
Project Planning Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"This will make you ask a different set of questions before you begin your project. And asking a different set of questions is almost half of what it takes to be creative."
"Another big question when you start a project is what renderer do you want to use?"
"A concept is an idea that underpins your project."
"Rather than 'learning how to code,' you should have an idea for a website or an app and then work backward."
"Mix my wets and my dries and we now have a creek going all the way up to the mountain."
"This was certainly pretty interesting to put together and honestly a lot of fun to be a little speculative about what we may be able to do or want to do within this scenario."
"Everything takes so much longer than you think it's going to."
"If you will give me more of your time, you will have the finance to do the project before I put the project in your mind."
"Your feedback still matters... we don't want to get into the roadmap."
"Let's take care of first things first um the debt so that I have more a greater margin or a greater cash flow to speedrun this um project here."
"We're going to make it loop-de-loop all the way around."
"The team are planning more projects using different materials and with a focus on further reducing waste."
"We're going to start drilling holes, get everything figured out, and we'll keep jamming from there."
"Setting up those router bits could seem like the hardest part of the project but in reality the most critical part is getting the numbers right from the start."
"Now that we have that, what I want to do is I want to talk about adding notes and yeah, and then at that point, we're going to be pretty much done."
"Plans I love, the execution is going to be very, very challenging."
"You mentioned the reusable pads, Thomas, because yeah, cause 39a and 40 have a lot of important missions coming up back to back with one another."
"When you have a new project that you're working on, when you have something to look forward to, what's gonna happen, you're gonna find it's just you don't have time to worry about the past."
"Identifying the why, why we like this, and then figuring out how you can quantify that, how you can break it down into small steps, is how you build a lot of outlines."
"Create a project plan using the Asana project management tool."
"There's no point doing it, it's a waste of time if it's not gonna be sustainable."
"Estimate project costs accurately with materials lists."
"We have the blueprint for this; we know how to do it."
"In terms of the premise, it was something that we had been holding on to for some time."
"So it's just it's a thought that's in the back of my head I'm sorry Owen I haven't spent another second working on a Christmas album but that doesn't mean I'm not going to I would like to I think it would be fun."
"You're taking this blank space and trying to make it real and make it work."
"No, that was fun. I think, you know, but I look forward. I'm actually really psyched about putting this thing together."
"One of the keys to making such a massive railway network like this a success in Minecraft survival is good, solid planning."
"So if things go according to plan, which honestly it hasn't so far, we may see a fully assembled Good Company by 2021."
"I will be happy when this truck is done, we're going to start new projects, it's going to be fun."
"Now remember, the original concept for this build was to do the whole thing for under 10 grand."
"Tomorrow is Saturday, so this may be a bad idea, I don't know, but Carl Jacobs and I, we are making a Roblox game together."
"I guess in my own head I was like well this is gonna all interconnect and it didn't need to."
"So since all these property project things have been going on, I thought, why not do raised bed gardens this year?"
"If you really curate a plan and build a team and get everybody to understand that this is about us, this is not about me, even if I'm the forefront, we're gonna make some [ __ ] happen."
"I think it's going to be a truly special build, completely different from anything I've done before."
"This plan specifically in this project has a ton of different skills you can learn."
"Seriously, it's going to be a great project."
"By the end of the week, we come to a real understanding of what this manifestation project is going to be."
"I've got some great video ideas and some builds that I just can't wait to get to."
"Pushing forward with all guns blazing usually results in broken, unfinished disasters."
"Our street slicks will be the starting point for the height of our tubs."
"The World Bank came with an idea so-called the framework project."
"Once we've determined the exact orientation for everything we need to mark the tops of these so we don't screw this up going forward."
"I like to really vet it before I get super into it, you properly like go in, drop schematics, diagrams, usually chug a Red Bull and rate your documentation for a night."
"In many countries, there is not yet in place a project that can lead to good fortune for the mass of the people."
"Take the time necessary... because rushing this thing can get us in the same place that some other games have gotten to."
"I want to build this into a briefcase sometime."
"A good time to initiate new projects in your career."
"I think I'll make a Twitter clone in an hour."
