
Purposeful Living Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"Whether you're engaged in the internet and the technology or disengaged, do it consciously and do it with a purpose."
"Living a purposeful life means focusing on what's important to you, regardless of financial success."
"Living your purpose is where it's so much about you and your journey, and living a purposeful life is when you're now letting that overflow into everyone else's life."
"I am following a path I love and I'm fully aligned to my sole purpose."
"We will not waste this breath, this life, this year, this week, this day."
"You're just doing what the universe gave you to do. How do you know? Because it's in front of me."
"You were given the precious gift of life. What did you do with it? Did you use it well or did you squander it?"
"Education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about learning how to live a life of purpose and meaning."
"In order to keep the body in good condition, we gradually have to recognize that it is an instrument, the body is not here for its own sake alone, it is here to serve as an instrument for something else."
"Open your heart, heal your past, and live with purpose."
"Being purposeful and having real, certain intentions each day—no matter how big or small—is very important."
"Just cause is a purpose or cause that is so just, you would willingly sacrifice to be a part of it."
"Are you living on purpose? Are you living your dream?"
"Live your life with purpose, and they want to do so themselves."
"Eat real food. That is gonna be one of the key gateways to reaching our highest purpose in this lifetime."
"Purpose comes with a plan. Oftentimes we leave purpose so big and ambiguous that it feels difficult to touch."
"The greatest use of your life is to invest it in something that will outlast it."
"Living a life of purpose outweighs the risks."
"You're not just saved to go to heaven; you're saved to live out God's kingdom."
"Child of God, be about your Father's business."
"Live your life intentionally and purposefully."
"Live for a purpose. There is a reason you are still here."
"Dating with a purpose... doing everything with a purpose is significantly better for human fulfillment than doing things without a purpose."
"It's all about living in a way that we can live with our purpose, with our passion. With our actions in alignment with our beliefs."
"A millionaire has purpose beyond just accumulating money."
"Purpose isn't in the future. Your purpose is right now being present."
"You're meant to have a very strong purpose of guiding others by healing yourself."
"The vibe of these videos seemed to be more about changing your lifestyles so that you can start to live your most meaningful life."
"Life is meaningful when we have something to give."
"Believing in Yahushua is not just so that we go to heaven, but also so that we can live out the purpose we were created for."
"Football is going to be my mechanism for delivering my purpose."
"To live our lives with an infinite mindset is to live a life of service."
"Type one if you believe that you are here for a purpose and you are going to learn something from the words that come out of these news stories today."
"Your incarnated purpose is to trust yourself."
"Every breath I take speaks the word of God, Yahweh, purposefully."
"Life without a purpose is when you start doing stupid things."
"If you filled your life with meaning and you were much happier and then it turned out we didn't succeed in turning it around it would still have been a better use of your time."
"When you experience peace and true happiness and like yep true like I really am walking in my purpose, I'm where I'm supposed to be, when I can't not have that, I can't not have Jesus."
"God gave you and I nothing He intended for us to waste."
"You're going to be most productive when you're purposeful."
"I need a purpose in life, and I didn't realize that. So, you know, that's why I play snooker now."
"You are not just here taking up space, you have purpose."
"People enjoy fulfillment. They enjoy purpose. And the reward for doing something that fulfills that purpose is access to resources."
"May we live a life of purpose, led by faith instead of fear."
"You only have a certain amount of time, so you gotta make the most of it."
"I know that I'm protected by a higher power and I know that I'm also like moving in purpose."
"Living a virtuous life means embodying your greatest strengths, living with integrity and noble purpose."
"Sitting at the dock forever wastes the ship and destroys its purpose. We are ships meant to be sailed."
"If I wake up every single day and describe my perfect day it's building things with purpose, that's what makes me happy."
"If we love, then we're working for a purpose."
"The anointing is not just there for you to feel good, it's there for you to do good."
"Prayer in the morning acts as a compass pointing us in the right direction."
"Your existence, your purpose, is everlasting. So ready yourself to live forever in my sacred presence."
"There's always a greater purpose than your pain."
"Josiah was not on Earth to survive he didn't say you know I got to get through the next problem and the next problem no no I gotta just help me Lord survive well no Josiah said I'm not on Earth to survive I'm on Earth on Mission"
"When you sanctified you set apart and God wants you to be set apart for just one thing and that's for Him."
"Success has more to do with fulfilling your assignment and your purpose than it has to do with beating someone else in a race."
"We are here to reach for them and beyond. We are here to understand."
"He doesn't just save you from eternal damnation, which He does, but He also saves you from a life of meaninglessness on earth."
"What are you living for? I'm living to fulfill His purpose and His plan for my life."
"Success is walking into your purpose, living your purpose."
"Fear not the trials, for through them you are being prepared for a life of purpose, blessings, and fulfillment." - Unknown
"Your purpose is to make the world better and awake in the world so with that let's get started."
