutathione levels in plasma and also in the brain, which is particularly important for brain health."
"The quality of our brain really determines the quality of our life."
"Exercise is the single most powerful thing you can do to increase your rate of neurogenesis."
"Social connections are key to maintaining a healthy brain when we age."
"Being social is critically important... just a 10-minute stimulating conversation is better for your brain health than watching 10 minutes of the Seinfeld rerun."
"It's like giving your brain a wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
"Every single time you move your body...you're making your brain sharper."
"Every day you're making your brain a bit better or a bit worse. You're not stuck with the brain you have; you can make it better."
"I prefer to try to construct a food environment and a diet and a lifestyle for them that allows their brains to naturally regulate them to the right calorie intake and to the right body fatness to meet their goals."
"Reading aloud is a good way to keep your brain young."
"You are the master of what happens in your brain. So, look after it, treat it right, and you will strike the right chemical notes for a life well lived."
"Physical exercise changes your gene expression...leading to the expression of growth hormone for the brain."
"We need to stop calling these things mental illnesses and start treating them as brain health issues."
"Omega-3 essential fatty acids, in particular the omega-3 form, ingesting one to three grams of EPA in particular, can be beneficial for a number of different aspects of brain and body health and can enhance focus and cognitive ability."
"Folks who ate two or more servings of green leafy vegetables each day had brains that were about 11 years younger."
"People with the highest Omega-3 index have the largest brains and the largest areas of memory, the hippocampus."
"Good brain food because you are what you eat; what you eat matters, especially to your gray matter."
"Sleep is so important for your brain for three reasons: where you consolidate short to long-term memory, it's where you clean out the plaque that could lead to brain aging challenges, and because we need to dream."
"Just the notion that our lifestyle choices can rewrite your brain's destiny was really very discomforting for very much for people who wanted to believe in the mono therapy, give me a pill mentality."
"Sleep is probably like the number one thing and in one of their brain health, aging, or just like high performance sleep is like one of the most important aspects anyone can have."
"Depression is skyrocketing... brain conditions are metabolic dysfunctions."
"I'm not going to tell you a diet plan. I'm going to tell you some great things, like coffee is really good for your brain."
"Brain health is very important to self-actualization."
"Exercise can change the function of your brain, can change even the structure of your brain in ways that make you more resilient."
"If we address the vascular factors and the fact that we can grow the brain, we can hit all these communities that are now devastated with cognitive decline."
"Mindfulness will literally change the brain through neuroplasticity."
"The brain centers you know. We're meditating to be better at life."
"The neural circuitry and biochemistry of a growing child's brain is reliant on a safe, present, attuned attachment."
"Your brain's involved in everything you do - how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you get along with other people. Your brain is the organ of intelligence, character, and every single decision you make."
"Whenever you come to a decision point in your day, ask yourself this question, 'Is this good for my brain or bad for it?'"
"The mission is to end the concept of mental illness by creating a revolution in brain health."
"Low vitamin D, which occurs in about 60 percent of the population, is associated virtually with every bad thing, including a smaller brain."
"If we can correct the brain metabolic defects from chronic alcohol use, we might be able to help people be sober and give them a fighting chance."
"Our brains aren't just housed in bodies like it's a suitcase that's carrying our brains around; our brains really work best when we are in bodies that are active."
"The brain's waste management system is primarily active when we're sleeping to reduce inflammation and clean out metabolic waste."
"The ability to engage the anterior mid singulate cortex and to build up its volume literally and increase its activity relies on one critical feature, which is that you have to be in some degree of resistance."
"Your brain is replete with emotion and cognition. Our goal is to have those two systems work well together."
"When your brain works right, you tend to work right; school is easier, relationships are easier, having a sense of direction, purpose, all of that is easier."
"Brain health is three things: brain envy, avoid things that hurt it, and do things that help it."
"Sleep is really important for aging as well, particularly the aging brain."
"I always talk about: You want to drip dopamine, don’t dump it."
"The brain responds to everything we do: what we think, what we feel, exercise, sleep, our diet, environmental toxins, stresses—all these things influence our microbiome, everything influences the brain."
"Magnesium also really important for the brain; it helps deal with anxiety."
"Exercise is super critical. It increases these incredible molecules in your brain called BDNF, which is like Miracle-Gro for your brain."
"We know a lot about the things that make the brain healthy... yet most of us are poisoning our brains."
"Exercise is literally medicine for the brain."
"Exercising muscle releases BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), which goes to the brain and multiple areas of the body to make an impact."
"Flavonoids have the capacity to boost BDNF, a miracle-grow protein for the brain."
"An egg yolk contains a little bit of everything required to develop and sustain a healthy brain."
"Emotional regulation is at the center of our potential let's call it, sprouting of healthy brain activity and connections, and also healthy cells throughout the body."
"Mental disorders are actually metabolic disorders of the brain."
"Our brains take out the garbage during deep delta sleep. If we don't get that deep sleep, we can't flush the brain and take the garbage out."
"Exercise increases the sensitivity of your brain to satiety hormones."