"I'm so very excited for this project. Any ideas that you have for things that we'd include inside of the Nether hub, please be sure to let me know."
"Consistency is key: keep the same template for each project."
"This year's production roadmap is very ambitious and very different."
"This is the future and it's happening. We've got the location, but now we got to get the work going. We got to build the masjid, we got to build the da'wah center." - Abdul Malik
"Do the calendar, please. It would be so funny."
"Just know, if you want to build it right, just be ready to ask."
"This might be worth considering doing this in phases, I think it's a good recipe to give everyone a healthy amount of content at a time."
"We want to spend six months doing work on it and making it a real dream home."
"I just kind of want to go through a start to finish HQ with you guys."
"This spot right here is gonna be the location for our enchanting tower."
"So how long you think we have to wait till we start milking this again? A few years at most."
"What do we have here? Let's go over an overview."
"Respect the topography while being willing to take some risks."
"Eventually we'll do something with it but for now it's not super critical."
"We're done, it's over, it's done. Last but not least, I need to dig a very long tunnel."
"My original plan was to publish a single video at the end of the project showcasing the entire build from start to finish."
"I designed to build this coop about two years ago now, and it's been in use ever since then."
"Spray foam this coming weekend in a couple days, which is going to be sick."
"The plan for today is to try to get all of the trailers done."
"Reverse engineer it, break it down into small attainable steps."
"Do you build a house with a foundation and the first floor and forget the second floor and go to the roof?"
"We have a giant shopping list of things we would like to do, and it's a constant thing."
"9 to 16 months is where I feel comfortable saying right now."
"Roadmaps are subject to change based on a variety of factors."
"I have so many more ideas... there's so many things that I want to do that I just haven't had time."
"But as of now, I do want to make it a build with it."
"Gives us an excuse to go ahead and build like a horse stable or donkey shelter as well so that's kind of cool right."
"This sounds like a great idea. We need to do this."
"One key tenant of any creative project is to know your limits and not to over promise or over stretch as it will inevitably lead to complications down the road."
"Making an attic like this a conditioned attic makes so much sense and I really want to encourage you guys to think about doing monopoly framing in your projects."
"We're gonna make the best habitat we possibly can."
"There's no reason that we can't do five on the 240 and maybe one on the 370."
"What if we combine the two, making a giant mega tree house? That sounds like a pretty fun idea to me."
"Instructions for my creators: build a Grumbot shop, build a Minecraft film studio."
"We're gonna attempt to fill all of this in today and hopefully pour that concrete at the end of the day."
"What it's allowed us to do is now, you know, final hunt directly to the consumer and they're going to be able to try and engage within that six-month project."
"We don't have plans for a solar week at this time sorry for the sad news just given out the facts we haven't communicated one nor have we plotted one on the roadmap and if we ever do you'll hear it from us."
"I think it's very important for sustainability to talk with the people and then see exactly what they want to do anywhere we want to go in Africa before we start any project."
"I'm thinking we pimped this bad boy out and set it up for a future series."
"Everything always takes longer than you think."
"Rushing to build is one of the least sexy parts of the job."
"The end goal for us is to find an awesome Enthusiast car."
"You just hand over like a nested, a nested motion, a proposal has our qualifications as a couple of client testimonials. It's got our approach, it's got our process, a couple like relevant projects and then it's got a timeline and a budget."
"Do you see how six pages makes it a whole lot more manageable?"
"I know I'm the guy that was crazy enough to say let's do a project."
"Now that we have a great selection of items we can actually place the very front doors to our build."
"The only way we can finish is if we count the costs before we get started."
"We're gonna start planning and developing right away."
"A road map is supposed to help people discern when features can be expected and help them keep track of progress."
"One of the farm projects that we have this year that we're planning on is trying to build like a garage barn."
"Potter in and Potter out, a lot of them said they need to keep pottering because he's a project manager."
"Picking the type of material to use in your project is absolutely crucial to your success."
"This is the ocean monument that I want to eventually turn into a big old farm because I want to drain not just like the circle around it I want to go like three times the size."
"It's gonna be a million years till we can use it... but we gotta get that van."
