
Microbiome Quotes

There are 746 quotes

"Oral health, including the oral microbiome, the health of your palate, your tonsils, indeed the entire oral cavity, is an extremely important component of general bodily health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding the gut microbiome and its specific needs can play a crucial role in managing health, especially for women."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The fecal transplant stuff is pretty wild. You take the microbiome from one person and as it sounds, you transplant it to somebody else and they take on the physical characteristics of the donor."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Obesity is largely driven by what you're doing to your microbiome based on what you eat."
"Tea is beneficial for the gut microbiome... the polyphenols are beneficial for the gut bugs."
"Your microbiome is one of the most important organs in your body."
"There's some interesting science happening right now in the microbiome, where they're discovering this nexus between the quality of your gut flora and the foods that you crave."
"If you care about mental health, if you care about your overall health as far as inflammation is concerned, if you care about your weight and your energy levels, you have to care about the microbiome."
"Keeping your gut microbiome healthy is so important for the basic functioning of your immune system."
"Being a nasal breather is known to provide the right milieu to keep that nasal microbiome at its healthiest."
"Dietary quality is key to the health of our microbiome and also to our global health."
"Breathe your biome. Your microbiome is not just coded by your food; it's mostly coded by what are you breathing."
"The most important part of human health might actually be the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut."
"The reason for that is the polyphenols, the colored compounds in colored plants... they feed the good guy bacteria called bacteroides. People who are thin have more of those and less firmicutes, which is another species more abundant in fat people."
"We also have a microbiome that exists in our nose, in any other location in which our body interfaces with the outside world."
"Every plant has unique fiber that feeds unique microbes."
"Our gut microbes make up 99.5% of our genetic code. You are less than 1% human."
"Of all the types of alcohol, red wine, because of resveratrol, is actually good for the microbiome."
"Human life is centered upon the micro-ecosystem, the microbiome around us, within us, and even inside of our cells in the form of mitochondria. We are teeming with cellular systems that are non-human, and for that, we are healthy or not healthy."
"Just whatever ecosystems you're in touch with in a day is going to code for the microbiome diversity, the intelligence of life within you."
"Our gut microbiome plays a key role in our health, our energy levels, and even our mental health."
"We need them; we need them for human health."
"Most of these microorganisms are symbiotic, maintaining a healthy culture of the right microorganisms is fundamental to good health."
"Obviously, whatever is happening to them is a reflection of what's happening to us."
"Your microbiome is constantly being modified by the behavioral interactions, the nutritional interactions, and indeed your mood and internal reactions to the outside world."
"When we feed [the microbiome] fiber, soluble fiber...they create little fragments...that are anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting."
"You have outsourced a lot of your physiology to your bacteria, and you just don't know it."
"The brain sends signals to the gut microbes, changes their behavior, their function, and then these metabolites... probably go back to the brain and reinforce it and create this vicious cycle of brain-gut microbial interactions that underlies chronic depression."
"Every single person's microbiome is completely different."
"The Hadza people also have one of the most robust microbiomes of any human being on the entire planet."
"The microbiome includes the microbiota plus their secretions, their local environment, and their genetics."
"When you have a depleted microbiome, it's affecting your immune system; it's causing or at least related to autoimmune diseases."
"The microbiome is linked directly to our immune system."
"The only difference between the responders and the non-responders was one bacteria in their gut, and that one bacteria was Akkermansia."
"Fiber is important for the microbiome and it propagates an anti-inflammatory phenotype through the immune system."
"We have to make sure we take care of our microbiome the same way we take care of our pets at home."
"The more research that's done, the more scientists are realizing the incredible importance of our microbiome to general well-being and health."
"Health is clearly governed by our microbiomes."
"The microbiome of our skin will literally defend us to the death."
"The wildly diverse community, beneficial microbes and bacteria in our gut also play a major role in digestion and health, so much so that our microbiome has even been referred to as the forgotten organ."
"The gut microbiome is in my opinion, the missing piece to solving the bloating puzzle, even more so than our food choices."
"Exercise changes the gut microbiome to a friendly microbiome."
"When you're missing that healthy bacteria, what happens is your metabolism doesn't function properly, and so you're not drawing an energy the right way, your fat starts to grow out of control."
"Lactobacillus helps our brain secrete dopamine, serotonin... and also helps our brain release a social hormone called oxytocin."
"It's the gut wall integrity and the bacteria relationship that determines your fate."
"The microbiome is very much an ecosystem and like an ecosystem on Earth, diversity is the buffer against ruin."
"The more diverse your microbiome is, the longer you live and the longer you live well."
"Our microbiome has an enormous influence on our metabolism, our digestive function, and our immunity."
"For me, the gut microbiome is an area that I am heavily interested in but frankly don't really understand."
"The ecosystem that it provides, it's the good bacteria, the signals it sends... the gut communicates with almost every organ in your system."
"The single most powerful predictor of a healthy microbiome of a biodiverse microbiome was the diversity of plants in your diet."
"You take a step back and you just realize everything that matters in human health, these microbes are playing a part in it."
"Every single plant has its own unique types of fiber... and when we make different dietary choices, this leads to more different species of microbes being fed and leads to more biodiversity within our gut microbiome."
"You're nuking the bad bacteria but you're also nuking the good bacteria."
"We rely on oral bacteria to derive maximum benefit from those foods."
"Fiber is not food for you; fiber is food for your bacteria."
"The gut barrier is the single line of defense we have between gut bacteria and lipopolysaccharides... If we mess that up, we open up a whole different can of worms."
"I like that because, and I'm sure you've seen this in yourself and your studies, if you give the bacteria what they need to eat, they text message the brain saying, 'Hey, all good down here. We got our needs met. You don't have to go look.'"
"We're covered with bacteria. Bacteria live in us and on us all the time and they're playing an active role in keeping us healthy."
"The microbiome controls the immune system, our heart health, weight, our mood, and so many other aspects of health."
"Your gut is exactly the same. We need to give our guts the right foods in order for the good bacteria to thrive and flourish."
"Your front line of defense is microbiome even before things hit human cells."
"Good gut bacteria, which is homemade probiotics, has to be aggressively introduced to replace the bad bacteria and fight the microbe viruses attached to the Candida causing inflammation."
"The stronger, the healthier, the more diverse the bacteria in your microbiome, the stronger your immune system is."
"Our diet and our gut microbiome may actually hold the key."
"Fermented foods are a great way to strengthen your gut microbiome."
"Years before cancer emerges, we can start to understand the microbiome as the harbinger of a problem but also the solution for the problem."
"I believe that the medicine of the future will start to understand the preventative capacity of monitoring the microbiome in all your organ systems."
"Perhaps for the first time in human history, we will harmonize not just with each other but with life inside of us, the microbiome around us, and we will become part of this whole life system."
"When you build up the healthy bacteria by eating right, the biofilm and the favorable microbiome is more adherent."
"A joy to behold, delivering a more detailed image than rivals."
"You're only 10% human, you're 90% microbes, you're a super organism."
"You want those bacteria to be working for you not against you."
"Acromancia is so important for protecting your gut."
"Our bodies are only one percent human, we are a reflection of the total chain of being."
"Gut bacteria are the ones that modulate the brain structure and affect personality."
"Gut bacteria play a role in sexual differentiation, literally determined by the bacteria in our guts."
"The gut microbiota influences temperament and personality via bi-directional communication with the brain."
"Everything about the gut microbiome matters in some way."
"Diverse array of fermentable fiber feeds good gut bacteria."
"Did the war on bacteria destroy our health? It did."
"An optimized microbiome can be achieved by a large diversity of plant-based foods."
"Your gut ecosystem evolves depending on what you feed it and external factors."
"Introducing more probiotic strains can obviously reseed our microbiome with lots of these beneficial things that we need."
"To me it's fascinating that our health is so dependent not only upon nourishing ourselves, but upon feeding other living microorganisms inside of us."
"You have ten trillion bacterial cells in you or on you at any moment in your life."
"We need to see the beauty of the viral, the microbiome, the human breath."
"Firmicutes is associated with people that are overweight."
"Bacteroidetes is associated with being lean."
"Your gut bacteria can actually change dramatically based on what time of year it is."
"The carnivore diet might benefit those struggling with microbiome issues."
"You are what you eat, and what your gut bacteria eats even more importantly."
"We can predict leanness or obesity with 90% accuracy just from looking at the gut bacteria."
"Less drugs and more dirt and plants are key to a healthier microbiome."
"Our microbes control us, and when they're broken, we're broken."
"Healthy gut flora is so vital... produces vitamin, absorbs minerals, eliminates toxins."
"The majority of evidence from the decade and a half of microbiome research certainly points to that possibility and to that direction."
"So, it seems that by understanding the molecular mechanism that drives obesity in this distinct state, one could intervene through the microbiome and reverse this tendency and therefore treat obesity or ameliorate obesity at least in this context."
"Some of the behaviors, you know, which your grandmothers would recommend to you are also beneficial in terms of what they do to the microbiome."
"I've had people add a probiotic and also they started losing weight because they need to they that was people that are actually overweight and thin they have different microbial balances they have different types of microbes in their gut."
"There's an incredible role that the gut microbiome plays in our metabolism."
"If you've got a good healthy gut bacteria that also kills all kinds of viruses that may make it in there."
"Live microbial therapies for the treatment are a real possibility."
"Diversity of plants is the most important predictor of the health of the microbiome."
"Our skin has natural bacteria that live there immensely and when your skin is healthy those bacteria are thriving and help support your skin."
"Bacteria actually represents a majority of the cells on your body."
"Aerobic exercise has been shown to have really good effects on the microbiome."
"With your microbiome, there's potential to modify it."
"Essential fatty acids and the gut microbiome, those are the two things that to me it's like it's undeniable."
"Probiotics after antibiotics may slow the recovery of the gut microbiome."
"The gut microbiome... it's involved in everything... the key to health and how you move through the world."
"Our gut microbiome can be improved, enhanced, fortified."
"You can change your microbiome in 24 hours. It shows how responsive our gut is, it's very adaptable." - Dr. Will Bolsowitz
"I'm huge on the gut microbiome... take care of your gut."
"Maximally build the microbiome with that favorable biofilm."
"How cool is it that the oral microbiome really doesn't need to be brushed or flossed all the time and that plaque can exist as you're saying in a healthy way? That flies in the face of modern convention."
"It's important to understand that the gut microbiome is a huge biosystem and it covers the entire length of the digestive tract."
"The gut microbiome is supporting us; it's helping to produce particular things that the body needs."
"The potential to change your microbiome is much greater than to change your genes."
"It turns out your microbes can determine whether you process meat in a healthy way or produce waste products that give you heart disease."
"What was more important than your GI index of your food was what your microbes were doing."
"With a hundred trillion microbes inside you, you will never truly dine alone again."
"A more diverse microbiome is associated with better health."
"We're talking about manipulating the microbiome by quite simply eating plants to save people's lives."
"So 70% of the immune system on one side, 38 trillion microbes on the other side, constant communication across this little barrier that's there and they're talking to one another."
"And I think that the future is in the microbiome and personalization. That's where I think it is."
"They were able to distill it down to the microbiome, could predict your response to individual foods."
"They can use the microbiome to predict what is your blood glucose going to do with a specific food? What is your blood lipid going to do with a specific food?"
"Fiber is the nutrient for your bacteria and you have to feed your gut."
"Improving the diversity of your gut microbiome is a huge part of healing your eczema."
"Intermittent fasting... reboots your gut microbiome."
"Usually it's not a problem unless it overgrows and interferes with the balance of friendly bacteria in our body."
"Disruption in the bacterial microbiome in any part of your body is a prerequisite for fungal overgrowth."
"This was the breakthrough that allowed us to actually understand our microbiome."
"When this little child goes through the birth canal and is breastfed, that is where the microbiome starts."
"If you have happy bugs, you're going to be a healthy person."
"The importance whether you're fighting cancer or aging of feeding your gut microbes right so they can keep their immune system in top shape."
"The microbiome as part of the defense system of the body that is acutely aware of the environment."
"Diversity is key to a healthy microbiome."
"We're only ten percent human. The other ninety percent is our biome."
"The establishment of a healthy gut microbiome is a key part of getting better."
"Healing the gut microbiome... what an impact it can have on your overall health."
"You can't go wrong if you do things that are going to be good for your gut microbes."
"The gut microbiome can really determine your overall health."
"Diversity in the gut microbiome has been shown to be the marker of health."
"The gut microbiome talks directly to your immune system which is also inside the wall of the gut."
"Your gut is adaptable; you change your diet today, your gut microbiome will be different by tomorrow."
"We actually have the power to make our gut microbiome flourish."
"If you change your diet, you can increase the number of good bacteria in your gut."
"You develop a gut microbiome that has a greater diversity... a measure of better gut health."
"And the fermented foods in a period of just eight weeks were able to actually increase the diversity of the microbiome."
"If we divorce ourselves from the microbes, we absolutely compromise our development."
