
Inner Happiness Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Loving-kindness... helps us to develop inner happiness and peace."
"The outer world reflects from the state of being. No person, place, or thing can give you happiness."
"Inner happiness is if you've ever felt it you know it's the best feeling ever just to be content and happy with yourself."
"To enjoy the smallest things in your life, that's what happens when you have that joy, that devotion, that deeper happiness in your life."
"Your happiness should not come from how you look on the outside but how you feel on the inside."
"Happiness from the world outside obscures our inherent bliss within."
"Happiness comes from inside, not external factors."
"Happiness all comes from within; you have to realize you don't need the thousand people around you to prove your happiness."
"Happiness comes from within and how we perceive a situation. We can turn it around, that's the only control that we have because the one thing that is present in all of our worlds that is always present is change."
"Join us on the ultimate quest to find better balance, deeper connection, and true happiness within."
"It brings a serious happiness within my soul."
"Happiness is not going to come from how you look on the outside but how you feel on the inside."
"Only you can heal yourself and create your own happiness."
"Find happiness inside yourself before seeking it outside."
"Happiness comes from within, so if we're always looking outside ourselves for targets and goals, we have to make sure that everything within us is as happy as it can be in that moment."
"Getting surgery isn't worth risking your life, especially when you're happy on the inside."
"Happiness is something that already lives within you, you just have to activate it."
"True satisfaction lies in being happy with themselves."
"Inner happiness is something private to yourself, it is not something that will ever lead to conflict."
"You'll find inner happiness, stability, and emotional well-being."
"I want you to feel good on the inside first because then that comes out in your very being."
"Joy keeps you stable. Joy keeps you bubbling outside from what is bubbling over from within."
"Self-esteem is how happy we are about ourselves on the inside, who we are as a person."
"It is more important to build a life that feels good on the inside rather than one that just looks good from the outside."
"I was able to feel a sense of joy and a sense of inner happiness while nothing was happening with work or kind of romance or things outside of me."
"To have this still inside is much more pleasant than having good news and good things happening out there."
"Being you is what's gonna make you truly on the inside happy."
"You just radiate when you are a nice person, when you are happy from within, and it's not always all about the food, it's so true."
"Happiness always comes from the inside; it is never given by the outside."
"Ultimate happiness is stable because it comes from within; it's an inner happiness that isn't dependent on external factors."
"Happiness comes from within, not without."
"Ask any Buddhist monk who lives in a monastery with no possessions, no fame, what really matters in life, and they'll tell you it's the happiness within."
"I'm feeling good and I'm smiling on the inside."
"True happiness comes from within, comes from following the Lord."
"Happiness is right within us; it is actually the nature of the Atman."
"You are the very source of happiness and consciousness."
"The authentic happiness of a woman never comes from outside of the woman; she must produce that happiness from within herself."
"Love is created within; nobody else can make you happy, it's your thoughts that do that."
"I cultivate a lot of happiness from within, and that always gets me through hard times."
"You have happiness within your soul, independent of circumstance."
"True happiness is found within, in meditation and the love of God."
"The Bliss is right in your body; it's a health in your body. It's anti-cancer in your body; it's your happiness."
"Happiness is inside, these are toys."
"Make sure that happiness is always inside of you."
"Happiness comes from within, it does not come from things."
"Happiness is something that needs to exist regardless of what is going on outside of you."
"You're already happy, you're happy all the way through, there's nothing to aim for for happiness."
"Happiness comes from within, it's not the destination but rather the journey."
"The happiness that you have at the end of the day comes from within."
"I don't need the sun or flowers or fresh air; I light up inside."
"It's about feeling empowered and happy inside."
"The happiness we derive from external experiences, is actually a reflection of the inner happiness."
"The happiness the love is inside always."
"The happiness and joy and love and pleasure that you felt in that relationship wasn't created by this other person; it already existed within you."
"Happiness doesn't come from things or objects, it comes from within."
"Your happiness is inside you, and the universe can provide anything you desire."
"Happiness does not exist in any external object, but only in us, who are the consciousness that experiences happiness."
"Happiness is internal, happiness is a connection with Allah surrounded by loving family and friends."
"I feel happy from the inside out."
"There is something inside each and every single one of you that is the fountain of happiness, of contentment, of peace."
"Happiness comes from within, and it comes from the Divine and it comes from gratitude and living in the present."
"My inner child is so happy right now."
"Finding happiness in your heart first will make you a frequency match to this right here."
"You're going to feel this inner happiness, fulfillment, contentment... this is absolutely brilliant and it's going to bring miraculous energies into your life."
"Happiness comes from within, so that's why the Sun card is in the protagonist energy; it's about perspective."
"Find happiness within yourself before you can really give that to somebody else or search for it within somebody else."
"Happiness comes from within and not dependent on someone else."
"You're finding happiness within you, which is the perfect way to be."
"Happiness and joy and creativity, and spirit comes from within, it doesn't come from what we have or who's in our life or what we have around us, it comes from within."