"We started with trying to figure out when we could do this show, since 2012 believe it or not."
"A little advice to you guys, whenever you're starting a semi-big project or invention or whatever, start with how you want them to function."
"You have to have as clear a conception as possible when you start any project."
"I feel like I learned things from this that I can incorporate into other projects and designs in the future."
"We have the plans for 12.12 actually we kind of, how to say it, signed off the list uh so it's kind of secured and placed in the milestone schedule."
"I'm super excited to be back on Hermitcraft. I have a variety of different ideas and projects that I want to do."
"I'm trying to sort out logistics and come up with a photo book for the Japan photos."
"I remember saying all this stuff, and in the back of my mind, I'm going like, it all sounds great, but how the hell are we going to get all these artists to do this? This is impossible."
"Alright, we don't need to do anything, we just need enough to finish that room."
"We knew going in, before we, I mean, probably the second sentence that we had about what we would do if we had a virtual choir, was that the video, the final video, was really secondary."
"Yeah while you're fixing that i'm gonna set up the the final narrative for this jam so that when you are ready i'm ready."
"Motivation and inspiration doesn't need to come from a place above your own ability."
"A perfect example of what I'm talking about, man."
"Eventually, when I have the resources, I think we'll get some coarse dirt in here as well, but for now these path blocks will certainly do the trick."
"We decided why don’t we take two weeks and plan this epic road trip across the province and try to create this coffee table book. But here’s the catch..."
"I think the project is clear. It was never a short-term project. It's a medium and long-term project."
"For our wiring on this project we're going to use 12 gauge wiring for up to 20 amps."
"We have to take a little bit of a break from getting stuff and things going here."
"I've always got a really fun project for the end of 2023, it's always something epic, I always go somewhere epic, I always have a really cool end of the year project."
"We are going to be building the ultimate dinosaur theme park world today."
"Detail, my advice for detail: set aside a lot of time."
"Critical path is defined as the longest duration path through a network diagram, which determines the shortest time to complete the project."
"One of the important tools and techniques used in sequencing activities is the precedence diagramming method."
"Product Owner defines the vision of the project."
"Schedule management involves understanding how long a project would take and what deliverables should happen in what sequence."
"The last section of this video I'd like to talk a little bit about my further plans for this project."
"Based on the projections of where you're hoping your revenue will go, and the type of projects and things you want to embark on, I'll look at that, decide what skills are needed."
"Ford began planning a domestically designed and built replacement for The Courier in 1976 under the moniker project Yuma."
"I'm already thinking of ideas for my next DIY/modding project."
"If you start off with a good platform, you're going to have a wonderful project at the end of the course."
"It's never too early to start change management. There's always something we can be starting now. What that is, I'll talk about in the next session, but there's an assessment that we recommend doing early in the project that will help determine what that is."
"Okay, so after doing some thinking, I'm thinking I may cut out this lip here and flatten it out a bit and then fiberglass and close in any areas that need to be closed."
"Planning involves defining a flow to all the activities of a project keeping in mind all the constraints like time, resources, and risk."
"Project planning helps in reducing project risk as planning helps to analyze prioritize and deal with that risk."
"Most you guys are familiar with the project planning book."
"Start thinking about what's your 100 hours project going to be, is it something that you're excited to build?"
"I'm kind of doing my project pan more quarterly this year rather than having it be all year long."
"The entire plan for this project started when Elon Musk began liquidating his real estate portfolio..."
"Keith with his half glass full attitude said just make it happen June 7th is when the mobile unit would arrive it took a 4-day trip now this truck."
"Know the budget going in, do your homework on all these builds, and then just have fun with it and be safe."
"Choose the right leather weight for your project's needs."
"Get three different quotes for any work that you are not doing yourself."
"They are all going to be the exact same size and that is going to be so awesome when you go to do a project for a raffle for your guild or anything like that."
"Risk is an uncertain event or consequence that will probably occur during a project. It impacts at least one of the four main project objectives: time, quality, cost, and scope."
"When you think about a new project, one of the important things to think about are inputs and outputs."
"It's time to talk about our Bronco project. Are you ready?"
