
Sleep Quotes

There are 6163 quotes

"Sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise, meditation, sleep can help you learn, retain, and perform better than if you do not have these three things in your life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting a quality night's sleep on a regular basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything goes far better when we are sleeping well on a consistent basis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your body temperature has to drop by about one to three degrees in order to fall asleep, and waking up involves heating up of your body by about one to three degrees."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep's the way to get smarter, provided you're also doing the learning part."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The sleep's the way to get stronger provided you're also doing the training part."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best pre-workout is a good night's sleep, hydration, caffeine, and music."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sunlight inhibits the pineal, it prevents it from releasing melatonin; darkness allows the pineal to release melatonin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The foundation of a quality life and a long life is most certainly going to come from the basics, perhaps the most fundamental and important of which is to get sufficient amounts of quality sleep each night."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough quality sleep on a consistent basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting quality sleep on a regular basis is the foundation of all mental health and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough sleep allows you to transition through all the various forms of metabolism and use all those different forms of metabolites during sleep in a way that's immensely beneficial for the systems of your brain and body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We need to be getting sufficient quality and duration of sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've done multiple episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast: 'Master Your Sleep, Perfect Your Sleep'."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the fundamental layer that is the most important aspect of mental health, physical health and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the absolute foundation of your mental health, your physical health, and your performance in all endeavors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Optimizing your sleep is fundamental to balancing your hormones."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is extremely important, especially for mitochondrial health as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep and nutrition are prerequisites for all mental health, physical health, and performance."
"In order to fall and stay deeply asleep, your body temperature actually has to drop by about 1 to 3 degrees, and in order to wake up feeling refreshed and energized, your body temperature actually has to increase by about 1 to 3 degrees."
"Sleep is the fundamental layer of mental and physical health."
"Knowing what we now know about the second phase of sleep and REM sleep being more predominant in the second wave of sleep, and the fact that you're working through a lot of emotional and logistical contingencies, you're reshaping your brain in sleep. That's when neuroplasticity occurs during sleep."
"The second half of sleep is when the emotional weight of things starts to become... let's say you put it on the shelf properly. Things that are important emotionally get put in one shelf; things that were like the comment you got on Twitter that was triggering doesn't seem like such a big deal after a good night's sleep."
"Sleep is the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body health each and every day."
"Investing in sleep... it's an investment in something you care about so critically, which is your health span."
"Good sleep really important for this kind of learning. If you want to learn most effectively, make sure you're getting good kip."
Justin Sandercoe
"Sleep is important for your brain because that's where you consolidate short to long-term memory, clean plaque out that could lead to dementia, and where your creativity in dreams happens."
"Sleep is a very important period of time for the brain to do a lot of repair."
"The more sleep you get, the more creative ideas you're going to get."
"The best days of your life happen when you slept adequately."
"When it comes to your neural system, your brain, your neuromuscular system, staying cold, sleeping in a cool room, and maintaining a lower core temperature increases the percentage of deep sleep that you get dramatically."
"When you miss sleep, your body becomes insulin resistant... and it actually makes you hungrier by increasing this hunger hormone called ghrelin."
"The best cognitive enhancer that you will ever take is a really good night's sleep of sufficient duration."
"I'm trying to put more emphasis on sleep...the quality of my sleep is so good...when my head hits the pillow, it's like that. I fall asleep so fast and I stay asleep in the deepest sleep ever."
"Sleep is so important for your brain for three reasons: where you consolidate short to long-term memory, it's where you clean out the plaque that could lead to brain aging challenges, and because we need to dream."
"Everything works best on a backdrop of good sleep."
"Sleep is probably like the number one thing and in one of their brain health, aging, or just like high performance sleep is like one of the most important aspects anyone can have."
"Sleep extension research shows marked improvements in performance with additional sleep."
"If you can do that, you will see many of the benefits of longer duration by simply getting more consistent."
"Sleep is probably the most critical factor to your health."
"Sleep is an incredibly important part of our biology."
"What sleep is about is more than just rest; it's about restoring, conserving energy, and processing information."
"What's turned out to be really exciting is that our ability to come up with novel solutions to complex problems is hugely enhanced by a night of sleep."
"Our ignorance about sleep is really quite profound."
"Sleep is probably the very best legal performance-enhancing drug that we know of."
"The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life."
"It's not time that heals all wounds; it is time during sleep, and particularly during dream sleep, that provides emotional convalescence."
"Sleep, I would argue, is Mother Nature's best effort yet at immortality."
"Sleep is the tide that rises all other health boats."
"Sleep is probably the single most effective thing that you can do to reset both your brain and your body health."
"When sleep is abundant, minds flourish; when it's not, they don't."
"The repair process happens only when we are in our deep sleep and also fasting."
"Promotes good sleep: Oatmeal is a sleep-promoting superstar, thanks to nutrients like melatonin and tryptophan."
"When you sleep, the tethers from the world are loosened, and your internal model becomes unconstrained by the immediate world."
"Everybody's a more pleasant person when they have a good night of sleep."
"There should be bloopers at the end of horror movies just to let a person sleep in peace."
"I go to sleep every single day, if I can even get any sleep at all, with no guilt."
"Your body temperature has to drop by 1 to 3 degrees in order to fall asleep and stay deeply asleep."
"Me waking up: 'I can't wait to go to sleep tonight.'"
"Memory consolidation during sleep is an important cognitive function, enhancing our memory."
"Tiny baby who is just over two months just slept through the night twice in a row."
"Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, I do wonder 'what if?'"
"Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health."
"The brain's waste management system is primarily active when we're sleeping to reduce inflammation and clean out metabolic waste."
"If adrenaline is extremely high, epinephrine, you're going to have a hard time sleeping."
"Sleep is a very potent kind of master switch of the immune system."
"Decreasing stress, increasing happiness, and using sleep as just one of the tools to do that."
"The difference between hope and despair is a good night's sleep."
"Humans spend, on average, a third of their lives sleeping."
"Why, when the sun goes away, does my body collapse on the floor and trips balls for several hours?"
"The average person spends one-third of their life sleeping."
"The military method is developed to help soldiers fall asleep in less than 2 minutes."
"Researchers do not yet know how white noise improves sleep for some people, but one theory is that it masks background noises that can disrupt sleep."
"Sleep is really important for aging as well, particularly the aging brain."
"Good sleep improves your cognitive ability, memory capacity, reaction time, productivity, creativity."
"Our brains take out the garbage during deep delta sleep. If we don't get that deep sleep, we can't flush the brain and take the garbage out."
"Going to sleep at night knowing that you have spent a good day on this earth is the most important form of greatness."
"Given how evolutionarily unwise sleep would be, you are unconscious for a third of your life. That's a time when you can't forage for food, you can't defend yourself against predators, you're not mating. Why would evolution have kept this thing around?"
"When the same subjects are asleep, information doesn't seem to transmit around large areas of the brain."
"Sleep provides a form of overnight therapy, taking the sharp edges off our emotional experiences."
"Sleep can inspire almost a three-fold increase in creative insights."
"Sleep is an investment in your physical health as well as your mental health."
"When you start to sleep well, your motivation to actually go out and exercise the next day is increased, and also your ability to physically perform exercise is also improved."
"My sweet daughter has been sleeping through the night."
"You're about one inch taller when you sleep than when you stand up. My grandmother was right."
"I am someone who simply cannot function at all without a minimum of eight hours of sleep."
"If you're sleeping four hours a night, you're destroying your brain. Don't do that. Get your full seven, eight, nine hours, whatever you need."
"They fall back to sleep. For most people, if you can get three nights of decent sleep in a row, the hypomania goes away. That is the way to extinguish it."
"I slept like a baby. I woke up every two hours and wet the bed."
"Sleep is really important for not only keeping you healthy but for aging purposes as well."
"The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep."
"Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep."
"Getting it should be regarded as highly as anything else you do that's good for you, and conversely, not getting it should be seen as negatively as smoking or poor diet."
"Our souls enter a realm that is one step before the Barzakh when we are asleep."
"It's hard to make up for lost sleep in a single day."
"Men who sleep 5 hours a night, have significantly smaller testicles than those who sleep 7 or more."
"You cannot recover a sleep debt. You can’t just 'catch up on sleep' by sleeping for 12 hours on a Saturday after 3 nights of sleeping poorly."
"We know that sleep insufficiency and short sleep duration and poor sleep quality is linked with all sorts of health ailments, from exacerbating mild cognitive impairment to mood and depression and anxiety issues, blood sugar dysregulation, appetite in control, leptin issues, insulin resistance."
"What would you do for an extra 45 minutes of sleep per day? That's pretty profound; that can be the difference between a good day and a crappy day."