"Everything I do is for a reason, with purpose."
"My food is to do the will of him who sent me."
"You were created to worship—it's what you were created for."
"What actually makes me happy is my purpose. As long as I feel I'm positively impacting people, serving people, and using my voice to make a difference in people's lives, that is what actually makes me happy."
"When you are on purpose, you are truly flowing with life, experiencing a kind of harmony that comes from not having to strive for something else."
"Your future is too bright, your purpose is too great."
"How do you lead a purposeful life? Follow curiosity."
"Life did not come with a handbook, but God has provided everything we need to live victoriously and purposefully."
"Something that is really important to me is always finding purpose in anything that I do."
"Existence is worthwhile, and we should all work for its furtherance and benefit."
"By living your purpose, you are also being in service to others."
"We're preparing people to live lives of meaning and purpose."
"I'm learning how to pursue His purposes and not my own."
"When you live within your why, all that stuff runs after you."
"A person that walks with purpose is unlikely to fall out of what God has planned for him."
"INTJs at their best find a true purpose in their actions and enjoy the present moment."
"We started experiencing His power doing His will, fulfilling His purpose, and engaging His priorities."
"Run after him, pursue the very thing for which you were pursued."
"Purpose is chasing you down through the tears, through the scars, through the brokenness, through the mistakes."
"This is the month of balance, caring for yourself, and creating a deeper purpose."
"Without purpose, you scatter energy. Purpose conserves and directs."
"We are going to do amazing things with our existence."
"It's us. It's us, us with the world together. We out here serving the Lord."
"Salvation is not about heaven, it's about earth and about you doing what you came here to do."
"If you're living through your purpose, it's gonna happen."
"I feel great about it... it's rewarding... it's fantastic... it's fulfilling... it's what gives me purpose."
"Purpose is in service to the Lord, as the hands of God to serve others."
"Find your higher purpose and use money as a tool for that purpose."
"You have to wake up every day and intentionally live forward."
"It's better to have a goal than to wander aimlessly."
"They've learned that life has a purpose, but they also don't take life too seriously."
"Your ability to really answer that question is a revelation of whether or not you're living life on purpose."
"When you achieve your billions, you value purpose as a billionaire."
"As long as you are walking in your purpose you will get everything you came for."
"Don't just go with the flow; have a purpose, make it happen."
"Live every single day on purpose for a purpose."
"Live your life out of purpose and preparation."
"We are designed to bear fruit in a rightful connection."
"Life without a purpose is not a life. If you're not dreaming, if you don't have anything to fight for, what are you waking up for?"
"My daily choices align me with my life's purpose."
"Seek the best gifts, covet them earnestly. So many gifts you already have, but remember always the purpose for which they are given."
"Your journey has purpose already you're in alignment with your deepest values and your deepest beliefs and everything else will in one way or another shape or form of another take care of itself."
"Invest in yourself and make it an outright unforgivable sin to miss the mark."
"How can I live my purpose more when you go to make a decision about doing something?"
"There's always provision, there's always purpose."
"You were made to fulfill your calling... a car is not fulfilling its calling if it doesn't run."
"Opportunity speaks in the language of purpose, vision, and goals."
"I have not come to live of my own whim but to live the will of the one who sent me."
"When we live a life of purpose, life gets beautiful."
"Be intentional. Whatever you do in life, do it because you mean it."
"You have a purpose, and you may not have found it yet, but you will and you can and you should."
"Life is worth living. Find your purpose and fight for it." - Ellie's mother
"You are now co-creating your life, living life on purpose, not waiting for things to happen."
"You've got to have a reason to get up in the morning."
"Realize the forces around you, connect with your divine purpose."
"I want to be somebody that goes into the gym with a purpose, somebody that has a lot more purpose than just looking good."
"Embrace each new day with a heart full of gratitude, recognizing it as a divine gift, an opportunity for renewal, and a call to live out our God-given purpose."
"As long as Jesus look, you are loved for a purpose. You are not loved to just stay the same."
"God gave me a purpose to fulfill as he also gives everyone a purpose to fulfill."
"Recognize that you are here as an instrument, an instrument in the hands of the divine. It's about how you do it, not what you do."
"Your purpose is the reason you exist beyond making money."
"You were put on this earth for a reason, and it wasn't to play World of Warcraft."
"If God put me here, He must have a reason for me being here."
"There's no rest, there's no retirement. You continue your work until Allah calls you away."
"Every single one of you was created and designed specifically for a purpose."
"I truly believe that is my purpose and I can't wait to join my Miss World sisters as we unite through the common goal of making this world a better place for all."
"You have to have a long-term vision of why you're doing this."
"Sometimes feeling lost is the first step to finding yourself, and everything in your life happens for a higher purpose."
"We fare best when we live in a world where there are boundaries and it's clear about why we're here and what we're doing."
