
Pattern Recognition Quotes

There are 628 quotes

"Learning is mostly about patterns. You see something once, and it's like, 'Oh, it's the first time.'"
"Whatever that condition cost me, it also gave me an advantage... My pattern recognition is off the hook."
"Visualization is a great way to see connections and underlying patterns in the problem that can later be relevant to the solution."
"A lot of what looks like insight and ingenuity is really just pattern recognition."
"For our prehistoric ancestors, recognizing patterns was a key to survival."
"If we can just become conscious that we do have these patterns, we begin to evaluate them and be aware of them, we can identify them when they rear their head, and we can overcome them."
"The pattern loses all its power over you once you see it."
"Humans have naturally developed to identify patterns... for survival."
"Pattern recognition is most of understanding, and it's super important and super hard."
"It's interesting for me particularly because I've been doing a little bit of investigation, I guess you can say, on the side, some silent investigation on certain patterns and things that I've noticed and seen."
"Success leaves clues. Study successful people and recognize patterns that lead to greatness."
"In his book on conspiracy theories, Michael Shermer writes that seeing patterns everywhere, patternification, is the need for control."
"The number one skill for being a good leader... was associating, which means the ability to spot patterns where everyone else doesn't see them."
"Humans like to explain the world around us by looking for patterns and finding explanations; we are biologically driven to do this."
"The actual learning is based on some simple components: first, the machine has to identify patterns."
"The human brain is hardwired to detect patterns."
"Power comes to those that can recognize patterns, utilize those patterns, and create new ways to make things happen."
"A nuanced and complex understanding of life in the world...it reveals a strong ability to analyze and find patterns in your life or personal experiences."
"Even when a pattern doesn't actually exist, that's just what we do. We're phenomenal at it."
"I'm just a guy that notices patterns. Pattern recognition, that's how I make money on Wall Street."
"This is where people need to learn from history and see the patterns."
"We look for patterns naturally. You look for the pattern of a predator in the bushes; is that a tiger right there coming to get me? You look for the pattern of food if you're searching for food, if you're foraging."
"When you start to journal, the blinders get lifted off, and you start to notice patterns, things connected between different areas."
"Machine learning is teaching computers to recognize patterns in the same way that our brains do."
"Math helps with detecting a pattern and being able to articulate it in a less abstract way."
"The phenomenon that I observe is the human brain is very good at pattern recognition."
"The subconscious mind is a pattern recognition machine and a much better one than you could ever hope to be consciously."
"If you get good at pattern recognition, then you too will be able to make multiple times Mrs. Friedlander's salary."
"We have a very human thing that we do, which is pattern recognition, and sometimes we project patterns onto the world where there are none."
"We are so good at finding patterns that we find them where they don't even exist."
"The hidden key to self-empowerment is the knowledge of these patterns which direct our lives."
"Your brain is constantly trying to find patterns in the world to help you make quicker, better decisions."
"Look for these repeating trends, these repeating motifs."
"Humans are basically pattern detection machines."
"Journaling and reading back over your entries... seeing the patterns."
"Humans just like it: it's how we work. There's something satisfying about 12 3 30."
"Patterns arise from chaos is what he's saying."
"Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."
"Pattern recognition. When we talk about the aesthetic of beauty, we talk about symmetry, proportion, a recognizable pattern or method to the arrangement of the elements."
"Chart patterns help identify trend continuations versus trend reversals."
"Humans are pattern-seeking creatures, so I mean I can't you know obviously offer an explanation for why this particular verse would pop into your head right."
"Every epidemic is an opportunity to find the kinds of patterns that can help us determine the factors."
"Recognizing patterns in the end game is much more important than people realize."
"Pattern recognition is something you can learn, it's like math where you can learn the formula."
"We're looking for clusters of behavior and we're looking for a pattern of behavior."
"If you can anticipate the exact shape and placement of a pattern 10 seconds before it appears, reflexes no longer matter at all."
"Everything's a pattern. You just have to find it."
"Sound is full of patterns from its very most basic essence."
"These patterns and regularities are the opposite of randomness."
"This is part of a pattern, a consistent drumbeat of events that reflect things that we are doing."
