
Success Traits Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If there is one phrase that defines successful people, it is that they sacrifice the short term for the long term."
"Adam is a true testament of how valuable being a leader is."
"Concentration, discipline, and the ability to focus on one thing at a time are qualities of all successful people."
"Men like Tyson that can truly compartmentalize their emotions... tend to be more successful."
"Successful people are people who have mastered the skill of recovering quickly."
"Successful people are people who know how to work when it's hard."
"Do you think there are common successful attributes in people?"
"You need to have three characteristics to be successful: one, you have to fail; two, you have to be able to work in a team environment; and three, you need to be able to shamelessly borrow from your competitors."
"Successful people are about that. They are good decision makers, they are hyper resilient, they don't stop at failure, they don't get in their own way from an ego perspective."
"You are noticing attributes and character traits that make certain people more successful than others."
"Successful people are not afraid to dive into the unknown."
"Congratulations to you on your thinking, your ability to adapt and change, this is what really defines a successful human being."
"Risk-taking and perseverance are crucial in achieving success."
"The most successful people on earth are the most humble."
"Successful people they tend to have one thing in common and that is they never give up, there's just no time for anything else."
"All successful people have one thing in common: they are all effective communicators."
"I've never met a successful person in my life who isn't either neurotic or obsessive or extremely dominant and aggressive as [ __ ]."
"Successful people have one trait which distinguishes them from failures: their capacity for belief."
"Successful people have an abundance of possibilities in both their personal and professional lives. Competence and confidence attracts lots of opportunities."
"Successful people recognize their weaknesses and actually reach for tools." - Dalton Caldwell
"Most successful people spent a great deal of time daydreaming."
"That's really what makes a successful person."
"Every person who I speak to who is absolutely killing it or is extremely successful or intelligent they all read like they literally all read so I don't want to get left behind."
"Successful human beings always learn from their mistakes."
"The most successful people are the Risk Takers."
"There's a certain level of obsessiveness that comes with being a super great entrepreneur."
"Every failure carries a lesson, and the ability to learn from failure is a hallmark of a winner."
"Speed for successful people is such a universal trait."
"There's no one else like him, and I think that uniqueness is what it takes to be one of the very best."
"All these stereotypical archetypes of attractive, sexy men, I think they fundamentally all share that trait of being a successful risk-taker."
"You don't get to be Tiger Woods without Focus."
"Successful people typically are successful at most other things they do."
"The difference between billionaires and those who didn't make it is the ability to play chess over checkers."
"The bold and the enthusiastic succeed, not the timid or doubtful."
"That's something that successful people have in common, they're very sure of themselves."
"Great leaves have one thing in common: a ton of cash."
"He had the drive, the talent, and the perseverance needed to succeed."
"Every successful person... gives a tenth of their earnings back."
"Successful people are consistent."
"Women aren't attracted to money; they're attracted to the characteristics it takes to make a lot of money."
"The people who are the most successful are service-oriented."
"The most successful traders are incredibly resilient."
"This camera and lens is a direct correlation to hard work, perseverance, determination, kindness, compassion, humility, honesty."
"I've never seen a high-performance person that wasn't super enthusiastic."
"Isn't that a quality found in most successful people? Something to be admired."
"One thing that all champions have in common is that not only are they great, but they also have great willpower and great focus."