
Personal Path Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Choose your own path and what is best suited for you."
"Have faith in the decisions you've made. You are on the right path for you at this moment."
"Keep following down your path, trust yourself to make the decisions that are right for you."
"You can actually create paths that feel good to you. You don't have to wait for something to align."
"The karma releasing saint-germain says: Move beyond drama, create your own path, make room for good energy."
"The freedom to enjoy life, to not be tied down by a job you dread, and the ability to create your path, that's the essence of true success."
"Follow your own path. Listening to your inner voice, each one of us has our own path in life to follow."
"Allow your intuition to guide you to success... Intuition trumps everything. Your path should evolve naturally based on what you feel is most natural to you."
"Success in life is finding your own thing, paving your own path, not getting farther on somebody else's path than them."
"Trust your intuition and higher guidance; the right path is revealing itself to you."
"You are right where you need to be; you're on your path."
"Finding the path that works for you and then not listening to the clicks and the people that come at you is what's important."
"You're spiritually gifted in knowing how to formulate your own path, your own way to connect to spirit, to these higher energies and frequencies."
"What makes you spiritual is being in the center of God's will for your own life."
"Life is happening somehow I'm already about to turn 23, there's just no reason to follow a life path just because I kind of thought I had to."
"Your power really exists is where you can break free and create your own path."
"Focus on themselves and what they want to do and stay true to themselves is their better path forward."
"If you just keep following your highest and best instincts, your highest and best path, then you will be upheld by the divine."
"I hope that I can inspire them in a way that they can find their own path."
"It's just life kind of what's that expression you know, sometimes life's just putting you on the path you're meant to be on."
"You are going to find yourself on a sacred path."
"Intuition, some of you are being guided toward where you need to be."
"Self-actualization is finding the path that works best for you and owning it."
"You are on the right path for you, spiral wants you to know that."
"Your life should not be a carbon copy of your parents and your grandparents."
"Find your own path because it can't also be that path."
"Don't live your life solely for the benefit of others or in the shadow of others, create your own path."
"Get ready to step into the light. The star card shows me that you know who you are, what you want to do, and how you need to do it."
"Whatever makes you happy follow that path that's what's gonna free you."
"Your life's gonna go well because you're always good to people. People really like and appreciate you. You're on the right path."
"There's nothing that anyone can ever say or do to sway you from your true path."
"Whatever I was doing... that I was on the right path, which is always like a good assurance."
"Every path you go is where you needed to be."
"Your path is divinely very much protected at this time."
"You are the one who came into this family, into this incarnation, to set a new pattern, to forge a new path."
"Your path, regardless of how different or 'normal' it is, if it's right for you, it's right."
"You must remember to stay on your path, no matter what."
"Listening to your own heart and intuition and allowing that to guide you in your own path."
"Think about what you want. This is your path right now."
"The way is straight and narrow, religion is man-made."
"The universe is agreeing on the path that you've chosen."
"I am aware that being happy means I am on the right path."
"You are on the right path and you are being guided."
"There is a middle way, and the middle way may be just to go your own way."
"End of the day we are our own people, every one of us. We're individuals. We have to follow the right path in life."
"You are doing your own thing, you're following your own unique path."
"Honestly guys, it has me freaked out, it has me worried that I don't know, maybe I'm on the wrong path."
"I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree..."
"Trust your own path, trust your own self-leadership, and what you're moving into that you know is correct for you."
"Stay who you are and go where that truth leads you."
"I just want to be me I want to do my own thing I want to make my own path."
"The courage to expand beyond... make your own path."
"Every one of us has a different path to this joining with the creator but it is a part of our spiritual path."
"Recognize how your soul is maneuvering you onto your true path."
"You're going to have impeccable clarity with regard to the path ahead."
"You are doing this because this is your path, this is your way, this is your gift to live a life dedicated to the growth of consciousness..."
"Don't follow the majority. In other words, create your own path."
"Your feelings are always an indicator... When you're feeling good, you're on your path..."
"I now understand why you had to choose yourself and your highest path, and I admire you for that."
"Break up with the idea that there's only one path to where you want to be."
"The only way I see any path to success right now is breaking that kind of [ __ ] and doing things your own way."
"What Rory's failures teach us about the importance of forging your own path."
