
Qualities Quotes

There are 1375 quotes

"My self-worth comes from the things you can't take away. I'm generous, considerate, empathetic... these are things that nobody can take away."
"Great leaders need to have empathy and perspective."
"If you had those four qualities every day in your body and your mind, you're free."
"Joyful energetic body, loving compassionate heart, reflective alert mind, lightness of being."
"Your shadow contains both positive and negative qualities."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience."
"Competitive stamina, Love of the Game, and Basketball IQ are three qualities that make a great basketball player."
"Discipline is the root of all good qualities."
"You have to look for certain qualities and be a good judge of character."
"What would you say are the top three qualities that you had to instill in yourself to reach that level of success?"
"You deserve a relationship that holds this Empress energy, which is nurturing, loving, compassionate, abundant, stable."
"I admire you in a lot of ways. You epitomize a lot of things that I wish I had."
"She cannot take orders upon herself, which is why she becomes a very good leader."
"Wisdom and security, I give that. Devotion and honesty, passion and love."
"Seven key leadership qualities: Vision, courage, integrity, responsibility, excellence, communication, and action."
"Your soulmate will see you as beautiful, passionate, and smart."
"To be a good leader is to be a good listener."
"No family is perfect... but there are healthy families out there that exhibit these qualities."
"It's moving, thought-provoking, scary, emotional."
"Mentality first and foremost, then quality, physicality, pace, skills - you need the full package."
"You become more willful, mindful, conscious, loving, and giving."
"We need a hell of a lot more people like her."
"It's important for you guys to have a list of good qualities of what a good partnership looks like, so that way you can easily spot them."
"She just has all the important qualities that you need in a final girl."
"There's a lot of value to things that aren't necessarily related to being smart."
"People may love you for your muscles and looks, but I love you for your insights."
"Decisiveness is such a big quality that women look for."
"There's very few people that are great that don't know how to serve."
"This person really digs that about you truth revelation solidarity force honour protection and power."
"Courage, skill, honor - qualities you must bring to Star Wars Starfighter."
"It's just an attractive quality in a woman to a man."
"It's not aloof, it's not stubborn, it's very very good, very trainable, very reactive."
"Curiosity, calm, confidence, compassion... these qualities emerge spontaneously when we access the Self."
"I'm limerent for him because he has amazing qualities that I admire, because we vibe and connect effortlessly."
"But it was it's what made this country really good."
"That's the type of friends that you want to have."
"The true test of leadership is not determined by age."
"Be ambitious, be creative, be kind, be patient... if I am those things, I will be better at everything else in my life."
"I pay more attention to like the Vibes because I met a 19 year old that was like on some straight wife material."
"Find a woman that offers more than just looks."
"A woman that possesses a certain type of mind personality characteristics that of a great nurturer that of a great listener."
"Women leaders tend to exhibit strength and empathy."
"You don't need a rich man, you need a generous man."
"By integrating these qualities, by moving towards these qualities, we can grow, we can expand."
"What do you think is it that makes a good pilot? Well, what a good question."
"Humboldt is not the most cunning or clever, but he has heart and spirit, both go a long way in times of need."
"Most intelligent men look for loyalty, fertility, chastity, and maturity in women."
"Physically and then I would also say patience."
"If you're willing to compromise on those things because they have all these other great qualities, then you have to be willing to be a little uncomfortable."
"The kind of woman I want is the kind that's going to be great without me."
"If you find an amazing woman, you're not going to sit there and say, 'Because you have this, I can't.'"
"Good leaders are strong... but also visionaries."
"You're looking at her from a shallow place, so you see her as below average in looks but she has great quality to her."
"Red needs help. Red's got honor, and I respect red a lot."
"Two qualities I think drive the company today: tenaciousness and brilliance."
"One of the most attractive things about a man is a man that understands a woman."
"She has an incredible work ethic that I admire."
"Leaders in the 21st century have two characteristics: they have competence and they have character."
"Compassion is the number one attribute to a gunfighter."
"Progress is never made particularly in a democracy without those qualities."
"Athena proved to be a brave pure just and wise goddess she was considered the favorite daughter of Zeus."
"If you can understand and accept the bad qualities, you can appreciate the good qualities."
"A high value woman is not just about being 'hot'."
"A high value woman embraces her femininity - intuitive, nurturing, creative, and empathetic."
"The public space needs more people of character, integrity, competence, capacity, commitment."
"He was kind of like the best of both worlds."
"One of the things I would say a woman would be blessed to have me is that I'm attentive."
"The perfect mix of eloquence, humor, knowledge, candor, and humility."
"You inspire me every day with your laughter, determination, perfectionism, and boss attitude."
