
Emotional Needs Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"People who are buying things or eating things or drinking things aren't actually looking for the thing; they're really missing some form of connection."
"It's important that you address your own needs not from a place of bitterness, not from a place of spite, not from a place of jealousy, but from a place of wanting this connection to be strong."
"Men love compliments, and men receive far fewer compliments than women."
"We all have fundamental emotional needs to be seen, to be heard, and to be loved and celebrated for the unique human being that we are. When those needs are met, you feel affirmed, confident, and whole."
"Everyone likes to be cuddled every now and again."
"People need... they feel so unseen... they need something to believe in and to be a part of."
"We have such a hunger for depth and human connection."
"The difference between being desired and being cherished is crucial in relationships."
"To cater to our deep emotional needs, we are forced to divorce social media or create a parallel life."
"The things that I need from you are where money can't buy."
"Dealing with loneliness is not about being busy to avoid feeling lonely. It's about listening to what you really need."
"We all want to be happy, we all want to be loved, we all want to be recognized and acknowledged."
"Men want to feel seen, honored, and connected too."
"If people are working to feel lovable themselves... they may need to feel heard and seen more to actually feel loved."
"Ancient Apocalypse tries to cast doubt on experts and privileges emotional needs over evidence in order to fit a political agenda."
"At the end of the day, you still have a hunger for something that can love you back."
"People are craving more than ever right now is just like, real."
"We all need a little love and support and to feel seen."
"Everyone's eyes are on the baby. It's easy for moms to get overlooked. The emotional needs after birth are so great, it feels like the world is ending."
"The key point is that a daughter’s need for her mother’s love is a primal driving force, and that need doesn't diminish with unavailability—it coexists with the terrible and damaging understanding that the one person who is supposed to love you without condition doesn’t."
"When we talk about trauma, we don't talk enough about this: the tendency in people who didn't get their emotional needs met when they were kids to form profound attachments to the idea of another person and to struggle to tell the difference between that idealized concept of that person and actual relationship."
"It's worth asking the question: What does this person do that makes me feel loved?"
"I just want love and affection. I'm a needy person, I know."
"People want to be appreciated, people want to be accepted, they want to be heard, they want to be loved."
"What does this hurt, defended part of me most need in this moment?"
"Love comes in so many forms; ask yourself where you need more."
"Your attention's all I need, don't let it slip."
"Why are relationships seemingly so hard for so many people when it's the thing we need the most to feel alive, to feel happy, and feel connected? This is the million-dollar question."
"A feeling that humanity values more than just feeling good is feeling seen."
"The feminine energy wants to feel loved... They want to feel cherished."
"There's a sad intersection here where people in general want to be loved."
"People aren't numbers, they're psychologically complex entities with profound emotional needs."
"At the end of the day, we all just want to be loved."
"Safety comes in many different forms, and women want stability but not always safety."
"Love lust or loss for Aries, that is love and thank God because Aries needs that."
"Women get bored just the way they [are], with the emotions they have to have their emotions engaged."
"We crave to feel seen, we want to feel seen, we have not felt seen as children."
"Going for somebody who's unavailable or inappropriate? Very common. It's partly from a sense of need, it's partly from distorted thinking, I call it magical thinking."
"Women are very emotional... we need that connection, that love, that attention."
"What shapes a human being Far and Away the most important thing that a child needs is to be loved protected seen and valued when they are most powerless."
"To love and be loved... that is the need of humanity."
"When I don't feel appreciated in general, it's kind of like what's the point of being in this relationship."
"When your girl tell you she don't feel desired you are doing something wrong."
"As long as they can take care of our emotional needs, which is all we are crying out for, then we'll accept that."
"Everyone wants to be loved, everybody in some former fashion wants to be told I love you by someone who's not a member of their family."
"Those emotional needs weren't being fulfilled, you know. And that's taxing on a relationship."
"All you want is support and to nurture and to be nurtured, or something like that."
"I think most people just want to feel seen, heard, and validated."
"They really need to spill their whole heart out to you Scorpio because those are the words you really need to hear."
"I need to change something here because I know I deserve respect, I know I deserve equality in emotional reciprocation, and I deserve more than this period."
"A woman needs emotional validation, she needs validation that she's still worth loving."
"Most of us want the same things: to be loved, appreciated, and accepted, flaws and all."
"Admiration and appreciation is a very important factor in men feeling loved."
"You want to feel valued mutually, you want to feel appreciated."
"Emotional intimacy is ultimately what this person craves, whether they know how to articulate that or not. This person just wants to be wrapped around you."
"Everything we do is to feel a little less lonely."
"We just crave stability and security, that's the biggest thing."
"This poor guy just wants to be seen... he just wants to be loved by people."
"Sometimes I need less, sometimes I need a bit more love."
"People don't need good advice, they need good news."
"Lack of interest in your life and feelings is a red flag."
"You've got to tap into those emotions because buyers don't buy things they don't need as a necessity unless they're fulfilling some type of emotional need."
"Every good girl needs a little th, every black boy needs a little love."