"High quality and quantity of sleep does seem to be beneficial for muscle growth, whether that is direct or indirect."
"Sleep is undeniably essential to our health and longevity."
"We're never going to agree on everything, but I think we can all agree that we can use more sleep."
"Exercise is really important; it also helps with sleep as well."
"The space between brain cells expands during sleep, allowing toxins that accumulate throughout the day to be cleared."
"Growth hormone levels increase during sleep, contributing to tissue growth and repair."
"Sleep is when the body renews and regenerates, repairs itself."
"What you're going to be able to leave here with is how to improve your sleep, reduce body fat, improve your performance, and your appearance."
"By sleeping more, individuals lost 55 percent more body fat."
"Your glymphatic system is ten times more active than during the day when you go to sleep."
"Sleep is the most important step and that is I go to sleep. Seriously, sleep has tremendous benefit to the health of your skin."
"One thing that is very good for your health though is sleep."
"Go to bed early, get at least seven hours of sleep, and wake up in the morning and feel well rested."
"Use its three modes, relax, focus, or sleep, to feel calm and safe, to enable lengthy concentration, or be soothed into a deep sleep."
"Sleep is super essential for mental health and it's how your brain resets for the day."
"Sleep is important in a lot of different ways."
"Sleep is the biggest part of bringing down that fatigue."
"Sleep is a biological necessity, and if it's a civil necessity, sleep is a civil right."
"Sleep was the neglected step-sister in the health conversation of today."
"Dream sleep provides a form of almost overnight therapy."
"When you go into dream sleep, your brain paralyzes your body so the mind can dream safely."
"This money is coming in while I'm asleep, and I'm not doing the work to generate that money on a day-to-day basis."
"Microsleeps are short periods of just a few seconds where a person goes completely unconscious, and they're usually caused by sleep deprivation."
"Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together."
"If we do get the sleep that we need, then we're going to be more alert, we're going to perform better, our athletic performance, our cognitive performance will be improved."
"You need to sleep to maintain alertness and optimal cognitive functioning, to optimize your immune defenses, to maintain hormonal regulation and weight, to prevent beta amyloid buildup and Alzheimer's, to permit sleep-dependent learning and memory consolidation, and, just to be happy."
"Getting more sleep allows our body to repair itself physically and mentally, influencing metabolism and weight management."
"God will keep you in perfect and constant peace tonight; trust God tonight with your sleep."
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; your sleep will be sweet."
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."
"Money can buy you a bed but it can’t buy you a good night’s sleep."
"Better sleep means more energy, better mood, better skin, all the things."
"Children grow in sleep... if you don't go into the deep stages of sleep, you don't release growth hormone."
"Sleep is natural... unless you're in this fight-or-flight state."
"It's the mentality with which you approach your purpose. At least for me, I don't need sleep when I'm guided by my sense of purpose."
"Sleep is not like the bank. You can't accumulate a debt and then hope to pay it off at a later point."
"Solve the sleep loss epidemic, and you could almost double the budget for education and could almost halve the deficit for healthcare."
"The most crucial, most important thing we can do for our bodies is to make sure we recover our normal sleep patterns as quickly as possible."
"The importance of sleep can't be overstated."
"Taking melatonin...is probably the fastest way to get back into your normal sleep patterns."
"Willpower is a diminishing resource...we regenerate it with sleep."
"Once I finally started to look at the data and understand how getting less sleep was affecting my body... everything changed for the better."
"Sleep has been life-changing. Going to bed early has been life-changing."
"You can't learn new information while you sleep, but you can boost your recall of what you studied while you were awake."
"You spend half your life in bed, so it's important to have a good mattress."
"No sleep apps are endorsed by any of the sleep federations or FDA approved."
"One of the ways in which sleep refreshes us is by refreshing our ATP."
"By eliminating light at night, especially blue light, you can advance your circadian rhythm."
"Loud snoring is actually a sign that there is a blockage in your throat."
"Drinking booze before bed will improve your sleep is a very commonly used tactic, but it disrupts the normal sleep and suppresses REM sleep."
"If you can't sleep, you should stay in bed and try to fall back asleep is not correct; it's probably better to get up."
"Many adults need five hours of sleep or less is a myth."
"Your brain and body will adapt to less sleep is a myth."
"Remembering your dreams is not a sign of a good night's sleep."
"Sleep is one of the primary functions that we've evolved to do. In fact, it might even be the point of life."