"Trust your journey, trust the way your life unfolds."
"Understanding your path and knowing who you are."
"It comes a time in life where you have to choose a path and that path will determine your future and what you will become."
"We've all made decisions where it's not that we regret, we experienced a different outcome because everyone's path is different."
"All really is well, that you are on the right path here and that whatever intensity you may be going through or experiencing, it will pass just like waves on the ocean."
"Keep shining your light... confirmation that this is your ministry."
"You are meant to live and lead the compassionate path."
"You have to block out all the noise and go your own way."
"You are on the right path to receive that abundant opportunity that is before you. Trust yourself. You're making really good decisions."
"I had chosen the wrong path in life... to teach peace."
"Embrace your own path, live life on your own terms, make your own rules..."
"Start living your life the way it is intended."
"If you're on the path that you need to be on, what you're created for, what your divine spark is, seems like the synchronicities present themselves more often."
"All of us have our own Journey, all of us have our own path to walk."
"I aim to show the importance of allowing each individual to follow the path that makes the most sense to them."
"You've been following your own path, and now stability and cooperation are coming in."
"You're going the distance but you're going in your own direction."
"All paths lead home. They all lead towards Union."
"They were determined. They were on their own path and nothing was going to stop them."
"Don't just follow the crowd, go your own way."
"You gotta make your own way, you gotta be different."
"You gotta be different, gotta make your own way."
"Both of you have been walking a spiritual path, and now you see the purpose for this relationship."
"You have the key, you know what to do, and you're probably going to deviate your path from the path of a leader or a parent or an advisor."
"Each path like I said have a uniqueness in it and what will serve the most in each path is the dedication that they have."
"There is no one template for happiness; whatever makes you content and happy, chase it, chase it with all your heart."
"As you stay centered in love and peace and presence, asking in the present moment what is my very next step, then your pathway, your highest divine timeline, is able to continue to be illuminated and revealed to you."
"Don't listen to the consensus. Blaze your own path."
"There are no wrong roads... every word that you take is going to just lead you to your heart's desire."
"There's so much more potential in this path than this path over here."
"Follow your path and you'll always be right where you need to be."
"Stop chasing what may not be meant for you; focus on what truly aligns with your path."
"Don't let others dictate your worth or path in life."
"Choose a life path that's right for you, even if it goes against the norm."
"It's all about you being you, you doing you, you going towards the situation in the direction that you want to go towards."
"You're not listening to anybody; you're marching to the beat of your own drum."
"You will have abundance provided you follow your heart and create your own path."
"Investing in a life that is on the path you want."
"The right path for you is going to be the intuitive, heart-led path. Listen to yourself, not to what others dictate. Trust your intuition, your heart, and your mind. Combine them. It's not about one or the other; it's about everything."
"Foundationally, I know that's what kind of sets you on this path."
"By following your own spiritual path, it's going to bring you the magical opportunities indeed."
"If you're on this path, that means you're supposed to be on this path."
"Being a dot again means marching to your own drum and blazing your own trails."
"This is your inner child coming in and saying yes you can, this is a hundred percent your path."
"Create your life, don't follow a set path, create it."
"I am defending this aspect of myself, I know the pathway that I want and that I need."
"You stand out and walk your own path, not concerned with norms or others' opinions."
"Your legacy is going to be different from those who have already come before you."
"Remember, what is right for you will never pass you by."
"Your future self advises not to seek anyone's approval; focus on your own path."
"Trust the path that is right for you, led by your intuition."
"Perspective ultimately reflects the path we take."
"There's a certain element of destiny here in your reading."
"The actual tenets of Thelema are 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,' meaning that adherents of Thelema should seek out and follow their true path."
"Follow your own north node, not other people's."
"The feeling I feel when I'm on the path that makes sense for me is ease."
"Your path, the one that led you to today, is the right path. You are exactly where you need to be for the beginning of your next adventure."
"Living on the straight and narrow is not bowing to external pressures, it's failing to bow to external pressures."
"God will set you up like the goddess Divine being on your path so fast if you out here being Reckless."
"Your life is too important to blindly follow some random path that you haven't even questioned or interrogated or decided for yourself."
"You are divinely being guided... you're being guided towards something meant for you."
"You're living your life, you're on your journey."
"Don't compare yourself to other people; your journey is not their journey."
"He's so kind, and he always says people have to find their own way."
"Nothing is quite the way that it was originally presented because they've gone their own way."
"Each person needs to investigate for themselves and not just take the opinion of others or the opinion of a doctor or family members but needs to investigate for themselves and pay real attention to the path that is right for them."
"Everyone has their own track to race."
"It's okay if your journey looks different; it doesn't mean that you're doing it wrong."
"Life is a journey and everybody figures out their own personal path at a different time."
"Everyone has their own personal journey."
"It shows that a lot of us are ignorant to these things, to knowing how to follow our paths to be better for ourselves."
"Everyone walks their own path in life."
"You're gonna make huge changes in your life path, whatever your unique path is, you're gonna really make waves."
"I'm gonna make my own path and make my own way."
"What works for you? That gives you really valuable information about the paths you're meant to pursue."
"You are on the very best path for you."
"You know where to go, path you is prepared, or the path you have to travel is created by yourself."
"We all have a different path and a different journey."
"I'm glad that I didn't always follow the current of what my peers were doing."
"Life is not found in the way that the world wants you to live."
"There isn't a path, you create your path as you take it, it emerges as you try to walk along it."
"I would never claim that my way is the only way or the best way."
"Focus on your own path and what God has for you."
"I don't support the oldest church but I do support people trying for happiness on their own chosen path."
"Everybody's life is different. You can't live your life looking at what that person did. What's for you is for you."
"You need to find your own way. It can be something else, so can you."
"It's all the same path, just a different journey."
"How others treat me is their path; how I respond is mine."
"I was in the path of opportunity and I thought I would use it in my own way."
"Everything that happened with them doesn't concern us, you and I will have our own life."
"My way, my way, and then our way, because at the end we're still together."
"Everybody is on their own path; everyone is on their own journey."
"Don't allow other people's opinions to change your path."
"Everybody has got their path, I have got mine, you got yours."
"We could never do what they did, and that's okay. We're doing our own path."
"Everybody's on their own path; I shouldn't compare myself."
"No matter who you become, I only want you to cherish your own way of the sword."
"I stay in my lane; I do my own thing."
"You got to play your own game; you can't play the game that society wants you to play."
"Academics was always something that was seen as being the natural path for me."
"I really want them to feel empowered and feel like they're blazing their own path."
"We need to just encourage everybody to find the best path for themselves."
"Your journey isn't everybody else's journey, and that's fine."
"I think everybody needs to follow their own path and figure out exactly what is best for their business."
"We are all on our own journeys, right?"
"Be in your lane, that's my best advice for any young person that be watching."
"There is no shame in not going to college."
"Every man walks in his own shoes."
"Just being in my bliss and living my life my way."
"It's all about following your intuition and what feels right to you."
"Break from convention, but don't feel like there is a way; there's your way."
"You don't have to be a doctor of medicine."
"Follow your own path, don't do what people want you to do."
"I am going to lead the way that I think is the right way."
"When I looked at people around me in society, I didn't see role models that I would like to follow."
"There's a road, no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night, and if you go, no one may follow, that path is for your steps alone."
"I choose my career path based on these type of decision-making things."
"People don't have to understand why you do what you do, they don't even have to accept it, but they will respect it."
"This is the road I walk; this is what I desire."
"The whole point is to find your own path to Bangkok."
"You're on the path to discover your spiritual gifts."
"Likes don't mean nothing, nothing, and it carries no bearing on the path."
"Follow your own visions right now about what's right for you."
"Your intuition is correct and this is your path."
"The way that you're going to get what you want is not how anyone else has ever done it before."
"You're starting to align more and more with what you feel makes you feel good, not what the plan is for you."
"If your heart and your instincts are telling you to go one way, that's the right way for you."
"Everyone is on their own life path."
"Keep on going down the path you're on, it's your path, it's the right path."
"Just enjoy your lane because it's yours."
"Listening to and trusting your intuition is so important in order for you to move on your own path and your own trajectory."
"Follow your own bliss, follow your own intuition, follow what you want to do."
"Your path is not going to be the same as a traditional person."
"Stay true to your path right now, stay disciplined with what you know is true for you."