"All I need is support, you know real love and genuineness around me and just people that can make me feel loved that's the one thing I don't got."
"My love language is acts of service and often I feel like I'm manipulated into thinking that I'm needy, whether it's by myself or by other people when I'm asking for the bare minimum."
"Would it be okay for me to pay someone to hold my hand? Would it be okay for me to pay someone to kiss me?"
"Does he want you? I didn't say does he want to have sex with you, but does he want you? Because there's nothing worse than being with a man that really doesn't want you."
"It's human nature to want to feel seen and understood."
"Everybody wants to be loved and have some kind of validation."
"Your heart matters and you need to feel loved."
"We all really want the same thing, don't we? We want love, passion in our lives, our family to be safe."
"No good comedian is not needy. If we weren't needy, we wouldn't be doing this for a living."
"That was the difference maker... They opened up and said that it didn't fulfill their needs."
"There was just this frustration, this void... people need to be heard."
"All he wanted was to be loved. That's the only thing people don't get."
"Ninety to ninety-two percent of men said it wasn't primarily about the sex which most people generally think it is, right? The majority said it was an emotional disconnection, specifically a sense of feeling under appreciated."
"I want someone to love me just as badly as I want them."
"They want emotional intimacy, physical closeness, they see you as their rock."
"Are you just being intimate just to fill a void?"
"This person doesn't feel loved, respected, or valued by you."
"We just want to be loved, but we'll settle for being liked."
"They feel lost without you, they're needing you, so there's some codependency that they're feeling right now."
"You're clear on what you need for emotional security."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"What mattered was the connection they felt, they established. This was all they really needed."
"I have maybe other people don't haven't need to laugh and to make people laugh."
"Recognizing the child within, nurturing the need to be seen and loved."
"They need to feel safe. They need to know that they're loved."
"Everyone generally needs an emotional connection... everyone wants an emotional connection."
"Sometimes the strongest friends are the ones most in need of help."
"Any relationship is a solution to the feeling that you're unlovable or alone."
"Love prioritizes the other person, but when we're sing, sacrifice becomes a way to fulfill our own emotional needs."
"It's a time for self-reflection and understanding of your emotional needs and how they relate to your sense of self."
"Most men don't want to deal with a deeply attached woman."
"The only way to love in a healthy way... is when your only dependency is on God."
"There is a difference between needing something and loving something."
"The fact that you're always the person initiating can make it seem like she doesn't want you as much as you want her."
"It felt like I was being pampered, like it spoke to my love language."
"You should love me purely because I should be loved."
"Do you know what is the deepest desire of the human heart? We yearn for refuge, protection, and comfort."
"Are these children, are their needs being met? Are their emotional needs being met? Are they being treated like human beings by schools, by their parents?"
"Everybody just wants to be seen, heard, loved, and acknowledged."
"Toxic empathy can evolve into codependence. You need to meet other people's needs to feel personally fulfilled."
"All you ever wanted was for someone to go out of their way for you."
"Don't waste time on people who aren't going to give you what you need."
"I'm feeding my hunger for human contact right now."
"We want someone who loves us 'no matter what'."
"I want security in a relationship. Make me feel secure."
"Most women want to have a relationship, want to be loved and accepted."
"You just want that back, spirit. I just want to be loved for me."
"Everyone is born with a need to feel seen, safe, and secure."
"Both parties must still have a reason to be there, whether it's conscious or subconscious, emotional or practical. Mix and match."
"Weston is on a subconscious mission; His subconscious mission is to be loved and approved of and liked and validated exactly as he is without changing anything."
"Perfectionism is what people settle for when they don't feel loved."
"What human beings want individually is to feel loved by another human being."
"All I wanted was your love, all I wanted was to feel you, all I wanted was support and your care and your truth."
"People are impressed by your strength, my needs matter."
"The main thing that we want that I think that we need is just emotion."
"As the world becomes increasingly uncomfortable, we're all looking for as much comfort as we can get."
"He needs to feel successful, like he can succeed with you, that he can please you, that he can make you happy."
"Do we want men to do for us while also them reading our minds of what we want to be able to do on our own or do we just want them to do all the things that make us feel good?"
"I wish I had more people around me... that could see that side of me."
"I'm at a place in my life right now where I don't want to be tolerated, I want to be accepted."
"You're asking for someone to love you because you are lovable."
"Every sign has what their heart desires, like a Cancer really just wants a home and emotional security."
"If you want to put it simply I probably just wanted the affirmation of the person who I sought the most love from was probably my father."
"There's still that feeling of safety that a woman desires."
"What Charlie Kaufman is getting at is our universal desire to be loved."
"If your woman isn't feeding you, giving you that love, warm feminine tender attention that you guys so massively crave, it's likely because you as a man have fallen short."
"The desire for love and tenderness stays alive in us even when other people leave us."
"They may open up emotionally all right because they don't want to lose you."
"All that any of us need right now is resolution and peace of mind."
"We all just want to be loved, that's literally it. Period. Boom. Done."
"The truth is that they cannot live without you."
"He wants to be the father figure in her life that she's been craving all along."
