
Mediterranean Diet Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The centenarian diet shares many features with the well-known Mediterranean diet: they are 95% plants, high in fish, very low in red meat, moderately low in dairy and eggs, very low in sugars, and devoid of processed foods."
"Olive oil is life...it's all that I use...it's associated with some of the most healthful diets in the world like the Mediterranean region."
"The Mediterranean diet has managed to magically fuse the best elements of the Paleo Diet with the wonders of agriculture in a beautiful blend of good food and world-leading health."
"The Mediterranean diet is sustainable and effective in reducing cholesterol."
"The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular death by 75%."
"Men who were eating the Mediterranean diet had better sperm count than men who were eating the Western diet."
"Mediterranean eating pattern has consistently shown the best results."
"Feta cheese is synonymous with Mediterranean flavors and has a lot of health-promoting properties."
"Cooking Mediterranean-style at home fuels my body, making me feel and look amazing."
"You don't have to stick Quito all the time I think if you focus on a mediterranean-style diet over the next couple of months you'll enter the new year in a really strong fashion."
"Mediterranean and traditional Asian Foods tend not to be ultra-processed."
"The real Mediterranean diet is swimming in olive oil."
"Just because the Mediterranean diet is better for the brain than the standard American diet doesn't mean it's necessarily the best diet for the brain."
"The Mediterranean diet is probably the most important thing we should be looking at."
"...if you really follow Mediterranean diet, you will save yourself a heart attack."
"So to me that's very Mediterranean and has lots of flexibility for enjoying what you're eating and in a way that sounds very simple but I think for a lot of people listening to this also quite unclear."
"One of the great things about the Mediterranean diet is that because there's so many countries involved they have like base ingredients that are very similar but the recipes there's just so many there's thousands and thousands of really amazing delicious recipes."
"The Mediterranean diet is incredibly well studied... literally thousands of studies about the Mediterranean diet."
"The Mediterranean diet is good for your heart, your brain, your eyes, your kidney, your liver, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis... almost anything you can think of."
"The Mediterranean diet is incredibly well studied, it's delicious, and it's also very good for long-term weight loss."
"The Mediterranean diet is super good for maintenance because most people don't like eat the Mediterranean diet to lose weight and then stop because it's so, again, delicious."
"If you eat the Mediterranean diet, if you adopt it now, you have an 85% lower chance of ever getting diabetes."
"Yes, these are breakfasts in the Mediterranean region but that does not necessarily mean they are according to the traditional Mediterranean diet."
"The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet clearly show that the olive oil is the first thing in the pan and the last thing on the dish."
"You want protein and you want fiber, and you want to do what the Mediterranean's do. So what do the Mediterranean's do? Do they eat ranch dip? What do they eat? They use hummus. Hummus is gonna give you protein and fiber and so many nutrients."
"The Mediterranean diet: It's consistently recognized as one of the more healthful styles of eating by a variety of health organizations and in research studies."
"So, olive oil is the heart and soul of the Mediterranean diet."
"You need to put olive oil in everything."
"I've lost 50 pounds eating the Mediterranean diet."
"We recommend eating a healthy diet rich in fiber and antioxidants, a diet that's low in processed foods like the Mediterranean diet."
"The best study ever of the Mediterranean diet... was successful in lowering their rates of cardiovascular disease."
"We know with olive oil that people have lived on that for thousands of years and hence the Mediterranean diet that was just studied and that we know is a very healthy oil."
"You were 30% less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke if you were on the Mediterranean than on the low-fat diet."
"The Mediterranean diet is solid proof that you can include olive oil in your diet and still reduce your risk of mortality while improving your overall health."
"The Mediterranean diet has been shown over and over again to reduce inflammation, to increase your levels of phytochemicals... and your NF-kappaB pathway is diminished."
"Rome came to favor the Mediterranean diet of grapes and olives and adopted the Greek alphabet."
"The Mediterranean diet is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts."
"The Mediterranean diet is already known as one of the most effective dietary protocols out there."
"The Mediterranean diet is less of a diet and more like an eating and lifestyle pattern."
"Those following the Mediterranean diet were significantly less likely than those in the other group to have a second heart attack."
"Studies suggest that the kinds of oils in the fat included in the Mediterranean diet may protect the heart against potentially fatal disruptions of heart rhythms and other causes of heart attacks."
"The Mediterranean diet... it's heavy on fresh produce, beans, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and fish."
"A high-fat Mediterranean diet with supplemental extra virgin olive oil... found robust improvements in their cardio metabolic risk factors, their cognitive function, their waist size."
"Red wine is the only type of alcohol that's been shown to be good for your microbes."
"With the Mediterranean diet, it's not just the food that you're eating, it's actually the culture where people cook and eat together."
"They found 28 percent less cardiovascular events on the Mediterranean diet than on the lower fat diet."
"When they looked specifically at the participants that stuck the closest to the recommendations, the effect was stronger. 40% less cardiovascular events on the Mediterranean diet."
"A Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil benefited brain function."
"I feel like Mediterranean fruit is just so much better."
"Mediterranean food... it's a lot of Whole Foods, they use good ingredients, a lot of olive oil, healthy fats."
"When it comes down to the bodies of research, there is so much epidemiological and observational data pointing to the Mediterranean diet as one of the better overall diets."
"The highest adherence to Mediterranean style diets led to the least weight increase every year for almost six years."
"A lot of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet from a lifestyle perspective are very similar to how they are with intermittent fasting."
"The Mediterranean style of eating is not necessarily low-fat but the percent of calories from saturated fats is lower."
"Adherence to Mediterranean eating pattern is associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke."
"The Mediterranean diet turned out to be a healthier diet because it was compared to the low-fat diet, which is a failed diet."
"The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be a very anti-inflammatory diet and the reason is because the focus is whole foods."
"The Mediterranean diet works. Decreases heart disease, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases."