
Mental Liberation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Either our minds will become active and experimental with the knowledge that we have accumulated, in which case we will slowly awaken creative energy. Or we will become prisoners of that knowledge."
"The greatest weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."
"This place is only a prison so far as our imagination will let it be."
"One of the things we have to break free from is... the colonization of our minds."
"Break free from this programmed world... liberate your mind and your soul."
"There's an alternative to being continuously spellbound by this conversation we're having with ourselves."
"He conquers the Joker, removing his influence from his mind permanently."
"What a liberation to realize that the voice in my head is not who I am."
"Unshackling, freedom from limiting thoughts."
"The freedom they value so dearly is a freedom of the mind and soul."
"There is a policeman inside of our heads and it must be destroyed."
"Rid yourselves of the conditioning you've been exposed to."
"It's time though to wake up and fight for your mind."
"The number one thing you need to escape the maze is to think for yourself independently."
"It's not true because it's just a prison for your mind and there is a way out by simply realizing who and what you are."
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our mind."
"It started freeing me from that mental prison."
"We always fought for Freedom... we were always free in our minds and words."
"If you can learn just to see things differently, think about things differently, then you can have more freedom."
"When you look at this from bondage to spiritual faith... the first thing you free up is your mind."
"Decolonize your mind, decolonize your heart."
"We cannot have a free life if we have a bound mind."
"The free mind is not a barking dog to be tethered on a ten-foot chain."
"Do you, do you. Worry about you, get other people out of your mind."
"Don't forget, when you free the data, your mind will follow."
"By the time I'd reached the summit, I'd entirely forgotten the petty circumstances and the annoyances of existence."
"Own your power and release some of those restrictive thoughts."
"What was the thought process that stuck in your mind the longest that was the hardest to let go of that when you let go of it life became more effortless?"
"True freedom is attained when one transcends the illusionary imprisonment of their mind."
"We are freedom, we free the enslaved minds, we are truth, we expose lies."
"This is somebody who wants to come in and get you out of this mental entanglement."
"Sam, Okay so if my aim was to get us to a point where you'd at least be like sites to come back and try it again I'm psyched now I'm ready nice man."
"In order to free our world we have to free our minds first from the belief barrier."
"Everything that was said was related to me. The devils tried to take control of my mind. I was tired and didn't know what to do. Now I believe I'm free."
"Your intuition is on point, know that you can release that anxiety and liberate yourself from any negative thoughts."
"Be free, be liberated because it's mental imprisonment, and it is going to end."
"You're being invited to return to innocence and to move full speed ahead instead of staying stuck in your mind, start taking action."
"You need to lose your mind and tap into the mind of God."
"It has something to do with opening up, getting out of your own mental prison. Get out of it, love and light."
"We have to somehow reach out to them and break them out of this trance."
"They have so demonized the people in their mind that they can't support freedom in their mind. How can you support freedom if you don't support the people who are going to be free?"
"Mentally break free from people, places, and things that don't support you."
"I'm never locked in, I'm breakin out the mental prison."
"I think the most ancient quality um that was no pudding you know by the homies was uh this aspiration for freedom um and not just physical freedom but mental freedom um and that's what we that that never changed that never shifted."
"The Industrial Revolution was the great breakthrough that liberated man's mind from the weight of that ballast."
"The Buddha's teaching is not about ending physical suffering. It's about ending the suffering the mind creates."
"It just shows like an unbelievable amount of freedom internally in your head."
"A part of the ongoing quest to free the minds of black people is dealing with psychology."
"It speaks to the value of having freedom, of having the mental freedom to be who one is."
"Once you understand them, together we can take back our minds."
"If I can see and control the small universal components of what make up a scale, then much like Neo's spoons in The Matrix, we come to the realization that there are no boxes."
"Krakowa can't necessarily free him, but what it can do is grant him mental freedom."
"The mind is divested of all its limitations, and its essence, your consciousness, shines."
"Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no lock, no gate, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind."
"Decolonizing our minds is a source of creation and endless discovery."
"History is a weapon that can be used in your mental liberation."
"We must see and understand the reality that history is a weapon that can be used in your mental liberation."
"Don't boggle your mind with small thoughts."
"The mind is locked away by this world and our bodies all the time. Though within dreams, we can set ourselves free."
"All we want to do is free your mind. We don't see no lines; we don't color inside."
"The first step of his liberation was his mental liberation."
"Free your mind, not necessarily change the external world."
"The good news is that you can free yourself from your mind; this is the only true liberation."
"The real revolution... starts with the overthrow of the government of your mind."
"When wisdom stands at its highest point, the mind turns away from all conditioned phenomena."
"You're going to be physically uncomfortable, but your mind is going to be surfing and dancing in a way that you've never thought possible."
"We destroyed the chains that were around our ankles and around our wrists, but the chains that are on our minds are much more difficult to remove."
"He's going to lead us out of the conflicts of the carnal mind and he's going to lead us to that place of promised, the right hemisphere across the Red Sea of the emotions."
"The only way to achieve freedom from this maze is for you to free your mind."