"Ruteri has a lot of implications around oxytocin, the love hormone, on creating bonding and creating a village-like atmosphere."
"Your microbiome is the most protective, supportive thing of your brain."
"If your microbiome's really significantly damaged, it's actually specifically toxic to the brain."
"This antibiotic selectively kills beneficial bacteria and selects for pathogens."
"Who we are and what we eat determines heavily influences the microbes that populate our gut."
"If we respect our microbiome, our skin barrier, if we keep it strong and healthy, our skin will be glowing and beautiful."
"Our bacteria and our immune system talk to each other that way and good healthy gut bacteria give good instructions to our immune system."
"Your body wants whatever is going to feed its microbiome."
"You can take an obese mouse and do a fecal transplant from a lean mouse into an obese mouse and make that obese mouse a lean mouse."
"The microbiome can help you or hurt you as you go through these kind of nutrition changes."
"The vagina is home to billions of bacteria that make up your vaginal microbiome."
"The gut microbiome plays a big role in hormones and fertility."
"Every cloud has a silver lining, and my incredibly painful accident means that today, with the help of Zoe's microbiome testing technology and expert team, I can show you what happened to my gut microbes before and after taking antibiotics."
"This antibiotic had wiped out 80 percent of these good bugs."
"...we're just beginning to learn about what kinds of organisms colonize the human body, what they do, and how they impact our health."
"You want your upper intestine to be sterile, and when all that bacteria migrates up there, it's just a bad situation."
"One this way of looking at it explodes all the recommendations because it means if you made the recommendations in a population that had a normal human microbiome that is really not the same as trying to use this to heal people."
"I realized that the microbiome actually impacts the health of every single one of you."
"The single most powerful predictor of a healthy gut microbiome was the diversity of plants in your diet."
"Fermented foods are a great way to increase gut diversity."
"Centenarians tend to have more gut diversity into older age."
"...changing your diet today will start changing your gut microbiome and you'll you'll notice the benefits of that within a matter of days if not you know a week."
"Probiotics aim to change the microbiome to something favorable."
"The microbiome is incredibly important for us to be resistant to the flu and likely to coronavirus as well."
"The gut microbiome produces neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which make us happy and help regulate our mood and behavior."
"I do believe that there is a relationship between the microbiome and reflux in general."
"It's cheap, it's safe, it's effective, and by the way, it helps the microbiome rather than hurting it."
"The future of medicine involves understanding this delicate relationship between us and our bugs and how to create healthy bugs in us that promote health versus bugs that make us sick, get old, and die."
"Food is medicine. It's really that simple. You just have to figure out what foods are going to feed your microbiome such that the byproducts of that interaction are going to be good for your physiology and maintain your healthy homeostasis."
"Increasing the diversity of the microbes in your gut can improve your health."
"Antibiotics decimate the good microbes."
"The microbes that we inhabit are largely determining things like how our metabolism works."
"Get our gut microbes back on track, feed them the right things and our health will follow."
"Clear changes in the microbiome exist, consistent with dysbiosis."
"There's a real understanding that the microbiome is involved in so much autoimmune disease."
"Feeding your microbiome is so important."
"Each of us has more microbes than are our stars in our galaxy."
"You know, a healthy person has a healthy microbiome."
"'So if you want to look after your head it makes sense to look after your microbes and one way you can do that is through the food you put into your mouth.'"
"'Our guts are filled with bacteria. We feed them by eating food and they help us out by digesting that food.'"
"'When our food ferments our microbes produce metabolites to help break it down and these chemicals can pass through the gut wall and end up in our brains.'"
"Spending time in nature de-stresses us and we know that even when we're gardening we're inhaling the microorganisms from the soil and we're repopulating our microbiome."
"...there is some literature that suggests that diet sodas sure can affect the microbiome but there's also some literature suggesting they affect the gut itself and they look at this in a little bit more reasonable dosages..."
"Castor oil pulling helps improve oral hygiene and microbiome health."
"The inner terrain is comprised of microbes and yeast and microorganisms and your immune system, and it's more important for remaining disease-free than searching for new antibiotics to kill bacteria and viruses."
"I look for foods to feed those 100 trillion inhabitants that call me home."
"By the bacteria you carry around you, you change the world that you live in."
"There's information in that blood that's anti-carcinogenic. Somehow there's a change in the person's microbiome immediately. They're a different person, different microbiome."