
Learning By Doing Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
"The best way to learn data science is to do data science."
"The best way to learn, I find, and how I've actually learned most of this, is just going around clicking things and figuring it out along the way."
"The best way to fully understand it is to get your hands on it and start tinkering."
"The best way to learn data science is by doing data science."
"There's no substitute for doing sales. 95% of what I've learned has just come from trying it over and over again."
"The best way to get better at data science is to do data science."
"The best way to learn about CDK is by using it."
"It's better when you don't know what you're doing."
"Just get started. You will learn more by screwing up."
"You learn more when you do it, you learn more when you make mistakes."
"The best way to learn programming is by doing."
"I encourage you to try each of these devices and just see what they do understand them and play around with them, they'll be the best way to learn."
"You learn so much just by doing the craft or doing whatever platform or content you wanna make."
"Let you be an idiot, let you fail, let you go back and do it better."
"That's what people need to do. If they know nothing about trading or the markets, tinker."
"The best way you learn how to build a business is by trying to build a business."
"The left is really good, they're like parasites, they're good at taking over things. We're much better at starting things."
"You don't study entrepreneurship, you do entrepreneurship."
"Analysis without action is futile; take action, experiment, and learn from the results."
"We were just three dudes with computers, you know? We didn't have business degrees, we didn't know anything about running a business, we were just kind of flying by the seat of our pants."
"It's only paint and it doesn't matter if you stuff up the first time. You know, wash it off and start again. It's no biggie at all."
"You learn by doing, you learn how to invest as you build your portfolio."
"You gotta leap first and the knowledge comes from the iterative process."
"The funny thing about building your own van is that you kind of learn that everything's just not that complicated to do."
"Go out there shoot everything really underexposed come back home and then you're never gonna shoot underexposed again in your life."
"No matter how many times you watch this video, you'll never get results until you actually implement it."
"Just start making them, you will learn as you go."
"It's where we start people go go the only way you learn like anything else is doing."
"Building houses isn't just about tutorials, it's about the process."
"Sometimes in life you're better off just jumping in there when you don't know what you're doing and learning from it rather than being too scared to ever do it."
"Any mistakes you make you can just paint over and try again."
"Make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess."
"We're gonna start running the things that I don't know and I'll be like okay cool I don't know what that does I'm a lot of fun with it."
"Experience is the best teacher. Making mistakes is one of the best things that you can do."
"If you can build a shed, you can build a house."
"I need to build stuff to understand how things work." - Michele
"It doesn't take smarts to try... even if you don't understand, you can at least put some effort forward and try something even if it's wrong."
"Playing with the code is the best way to learn from it."
"In order to learn and to get better at animation, you have to really do the animation work."
"Just start, start fail, you know, mess up, just keep going."
"Work one full season on somebody else's farm."
"It's like a sketching pad... just learn by experience."
"You have to make the mistake to be able to fix it."
"The best way to learn Python is to actually just do it."
"Just go for it and you can test it out. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But at least you know that you tried, so don't doubt yourself."
"What we've just learned by doing is how to find the subject in a subject verb agreement problem."
"If you don't jump in the water, you will never learn how to swim. This is a clear sign that the new gateway is about to open."
"If you don't jump in the water, you will never learn how to swim. Now it's time to jump, my gorgeous Aquamarines."
"Make something, and that's the best way to learn."
"Making something yourself and viewing its imperfections is an invaluable practice."
"The best way to do anything is to just do it... You need the experience and the reps."
"Make sure that don't waste too much time over analyzing things like just take action because that it's the best way to learn."
"The only way you learn something like this is by doing it. You can't go to school for these things."
"Sometimes you just have to learn by doing it yourself."
"One, you want to find somebody that is where you want to go and you want to learn from them. The second thing is, build things. Like, tinker, build actual products, launch things."
"The only way that you're going to know what is going to be right, the right way to hold your brush to get the effect you want, is by doing it."
"You're not gonna learn it by just watching me do it. You're gonna learn it by doing it along with me."
"PowerPoint presentations and webinars are fantastic, but there is nothing like actually getting on a job and walking a job together."
"Just get started. You'll figure it out along the way."
"The best way to learn is just by doing."
"The best way to learn how to start a start-up is just to try and start it."
"You learn by doing, making discoveries, making mistakes."
"The best way to learn how to paint? By doing it."
"Discipleship is not just learning, it's putting into practice what you're learning."
"It's one thing to watch and follow along with somebody; it's a whole other game to go out and do this yourself."
"Learning by actually doing it and getting a feel for it is the best starting point."
"A lot of what you have to know, you learn by doing."
"We had to learn by doing so that's what we did. By doing that, we gave ourselves kind of our filmmaking superpower which was to be able to make films really quickly and really cheaply."
