
Cardiovascular Health Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"There are so many aspects of oral health and daily protocols for oral health that extend to cardiovascular health, to metabolic health, and indeed to brain health and to staving off diseases in all of those bodily compartments."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular use of sauna or other forms of deliberate heat exposure can reduce mortality to cardiovascular events."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Taking care of your...oral microbiome is critical for cardiovascular health. It's critical for brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fitness is vitally important for cardiovascular health, for strength, for endurance, for lifespan, for healthspan."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having a healthy cardiovascular system is going to support your eyes, and your brain, and your vision."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anything that's good for your heart is going to be good for fertility."
"Pomegranates are like the Swiss guards of cardiovascular health, defending your body against invaders that can mess up your circulatory flow."
"Reducing dementia and Alzheimer's and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality... there's a 65 and 66 percent reduction respectively in dementia and Alzheimer's."
"There's no robust evidence that current population-wide arbitrary upper limits on saturated fat consumption in the U.S. will prevent cardiovascular disease or reduce mortality."
"It's your cardiovascular health that's at high risk with smoking."
"Omega-3s have been implicated in reducing the inflammation response, cardiovascular health, et cetera."
"Among the men who reported using a sauna between four and seven days a week had a 50% lower risk in terms of cardiovascular disease compared to people who just used it one day a week."
"A 30% reduction in cardiovascular disease just by doing moderate exercise every week."
"Strength training or resistance training is not just as good as cardiovascular activity for improving heart health, but studies actually show that it's superior."
"Everything, brain health, cardiovascular health, it's the most powerful, I would say, longevity drug you're going to get, in my opinion."
"Men that used the sauna four to seven times a week actually had a 50% lower cardiovascular-related mortality than men that used the sauna one time a week."
"One of the big questions is, can you reverse type 2 diabetes while improving other cardiovascular risk markers?"
"Cardio, even on a bulk, is highly beneficial."
"The cardiovascular benefits of exercise are well known, so any mode of transportation requiring exercise is likely to be a superior alternative."
"Habitual consumption of 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day is associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Burpees... it's one of the best exercises, and a great exercise to start with because it brings up your heart rate and warms up all the muscles within your body."
"Two tablespoons daily makes your arteries more elastic, more resistant to stroke and heart attacks."
"Naps have wonderful cardiovascular benefits; they can lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate."
"Increasing levels of omega-3 in the cell membrane was associated with ten times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"Exercise helps to maintain your cardiovascular health. It helps you to maintain a good blood pressure. It helps you to maintain a healthy body weight."
"Needing more vitamin K for osteoporosis and for cardiovascular health can be a problem."
"Omega-3s seem to protect the heart. When you give omega-3 supplements, there's a 20% reduction in risk."
"It's a quality of life issue and it's a clue to clogged heart arteries."
"Vegans have cholesterol levels so low, they almost never get heart attacks."
"All oils damage the endothelium, the innermost lining of the arteries."
"Berberine can lower blood pressure and has been proven to prevent cardiac muscle fibrosis or scarring after a heart attack."
"The benefits of intermittent fasting are huge, you can greatly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Lemon is excellent for lowering blood pressure, maintaining heart health."
"Leafy greens play a pivotal role in preventing the formation of arterial plaques that can lead to blockages and heart attacks."
"Emerging research sheds light on turmeric's remarkable ability to promote cardiovascular well-being."
"Green tea possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote cardiovascular health."
"Water's role in hydration is crucial, ensuring blood viscosity remains optimal for smooth circulation."
"These findings reinforce the clinical benefits of the mediterranean diet in the context of secondary cardiovascular disease prevention."
"Higher avocado intake was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease in two large prospective cohorts of U.S men and women."
"It's not one study, it's the majority of studies... scores of studies showing dramatic reduction in cardiovascular mortality."
"High LDL cholesterol, high HDL cholesterol, and low triglycerides: the triad."
"Without inflammation and damage to the vessel walls... you can have circulating cargo ships filled with triglycerides and cholesterol that never offload."
"Our arteries actually produce a molecule that lowers the blood pressure and prevents inflammation of the arteries, which means it has the potential of preventing stroke and myocardial infarction."
"Exercising goes a long way, especially cardiovascular exercise."
"Any opportunity to decrease the amount of coronary calcification and build up in your arteries and to improve your elasticity and your distensibility of vessels, take it."
"Vegans and vegetarians with higher homocysteine levels do not have increased risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes or death from those or from cancer."
"Vigorous exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness."
"Recent findings indicate that yoga boosts the cardiovascular system and relieves anxiety."
"In heart disease, vitamin K2 plays a role in reducing calcium buildup in blood vessels, which is a big risk factor."
"Your cardiovascular fitness is a predictor of lifespan."
"Cardiovascular activities can make you lose muscle tissue."
"Spam contains harmful chemicals, low levels of useful nutrients, and increases cholesterol levels and strain on the cardiovascular system."
"Running is going to help you just broadly across the board, but it's not going to give you that next level cardio."
"We came straight from the caves here to market and it is the largest Mexican market outside of Mexico."
"Nearly all cardiovascular risk factors improve on this diet."
"In the journey from initial vascular injury to plaque accumulation, the role of cholesterol is paramount."
"The three biggest risk factors to decrease a person's risk for heart disease it's high blood pressure high cholesterol smoking get those under control you will decrease your risk of of getting heart disease heart attack and maybe even the Congress."
"Salt does not cause hypertension, it does not cause heart attacks or strokes."
"The highest level of Omega-3 was associated with 10 times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"If there's one part of my body that I take for granted, it's my heart."
"Eliminating visceral fat improves arterial health and perfusion."
"Your ultimate risk is because of inflammation. So you are increased risk of heart attacks, stroke."
"To suggest that flow-mediated dilatation is any sort of metric that correlates to heart attacks or really tells us about endothelial function is pretty false."
"That's why it's not a bad marker but it's the health of your HDL that really matters."
"Garlic: pungent herb with heart-protective and immune-boosting properties."
"Salmon: rich in omega-3s for heart and brain health."
"Nearly 60 percent of black women folks ages 20 and older suffer from heart disease."
"Unblocks arteries, combats skin issues, fights obesity."
"The perilous nature of blood flow and circulation problems extends to severe complications like heart attacks and strokes."
"Nicotine narrows your arteries, stiffens the walls of your arteries and it raises your heart rate."
"What's good for the heart is good for the brain."
"Sprinting is resistance training with cardio. It's anaerobic and builds strength and muscle like resistance training."
"Vegan proteins were positively associated with health while animal protein consumption was associated with increased cardiovascular mortality."
"Guava managed to reduce blood pressure by 8 to 9 points and cholesterol by 99.9%."
"Low LDL or apob levels facilitate plaque reversal."
"Proactively using an arb might be the move when it comes to proactively avoiding cardiovascular deleterious outcomes from using anabolic steroids."
"There was a remarkable reduction in total cholesterol and LDL post-intervention."
"I think most people would agree that vitamin K2 is valuable for cardiovascular health."
"Nitric oxide can prevent stroke and heart attack."
"When we have enough nitric oxide, our blood vessels relax, they widen, they allow the blood to flow more freely."
"What's good for your heart is also good for your brain."
"Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol... intake of 400 to 600 milligrams a day... would be beneficial for cardiovascular protection."
"Lion's mane has a beneficial impact on heart health; it reduces levels of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream."
"They also can reduce vasospasm of the coronary arteries, improving coronary perfusion and decreasing ischemia."
"If they have symptoms, structural heart disease, and risk factors, they should be on an ACE or an ARB."
"If we go to the other particular extreme here, you have a patient who has normal perfusion, their perfusion is appropriate."
"It's all about afterload reduction."
"From the cardiovascular point of view, it is the best nutrient that supports blood pressures."
"These risks are very small compared to the benefits of reducing cardiovascular disease."
"The data is pretty clear that exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise, reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular disease including atherosclerosis and heart attack."
"HDL efficiently cleans our blood vessels to prevent heart attack or stroke."
"LDL cholesterol by itself is not a marker for cardiovascular disease. We have to look at the level of triglyceride."
"Oral health is super important to your heart health."
"Salt also independently has been shown to damage the lining of the vessels and it impairs the endothelial function."
"Patients with severe psoriasis have a far higher incidence of atrial fibrillation which is another risk factor for stroke."
"Severe psoriasis significantly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and death."
"Animal foods are the source of K2, and the more K2 you get, the better your cardiovascular health is."
"Coffee consumption has been consistently associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and certain neurodegenerative conditions."
"You only need to treat one person with a Mediterranean diet for 4.8 years to prevent one of the cardiovascular outcomes."
"The available evidence is large, strong, and consistent that being able to conform with this diet is associated with better cardiovascular health outcomes."