"Having that donor vehicle makes sure that you have everything you need to make that engine run in your project because you already heard it running in the current vehicle."
"It's gonna be a lot of fun, a ton of projects with different attachments and tools."
"So now you know the length for the two side panels, you know the length for your interior levels, and you know the length for the top and bottom level."
"Very accurate geometry for your projects using reference images."
"A set of plans is like a big fancy book, and the cover sheet is your directory to the project."
"...if you're going to do a project car highly recommend to buy a parts car."
"I hope you find this tip useful and that you can make great use of them in your next project."
"Go out there, find something that has caught your eye, figure out how they made it, and get that seed of an idea in your head for your next project."
"I'm very excited about bringing you guys all up to speed about this truck, where it's gonna go and what it's gonna be for."
"Over the next three days, we're going to detail break down this project."
"This is the application that we are going to build: it is a to-do list app."
"Take your project dreams to the next level and beyond."
"I need to brain dump like a creative concept for another project that's quite a big one and super exciting."
"At the start of that project is collecting data, and I outlined and detailed how important it is to work with APIs to collect your data for your data science project."
"If you are working on your multi-year project or on your diploma thesis and you need some nice class diagrams for your solution, you can easily use this class diagram feature from Visual Studio."
"Planning and preparation super super important for your DIY hot tub in your backyard."
"It's really just about noting where everything is, noting all of your measurements, even in a crude not to scale drawing that you can then put into a virtual kitchen builder."
"Everything from our first project forward is going to be unified."
"I'm turning this outline into an actionable task list."
"I'm going to create a brand new table and rename this to 'Project Planner'."
"That's the work breakdown structure that we created."
"It's really important to identify your risks right at the beginning of the project because some risks are just not worth taking."
"So let's eat and then let's start all my little projects."
"If we add three more weeks onto our project plan, we'll have an 80% chance of finishing it on time."
"Here my high-level wireframe here, and let me show you exactly what optimizations I'm about to make, what features I'm about to add."
"Teamwork is essential, and you should make sure to involve stakeholders and pick the right people for each phase of the project."
"It's going to be our 2022 major project, which is great; it's something we've been wanting to get done for so long."
"The first step in a painting project is deciding what your goals are."
"I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the layout as we move towards the autumn of the winter."
"That's very helpful, man. Build a Death Star."
"I wasn't sure how to make it yet, but maybe if I have some free time, maybe I will actually make a Tokyo travel guide."
"My kind of goal for this whole set of projects is to be able to develop some games."
"Encouragement, inspiration, ideas - regardless of the size of your current projects, you'll get fresh ideas for whatever you're working on."
"Definitive estimate: one of the most accurate estimate types, usually associated with bottom-up estimation."
"The only way to minimize all three risks is by thorough analysis of the project requirements and by also taking into account every potential issue, challenge, or problem."
"Making a project shouldn't just be made for one goal only, but think about having multiple sets of goals and objectives."
"It's not five, it's three-eighths size. What's that going to be? This is going to be a frame for my new discovery project bike."
"What I wanted to know is how does this tie to your major. What are you going to do with it? How are you equipped to carry out this project?"
"The project charter is central to a lot of stuff that happens in planning; it is a powerhouse of a document."
"I kind of wanted to put this together to help out everybody in the future that may want to take on this project."
"Content creation is a journey that unfolds daily, and a project planner can be the compass guiding each step."
"A mood board is a great start, however, for your plans, I think you should really look into all the specifics."
"Once you download this free ebook and have a second to look around, you'll see that it includes a ton of different project ideas and it's complete with project briefs, layouts, and even some resources to help you out."
"It takes a lot of time to make decisions about projects."
"The entire blanket would be a 48 by 60 inch."
"We are going to do this project in five steps."
"I'm excited to try my next project now that I've done this."
"I wanted to use cement board for this project instead of anything else."
"If you've got a project like this looming, hopefully by the end of this video you'll be equipped with all the information you need to crack on and do it yourself."
"It's like a puzzle, and so when you want to just sit down and work on a project and make some cards without having to come up with every layout on your own, you can use a one sheet wonder."