"You learn the most by doing. You can watch all the videos in the world, but if you don't actually go and do it, you're not going to learn anything."
"You need to do this yourself. You can't learn how to play the piano by reading books about pianos. You gotta get out and do it."
"The best way to learn is through doing, through action, through application, through practice."
"We're going to learn by doing and we will evolve."
"You don't really know what you're doing until you're hands-on."
"There's no substitute for building and shipping games because you will learn more by doing that than I think anything else."
"There's only one way to learn it and I say jump in and do it."
"Most importantly, do it. The best way to learn is by doing. Thanks for watching, happy navigating."
"The analysis of electronic circuits is best learned by practice."
"Don't wait around, just go do it and you'll learn."
"You don't learn and then start; you start and then you learn."
"The best way to learn is to get your hands dirty, so don't just passively consume content; challenge your mental model, try it out."
"It's about acquiring those skills, and I believe for the most part, you learn the best by doing."
"The best way to learn is hands-on."
"The best way of learning something is just to get stuck in, you're not going to break it, you can always go back or delete things."
"I hope that some of you who watch these videos are inspired to pick up tools and try some of these things yourself."
"If you want to learn how to counter the boxer, learn boxing."
"The more you're shooting, the more you're going to learn."
"Just learning the theory is kind of like reading about swimming without getting in the water."
"Be a teacher, ask the person next to you if they need something because the best way to learn, bar none, is to explain things to other people."
"So I feel like sometimes, I just jump in and do things. And I learn stuff."
"You learn by doing. When you have to do it, you suddenly are like, 'Okay, I'm back in student mode.'"
"The best way to actually learn is by putting it into action, failing three times to then see your success on your fourth try."
"You learn very fast doing this job; you learn very quickly every day you learn exponentially because you really learn by experience."
"Jump into the fire, figure it out. That's how you learn."
"There's only one way in which you can really learn a job, and that's to do it."
"It's in the doing. You're not going to just learn it in some book somewhere."
"You discover by doing, that's exactly right."
"The best way to learn is to do it yourself."
"The only way that a director can learn to direct is by directing."
"The best way to learn is to do, and I know that you guys can do this."
"Building is obviously the best way to really learn how to program."
"Learn for the task at hand is an awesome way to learn everything as you go."
"Don't get too caught up in the details of it, just start doing the thing and you'll figure out as you go."
"The only way you really learn is by doing things yourself and then learning from any mistakes."
"It's much easier to throw yourself in and really learn all the things when you're actually managing something."
"Don't be scared to tackle things, guys. It's easy. Just jumping in and just learning, that's all that's literally what it takes. Get your hands dirty and figure it out."
"You'll have the opportunity to work with realistic synthetic datasets to gain practical experience."
"There's no better way to learn how to get cinematic footage than getting your Mavic Pro out there and just flying around."
"Don't be scared to do it, guys. What's the worst that's gonna happen? You're gonna mess it up, you sand it off, you try again."
"Sometimes you just learn as you do it; you hit a snag and you're like, 'I'm just gonna power through it,' and then you learn the missing part that you wanted to learn."
"I always find that learning is easy by doing."
"You've got to try things to learn how to do it, haven't you?"
"Just jump right in, set it up, plant those plants, and figure it out as you go."
"You learn cooking by going into the kitchen and starting to cook."
"It's not until I actually put in the hours of cutting, sanding, gluing, screwing things up, and finally, eventually building things that I'm actually proud of that I can say that I'm actually starting to become a skilled woodworker."
"You won't be able to appreciate the knowledge you're going to gain until you do it yourself."
"The best way to learn is just to throw yourself into the process and learn as you go."
"The best way to learn it, in my opinion, is to get in and start doing things."
"The best way to learn how to draw is to actually draw."
"Let's get started and I think you'll see what I mean once we actually start building something."
"I think we'd be in a lot better place in our world if people would just jump in and not wait for an expert to tell them how to do it or do it."
"Don't get caught up in trying to run the best workshop, just run a workshop."
"It is only with liberty that one can learn to be free, as it is only by working that one can learn to work."
"I'm learning to be an entrepreneur because Luke is teaching by her actions and not just by her words."
"One of the best ways to figure out how something was made is to try and make it yourself."
"There's a lot that's trial by fire, and you're not going to understand until you're in it."
"You do not have to have no design experience; you literally learn as you make."
"The best way to learn how to dance is to dance."
"As you learn, you have things that you can build that you can show off on your portfolio to potential employers."
"The best way to learn QBO is by actually doing it."
"You will get familiar and learn things as you build stuff, so don't worry about it too much right now."
"This is a freestyle coding session, which means I will code a lot, and I will encourage you to start coding with me."