
Awakening Quotes

There are 5634 quotes

"Creativity is not a function of some freakish genetic wiring that occurs in the brains of a few people. It is instead the function of awakening and exploiting the natural creative energy we all possess."
"It's time to be the sun, time to awaken that potential, time to shine your light."
"We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep."
"I feel awakened. I now envision great things for me. It was like I was spiritually touched."
"Life's struggles and difficulties become chances or opportunities for awakening."
"The more we desire awakening and act on that desire through will and intent the more we shall receive awakening."
"It seems as though we're going through a collective awakening."
"We can have these awakening experiences that not even all awakenings are the same; there's depth to awakening just like there's depth to anything else."
"What absolutely is possible is a whole new paradigm if we can again awaken to the wisdom of our heart."
"Buddha at the gas pump is an ongoing series of interviews with spiritually awakening people."
"Life consists of really only two things: life consists of a bunch of stuff that is designed with infinite intelligence to put you to sleep and it consists of a bunch of other stuff which are clues and breadcrumbs that you left behind for yourself to help you to reawaken."
"You're truly kind of awakening and becoming like a new version of you."
"Arise, awaken, stop not till the goal is reached."
"We're awakening our magic, our creative energy."
"Spiritual awakening begins with the realization that there is more to you than your form identity."
"We are asleep. Our life is a dream, but once in a while, we wake up enough to know that we are dreaming."
"Whenever we see chaos, we also see an awakening of purpose."
"The greater the pain, the greater the awakening."
"The problem that a lot of these people are going to start having is that people are starting to wake up and most importantly the community is starting to grow up and they're developing cognitive functions."
"You guys are reawakening some sort of spiritual belief or some sort of spiritual faith."
"Once you awaken, then you'll realize that nothing can be evil because you'll see that evil is just a projection, a story in your mind."
"Reality can be love. Why can't it be love? That's the miracle of awakening."
"The birth of Christ is the awakening of the inner or Second man."
"You are a powerful manifester, deepening that as you are awakening."
"You are meant to have a beautiful awakening this life journey."
"You have everything it takes; you are the magician being awakened."
"Nothing changes in our life until we change. The only way we're going to change this world is we've got to change us. People have to change, and when enough people change, I think that's the moment that who we are as a species of human beings begins to awaken."
"Our Awakening is much more of a Letting Go process than it is an attaining process. It's like really just discovering what already is in this moment."
"This year has been outrageous, masterfully crafted by the divine mind to awaken us."
"Awakening... is a fundamental shift in the way we perceive and feel about ourselves, what and who we take ourselves to be."
"Non-dual awakening... does not have the feeling of an awakening."
"Life is a dream, and just like those dreams you have when you're asleep, it's possible to awaken from this dream of life."
"This awakening was a life-transforming event. It feels like from this point on my whole life has to change."
"People are waking up to the fact that they're being manipulated by this group of elites."
"What I believe in now is personal Awakening and participating where possible in The Awakening of others."
"Psychedelics can come in and be useful... for most people, they need a wake-up call."
"This person's on the precipice of a huge awakening."
"Everything is getting ready to be revealed, and the truth is literally right around the corner. The awakening is happening, and now is the time to step up in light and love."
"Falling in Love is the same as taking the red pill in The Matrix. It's about stopping the program."
"One of the most valuable understandings of awakening is that we're not trying to get somewhere; it's really more of a relaxing back into what's always and already here."
"If no one's told you you're fantastic today, let me be the first to tell you that I respect you. I see that you are awakening."
"The impulse of evolution is not small, and when it's in everybody who's waking up and linking up and daring to speak up, the scheme for global domination is being exposed."
"Understanding that the darkness is truly working for the light, it's almost inevitable that through repression, through taking with people's powers, eventually people are going to wake up to the truth and discover who they really are."
"You're gonna see a massive awakening, people already 20 20 was a preparation for that."
"Waking up to the idea that we're not alone in this universe and we never have been."
"Humanity is awakening, and my oh my, is it about time."