"Some things you just learn from interviewing hundreds of people, you see patterns, right?"
"I see a lot of very dangerous historical patterns repeating."
"Study patterns and incorporate that into your trading."
"Those of us that's been that are used to these patterns, we're making a lot of money."
"This is one of my favorite patterns to trade."
"You're teaching yourself to see this pattern over and over and over again in price action."
"Our brains had been pre-programmed to see faces in everything."
"That learning, that ability for that AI to recognize patterns well ahead of time with years of experience doing it, that's where the real value comes in."
"Death is a scary, mysterious thing, and suggesting that there's some kind of pattern to it makes us feel a little bit more in control."
"Pattern recognition is everything. I use it in everything that I do. I find it fascinating how successful entrepreneurs hire, fire, recruit, reward, and retain people."
"Hopefully, by analyzing the series of events, we can learn how to recognize what patterns lead to war in order to avoid them in the future."
"Once you understand the atrocities of the past, you can see the patterns start to emerge."
"I beat all the North Americans, right? I'm crushing it, so yeah, there's a pattern right there's a pattern."
"Look for patterns, something that stands out from the normal pattern you would expect to see."
"Once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, three times is fate."
"You have to pay attention to this kind of patterns."
"His attack on Lisa Benson was part of his chilling pattern."
"My mind could follow the patterns just like it always could."
"You're not going to stop giving people traffic tickets for fear that they might have unlawful firearms in the car."
"Your brain has to be hardwired to see patterns"
"Humans are pattern-seeking animals and we tend to see patterns in things even when they're not there."
"The more you catalog these photos the more your eyes will be trained to see the patterns and connections in the architecture."
"Luckily, the possible patterns of attack make dodging each blast pretty simple."
"Humans are hardwired to make sense of random patterns."
"Patterns within patterns within patterns. How amazing is all this?"
"This is beautiful... we've got six repeating itself... but we can use the knight's move restriction to break the devil's hold over us."
"You can trust people to be exactly who they are. Pay attention to people, they show you their patterns."
"We play games because the real world is often seemingly random whereas in games patterns are much easier to discern."
"Luck is on your side and because you've recognized some form of pattern and you're actually acknowledging it and responding to it things are going to work out in your favor."
"How many things do you need to see before it's not a coincidence?"
"Find the pattern, don't repeat the pattern, do something different."
"Every decade or so we have a massive crisis in America. Every decade there's a massive crisis. 2020 pandemic, 2008, 2009 market crash, 2001 9/11. Every 10 years, a big crisis takes place. However, you and I never know what the crisis is."
"Recognize repeating patterns by acknowledging the issue and letting go of limiting beliefs and fear."
"Seemingly insignificant clues may expose a pattern."
"The people who have found the patterns in the stock market and the randomness for that matter have often been physicists and mathematicians."
"It is finding patterns that repeat time and time again from investor behavior within the markets."
"The one thing you can't say is that there is any kind of coherent pattern or purpose... This brilliant person doesn't seem to see."
"The most interesting thing about the boss fights in Lords of Fall, there's a pattern. There's a way to learn all of that."
"Turns out humans are really, really good at pattern recognition."
"There's a pattern woven into the fabric of this country, something that connects the people of the past to each other and to us in ways I'm only starting to understand."
"There's a pattern, there's a very specific pattern here."
"Your brain will look for patterns to prove that it's true. For example, if you think of a blue car, you'll start seeing a blue car everywhere because your brain will start looking for patterns."
"Everything has a pattern behind it. If you can begin to learn what the most functional patterns are, you can craft your life into anything and then sky's the limit."
"The world becomes a magical place when you grasp the correct patterns."
"So it seems like the rest of it can just be like coincidence, you know again too many... I just think there's too many links there's too many connections and it honestly makes sense together."
"These aren't just tragic events, these are events that we can see patterns and underlying issues which should prompt us to take action."
"They started to see a pattern of the double initials plus the letter of the place that they were dropped."
"History doesn't repeat itself, but patterns do." - David Toler
"This desire to find patterns in randomness or pareidolia as it's called is probably the biggest contributor to supernatural belief."
