
Loving-kindness Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Loving-kindness... helps us to develop inner happiness and peace."
"Loving kindness and compassion are among the most positive of all positive emotion."
"Loving kindness derives its strength from the truth of interconnected lives."
"You can have a profound impact on all the different people in your life that aren't even aware that there's an awakening going on by simply embodying Loving-kindness and holding space for them."
"Manage your mind with love and kindness. Change the frequency of energy around your brain and body."
"One of the things from a linguistic point of view is that the word here in Greek is Karis and it means loving kindness."
"If what you hear conforms to the essence and the gist of these teachings, no matter what anybody says, that compassion, loving-kindness, joy, equanimity, they awaken heart, these grow in you through these practices and understandings."
"All I ever did honestly was just loving-kindness. Loving-kindness works on locks and things and machines. It does."
"By cultivating loving kindness within yourself, you contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world."
"The Bible says your loving kindness is greater than life itself."
"May I be well, may my heart be filled with loving kindness, may I be at ease in body and mind, may I be at peace and free."
"God remembers us and his mercy and his loving kindness endures forever."
"Only mercy, only loving kindness will follow us."
"So the real loving-kindness practice is the same as the real mindfulness practice or heartfulness practice: it's how you be moment by moment."
"His mercy endures forever and his loving-kindness is everlasting."
"...the active cultivation of loving kindness a sense of genuine caring for others it's not a feelings not an emotion in Buddhism loving kindness is an aspiration..."
"May I be happy, may I be peaceful, may I be filled with love."
"May all beings be happy, may all beings be peaceful, and may all beings be filled with love."
"I believe my future's gonna be good; that you're gonna be in my future, and that your lovingkindness and goodness will always be present."
"And then another moment of just gratitude for no reason at all, just to feel the sense of gratitude or loving kindness, perhaps a touch of joy and well-being, a dash of equanimity and peace."
"From the heart of God, may every person every being on Earth be blessed with loving kindness."
"May every person every being on Earth be blessed with loving kindness."
"The practice of loving-kindness... requires preparation."
"What is present in the mind that is not loving-kindness, that's the lot to do."
"Loving-kindness... sees the world in a much more unified way."
"Loving-kindness... is full self-acceptance without conditions."
"When you cultivate this loving-kindness, your energy is going to come back."
"The Buddha is probably the first person in history to really describe that unconditional expanse of loving-kindness."
"Loving kindness is the wish for everyone to be happy, for them to experience happiness and to create the causes for happiness to arrive."
"Loving kindness forms one of the first of the four Brahma viharas, also known as the four immeasurables."
"If you did loving-kindness, you can attain Nibbana."
"The practice of loving kindness meditation is extremely powerful and can cause a great surge of unconditional love to rise up in us."
"So no matter what harm people might do to us, the Buddha says we should never react with anger but with thoughts of loving kindness."
"I started teaching loving-kindness meditation."
"The medicine of anger is loving-kindness, loving-kindness part of human nature."
"May I be filled with loving-kindness."
"The antidote to greed is generosity, and the antidote to hatred is loving-kindness."
"Right intention is divided into the intention of renunciation but more importantly the intention of non-harming which is the same as intention of compassion and the intention of non ill-will which is the same as the intention of Metta of loving-kindness."
"Love makes requests, not demands."
"Meta, or loving-kindness, comes from universal conscious awareness; it's unconditioned and spontaneous."
"Cultivating an attitude of patience and tolerance is sometimes called the cultivation of Metta, which is translated as loving-kindness."
"He abides suffusing the entire universe with loving kindness, with a mind grown great, lofty, boundless, and free from enmity and ill will."
"Contemplate this with intense loving kindness and wish them happiness with strong compassion, wish them freedom from suffering."
"When we really contact and start to create more loving kindness, it benefits us and everyone."
"Bringing loving kindness into our lives is like wrapping ourselves and everyone else in a cozy warm blanket of good vibes."
"Loving kindness is a skill and it is sanity itself as well, and you cannot proceed very far without it."
"Loving kindness does this to you; it allows you to transcend these things."
"Radiate it out above, below, all around, unstinted, unmixed with any other feeling. Let it flow."
"Loving-kindness is a form of music. It doesn't have an intellectual content, but the secondary effects of it are that words flow and creativity flows."
"The experience of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity are just so gorgeous."
"The pleasures of loving-kindness, compassion, and so forth are valid and core expressions of the Eightfold Path."
"I will abide pervading one quarter with a heart imbued with loving-kindness."
"My lips will praise you because your loving-kindness is better than life."
"Meditation on loving kindness is a protection against anger and hatred."
"Meta loving kindness, Karuna compassion, Upeka and Mudita sympathetic joy, and equanimity are a large part of our training here."
"Wisdom or insight or understanding especially of interconnectedness brings us to a kind of natural expression of loving kindness."
"That's actually the literal practice of loving kindness."
"Loving-kindness is a feeling and it's one of the most sublime and beautiful feelings."
"He redeems your life from destruction; who crowns thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies."
"Loving-kindness is practical and you abide in your life on this earth in loving kindness."
"Goodwill and profound loving kindness is not negligent about one's own well-being and dignity."
"Loving kindness makes you intelligent in that sense of judgment about what you need and what others need."
"Spread a heart full of equanimity to the whole world, abundant, expansive, limitless, free of enmity and ill-will."
"One of the marks of loving-kindness is peace."
"Great is Your mercy toward me; Your loving kindness toward me."
"We have to develop loving kindness as an antidote to anger."
"The teaching of anata has to be complemented with the positive virtues of loving kindness, compassion, altruistic joy, and impartiality."
"This loving-kindness process will self-confirm; you will know it will confirm itself."
"One's countenance is serene if you have loving kindness."
"Even under those situations, you should have a mind of loving kindness towards them."
"There are 11 benefits from loving-kindness that arise from the emancipation of the heart."
"Loving-kindness relieves the need for relief, it is relief."
"Loving-kindness practice is one of the most important practices that aim to cultivate beneficial mental states."
"Cultivating skillful emotions, the cultivation of loving-kindness, the first of the Brahma Viharas."
"Loving-kindness practice... is the skillful emotion that really comes through the most, it's the most powerful and meaningful and broad."
"Spread a heart full of loving kindness to one direction and to the second and to the third and to the fourth... spread a heart full of loving kindness to the whole world, abundant, expansive, limitless, free of enmity and ill-will."
"Your only protection is loving kindness."
"Loving-kindness meditation focuses on developing Metta or loving kindness towards different people."
"For I am the Lord who exercises loving-kindness, justice, and righteousness on the earth."
"That's loving kindness; you are in the presence of a fierce love."
"Loving-kindness higher than the heavens."
"May all be blessed with love and kindness."
"Loving kindness is unconditional; it extends to all sentient beings without discrimination or reservation."
"Compassion supplies the complement to loving kindness."