"I can feel humanity awakening, their plan did not work."
"Stage two is called bliss, and this is such a beautiful stage because this is usually the stage of bliss comes right after your wake-up call."
"Once you wake up, things are gonna start changing. Chains are gonna start falling. You're gonna start walking past doors, and you'll walk through gates."
"Going through an awakening is the most liberating, enthralling, captivating, enlightening, transformative, eye-opening, life-changing experience in the entire world."
"You're not going crazy, you're just waking up."
"Stage five of awakening you experience and deepen all the attributes of Stage four but you also step into your power as conscious creator."
"Awakening is simply a natural process just like the caterpillar that awakens as the butterfly."
"Awakening is a journey from limitation to freedom, from unconscious to conscious."
"Many people experience a spiritual awakening as a result of their extraterrestrial contact."
"Awakening is all about expanded awareness. It is the ability to hold space within your consciousness for all truth."
"You're gonna wake up in heaven, you're gonna wake up with the whole next level."
"What an amazing time in history to wake up, to be part of this transformative work."
"A powerful opportunity for awakening and realizing one's worth can come from deep connections."
"We met in order to hurt each other into awakening. I'm sorry it's such a harsh form of love. I wanted romantic bliss too."
"Our weapon with the great awakening... is our own unity consciousness."
"I see all spiritual teachings as they're really strategies for awakening."
"You're just turning into a butterfly and you're emerging out of your cocoon and you're finally awakening to something greater."
"Spiritual awakening sign number six is an attitude of gratitude."
"Spiritual awakening sign number seven is synchronicities."
"Are you realizing what is a spiritual awakening? There's like a spiritual awakening that you're going through."
"Gaia offers a platform for awakening to new truths and new ways of being, to discuss what it would mean to heal ourselves and our society."
"In order for us to wake up, we need a wake-up call."
"Generations raised just after a crisis, invariably come of age during the great awakenings."
"You're awakening to the fact that you can, in fact, manifest the life that you want."
"Is there room among the woke for the still waking?"
"When someone is truly awakened to the reality of their Divinity and their co-creation, that is Revolution."
"God is doing a new thing right now all over the world... the body of Christ is waking up."
"I like to call getting healthy my gateway drug to personal awakening because I was asleep, and I didn't even know it."
"I grew up a Democrat, I was raised that if you're black you're a Democrat. I woke up out of that process in 2016."
"You're inside of a dream. This is a dream. Your whole life is a dream. Wake up."
"What spirituality is about: waking up from the dream called life and seeing what lies on the other side."
"It is opening one eye like a great Golden Dragon that has been sleeping for ages and is now waking."
"We see an increasing amount of awakening souls and higher vibrations, which is amazing."
"Death is the inevitable thing marching at us that's going to say, 'Are you going to wake up and see the transformation at that moment of death and transformation?'"
"Awakening, ultimately, I think The Matrix is really about leaving the comfort and security that comes with simply accepting all the claims and values that are provided to you as a child and developing your own beliefs as you experience more of the real world."
"We are approaching the Age of Aquarius; there is a massive awakening happening on planet Earth."
"We're at this precipice where people are waking up to the power structure of big Finance, big government, Big Industry, big Pharma, and all that, and going, 'Everything they say is a lie.'"
"I actually see... major awakenings and something comes about that will give us a relief."
"It is our time here now in this era to wake up from all of that, and that requires a sense of inner psychological revolution."
"The Great Awakening has to do with us coming into our power as people and also as a collective."
"The first thing that you need during the Great Awakening is discernment."
"The most important thing I'd say with the whole Great Awakening is to raise your vibration."
"This person is coming out of a really tough period of time where they had to learn a lot of tough lessons and they're finally awakening."
"That'll wake you up more than the coffee ice cream will."
"You are safe. This is a safe situation for the planet Earth, for Humanity. You will be ok. This is going to work out; it's all moving into a Great Awakening."
"We have got to do something together in order to make this a better world by personally awaking, otherwise these dystopic forces, these elite establishment cartels that are gathering around us like a technocratic storm, will deluge us in their dreadful power."