"Newer one definitely wins, but they both got their own charm."
"To me, that's the definition of what a hero is."
"Deliberation is one of the qualities of leadership. It's not just an emotional response."
"I'm a great friend first, I'm caring and thoughtful."
"You must be something more than just a worker bee to have such chivalry."
"Faith that bravery is not just a human quality."
"Confidence, humor, kindness - build yourself."
"Patience, intelligence, and determination make for a powerful combination." - The Shawshank Redemption
"Most people love dogs with their infectious smiles, unconditional love, and protection. It's pretty easy to see why."
"He's just a fantastic character in every way."
"Dak Prescott, aka Dak, basically a born leader."
"The people already love you. You are wise. You are strong. You are compassionate."
"Incredibly pleased to spend time with you, qualities about you they really like."
"The relationships you have with other people, they're more based on qualities and characteristics of a person as opposed to status."
"True femininity is inner qualities and character."
"They embody everything that I was looking for."
"Your leadership qualities have not gone unnoticed."
"Leadership qualities gonna come in very handy."
"His intelligence is one of the coolest things."
"How do you bring the right people into your circle? Look for clarity, maturity, and stability."
"That is what true solidarity and leadership looks like."
"You don't need to be rich to make this right, you need to be a man, you need to be decisive, and you need to be an absolute gentleman."
"I feel like just everything about Ronnie's personality has been kind of like heightened a little like just like really good qualities have like shown through."
"Honest, brilliant, compassionate. So what else do you want?"
"That's the kind of person you want to marry."
"He makes me feel adored, safe, supported, and appreciated. He's witty and smart and hilarious and Incredibly gentle."
"She is such an amazing, sweet, funny, intelligent, and strong little girl."
"She was capable of incredible amounts of work, tenderness, love, compassion."
"A good doctor is about empathy, not just knowledge."
"Every single one of them is flawed in some way, yet the best have enough redeeming qualities that you can easily see past that."
"Men are attracted by a confident woman."
"Men who are good with kids are so attractive."
"This person has very much been reminded of all of your good qualities."
"Peace, love, joy, beauty, happiness, wisdom, goodwill, and understanding are qualities which never grow old or die."
"Whatever you want in a mate, you should already be."
"You want the best leader you could find."
"True leadership is hard to find, and a lot of people don't recognize it when they see it."
"This person has everything that I want, they check every list."
"You have to be sharp, you have to be resilient, you have to be patient."
"Recognize and acknowledge those amazing qualities that perhaps you hadn't appreciated about yourself until now."
"Heroes are not born, they are made through courage, determination, and sacrifice."
"When you're single trying to attract a partner, it's important to project the qualities you desire."
"An adventurer who's quick on their feet is a good one."
"What's important is they understand the system we play, they understand the intent, and they bring their own qualities into it."
"A hero is supposed to be somebody who achieves greatness overcomes odds and has positive qualities, although quite often considered a larger-than-life type character this is certainly not essential."
"Nobody's two-dimensional, everybody has good qualities and bad."
"A man still looking for a woman with a backbone."
"Someone with all these qualities has come along or is coming along."
"You could like not be physically attractive but have qualities that are attractive, like humor."
"He possesses honesty, courage, and integrity."
"For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive."
"Cyclops is a lot of things, but most of all, the one thing Cyclops is, is a damn good leader."
"Your honesty, resilience, and compassion are going to take you very far."
"A good man you can thrive with is safe, stable, calm, competent, reliable, able, thoughtful."
"He's definitely those things, but he's perfect."
"Humility is one of the greatest qualities that we can master right now."
"Recognizing in him the qualities of a true ruler."
"You are someone who is incredibly wise."
"I think excellent, caring, and beautiful, that would be mine."
"He's a great guy, he's well spoken, he seems educated, ambitious."
"They are very ‘steady’ and ‘loyal’ and ‘reliable’."
"He's got conviction, he's got passion."
"She's quiet, she keeps to herself, she's smart, she's educated."
"What do you need to be a leader that people love to follow? You need a heart to care, a passion to inspire, and a willingness to empower."
"It's going to have certain qualities. It's going to be rich, deep, heartfelt, complex, intellectual, moving, and very funny. It's going to be the full storytelling meal."
"Perseverance, innovation, humility, self-sacrifice - these are the traits that define a great leader."
"We want a man who is smart and sensitive and caring."
"They've got the ability, they've got the speed, they've got the looks, and most of all, they've got the heart."
"This relationship is with a kind, generous, masculine, and chivalrous man who has grown alongside me so that we could create a healthy, loving, long-term relationship together."
"What a guy, passionate, eloquent, polite, just a real all-round great guy."
