
Questioning Quotes

There are 6621 quotes

"This will make you ask a different set of questions before you begin your project. And asking a different set of questions is almost half of what it takes to be creative."
"You deserve happiness. Why is it that you see that you deserve happiness?"
"The only way that you can actually discover the meaning of life is to ask the right questions."
"He doesn't pretend to have all the answers, but anyone who has tried walking with him...will know that he seems to be asking the right questions."
"The search isn't just for answers; it's for better questions."
"The quality of your life is directly determined by the quality of questions you ask yourself."
"Why are you here for me when this whole place is infested with drugs?"
"Critical theory has some value in that it questions power structures, and we were born into an imperialist power structure. It's worth questioning, but when it gets out of control and then it loses its own tolerance and has problems with upending itself when it sees its own flaws, that's the wildfire that's dangerous."
"Religious questions arise from the very core of what it means to be human."
"Imagine the power of asking your kids, 'What do you think?'"
"Questions are the answer. It's the key to understanding, to critical thinking, to focus, to learning."
"I would say this is also something that neuroscientists talk about: to keep giving yourself questions is a really good way to study."
"Everyone is relieved to see that B is still alive but some question how he could have survived such a terrible situation."
"When you ask a question, it actually turns into kind of like a vortex, and that's what pulls in the answer via resonance."
"Questioning your beliefs is leading you to somewhere much greater."
"Journalism, the golden era – can you tell me something, can you let me ask you this: When did the Golden Age of Journalism stop?"
"What am I supposed to be here? Am I supposed to be here?"
"How come we are taking over--and largely destroying--the planet, and other species are not?"
"All good art makes its viewers question the world."
"The point of language is we can pose that question or any other question; that's the beauty and power of language."
"A friend in need is a friend indeed; a friend with the answers, though, is a solid breed."
"The quality of your life depends on the quality of questions you ask yourself."
"It's much more important to teach children to question what they read. Children should be taught to question everything."
"I think questions are the key to a more interesting life. The more we shape our questions, we can open crazy doors, crazy conversations."
"If you ask better questions, you can get better answers."
"The questions you ask determine what you focus on."
"I would rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question."
"I love science fiction because it allows us to ask important questions about the human condition."
"Blame everybody, blame white people, blame society, blame God. I didn't get no answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions."
"We should question all of these things constantly."
"Does this make me feel good? Does it really make me feel good? Like even sometimes making some money doesn't really make me feel good."
"Humans are capable of asking someone else a question, which sets us apart from other species."
"You need to have people asking questions to challenge Orthodoxy."
"Do you actually think snacks are going to help us?"
"Elon Musk is constantly asking himself what can I improve to be better."
"In mathematics, the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it." – Georg Cantor
"Be excellent to each other, be the change you want to see, and question everything."
"In conclusion, what I want you to do is to sit down and question materialism to death through self-inquiry and contemplation."
"Something that will always infuriate me about this case is that while Epstein and his girlfriend are commonly referred to as prolific sex traffickers, the question doesn't get asked enough: who were they trafficking to?"
"It's like, what is your truth, Gregory? What is Gregory's truth?"
"Putin gave ammunition to people who can now ask questions about... what really happened."
"Education should be based on questions, not on answers."
"The true religious impulse is to question and search."
"We always ask why initially. When you first get to a homicide scene or a crime scene, when you ask the how, the who, and all of that will then start falling into place."
"We question all our beliefs, except for those we truly believe and those we never think to question."
"Science always moves. It should always be questioning for more knowledge, more information."
"If you question it, it's science; if you can't, it's propaganda."
"Thinking is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions."
"The most important thing is to never stop questioning."
"These conspiracy theories shouldn't be taken too seriously, but I do think it's healthy that we question our surroundings and what we're told."
"I don't understand why do you have to pay to live on a planet you were born on."
"Our goal on this show is to question everything."
"I don't think economics will ever be very predictive. It's most useful for helping you ask better questions."
"Why isn’t "good enough" good enough when that’s perfectly fine for 90% of the population?"
"It's not really even about the conclusion, it's about getting them to question."
"It really makes you question life and society and whether we're truly gonna move past any of these things because it's messed up, it really is."
"Ask the question, do I truly understand what this reality is?"
"The quest is really just the attempt to answer the question."
"Don't be afraid to ask the tough questions, sometimes I get stumped, I'm still learning, but in the end, we end up with a better solution."
"What must I do to be saved? That's the question."
"I encourage questioning. Questioning is, in fact, what I'm all about."
"I'm giving you permission to question stuff. It's okay. You can wonder, hypothetical explore, experiment. You can try shit on and not be sure."
"This is more about like getting people to ask bigger, better questions rather than necessarily have answers."
"Ask more questions... why did I not question more things along the way?"
"Remember, don't forget to be a very curious person, ask questions, try to, you know, get the whole story, the truth."
"It's like how comfy does wiping your ass need to be?"
"Asking 'why' has helped me in every aspect of life."
"What is love? Babe, don't hurt me with this romance stuff."
"When we're dealing with science, which is a field of study, it's a different environment; questions are embraced."
"Imagine all the things that we would have made no progress on if people had just accepted the religious answers they'd been given."
"The worst thing you can do to a young boy or a young girl, your kids, or your brother or sister who asks questions and expresses doubts, is to demonize them."
"What is it about society that disappoints you so much?"
"Questioning your government is one of the most patriotic things a citizenry can do."
"The only way every sale can be the same is if you are perceived as an expert, and then you use that perception as an expert not to talk, talk, talk, but then you start to ask questions, smart questions."
"To come out of the matrix, I have a framework I call it the modern-day [__] meter. Oh yeah. And the best way to do this is there's three questions that you ask when somebody tells you something. You say, 'Why?' They then say, usually some appeal to expertise or a kind of status. They'll say, 'Because so and so said it.' And then you say, 'Uh uh, prove it.' So it's 'Why, says who, prove it.' And you can apply this across almost every aspect of your life."
"Where are our rebels? Where are the people who are Rebel with a cause?"
"How will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in whom they have not heard?"
"In the data space... asking the right question is one of the best things that you'll do for your data project."
"The biggest piece of advice that I would give is that it is not transphobic to question."
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence."
"If I didn't question it, if I just took everything that anybody ever gave me, I'd still be in Flint."
"Sometimes questions can be more important and leave a bigger legacy than the attempted answers."
"Science is a process of questioning, a process of discovery... it's not a single answer dictated by a small number of people."
"I went through the Pentagon, and one of the generals called me in. He said, 'We're going to war with Iraq.' I said, 'Why?'"
"Upgrade the quality of your questions. Stop asking the stuff that addresses the crap. Ask the stuff that will eliminate it and put you in another place."
"Do you think you might be inventing harm where it doesn't exist?"
"Where's my money? Where are the investments?"
"Listen, we are in America. We have a right to question things that are questionable."
"We are compelled to wonder, could we bend these rules? Are they really immutable truths or merely flexible guidelines?"
"What happened to red, white, and blue, baby?"
"I'd rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned."
"I agree, it's your thought; why are you struck by it? Where does it come from?"
"It's all about understanding what questions to ask yourself and then how to seek the answers to those questions."
"Thinking big about our future again – why can't we do that?"
"What's the point in trying if you can't even do it?"
"Remember that no matter what your religion teaches, there is nothing wrong with questioning or having doubts and that whatever conclusions you come to or choices that you make, make sure that you're making them for yourself and no one else."
"Sometimes you have to question societal norms that we just take for granted."
"People believe conspiracy theories because they give them comfortable answers to uncomfortable questions."
"Is it actually time for British politics to be reshaped?"
"Our viewers need to be very critical...these are deep questions about the most important things."
"We need to get better, as a society, at questioning narratives, questioning authority; stop just asking why, and start asking who is benefiting from this story?"
"It's one of the great marks of a real intellectual that you're never satisfied with every question you answer opens up a hundred more questions."
"If you ask the wrong questions, you are unlikely to get the right answer."
"Take your mind a mile higher, question everything."
"Always be questioning; always question yourself, question your investment thesis, etc."
"Stop asking the question 'How long will it take?' and start asking the question 'How far can I go?'"
"I question myself. That's how you grow, for sure."
"Asking meaningful questions is a way of cultivating your own curiosity."
"Smart people ask questions; dumb people think that they have all of the answers."
"What's the point of the whole thing? Just to get a job, then get married, have kids, paying taxes and bills, and everything?"
"Learning to observe these things and ask yourself these questions, really handy for a writer."
"If there is God, I must be able to see God; if I have an immortal soul, I must feel it."
"Don't be afraid to ask questions to get the whole story and stay curious."
"There can't really be questions we can't ask, because we might be in the situation."
"Why should there be such things at all? Why should there be something rather than nothing?"
"Questioning things is a good thing as it allows them to find the answers to those questions as they learn and grow into a wonderful adult in our society."
"Being scientifically literate provides protection not based on knowledge, but on your ability to ask questions about the claim that's being made."
"Everybody has a different idea of the soul. Why hasn't God cleared this up?"
"What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more."
"Skepticism means you shouldn't take anything for granted and question everything."
"I just would like us to all think about, is this the best we can do as a society?"
"The most important thing in life is knowing that you can ask questions that lead to the answers. And we now live in a time where even questions cannot really been asked comfortably about certain topics."
"Asking earnest questions is another important methodology for steering people."
"My Christian life unfolded as I was just living my life, my normal life, and in the normal course of life, questions emerged that exceeded my secular feminist worldview."
"You've got to ask the right questions about life, or you can't come up with the right answers."
"God's problem: How the Bible fails to answer our most important question, why we suffer."
"There are some people that say that she should have asked more questions or different questions or push them on things or challenge them a bit more."
"What if I told you everything you know is a lie."
"Anything you're not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking more questions about."
"The key to every answer is a new question. You could never have a last answer."
"You might get the insight that 'I'm God,' but then a few days pass, you start to question yourself, and you say, 'Well, am I really God, or did I just lose my mind?' No, you're really God."
"Sometimes asking the questions is enough because it has to be enough because sometimes that's all there is."
"Everything's a process... could there be a process improvement in the way I do that?"
"In the days ahead, we must not consider it unpatriotic to raise certain basic questions about our national character."
"I think it's really fun to ask random questions."
"The simplest questions actually have the most complicated answers."
"Every solution starts with a question. So ask the question, get us started."
"Kids have questions because they're learning about the world, and if we shush a kid when they have questions, we're teaching them to feel shame in the presence of disability."
"Why should we expect God to promise us anything? Well, first of all, because He loves us. And He loves us absolutely and unconditionally."
"If you like mountain climbing, do you like to be aware while you're doing it? If you like to drive a motorcycle, do you like to remember the next day that you had a great trip? Why the hell do you want to have something called sex of which you don't remember anything the next morning?"
"As long as we can think, feel, and move, we can question, doubt, critique, and follow a cohesive logical way of thinking with emotional empathy and understanding."
"The more you begin to investigate what we think we understand, the more you begin to see we've been lied to."
"We have to ask what is it that is supposed to happen."
"I'm a child of God, what are you talking about?"
"Question: Did your dog step on a bee? No, but really, I think you're pretty great."
"You wonder why am I doing this, but yet, you go on."
"The quality of your entire life depends on the quality of the questions you ask and how consistently you ask them."
"If the Lord is with us, why then has all of this happened to us? And where are all of His miracles which our fathers told us about?"