"A night of sleep can enormously enhance our capability of coming up with novel solutions to complex problems."
"Sleep and the immune system are intimately connected. We know for a fact that people who get more sleep before they get an immunization have a better immune response."
"Sleep consolidates our memory, but it's not just the retention of facts. We're actually problem-solving."
"Sleep is when your body's brain shuts down making beta-amyloid."
"If you're not getting at least seven and a half hours of quality sleep, you are shortchanging your muscle building results."
"Adults should sleep seven or more hours per night because regularly getting less than seven hours of sleep can lead to a load of bad stuff like weight gain and heart disease and depression and, charmingly, increased risk of death."
"Segmented sleep was common across preindustrial Europe."
"I found this topic really interesting because, along with most everyone I know, I don't really sleep well."
"If I could choose to never have to sleep, I would never sleep again."
"Sleep was enormous. I think it's the most important thing... I would rather have you skip a workout to get a good night's sleep."
"Your ears work even when you're asleep, but your brain ignores the incoming information."
"You lose calories doing literally anything; a healthy 8-hour sleep makes you lose up to 800 calories."
"I keep having these incidents with coffee where it's like I could have coffee in the morning... but if I have coffee in the afternoon, I'm up till 5 am."
"To avoid waking up tilted, we have to integrate a lot of information from neuroscience, clinical psychiatry, dreams—all kinds of crap."
"The first thing that you can do is literally sleep more...strengthen our frontal lobes and do so in a non-pharmacologic means if you can."
"You will feel better in the morning... there's this emotional processing going on which people kind of coined as d-learning."
"Yoga Nidra... helps you essentially go far in into the Sleep state but while remaining conscious."
"I started to function better in my sleep... my mind was like reviewing information and I would wake up the next day and I would like know stuff."
"Wakefulness is low-level brain damage, and sleep is your sanitary salvation."
"Sleep is not time that heals all wounds, but it's time during dream sleep that provides emotional convalescence."
"We're looking for three to seven days of decent sleep. And then we're going to try to get them off that medicine."
"Sleep is another big one... it's not just about quantity, it's about quality as well."
"If you just slept better, learned to eat less, and paid attention to what you do before you go to sleep... it will change your entire life."
"Sleep deprivation and weight gain... there's a very strong correlation."
"If you're trying to lose weight, you're really going to do yourself a big favor if you get enough sleep."
"Even a 10 or 15 minute nap in the middle of the day can be the equivalent of an hour and a half of extra sleep the night before, and it can raise your effective IQ by 10 points."
"The Egyptians saw that when we're asleep, that's when our eyes are actually open and where we have access to see beyond the veil of this 3D world."
"Sleep is the time when our bodies get a chance to get rid of all of the toxins."
"You deserve to sleep on a high-quality mattress that you love and that helps you sleep great so you feel great and you're ready to take on your day."
"Children sleep 80 minutes a night less than they did a century ago... there's been a 20% decline in adult sleep in the last century."
"Sleep is not a passive process; it is an incredibly active process... your brain is rinsed with a watery fluid that carries away metabolic waste."
"One way to avoid the afternoon crash is don't drink caffeine for the first hour and a half to two hours after you wake up."
"Sleep is like the ultimate recuperation, you know, recovery."
"So one third of our life, or about 9,000 days, are spent asleep."
"A third of our lives are spent sleeping, and we rarely remember our dreams long after we wake. Some say that our dreams hold the secrets to living our best lives."
"Sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, but most healthy adults need somewhere between seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function at their best."
"The biggest thing for me was quiet. If I could get a good night's sleep, I was fine."
"The data show you actually need to sleep about 50% of the time you've been deprived in order to get back to a baseline functioning cognitively and behaviorally."
"If you naturally induce sleep, you get healthier."
"If we go long enough without sleep, we basically go crazy."
"After a single night of four hours of sleep, you have just shut down your production of T cells by about 70 percent."
"From an evolutionary perspective, sleep is the most idiotic of all behaviors. When you think about it, firstly, when you're asleep, you're not finding a mate, you're not reproducing, you're not caring for your young, you're not foraging for food, and worse still, you're vulnerable to predation."
"Sleep appears to have evolved with life itself on this planet and then it has fought its way through heroically every step along the evolutionary pathway."
"Indeed, sleep is so vital that a severe lack of it can be incredibly harmful, even fatal."
"Every sleep scientist around the world strongly suggests that you get more shut-eye."