"She's bold, smart, unapologetic, and audacious, which I really love."
"These moms can be fun, brave, encouraging and strong."
"It's what makes the Transformers such a good franchise."
"They are some kind of leader... they have some kind of power."
"They have some qualities that your parents or your loved ones really appreciate in a person."
"It's not easy finding a good sunscreen at the drugstore but I have always been so impressed with this formula because of how well it mattifies the skin and doesn't look too oily or greasy."
"Georgio is everything you want in a good Booster Gold."
"Does this person have a good heart? Do they make me laugh? Are they kind and generous?"
"You're hard-working, you're loyal, you're dedicated, you're kind."
"You are like wifey material and husband material."
"If they are unfortunate enough to lose you, they're not going to be able to replace you because you guys literally have the qualities of the perfect husband or wife."
"He is smart, he is funny, he is entertaining."
"Superman has some qualities that I really appreciate in a superhero, which is that he doesn't use violence as a first form of defense."
"Persistence and determination have always been the most important qualities for success"
"They're both fearless, they're both enormously resourceful."
"Phoenix was smart, disciplined, self-motivated, and highly ambitious."
"You're a triple threat: helpful, kind, smart, good looking, and caring."
"Dwell upon qualities that you wish to develop like courage, sincerity, and persistence."
"Everything about them was on point."
"You possess rare qualities that have always made you easily stand out."
"You're an amazing listener, caring, but you don't enable, you hold accountable."
"Success comes from qualities that elephants have: grit, determination, strength, endurance, perseverance. Yeah, and a bit like the lion, knowing their worth."
"I want you to be fun, warm, energetic, humorous, and helpful."
"They care about ambitious, independent women."
"They're gonna see you as their match, they see that you're a hustler, they see that you're self-sufficient, they see that you're stable, they see that you're their ideal partner."
"Find someone who is kind, courageous, resilient, emotionally stable, and emotionally intelligent."
"You bring this beautiful emotional balance and stability."
"They could be really responsible and devoted."
"With the Hand's responsibilities and symbols covered, only one crucial question remains: what makes a good Hand of the King?"
"You tick off every box that someone could want."
"I love my husband, he is the total package, funny, sweet, smart, and attractive."
"Just think about the qualities we respect in others when we go to a restaurant or a plumber comes to our home: diligence, resolve, determination."
"She's the friend we all want: fun, loyal, adventurous, the perfect balance of lively and chill, and always ready with a compliment no matter how inappropriate."
"I am insightful, you are highly intuitive and creative."
"A good leader is a good follower first."
"He's unbeaten, he's got the size, he shows the skill sets, I mean he passes the eye test."
"You're special because of these qualities and that's why you deserve love. When you're not those qualities, you think you're undeserving of love."
"When you play beside him, it's just different. You know and you see straight away his qualities and what he can offer you."
"Your person thinks of you as kind, free, true, peace, brave, strong, happy, compassionate, and thankful."
"The Mongolian Army proved themselves to be adaptable, resourceful, astute, and disciplined."
"Most people only have one, but you have both of them."
"She just gives me wifey material, she just screams wifey to me."
"He doesn't have many friends, but he has good qualities inside. So he's going to make a lot of friends one day. I know."
"Handsome, athletic, and practical."
"It's a good stress relief, there's a lot of good qualities to it."
"He's got very good Physique in terms of his athleticism, his athletic qualities that you need in a center back. He's strong, he's fast, he's six' five, he's good in jewels, he's good in the air, good at setpiece defending."
"It is not his superpowers that make him a hero."
"...a lot of people see your qualities and wish they could be like you or grow to be like you in some way, inspired by you in some way..."
"He's so sweet... and decent and kind and a really great kisser."
"Being a hero isn't about the powers you have, but the choices you make."
"You are so incredibly graceful, poised, and incredibly compassionate and loving."
"Aside from all of this, he is also an engaging, thoughtful speaker who inspires curiosity in students and peers alike."
"When it comes to your future spouse, your genuine good nature means much more than any seductive quality."
"Know that just because a character is ranked higher than another, it doesn't always mean they're better than everyone below them in every quality."
"What makes you a good friend isn't what you offer though."
"They take every single box in terms of being sustainable, beautifully made, environmentally friendly, classic, chic, sexy, timeless."
"She's a kind-hearted, hardworking girl."
"It's not who a man is but what he is that counts."
"His qualities together with his footballing IQ and leadership has helped Müller become one of the most consistent footballers of our generation."
"If you can approach people embodying those three qualities, it's very hard for you to fail in life."
"Maybe he's looking for a woman who's fun, energetic, who can make him laugh, who is spontaneous and adventurous."