"Living with purpose means seeking God's will for our lives and aligning our actions and decisions with his plan."
"The most important thing you can have is a Purpose-Driven Life."
"I'm in divine alignment and living my life purpose."
"Purpose is to live your life in such a way that I am a vessel in which God can flow through me and touch the earth."
"Start living your life the way it is intended."
"Functioning, living, surviving, thriving... some of you are going to be directed to your actual purpose."
"You guys are really turning your pain into purpose, really wanting to work on your talents and your skills."
"Man was not created to work for provisions, but for purpose."
"You're on this path of rebirth functioning inside of your purpose or heading towards it, and this is a designated path for very special kinds of individuals."
"Yes, Jesus laid down his life to accomplish a high and holy purpose, he did not lay down his life to enable bad behavior to continue."
"There is no greater cause than winning the lost."
"Are you living your life with an urgency for the things of Christ? Because if you truly believe that tomorrow is not promised, then you will live with a purpose."
"With this perspective Lord, give me a mind that's fixed on you King Jesus, give me a heart that's dedicated to you, help me to live with an urgency when it comes to seeking your presence."
"Your purpose is to find the truth and tell people the truth."
"That commitment card really is talking about your own commitment to yourself, to your path, to your purpose."
"There's a purpose to my existence... I want to help contribute my part to changing the world."
"Life without destination is life under death."
"You got options. See the options, you doing something, you doing a... You got a bigger purpose bro."
"When you live for one thing, it doesn't take a lot to encourage you."
"Success is rooted in our faith that nothing is wasted."
"If you are not impacted by a problem, you're not going to be released into purpose."
"Self-discipline is not just about control, but about living a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment."
"Life can't just be about solving problems; there's got to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"God makes us on purpose with purpose for purpose."
"If you are called according to his purpose... he will cause all things to work for you."
"Let 2020 not go to waste. Your purpose is sitting waiting to be released."
"Purpose is engagement, purpose without engagement is achievement."
"Alignment is the only way to have constant purpose because as long as you are alive, you will manifest alignment. And that is purpose."
"Contributing in some way will give you a feeling of meaning and purpose for sure."
"I do pray sometime and say I don't know why you still got me here but I know it's for a reason for sure."
"People who live their purpose are always providing value to others."
"The world owes you nothing and once you stop being a trust-fund baby you start creating you stop offering people value through your services and now you start to really live your purpose."
"Motivation doesn't mean you enjoy it. Have a purpose, tap into your reasons."
"Motivation is energy management. Purpose gives you energy."
"It's more about feeling like you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and not wasting time."
"You weren't born to suffer... you were created for a purpose... life is about abundance prosperity infinite."
"Your wounds have a purpose, they have unlimited healing power."
"A life lived with purpose is a life well lived."
"I've always lived for something bigger than me."
"The way that your life unfolds as you seek the Lord first, like it's on purpose and it's filled with beauty."
"Your purpose is personal expansion. How can you be more intentional with your choices and live with more purpose?"
"You've been called to the kingdom for such a time as this."
"Let's you know endure some more meaningful things in our life that will give us purpose."
"Success can only be defined as discovering the purpose for your life, developing yourself for that purpose, and deploying yourself in that purpose."
"The most destructive marriages in the world are those that are void of purpose."
"Purpose requires more than your hands, it requires your heart."
"You are here for a reason and have a higher purpose."
"My final answer is that this gentleman, this fine gentleman, is living out his purpose."
"God wants to restore some things in order for us to more fully live out the kingdom purpose."
"Jim Brown believed in purpose. He lived a purpose-driven life."
"Jim Brown stayed Jim Brown. He had a purpose in life."
"Everything you need and want comes by way of the divine because you're functioning inside of your purpose."
"We're not saved by works, but we were created for good works." - Ephesians 2:8-10
"Remember that every encounter you make in this life has a goal."
"Young people don't value something they passively inherit... We have to fill that hunger for purpose and meaning."
"I am called by name. I speak purpose, I speak value, I speak victory."
"Order our steps, O Lord, for your glory and for our good."
"Work for a greater cause, honor the Spirits, and watch the blessings flow."
"I think there's more to life than the aimless passage of time. I think that there's a point to this. We're guided by purpose."
"The purpose of our life is to live it and to learn."
"Whatever that turns into doesn't matter if I'm where Jesus wants me to be."
"Calling gives identity, gifting gives ability, and anointing gives purpose."
"But to be at a level of humbleness and humility and just peace knowing that you have purpose knowing that you're going towards something I think that's what it's all about to me."
"Thanks for coming to the stream, make sure to live your life with purpose."
"Pain can be managed by purpose, pain can be managed on purpose, and pain can be managed for a purpose."
"We are crossing it because there's purpose behind our lives, there's a life of worship that we're called to live."
"Purpose when you say what is the purpose, you mean what purpose were we created for."
"Your energy is big and vibrant for a great purpose."