
Long-term Thinking Quotes

There are 667 quotes

"If there is one phrase that defines successful people, it is that they sacrifice the short term for the long term."
"Zooming out and taking the longer term view, I've heard real optimism in my conversations with business leaders from around the world."
"Think long-term when it comes to self-improvement."
"If you go to the root, it takes longer, but it lasts longer."
"Let it be very clear, Sydney, that the way I think about the world sits in decades, not in months."
"The secret to self-discipline is to train yourself to think long term and live in accordance to your long-term goals."
"What I want you to be able to do is to choose a woman who you can be happy with 10, 20, 30, 50 years from now."
"Never compromise long-term reputation for short-term revenue."
"Keep things in perspective. You're going to have your ups and downs... and you just always have to keep on the long-term game."
"Last stop on the train if you're thinking long term. It's a great time to be looking at life insurance."
"Preservation is not just what's happening in the next 2 or 3 years; it's about what's happening in the next two or three decades."
"You need to make sure you have the right mindset when it comes to investing."
"The point I'm trying to make is, we make a lot of judgments by looking at the price of something on a daily or weekly basis without having a clue as to the seeds that are being sown today—good and bad—that are likely to bear fruit a year, 2, or 3, or 4 years down the road."
"If you can shift your thinking to 10-year thinking... you'll start making better decisions."
"Sometimes a small sacrifice is worth it in the long haul."
"The long term is very, in my view, very easy to predict in a general way but an important way. I don't think there's any way to predict what the stock market will do ten minutes from now, ten days from now, or ten months from now."
"Rather than just the next two years or the next four years for an election, is anyone thinking about the next century?"
"If you know yourself and you know that it's gonna work for you to spend a little bit more money to save more money in the long run, that's great."
"You have to be a long-term thinker in order to be successful, because to be successful you need to spend at least five or ten years developing some sort of proficiency or excellence in some kind of field!"
"I encourage the dynamic that I do because I'm looking at what's going to be truly beneficial for both sides in the long run, in a loving, healthy relationship."
"You'll always make better business decisions if you think long term and think slowly."
"China reminds me of those ents in the Lord of the Rings... They think long term."
"It seems like you guys are getting to this place where you're thinking about long-term compatibility."
"Everything has a lot more long term consequences to it."
"Time Arbitrage is where you're able to think long term while other investors are being short-sighted."
"To take responsibility means to forego immediate gratification in the service of something longer term and higher."
"Become the solution to the problem you're talking about in the long term. That would be more my positive activism, as to actually try to solve this from a long-term perspective."
"Try and pick the path that's going to serve you in the long run."
"Long term thinking is just a pillar of success."
"The longer term you think, the better the decisions you will make."
"All self-help boils down to choosing long-term over short-term."
"Hold for the long term. Don't let people trick you out of your spot."
"Think long-term and in the short term, do not be hard on yourselves. You are doing an amazing job and you just need to be a little bit kinder to yourself."
"Understanding the value of not doing something short term that might be damaging to the long-term gratification is when you're onto a winner."
"The cycles of the earth operate on a much grander time scale than our own, and only by thinking in terms of hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of years, can we see the processes of nature in motion."
"You've got to have that maturity to think long term and progressing over time, and not having that desire for instant gratification to force progress."
"It's never too late because think about this in terms of multi-generational wealth too."
"One of the weird things is watching him think incredibly long term."
"Businesses should see beyond short-term gains."
"Surviving is thriving, so play the long-term game."
"Big-picture thinking: keep holding the vision."
"The mindset for us is long term. It has to be."
"We can't change the past, but we can acknowledge it, learn from it, and move forward together to create a tomorrow that today can only dream of."
"Sometimes in business, you gotta do things that may not make business sense in the short term, but they save your ass in the long run."
"If the next hundred years go well, I'm optimistic about the next thousand..."
"They are the sort of men who plant trees knowing they're never gonna say."
