
Cognitive Process Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Learning is mostly about patterns. You see something once, and it's like, 'Oh, it's the first time.'"
"Thinking is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions."
"There's something very magical about typing it out because it starts the learning process in your mind."
"If we recognize that we are conscious about this, then therefore we can make adjustments."
"When you go to sleep, your brain files it away so that you can retrieve it later."
"What you vividly imagine, you're rehearsing."
"You can't be on all the time. You can't be focused all the time. You have to allow your subconscious mind, your diffuse mode of thinking, to help you solve problems."
"When error presents itself to consciousness, the first five seconds are golden."
"He's trying to connect with this guy, and you see it because you see him actually thinking."
"Your thoughts lead to your feelings, lead to your emotions, lead to your beliefs, lead to your actions."
"The OODA loop stands for observation, orientation, decision, and action."
"Consciousness isn't just a matter of having a feeling. It isn't a matter of a momentary occurrence. It's a kind of an ongoing grappling with things, making use of background knowledge such as the meanings of the words, the language in question."
"Memory is not something you have, it's something you do... it's a verb."
"Working memory is essentially your brain's RAM, where you store information in order to manipulate it."
"Your eyes are the mouse. If your eyes are looking up down left right, all of that has to do with the outcome you're going to end up with."
"I learned easily by ear, seeing something, I could create it in my head."
"Winning games takes pressure off. It changes, it gives them more time."
"That's how reality works, we kind of do it all the time, we just don't do it in a structured way."
"A thought is the result of thinking, feeling, and choosing."
"The questions that we ask are ones that are deliberately made quite broad."
"It's quite interesting that atheisms think about demand God but that very cognitive process requires God in the first place."
"When you're thinking, you are replicating the process of creation."
"Your reality is shaped by your correct use of thinking, feeling, and choosing."
"Your brain is amazing and sometimes you don't realize how it works, but the more connections, the more triggers you give it, the easier it will be for you to grab the information."
"It'll show you how people come to differing perspectives when looking at the same information."
"Intuition is important, but reason is the guiding function."
"Programming is almost a philosophical activity that happens mostly in our heads."
"I think it's like right once you know something you can't Unknowing."
"It's a note-taking environment that resembles the way you think."
"To me, writing is thinking. I write in order to think."
"Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your actions, and your actions justify your words."
"One of the most important concepts in editing is this: He looks, he sees, he thinks."
"Sometimes you step away for a month and then you have an opportunity to speak the language, and everything's just so easy because your brain's hard at work in the background making connections, making sense of stuff."
"Once you know how to read and someone puts up words, you can't say no no no, I don't want to see those words, so I'll let my eyes not see them."
"Forgetting is a process that our brains seem to use to both not only hold on to information that's necessary but there's some way in which there's some decision-making going on that maybe at a level that we're not even aware of."
"The idea with long-term memory is the information has to be transferred from short-term to long-term to stick around permanently."
"Your observations inform your perceptions, and your perceptions inform inferences."
"Perception and dreaming are the same process under two different conditions."
"We can only consciously focus on one thing at a time."
"Catch the thought, break the thought, and then we're going to replace the thought."
"We really have to think within this world of pictures in the very way we have learned to think in the ordinary physical world."
"Reading comprehension is the product of decoding and language comprehension."
"Orthographic mapping is a process that happens in your brain. It's what happens when you connect the speech sounds to word letter chains in your brain."
"It's a proven strategy that is made up of three main stages: learning, reinforcing, and remembering."
"When you're about to die, your whole life will flash before your eyes because your brain is trying to find a scenario to help you solve your death."
"The art of thinking actually starts with the art of remembering."
"Infinity is not achieved by addition in the way the left hemisphere tries to achieve something but needs a leap."
"The process of perception is a very important part of independent origination."
"What you know for sure: you are thinking."
"The cognitive stage of skill acquisition is going to require every bit of the student's attention."
"Short-term memory, also known as working memory, refers to the process of holding all the information that you're consciously aware of."
"Reading comprehension is a product of both decoding and linguistic comprehension."
"Building these categories is how we make sense of the world."
"If you're going to correct something that seems to you a self-evidently valid piece of reasoning, you do it by continuing with the same process."
"That adds to the comprehension process."
"Your gut draws on both objective and subjective information."
"The gears are turning in my brain right now."
"Short-term memory is a place where information is stored temporarily."
"It's not just concrete feel do, but it's rather feel do this or feel do that, and the very all in that already brings in a level of thinking which is quite different from a concrete basic emotional instinctual action pattern."
"The heart of reasoning is having the means for algebraically manipulating previously acquired knowledge in order to answer new questions."
"Short term memory is not a place. It's what you're attending to right now."
"Control processing requires short term memory, requires attention, full attention."
"Emotions are an interpretive process for a human being, a cognitive interpretive process."
"Consciousness is not making a decision about what to see, no, mind is."
"The five-second rule helps you manually switch your brain."
"Intelligence is an informational process."