"Mind is like a muscle; it's use it or lose it."
"What does it take to keep neurons happy? Well, start off with good genes, that's important, physical exercise, cognitive activity, social activity, good sleep, minimize inflammation, maintaining a great diet."
"Everything, brain health, cardiovascular health, it's the most powerful, I would say, longevity drug you're going to get, in my opinion."
"Exercise is really for the brain, not the body. It affects mood, vitality, alertness, and feelings of well-being." - John Ratey
"Neuroplasticity is the brain and nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
"If you're sleeping four hours a night, you're destroying your brain. Don't do that. Get your full seven, eight, nine hours, whatever you need."
"A ketogenic diet can essentially keep the lights on in the Alzheimer's brain."
"Exercise your brain in ways that matter to it that will change it for the better, and your brain will thank you."
"DHA is crucial for the healthy structure and function of your brain. Your brain is made up of 60% fat, and much of that fat is DHA."
"We thrive on downtime. Our brains thrive on downtime. You simply cannot go without it without facing consequences."
"We all have the capacity to grow a bigger, fatter, fluffier hippocampus."
"Trust me, as someone who makes a living using his brain, there are certain things that you can take that are not bad for you, that are just nutrients that enhance brain function."
"Certain parts of the brain shrink over time as we age, affecting communication between the cells in our brain."
"Your brain will gladly sop up half of the sugar that you take in in a meal."
"If you can nail these three variables, then I guarantee that you will walk out thinking faster, thinking better, and with superior mental performance."
"We're living in an era of almost completely undisciplined cultural challenges to the maintenance of the brain and brain health."
"The effectiveness of Google's tools for changing the world for the better are limited by how fit brains are."
"Ketones are able to provide an energetic life raft for the brain."
"Exercise...stimulates brain cell production...helps adults think more clearly and effectively."
"Being bilingual is good for you; it helps keep your brain active in old age."
"I think that mental health starts with brain health."
"The act of opening your awareness begins to reduce the stress hormones and creates more coherent brainwave states."
"Vitamin D is involved with neurogenesis, meaning building new brain tissue, making new brain cells, and new brain connections."
"Chronic stress...shrinks the human brain, and chronic fear suppresses our immune system."
"Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor...makes your brain brighter, smarter."
"What I want to start all of us thinking about is brain health."
"There's a muscle in the brain related to focus. The stronger that muscle is, the more easily you can focus on what's important."
"Lactobacillus helps our brain secrete dopamine, serotonin... and also helps our brain release a social hormone called oxytocin."
"The more you use your brain, the more it grows."
"Restrict your eating hours down to about six to eight hours a day, and it's the number one thing you can do to protect your brain."
"When you age, your brain is gradually reducing in size. By age 75, it's much smaller than at 30, but it doesn't affect your mental strength in any way."
"Neuralink, I think, at first, will solve a lot of brain-related diseases... There's a tremendous amount of good that Neuralink can do in solving critical damage to the brain or the spinal cord."
"What's more important than taking care of your brain so it takes care of the rest of your body?"
"There are things that we can do right now to sort of maintain and improve people's brain health."
"What we need to do now is really kind of take this disease out of the shadows now and really apply all of the effective sort of brain health things that we can do, especially in the primary care setting, right now."
"The lifestyle that keeps your body healthy is also the lifestyle that will keep your brain healthy."
"Fructose causes inflammation in the brain, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial suppression, which are characteristics of Alzheimer's."
"This is your brain. This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs."
"I realized that social media is one of the biggest threats to the brain."
"Alzheimer's is a fuel shortage or an energy crisis in the brain."
"The more we learn about the brain, the more we understand the importance of maintaining its health through lifestyle choices."
"Exercise increases the size of the hippocampus, improves memory, and is at least as good as antidepressants for treating depression."
"Their brain feels good in terms of memory, concentration, motivation, all of those things. But they're not hypomanic anymore."
"Regular physical exercise increases angiogenesis, neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters."
"You change your brain, you change your life; you change your brain, you change your world."
"It's been shown to actually support those alpha waves in your brain that can get you into that relaxation state without having to rely upon psychoactive substances that can compromise your sleep."
"Allow your brain sometimes to rest...maybe the single greatest thing you could do is go for a nap."
"Our gut communicates with our brain through nerves and hormones, and when gut health is poor, it can directly contribute to health concerns."
"Our brains are so amazing; it does not take long to detox from this or to make this switch where your brain becomes more sensitive to dopamine again."
"Preventing or treating the 11 major risk factors that steal your mind is crucial to keeping your brain healthy."
"Ask yourself, is what I'm going to do today good for my brain or bad for it? I choose good."
"The anthocyanins in blueberries specifically promote what is called brain-derived neurotropic factor... a way to improve the synapses and the way for our brain to actually communicate."
"New research has also shown that our gut health is linked to brain health through the gut-brain axis."
"Vitamin D is known to participate in the clearance of amyloid protein... and may provide neural protection."
"Learn new skills... keep learning new things, keep moving your body in new ways, and you'll keep your brain active and young as well as your body."
"Your brain, just like your muscles, can be trained and developed."
"Exercise keeps your brain arteries open, releases all these neurotrophic factors inside your brain."
"Exercise stimulates the brain, it activates the frontal lobe, and the better the frontal lobe can fire and work, the better it can turn off that stress response."
"Ketones may be a preferred fuel source for the brain."
"Cholesterol can block the arteries in your heart but your brain is the heart's favorite organ."
"Make the brains better; that's where almost all the benefit is."
"Brain health is something that we should all be concerned about, no matter our age."
"When the brain is using fat for fuel, it's not aging."
"Only animal foods contain every nutrient the brain needs in its proper form... they nourish, energize, and protect your brain."
"BDNF is basically dubbed like the miracle grow of your brain."
"Resistance training significantly improves brain function and structure."
"When the brain is functioning right, you begin to see the world very differently."
"Eating a healthy diet is likely one way to take care of [our brains]."
"Do something that challenges your mind... an active mind is so important to youthful energy."
"Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is basically Miracle Grow for the brain."
"Autophagy and ketones may have a protective effect on the brain after traumatic brain injury."
"Human growth hormone and brain-derived neurotrophic factor are like miracle growth for your brain."
"Exercise drives 90 percent of the signals that make the brain grow."
"Effectively restore and even enhance our existing brain function."
"Salmon, blueberries, walnuts, avocado oil, raw chocolate... some of the top favorite foods for the brain."
"Increase the health of the brain and at the same time increase the brain's potential to perform a task better."
"The foundation of brain optimization is Health optimization."
"We're making these products to not only be helpful to the brain so you can perform tasks better but also supporting the brain at the same time."
"Studying microglia offers an opportunity to understand a wide variety of conditions."
"Your brain is a computer. If you don't use it, you lose it."
"Learning will improve your brain health, bro. True!"
"The defense against early Alzheimer's is a very high level of DHA."
"Celery juice helps loosen up those metals, stops them from oxidizing so they don't rust in our brain, so they don't break down our brain tissue or glial cells and other parts of our brain. It's critical."
"Even if you've been bad to your brain, you can make it better... I can prove it."
"Exercise is like miracle growth for your brain."
"What you eat has a really important influence on your hippocampal volume."
"Your risk or your mental and brain health via a lot of different pathways."
"If you want to understand how to cut down on Ultra processed foods and support your brain with the best foods for your health then you may want to try Zoe's personalized nutrition program."
"These people became suicidal, their mood tanked, their relationships got screwed up. This is a fed up human being, and so it must be brain damage because the whole person is fed up."
"I don't always want to be eating just fats and proteins because my brain works primarily off of glucose and I need to give my brain what it needs."
"Ketones are actually a very, very efficient fuel for the brain."
"Ketones were helping the brain as an energetic life raft."
"I think over the course of one's life, acquainting your brain with using ketones as a fuel is likely very beneficial."
"Sleep is actually like it turns your brain into essentially a dishwasher."
"Alzheimer's begins in the brain 30 to 40 years before the first symptom."
"It's actually a systemic disorder that affects the brain, not a brain disorder."
"We all talk about heart health and so forth and know how to prevent heart disease nobody's really talking about how do we create brain health."
"Brain fog gets better when you start eating a very uninflammatory, very low carbohydrate diet."
"In fact, the entire front part of Cynthia's brain has atrophied, or wasted away."
"Brain scans have shown and have confirmed that magical combination seems to block the accumulation of those plaques."
"The brain has certain nutrient requirements that are hard to get with a standard American diet."
"Aerobic exercise repeatedly has been shown to have a tremendous positive effect on the brain."
"The brain starts eating itself if you don't get good sleep."
"His brain was examined by researchers who found evidence of severe trauma caused by repeated head injuries."
"Oleocanthal rich extra virgin olive oil is incredibly effective at reducing brain inflammation."
"If we're not explicitly helping people to reduce the inflammation in their brain we might just be spinning our Wheels here."
"Companies that censor political speech harm competition and ruin our brains need regulation."
"Challenging your mind is one of the most important ways to keep your brain healthy in the long term."
"Maintaining a frequent program of exercise can help to reduce damage to the brain."
"Everyday physical activity is associated with cerebral blood flow in brain regions affected by aging."
"Any activity that keeps your mind healthy, keeps your body healthy, your vascular system healthy is going to be good for the brain."
"The brain is soft, it is not rigid... it is amenable to change right throughout your lifetime."
"Lion's mane is considered the mushroom for your brain."
"Our choices have huge impact in terms of our brain's destiny."
"The chemicals in your brain are 100% impacted by what you're eating."
"A ketogenic diet is one of the most powerful ways to reduce inflammation, burn fat, and improve brain function."
"Dark chocolate, rich in polyphenol antioxidants, boosts brain function and mood."
"Exercise can change your brain's entire reward system in a positive way."
"Regular exercise stimulates BDNF, crucial for dopamine sensitivity."