"I'm trying to remind myself... life is long."
"If you're worried about the short-term cycles, then you're going to miss the alpha that is available to us."
"In today's fast-paced world, thinking long term is the game changer. It's not about the quick wins, it's about playing the long game and setting yourself apart from the crowd."
"The most important takeaway from that is... don't worry about the drawdowns because drawdowns don't matter if you don't need the capital tomorrow."
"Real love wants what's best for the person in the long run."
"Think long, think long term, think macro. I'll go absolutely insane, I'll drive myself crazy, I'll probably lose all of my money if all I do is look at a six hour chart, an hourly chart."
"Maybe the tide is starting to turn on this and we're going to start to understand that we can think in terms of centuries and that we can actually manage this."
"You've got to think long term in building your business and your funnels."
"The game is not about making money today, the game is about longevity."
"I always try to tell my audience: don't go for the quick fixes."
"We have a responsibility to do the right things today that I think will be appreciated by our fans and by our community for the next 50 to 100 years."
"Long term, you don't want to be totally dependent on Amazon."
"Shortcuts playing the short game is always detrimental. It's actually advantageous to play the long game even in the short term."
"Always think long term when it comes to taxes."
"Viewing your life this way and also viewing people in the way that I could play an infinite game with this person."
"We have to put our eyes on the prize, and the prize is like seven generations down the road."
"Zoom out on the charts and take the time to plan and build for your future. Play the long game and you will win."
"I think long-term you have to put the consumer first."
"Not everything has to be solved overnight, maybe it'll take 50 years or a hundred years and it's better for it."
"You're not retiring for a year or three years, you're retiring hopefully for 20, 30, 40 years."
"Once we start terminating parts of the Constitution that don't work well for us at the moment, that's the ball game."
"You gotta think long term. You can't be thinking, okay, Cardano's gonna hit three to five dollars next week and I'm gonna cash out."
"Don't avoid overreacting in the moment. React like a parent who's thinking over the next 18 years how important will this moment be."
"I don't think short-term, I'm talking real global American Revolution."
"Long-term optimism has always been a good bet on Humanity."
"You wait for opportunity to buy the dip and dollar cost average and you simply hold. That is simply it. That's how you win the crypto game especially for a long haul."
"Sacrificing the short term on the altar of the long term always ends better."
"The stories affect the way we think longer-term."
"Urban warfare involves one of the most challenging infantry combat techniques."
"Don't miss the gem in the mud for the flashy option that looks good but won't go the distance."
"If you don't do the ish yeah the ish we'd still be paying so yeah maybe another five years yeah."
"Good financial habits start by thinking beyond today."
"Think long term and have a big picture goal."
"That loss triggered something in me and how I invest. I almost never sell, so the rent to own, I don't do that because I would never want to see one of my properties sold."
"Don't hold a stock for 10 minutes unless you're willing to hold it for 10 years."
"We must reach far beyond our own lifespans. We must think not as individuals but as a species."
"Just because you may not live long enough to see a tree at its prime doesn't mean that planting it today has no value."
"He chooses the safer play and thinks about the bigger picture."
"Zoom out, always zoom out. If we're looking at this as a 10 or 20 year trend of an emerging technology that's being adopted at record rates."
"Vote for what you believe will be good for this country in the long term."
"To get long-term wealthy, you have to have a long-term point of view."
"If you're an investor you shouldn't even be thinking about when do I sell, the question should be when do I get an opportunity to buy more at a better price?"
"Do it for the right reasons and think super long term."
"How do we make civilization last a million years?"
"I always believe in long-term, there's only medium long term and a lot of hard work and passion in what you're doing."
"Likewise, we will not live to see the centuries and millennia that will follow our deaths, but we do have a say in what that future is like."
"Just breathe through it all said and done long game for you over the next three years is positive."
"Stay clear and that's for the long term. And have fun."