"Being alone is not worse than being in a relationship that doesn't make you feel seen understood appreciated held and loved."
"Learning each other's love languages is essential to meet each other's emotional needs."
"We're looking for a sense of security and comfort."
"Your soul is craving a sense of closeness... loyalty, honesty, the truth."
"It's like you attract people who need a helping hand, comfort."
"You are my first true love, my perfect angel... I need your understanding, your patience, your respect, and your love."
"If you're feeling unsatisfied uncared for by your life partner it's not appropriate for you to seek that care and compassion from your son."
"In the difficulties of life, people need friends more than they express."
"They want to be closer to you, they want your time, they want your attention."
"Dementia: their emotional needs are still there."
"You want to feel wanted and loved and needed."
"I crave emotional chemistry, not validation or attention."
"Naturally you seek love from another man, you know maybe not in a sexual way, you know what I'm saying, but you seek that in a fatherly way."
"Your wife's greatest desire is to be desired by you."
"Number two people have a very strong need for affection."
"Do you need attention? Yes, I need your attention, affection, tender mercies. I need it all."
"I'm so sick of being told that I should be happy single. I don't want to be. I want to be in love. I want to be sickening to everyone around us."
"Your soul is craving intimacy, emotional needs being met."
"Actually in order to shine I need to do something for the group and then I shine within the group. This is something that has always happened in my life."
"Women want love. Women want to be treated good, cared for, desired."
"Remember, you're not a robot, you're a person with feelings and needs."
"I feel like I need affection and I feel like I need attention."
"Muhammad couldn't have access to the previous books, you know what's insane about this? Even in the Quran, Surah 10:94."
"Wanting attention or needing attention is okay."
"It's uncomfortable for people because people want to feel like other people care about them like oh you know they care about grandma look you know look at this congressperson they care about me."
"Men often don't realize how much women need to hear 'I love you, you're special'."
"Joy feels like an emotion that so many of us need right now."
"If she no longer cares for your needs... she's potentially a cheater."
"Most of us all want the same things: to be loved, appreciated, accepted, and understood."
"People have different ways that they need to be loved and how love needs to be communicated to them."
"Oh my, that's what just a little bit of love, that's all anyone wants."
"She wants you to value her, cherish her, and look at her as something special."
"Every little thing, I want a hug, I want to touch, I want to kiss her."
"A lot of conflicts come from not feeling seen or heard, and when we don't feel seen or heard, we don't feel loved."
"He needs to be loved but he doesn't need to love you back."
"The way we need to be loved is different than the way this person is loving us."
"I want to feel taken care of, I want to feel loved, I want to feel seen and appreciated."
"The importance of keeping a relationship fresh, of understanding that our emotional needs don't necessarily match our erotic needs, and that we need community, etc, etc."
"Children whose emotional needs are treated as important are encouraged to pay attention to their emotions and are either taught or modeled how to manage and express them."
"A relationship requires that partners communicate their changing feelings and needs. It's not optional, it's essential."
"This person is very nurturing, very affectionate, but they don't demand affection from others. They yearn for it, they long for it, they want it in a very specific way."
"We don't grow out of needing comfort."
"We're living in a new society where our emotional needs are no longer suppressed."
"Limerence can kick into people who are in relationships that are presumably good and full and all that, but your emotional needs aren't met, and that leaves you vulnerable to this sort of thing."
"Fulfilling our emotional and psychological needs, it's how others actually value US."
"... if you are with a person that you refuse to meet any of their emotional needs, no matter how spiritual you are, divorce is most likely coming your way."
"Neglect isn't just by you not getting the things that you need when you were younger, like if your emotional needs weren't met, that's also neglect."
"You're not being too needy, you're being sensible."
"Because of the lack of love that I'm getting."
"The world is full of hungry people, hungry for joy, peace, hope, and sometimes even for a reason to want to stay alive."
"Communicating your emotional wants and needs is key to exploring and growing in a connection."
"I needed to feel safe, I needed to be surrounded by good-hearted humans, and I needed company. I did not want to feel lonely."
"Guys want someone who cares about them, who understands them, mental health needs to be brought up more."
"Aries placements need a hug... Your soul is in need of nurturing."
"I hope we get to the place where guys go oh actually actually didn't need the sex I needed to be held."
"Let's normalize being needy and meeting every single one of the Love Languages."
"Joy is a spiritual need not a physical one."
"Jesus is the only one that can meet your deepest needs, but once Jesus has met your deepest needs, there are important needs that you have that you need to be meeting in each other's lives."
"Your emotional needs matter. Your needs, period, they matter."
"Those are all things that I've never seen in a relationship and so when I get it I crave it because I never had it."
"Being attuned to them, being present to them, being able to meet their emotional needs."
"I'm so grateful we never outgrow the need to be loved."
"Emotional wants and needs I had a lot of those and they weren't met and that was exhausting and traumatizing and led me to believe that I was broken and that I wasn't good enough for God."
"God knows that you have emotional needs."
"These are some really good signs, really key signs that your emotional needs are being met."