"Let's begin with a question: Do we see reality as it is?"
"I have no idea why anyone would possibly believe it."
"If it's not making us happy, why are we doing it?"
"They're exploring issues; they're not lecturing the audience. They're not proving that they're right. They're just asking questions and exploring the answers."
"The right approach is questioning, not answering."
"Trump once asked Chief of Staff John Kelly, 'Why can't you be like the German generals in World War II?'"
"I hope I never stop asking myself the question, 'What if I'm wrong?'"
"Why is arguably the most important question that one can ask because once you find the underlying roots of a scenario, then you might be able to exactly understand the cause for these situations and hopefully work on avoiding them in the future."
"Students who sit in a class and never ask any questions are the ones that benefit the least. But the student who sits in a class and asks the teacher questions is actually the one whose mind is the most engaged and they're the ones who develop their understanding the best."
"Become your own person, become your own researcher, start asking questions."
"You have to look at the question and how you're phrasing it because you can have a very interesting topic, but if you don't phrase the question in the correct manner, then you're not going to get to an interesting answer."
"He stands tall under the orange sky, wondering how he ended up here while asking questions to himself."
"Once I had the courage to question my religion, it went downhill for my religiosity and uphill for me."
"Asking the right question is more important than having the right answer."
"True wisdom comes not from knowing all the answers, but from questioning everything."
"I think a bigger and possibly more important question is whether we should."
"We need to challenge the idea that there is nothing left to learn about human behavior and mostly, we must respect the rights of the people to question when, why, and how they are policed."
"What kind of capitalism is this going to be about?"
"What if everything we knew about human history was wrong?"
"If only you could see me now, if only you could tell me why."
"Gender’s just like color. Some people see yellow, some people see blue. It’s all a matter of opinion. Or is it? It’s not."
"The question isn't why the drugs, it's why the pain."
"The quality of your question reveals character."
"I have questions. I think you all have questions."
"You know, questions usually start with who, what, where, when, but the best question is why."
"Does she know this person? He was so casually running."
"People's questions were in a different way from me."
"Questions are not the enemy; not allowing answers is not allowing truth."
"Just be yourself and always question everything."
"We Millennials questioned these things years ago and now some of that has paid off."
"If we maybe challenge some of our expectations or maybe aspirations then we might be able to ask different kinds of questions which always really interesting for science."
"Why do we gotta get there? It's supposed to be relaxing."
"Spiritual dryness can lead to self-doubt and existential questioning."
"Serious questions must be asked about election transparency. American institutions failing."
"The payoff is 'how can everything it's trying to do matter in the rest of the world?'"
"The questions they're asking... What kind of ethical lines are we crossing?"
"What kind of grandmother are you? What kind of father are you? What kind of brother are you?"
"Where are the orders and where is the money? Is where's where's the market going ahead to pick that money up."
"Why would you necessarily trust us anymore? Why would you trust any alternative any more than necessarily anybody that mystery media, right?"
"Do you believe in the blood of the Lamb? Yes or no? You know what, we don't make enough of the blood of Jesus."
"Going from the problem to looking at what the assumptions might be, then developing an actual question."
"If you can't answer them, you can't be truly happy."
"I think it's time to ask some important questions."
"It starts with questions. That's right. What's the common practice or the common thinking and saying, 'I think there might be another way.' I mean, that's how everything begins."
"Why are we doing this to our patients? I want the evidence."
"Before you argue with an idea that you've been conditioned to believe..."
"Doesn't matter if it's legal or legit or makes sense, the question is does it do what it says it can do."
"The answers you get depend on the questions you ask."
"That's amazing. So now which one is an axiom, a law of nature?"
"A religion that is prepared to question the omissions of the Creator is a wonderful faith for a modern or a postmodern sensibility."
"Be brave enough to step back and question it."
"The most powerful question of all: what if? What if I earned more? What if I spent less?"