"Justice is about tomorrow and the next day and the next year and the next hundred years."
"Sometimes you have to consider the long-term benefit may be better than the short-term inconvenience of not getting paid."
"Avoid short-term solutions for long-term success."
"This is a marathon not a sprint, dude. I got another 60, 70 years, last days, you know?"
"The only thing that endures are people who think generationally and plan institutions over generations."
"Whatever you believe in, you should be willing to hold it for 10 years."
"Think beyond next month or next year. Think about whether it'll be good in 10 years."
"Life is not just 75 days. Even if I finish this challenge, there's still a long life ahead for me to live."
"I think this is going to have long-term benefit."
"Long term, that doesn't really work. The best business deal is one where everyone benefits."
"To a civilization that perceives a thousand years as a blink of an eye, time and distance, and long distance communication, take on a different meaning."
"At the end of the day, how am I going to create something that's gonna last generations after me God willing?"
"We have to think long term, and that's something only younger people have the courage and unique position to do."
"Focus more on the long term than short term immediate gratification."
"This is going to be short-term pain for long-term gain."
"Playing the long game, anticipating more success."
"Build wealth on a really strong foundation because of the choices you're making today."
"Let the money work for you. If you own the LA Lakers right now... would you own it for one day and trade it or hold it for 10 years?"
"We better start, we better stop looking at that pothole in the road and start looking out in the distance where we actually want to travel to and seeing how we can get there."
"You'll take a little dip now maybe, but it's better than getting into more and more debt in the future."
"Think long-term and avoid making short-term decisions that may hurt you in the long run."
"Don't burn your opportunities for temporary comfort."
"Don't let short term thinking control your business."
"I think long term with these projects. I'm not thinking ooh I'm spending $55 on the VPS um I'm only going to profit $52 because I'm not selling my pre that I'm earning right now I'm not planning to anytime soon."
"I'm a true believer in long-term thinking versus just what do I get in the short term, what do I get in the near term."
"Always think long term, how can you make yourself more independent."
"I'm here long term. I'm not here to just get in, get my chips off the table, and go."
"This aversion to debt is a cultural trait, with the German word for debt being the same as that for guilt."
"These businesses think in decades, not financial quarters, rejecting taking on debt to grow, preferring cash investments instead."
"You have to suffer in the short term in order to improve in the long term."
"Never go for the instant gratification if you can make something happen and a little bit longer term than what you essentially would want fight that instant gratification. I think you'll always come out better that way."
"If we can stop the problem from getting worse, over the course of the next 50 or 100 years, the economy will grow enough that the current $150 trillion debt won't matter."
"Long-term thought lends itself to more peaceful decisions."
"If you wouldn't hold it for 10 years, you probably shouldn't hold it for 10 minutes."
"I think we still can be a nation in our Ascent... maybe there's another 250 years still left."
"Real heroism is about thinking about something bigger than your own short-term self-interest."
"As long as you're investing capital you don't need right now, it's a great place to put it."
"A real man always thinks about the long-term consequences of immediate decisions."
"If you only play when you have the advantage, then in the long run you're winning."
"Long-term investors get separated from people who think they're long-term investors."
"Buy quality companies with a long-time mindset."
"If I wouldn't do it with this person for a decade, I don't want to do business with them for a day."
"The interests are more important in the long term."
"It's not a sprint, my friends. This is a marathon."
"The larger the correction, the more you should be thinking longer term."
"The reality is, if your wedding is December 20th, that's one day. But you're married for the rest of your life."
"My career doesn't have to be in one year, two years."
"How do you do it? If you can't do it for a decade, don't do it for a day."
"They have no disincentive to think long-term."
"It's all about making better decisions that look at the long term, not just right now."
"Culture should encourage making sacrifices for long-term gain."
"The sooner you figure out that short-term pleasures aren't long-term gains, the better."
"I always play the long game in everything that I do."
"Think about the long-term implications... keep a long-term mentality."