"Comfort food is not so comfortable for your cardiovascular system."
"'Exercise does affect atherosclerosis.'"
"What's interesting is penile erections represent sexual health but also physiological health and cardiovascular health. It's a really important marker."
"We now have medications shown to have cardiovascular prevention or protection. The SGLT-2 and the GOP-1 have been shown to change or to improve the outcome in patients with type 2 diabetes."
"Even in a hip workout, we slow it down slightly but elevate our heart rate."
"The investment of two minutes to reach the point where you are able to go with a cardiovascular system improved to a natural condition is your true investment."
"Anybody who takes up within 10 days will get into a natural condition of their cardiovascular system."
"That's what they say is a sign of good cardio health if you can get out of breath but keep talking."
"Lower intensity training is better. Lower intensity means about 65 to 70% of your heart rate max."
"Blood pressure is when blood is being pushed or exerted from that heart and all that pressure is going onto the vessel walls."
"People who eat the Mastering Diabetes way lose weight permanently and improve their cardiovascular health."
"Time-restricted feeding reduces atherosclerotic plaque by almost 40 percent."
"I think the rule of thumb of lowering saturated fats in the diet and consuming more polyunsaturated fats is a good one in terms of lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease."
"We can predict with high accuracy whether an individual will have a heart attack or stroke in the next three to five years by analyzing the health of their retina."
"Rapamycin has been FDA approved and shown as an indication to slow atherosclerosis."
"Our goal is to get your heart pumping, get your muscles working."
"People who exercise a lot actually get larger diameter [coronary] arteries."
"It's really the ultra processed foods that are problematic from a cardiovascular disease risk standpoint."
"Exercise is really good for all things cardiovascular health, sleep, and hormones."
"The best study ever of the Mediterranean diet... was successful in lowering their rates of cardiovascular disease."
"Erectile dysfunction is literally the canary in the coal mine telling you that you have cardiovascular issues."
"People who do more cardio... live longer than those who don't."
"My cardio system became a lot more efficient, and the heart was getting stronger."
"For the first time, we were able to see that you can improve cardiovascular mortality in patients with diabetes."
"Omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds play a crucial role in heart health."
"Leafy greens are full of fiber and lower your risk of having a heart attack or high blood pressure."
"One of the reasons we make nitric oxide is to protect our cardiovascular systems against high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack."
"Blood vessel health is a huge part of overall health."
"If you replace saturated fat with particularly polyunsaturated fat sources... it does lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and can improve a number of cardiometabolic risk factors."
"You never want to be limited in your lower body endeavors by your cardiovascular system."
"Greens activate the cellular machinery that keeps our endothelial lining of the blood vessels smooth and slippery."
"You should no longer worry about dietary cholesterol; it has no impact on your cardiovascular disease risk."
"Sauna use can benefit your heart, for example, it can reduce the stiffness of your arteries."
"The number of times that we are able to reduce the breathing, it has a very good effect on your cardiac function, effects on your lung function."
"My heart is beating strongly and steadily, and my circulation is perfect, even to the extremities."
"You want to make sure that you dedicate plenty of time and attention to the heart, the cardiovascular structure, so that you don't miss anything."
"Cinnamon plays a protective role against cardiovascular diseases."
"We're breathless, our heart is pumping."
"Neem is like a heart protector, maintains healthy cholesterol levels and keeps your blood flowing smoothly."
"When you're exercising at 80 to 85% of maximal heart rate, that is high intensity."
"Bay leaves may have comprehensive effects that could contribute to improving our cardiovascular health."
"Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce your cardiovascular risk in the long run."
"People in the highest quintile of nut and seed consumption had a 39% lower rate of cardiovascular death compared to people in the lowest quintile."
"Beets have an antioxidant in them known as betalain which is very potent, especially when it comes down to cardiovascular disease."
"Being able to take in and use more oxygen is crucial for improving your cardiovascular performance as well as your work capacity."
"The squat machine is not only the best machine that we will ever build for the purpose of developing strength in overall body mass, but it's also the best cardiovascular tool."
"Astaxanthin's multifaceted benefits for cardiovascular health highlight its potential as a dietary supplement for reducing the risk of heart diseases."
"A high-fat Mediterranean diet with supplemental extra virgin olive oil... found robust improvements in their cardio metabolic risk factors, their cognitive function, their waist size."
"Saturated fat does not clog the arteries."