"Everything is patterns. Fighting is patterns."
"Whenever I'm thrifting, I'm always on the lookout for vintage floral patterns."
"Life lessons you can break free from reoccurring negative patterns."
"I've been playing Minecraft long enough to understand that these things are not a coincidence."
"Unfortunately, it's become kind of the hallmark, the calling card of events like this."
"The unified picture that you'll see once those dots are connected will be terrifying for some people."
"Fractals inspired by the patterns in the natural world."
"Elliot Wave is not about forecasting. We're looking for repeatable patterns."
"Those who scream the loudest find the connections. Coincidence? Logical thinking. Q."
"These ascending triangles are, in my opinion, one of the easiest patterns to trade."
"Identify if a sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither by analyzing the pattern of numbers."
"Recognizing common patterns in algorithmic complexity can help you reason about efficiency."
"It's who has vision...understanding consumer...historical trends and pattern recognition."
"We as humans have a propensity to see patterns everywhere."
"Human nature is I need a tribe... we're human beings are very good at pattern recognition."
"Maintain focus on clear and obvious patterns."
"For those who see the patterns, let them see."
"Astrology is nothing but the human attempt at pattern recognition."
"Pattern-seeking is a double-edged sword, wimp slayer. It's a big part of what makes humans the smartest species on the planet."
"Once is yay, two is a coincidence. Hmm, three is a national treasure."
"When you see pattern after pattern after pattern event after event after event that fits perfectly with what the Bible says, after a while you got to think, 'Hey, this can't be a coincidence.'"
"There is a psychological phenomena called pareidolia where a human being looks at a random pattern whatever it is dots smudges whatever and you see patterns in that because we are all programmed to find patterns in randomness."
"Nothing they do is random, okay? Not that I've seen."
"How many of these correlations does it take before you say, okay, this is intent, this is pattern, this is not coincidence anymore?"
"When you become awakened to patterns, you then go back in history and see that those patterns have always been there."
"Almost all the stuff at the lower levels, you're gonna win games based on pattern recognition."
"There's a ton of parallel with chess with Tetris, so it's a lot of pattern recognition."
"That pattern lends itself very well to resilience."
"There's just so much in there. There's so much pattern recognition. There's combinations of maths involved but also just genuine intuition."
"SCP-007-INT is sentient, and capable of recognizing patterns and portraying emotion, albeit to small degrees."
"One real pillar of my personality is identifying patterns and taking action."
"We're making progress identifying the patterns that give rise to consciousness."
"Superstition is the pathological version of something that is usually not pathological... the detection of patterns whose explanation you don't know but are nonetheless a useful indicator of something."
"Recognizing your shadow side, you're recognizing a lot of patterns."
"The whole point is to be situationally aware, to see patterns ahead of time."
"We love patterns, and we love them even more if they make us seem special."
"Top five least favorite rules - variant encumbrance, it gives strength a purpose."
"Massacres are usually processes and not singular events with certain patterns of violence that unfold over time."
"Thank you, it's actually a really interesting pattern."
"We are pattern-making animals... we understand everything by narration."
"Recognizing patterns from a higher altitude is more useful."
"Humans love seeing patterns in literally anything."
"But it is. You can only see a pattern so many times before ignoring it is just irrational."
"Hopefully, you can see this is a very powerful pattern now."
"Investing is not so complicated, you just have to do some work and see the patterns."
"You're recognizing patterns in yourself and you're breaking them."
"Don't forget what happened this round because like pieces of a puzzle everything will soon come together."
"Listening is better than counting but counting can really help, especially if you're trying to learn a pattern like this or struggling with it."
"Once you start to see them, you can't unsee them."
"Are they connected? Functional medicine is about looking for the patterns in the connections."
"At some point, somebody's going to connect all these dots."
"It's going to take your guys understanding and knowledge about pattern trading to an entirely new level."
"Once is okay, maybe somebody screwed up. Two is, there is a pattern here and somebody might die."
"As we increase our ability to pick up on real patterns, we can increase our self-knowledge, reduce our self-deception, and increase our contact with reality."
"You're very close to something being finished... when you bring all of these sort of disparate pieces together, some sort of pattern emerges."