"I like it, I like it a lot, especially as a long-term investor who's thinking about stocks for many many years out."
"Your expansion of time frame horizons is why some of the richest people in the world are either hedge fund managers or people like Warren Buffett."
"Blue instead encouraged people to be creative, think long term, and relax."
"Focus on long-term assets, think 10 years out."
"Choose who you will be attracted to 70 years in."
"If you're a long-term thinker, you're doing fine."
"If you're not willing to do it for the rest of your life, don't do it."
"...our best-case scenario is to take a little bit of medicine today so that we live longer in the future."
"We're not trying to raise great kids; we're trying to raise kids that become great adults."
"Buy into what is right. If you pursue the truth, it might make you unpopular at any particular moment, but you're going to be in a much better position in the long run."
"If you do not plan or have the willingness to hold on to bitcoin for 10 years, you probably shouldn't own bitcoin for 10 minutes."
"Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the sake of the future."
"I've been thinking about AI for a long time... it is fundamentally profound."
"Prioritize long term over instant gratification."
"Life isn't a game; it's a set of games. Never sacrifice Victory across the set of games for victory in one game."
"Short-term gains versus long-term future: taking care of health makes more sense."
"Always think long term... once you guys have those first funny conversations... you start talking about the real stuff."
"Sacrifices for your family aren't sacrifices in the long term."
"Long-term respect is more important than short-term approval."
"You plant the seeds of trees you will never sit under the shade of."
"You don't have to win every little battle; you're looking to win the overall War."
"We've gotta look upwards we gotta think long term..."
"Maintain a long-term perspective—it's crucial to think of wealth as a marathon and not a sprint."
"Discipline now, greater later. Easy now, suffer later. What do you choose?"
"I think you'll have a long career and you'll save your money."
"The most successful sellers, most successful entrepreneurs aren't thinking what is my first month gonna be like, they're thinking what is my 36th month gonna be like."
"Sacrificing short-term pleasure for long-term success."
"Don't do things that harm your future. Invest in a brighter future."
"We have to be looking not just at the immediate steps but where we can get to."
"Nobody buys a farm based on whether they think it's going to rain next year. They buy it because they think it's a good investment over 10 to 20 years." - Warren Buffett
"Play the long game here it's not about instant resolution or instant gratification and there are consequences to what you decide now."
"The way you lose matters; Bernie's approach to losing legislative fights is better long-term."
"At the end of the day, you know, whether you think it's to be this year next year the year after I would argue that time still very much remains on our side."
"Peace and blessings to everybody that's coming in... thinking in the long term is more important than the emotions in the short term."
"When you're a mortal being, you tend to look at things a little bit more long-term."
"Stupidity is not sustainable, in the long run why am I an optimist? Well in the long run stupidity doesn't work."
"Temporary sacrifice for something long-term."
"So all we have to think of is in terms of energy for about five billion years."
"Think with your long-term brain as much as you can so you're not caught up in the short-term brain."
"Sometimes it's better to take the short-term pain than have the long-term pain."
"The best way to make an investment is to focus on its long-term viability."
"It's not about today... it's about what will be a year and a half from now."
"If you are not willing to hold a stock for a generation, then how can you expect to have generational wealth?"
"Imagine just those small changes, what life might look like in like, you know, two years for example. It's a long time scale, you know, you can almost not even imagine it right now."
"The name of the game right now is if you're going to be in crypto, you believe in holding it for life-changing wealth."
"The reason most people don't make money is because they can't wait."
"Doing something unpopular but in the long run being better off is better than not doing something I'm popular but in the long run being shit."
"The long term I am still very much optimistic."
"In order to survive over long periods of time, you better adopt a different strategy."
"Love yourself, address patterns, think long term, and don't settle."
"We could do better in our long-term thinking as opposed to short-term gain."
"Imagine what we could uncover if we gave ourselves a better chance of long-term survival."