"Is there space among the woke for the still waking?"
"One of the chosen ones means to awaken to your true power and higher calling."
"We have to wake up and realize that there's spiritual things going on."
"The hope for this nation is ultimately Awakening and revival."
"What we need is we need more people waking up and becoming highly conscious and then affecting the world with a passion in their unique way."
"Ephesians 5:14-17 says, 'Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'"
"Ultimately we're all here for only one reason, and that is to awaken."
"You have to take responsibility for your own awakening, much like you have to take responsibility for your own happiness and success."
"Each person awakens...what your duty is as a human being is to become an awakened being, to wake up."
"Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey."
"No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening or the grief we go through not only grieving the life and illusions that you once had but the realization that almost everything you thought you knew is a lie."
"Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal."
"This is your destiny to awaken and to break through."
"A radical awakening has two layers: the first is to understand that we are living in a man-constructed cultural matrix that has pretty much lied to us about our essence."
"Probably the third awakening, the most significant realization that I had, was that I am God."
"I want you to go upstairs with me. I want to show you something. Time for a wake-up call."
"This connection there has been um a lot of the pain body coming up but it has led to awakening and shifts and healthy compromise."
"I want to pray that God invades your night in such a way that tomorrow morning something takes place where you are awakened with the joy of saying yes to Him."
"Pain is the touchstone that makes you wake up to reality."
"California, I want you to realize as you wake up today you have a little bit more freedom than what you went to bed with last night."
"This isn't working, and it's time we woke up."
"The longer they censor, the more people wake up. You can't go back once you've woken up."
"Hey Queen, everything you're being told is a lie. You gotta get out."
"I think people are waking up and I think the Republican brand has an ability."
"So everyone listening to this first off is a star seed especially cuz they would even click on the video at this point in time."
"Everything is fake. The sooner you wake up to the deception, the better."
"I just feel personally like there's an awakening happening with all these other countries around the world where they're just like, 'Look, the United States, you guys have just been the bullies of everything.'"
"We need at least 1% of the global population to begin to awaken to this."
"So what's the job of the people that are waking up it's to help others see what's going on in front of them."
"Right here, right now, is where we draw the line. The world is waking up and change is coming, whether you like it or not."
"Upon their awakening, they would finally be free."
"We're kind of about to reshare some kind of spiritual awakening."
"It feels like I woke up from some kind of sleep and it just feels like I've been dead for a few months now."
"There was a moment in time where people finally started to get the true window to the reality of the world."
"I think the Me Too thing is an awakening to all that."
"Many people have woken up... become politicized... don't quite see the world in the same way."
"Keep your power. Awakening is about self-love and trusting our own abilities."
"The Great Awakening is here, but it's about far more than just politics."
"We can't stop this train, the Awakening is happening."
"Surely this is the year not of resolution but of re-evolution of mutual awakening."
"Americans are waking up, they're seeing the truth."
"You may have felt like the problem, but you were actually awakening others."
"It almost felt like he had fallen asleep in the bathtub, and woken up gasping and spluttering, just having narrowly avoided drowning."
"You are rising, light workers, and the rising is now upon you."
"Maybe what we're seeing now is regular people waking up, realizing the lies from the mainstream media are just that: lies."
"Waking up is not always a beautiful process."
"We must stop all of this, but it's having the opposite effect. It's almost like they have awakened a sleeping giant."
"There seems to be a real tidal wave of people that are awakening to some sort of preordained mission to accomplish during this particular phase of human development."
"This connection, whether existing or yet to come, is instrumental in an activation spiritually and awakening spiritually for you, for them."
"Silica was a sleeping giant that's now kind of starting to wake up as more people realize what actually we are doing within the industry and within the space."
"I love the stories of people waking up and getting red pilled."
"Everyone else is awakening and it's doing so much good."
"It's amazing and very heartening how many people are waking up."
"Rise up from your deep sleep, awaken and stay awake, rise out of the depths of the underworld."
"Interpreters come as they begin to awaken, interpreting for you this strange discordant harmony."
"Whatever's happened has happened for a reason between you both for that awakening for you to be in the right place to have a much deeper much more intimate relationship."
"I think there's this moment of great awakening in this country."
"My daughter should not be growing up in this environment. It makes you wake up real quick."
"Look at such people as someone who is trying to awaken you."
"The plan was to wake us all up and here's the most important thing."
"It's up to us to awaken enough of us... so we can end this inverted matrix, this realm of shadow."
"You have a spiritual purpose for this life; you are assisting others to awaken to see differently."
"Awakening is the opening up to your emotional self."
"Once you actually swallow a few of the red pills you've been reading and talking about for such a long time, you begin to wake up to certain realities in life."
"Americans are going to wake up, what they need now is leadership."
"The old things, the previous moral and spiritual condition, have passed away; behold, new things have come because Spiritual Awakening brings a new life."
"Maybe he actually has changed his political takes, it's simply that he's had more of a political Awakening."
"Aang awakens to find himself aboard a stolen Fire Nation ship."
"We're here to undergo and survive the process of surrender, the many facets of Awakening, and to truly use this physical form as the space through which we embody our highest actualized Divinity."
"Humanity is waking up at a profoundly fast level."
"Saturn in Aquarius has incredible Awakening influence."
"The hope is that there are enough people in the world who wake up to their divinity."
"People are fighting back and waking up to this."
"The structures of your life over the next hundred days might disintegrate and you have to describe the situation to find a new foundation."
"They can play some important awakening role and but also Uranus is their freedoms they can feel like their freedoms are being threatened."
"Trump is reflecting this wake-up that's occurring about the fact that, lo and behold, there is a country that's emerged, and it is rivaling us in many dimensions, and its behavior is unacceptable."
"This person is having an eye-opening experience."
"The great awakening cannot, will not be stopped. I was promised that when I was asked to do this technology."
"I truly love the exhilaration of feeling like we are all beginning to wake up out of a suppressed state."
"These star people, these souls from the spirit world, they're all coming in to help with the awakening of humanity and the ascension of humanity."
"Lots of crown chakra third eye chakra activation or exchange."
"Yuji for the first time in the entirety of his story has awoken."
"Their heart is awakening, these things can be healed."
"What in the world has TD Jakes and other pastors done for this black community they're stiening money off y'all have to wake up you got to wake up because you got to understand that's not what God wants for you."
"Isn't it nice to see people waking up, being redpilled?"
"An awakening is at hand; I feel like you're at the crossroads here."
"It's an awakening when you realize that we have been lied to big time."
"I felt some weird like awakening, like some spiritual. It was [expletive] insane."
"One twin is the catalyst for the awakening of both."
"Awakening means breaking down subconscious walls."
"If you awaken your third eye, you will never be the same again."
"Upon awakening in the rafters, Master Roshi was rewarded by a respectful compliment from Beerus."
"More people are waking up to this. It's more just about creating incentive structures and architecture within the media system."
"European identity around democracy and freedom has been awoken."
"I'm extremely happy that in 2024 once again he woke up even if it was just for a brief moment."
"It's a scary time, but it can be a beautiful time of a huge awakening to move things forward the right way."
"To see this awakening right now, that's so powerful."
"Spiritual awakenings are necessary; they shift us into a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world."
"It's time for you to wake up from the day you came out of your mother's womb."
"Waking the sleeping masses to what is unfolding and why is the first and most critically important leap in the right direction."
"That's the popular shift, that is, people waking up, red-pilling, whatever you want to call it. It's happening, it's real."
"Spring has come, crawling now, wake up my friend."
"Deep cleansing as you have this beautiful awakening and look it's right there."
"There's a spiritual awakening that's going to be taking place for this person."
"Put your feet on the floor and say to yourself, 'Alright, you are going to awaken.'"
"We ain't been beaten down. We're waking right up."
"Freedom will not come in the form of some rarified or elevated individual but we, because of the Awakening truth within you."
"Everything you see happening is happening for a reason to wake you up."