"Understanding chemistry will become a lot easier if you can grasp patterns."
"BBB AAA BBB AAA is like the easiest thing in the world to do and that's just the way it is."
"You want to be very careful of patterns you observe in the data."
"Just scroll down slowly and just look at the red lines, how they're very similar. Yeah, not identical, but they're very similar."
"We're training machine learning algorithms to try to figure out and understand patterns."
"Machine learning involves teaching computers to recognize patterns in the same way that our brains do."
"If you have a family doctor that's seen a hundred million patients, they're gonna start noticing things that a normal family doctor won't notice."
"What AI is, is a pattern recognition machine; it will recognize the greatest ideas that have ever been had."
"The take home is that convolutional neural networks are great at finding patterns and using them to classify images."
"Deep learning is not magic, but it's really good at finding patterns."
"You're beginning to learn a language here, it's a visual language of pattern recognition."
"Perhaps the Holy Grail is going to be your ability to develop a true sense of pattern recognition."
"Take notes on patterns you see repeatedly... the whole point of technical analysis is to notice patterns over time."
"Reading minds is not some esoteric thing; it's pattern recognition."
"I encourage you to start looking for patterns and thinking about what patterns crop up in different areas of maths."
"Generative AI depends a lot on the training data that you have fed into it; it analyzes the patterns and structures of the input data and thus learns."
"Human nature is really very biased towards finding patterns because as soon as you can find patterns, you can predict what might happen next."
"Human beings are really good at examining random data and thinking we see patterns there."
"Hopefully you saw some of the the patterns some of the ideas when you're attacking the king some of the things you need to look for."
"...people began to recognize what were seemingly unrelated incidents in their lives as falling into this mythic pattern."
"Because my brain is pretty good at seeing patterns by now, I'm able to pretty quickly figure out what I want them to look like."
"Ramanujan said he knew the answer was a continued fraction, showing his unique ability to see patterns that others would miss."
"Patternicity: the tendency to find meaningful patterns in both meaningful and meaningless noise."
"I call this agenticity, the tendency to infuse patterns we find with meaning, intention, and agency."
"But I've not won anything. That's your pattern, innit?"
"I'm trying to recognize patterns so that when I see them tomorrow or next week or next month real time, I can anticipate what will follow."
"Every time that we kind of get up to the upper Keltner in this particular pattern in this particular market, we come right back to the mean."
"So if there's anyone watching who knows what this pattern is, please let us know."
"You'll see in all these lumps and bumps you can see patterns of things starting to emerge, you can see straight lines down there you can see regular divisions of things, see these are patterns which can recognize."
"We're dealing with pattern recognition. We see these patterns and we're now able to visualize everything else that's going to come next."
"If you notice a pattern here, whatever direction you're moving to intensify the color that it is that you're targeting, you're going to move the other ones in the opposite direction."
"The key to solving this challenge is to detect the pattern. This is the skill that you need to develop to be successful in the test because there are two shapes here present in this question, triangles and circles."
"The odd shape, the shape that doesn't belong to the group, is the one that does not have equal distributions of all colors in the corners."
"No matter what happens, even when we don't understand it at the time, eventually when we look backwards we see the pattern."
"...so here's the trick I worked out if you stare at the grid long enough you might begin to notice that each block can be divided into six equal sized triangular slices."
"The human mind is a pattern-seeking machine."
"To solve these challenges, my advice to you is always look for patterns."
"The best Traders are going to be able to see just this much of a pattern and predict what's going to happen next."
"Look out for patterns, then match the pattern."
"Finding new patterns is what creativity is all about."
"When it comes to pattern recognition, we're oversensitive. Regain your skepticism if you think you have discovered a pattern."
"If you miss up a sequence your answer ain't gonna pattern right and you don't know where you went wrong."
"Regular expressions can be used to find patterns in text."
"So you can - even with a tiny amount of experiment - start to see some patterns."
"My brain is like addicted to patterns and tracing them and figuring them out."
"You know, it's people, places, locations, times, like, you know, like certain, certain products. You just try to find patterns. Yeah, there's a pattern now pattern analysis. Okay. Okay, I see."