"Choosing these fats wisely and avoiding harmful oils is pivotal for cardiovascular well-being."
"Our findings are suggestive of a small but potentially important reduction in cardiovascular risk."
"If you have any plaque at all, when you go from zero plaque to having some plaque, your risk factor for heart attack and stroke has changed dramatically."
"They found 28 percent less cardiovascular events on the Mediterranean diet than on the lower fat diet."
"Cardiovascular disease is an inflammatory process, not just about cholesterol."
"Eating berries improves people's blood pressure both systolic and diastolic as well as blood lipids and arterial stiffness."
"Intermittent fasting enables all of this inflammation to be reduced, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Blood pressure is equivalent to cardiac output multiplied by systemic vascular resistance."
"This is all about a sculpting session plus we're doing the cardio."
"The most recent guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology actually included arterial plaque burden performed by ultrasound for risk stratification."
"Olive oil has been shown to improve the endothelial function of the arteries."
"Exercise improves cardiovascular function, circulation, which helps with the circulation of immune cells."
"Good oral hygiene seems to be associated with reduced rates of cardiovascular disease."
"This is really a landmark trial because we have a very huge reduction in risk of any cardiovascular heart outcomes."
"This was a trial designed to rule out a 15% reduction in cardiovascular mortality."
"Perfect marriage of the heart and the lungs working together."
"One of the most powerful cardio protective phenomena is actually kindness and compassionate behavior."
"We're going to get the heart pumping, we'll get the muscles moving, but in a way that also gives us that mobility, that flexibility, that nice good stretch."
"Men who donate blood annually once or twice a year see a dramatic reduction in heart disease and stroke."
"Research suggests an association between higher cacao intake and lower risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Semiglutide has been shown in many clinical studies to control blood sugars in diabetics, decrease the risk of cardiovascular events, and help with weight loss."
"If you decrease the albuminuria, you decrease your risk of having a heart attack, having a stroke, and having heart failure."
"Our heart is going to pump harder, where you get more cardio the more precise we are with these strength moves."
"The biggest impact on reduction in cardiovascular disease deaths since the 70s, the single biggest factor was reduction smoking."
"These small groups provided some interesting insights into how these diets might affect our food choices and cardiovascular health."
"Consuming dates regularly could reduce arterial stiffness and enhance heart health."
"And you'll also make your heart stronger, so you'll reduce your chances of having another heart attack."
"The goal of F45 is to improve your muscle tone and your cardiovascular health."
"This kind of work done regularly, is great for your heart."
"Plain old walking, just this is great for your heart."
"Cardio is always good, it's healthy for the heart and the lungs, and it burns fat."
"Adherence to Mediterranean eating pattern is associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke."
"Nature is using light to help propel blood in the cardiovascular system."
"Exercise regularly not only will help your triglycerides and your cholesterol but it reduces your risk of cardiovascular events."
"You don't always need to do cardio, but I would still advise it because cardio is good for your cardiovascular health."
"Your cardiovascular system has the beautiful job of taking those nutrients and circulating them throughout the body."
"You've really been able to keep your heart rate elevated and burn those calories."
"We will work the entire body for strength, for cardio, and mobility."
"The more muscle you work, the harder you have to work, the more your heart has to work to pump the blood."
"Exercise keeps your heart healthy."
"The idea of exercise and things that help with cardiovascular activity too, that actually helps more."
"Exercise is key to decreasing your risk of hardening of the arteries and the deaths from heart and the arteries."
"These compounds may work in several ways to improve cardiovascular health."
"Cardio is good for your heart, it's good for endurance, it's good for a lot of people's mental health."
"In cardiovascular diseases, lasers are mainly used for laser angioplasty, laser thrombolysis, photochemotherapy, laser treatment of arrhythmias, and transmyocardial revascularization."
"Aerobics improves your cardiovascular endurance by strengthening your heart and lungs."
"Try to get some form of meaningfully vigorous cardiovascular exercise at least 30 minutes a few times a week."
"Anytime we have that level change, we're increasing the cardiovascular load, which is good for our heart, good for overall fat loss, and good for spiking those endorphins."
"The data on its beneficial effects on the heart, on circulation, on preventing heart attacks, on fighting Alzheimer's disease is very strong and based upon large, very credible studies."
"Vegetarians and vegans have some of the best risk reductions for cardiovascular disease."
"For me, the benefit that was just overriding is if you take these drugs... it reduces your risk of a heart attack or stroke by 20%."