
Human Capabilities Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"If another human being can do it, they're simply giving you evidence of what's possible for all of us."
"Our greatest human power is the ability to choose our thinking, choose our feelings, and choose our actions."
"In a society where mediocrity is too often the standard and too often rewarded, there is intense fascination with men who detest mediocrity, who refuse to define themselves in conventional terms, and who seek to transcend traditionally recognized human capabilities."
"The mixed team did better because it embraced the diversity of human capabilities."
"We can make frightening noises, communicate over a large distance by speech, set fire to things to scare our prey more, and just keep jogging after them till one breaks a leg or literally runs itself to death."
"It's a bit humbling...machines have hacked certain human capabilities where we used to think that it is sacrosanct and only a human being has that potential."
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
"Humans have a very good dynamic range in hearing. The amount of sound that we can hear across loudness and frequency is kind of amazing."
"Pushing the boundaries of human capability, that's always exciting."
"We have this amazing untapped potential within us."
"Can you imagine human beings 30 feet tall? Maybe that explains how the pyramids were built."
"Seemingly average people achieving feats of superhuman strength."
"The possibilities are mind-boggling for our own future."
"Computers can't do plays, computers can't do music, computers can't do a lot of things that we do, so arts is a really viable option."
"Discovering that the human eye can detect a single photon of light."
"We don't need it. We are so much more powerful than AI."
"Mentats are the human computers of the Imperium."
"Ancient humans were far greater at constructing than modern humans could have ever imagined."
"No human in the world I think is clicking 12.8 seconds with just one finger if you are you got a lucky lady in your life."
"When we talk about general artificial intelligence, it's when a machine can learn any task that a human can perform. This does not exist."
"He is at the peak level of human eyesight possible."
"Human beings are incredible our brains are wonderful and we have every right to be in control of what goes into them and how we ingest it and use it."
"We, human beings, are capable regardless of how strong we've been in the past."
"Human reason is the most powerful agency on earth."
"Our ability to reason and problem solve; to plan, predict, evaluate, abstract, or create is the envy of the rest of living creation."
"Your efforts surpass those of the average human."
"You'll be very surprised at what people actually see what you're capable of."
"I have a feeling that in the not so distant future we're going to see AI do many things better than humans ever could."
"We have the perfect camera right here in our heads so we can make a camera that exceeds the specifications the human eye."
"We have the capacity for cognition and logic."
"Grown human being and armor is a pretty heavy object 250 350 pounds is what you're looking at."
"Will humans win or will the AI win? We'll see."
"In the midst of fear, adrenaline can make us do incredible things."
"Turns out humans are really, really good at pattern recognition."
"Dolphins are smart, but they are nowhere near humans."
"Mankind had certain abilities, certain powers, certain ways of being able to manipulate the world that didn't require the scientific technology that we have today."
"We forget how incredible our fingers can be."
"Taking a human being, growing a human being in your body, pushing a human being out of your body, and being able to feed the human being with your body — that's a superpower, man. That is unbelievable."
"Intelligence: Our global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with our environment."
"I genuinely believe I can do [__] anything humanly possible."
"We are all human beings, we are intelligent and we can do things on our own independently."
"Absolutely amazing feat that we as mostly hairless apes on the surface of... were able to do this."
"Look at the power of the human spirit and more than just the spirit, the power of the mind."
"The core of my ethical will is that we've outgrown this planet and we're too powerful and we're not smart enough."
"We have the ability to fly, we have the ability to explore, we have the ability to change."
"We have all of these hidden abilities like almost like the x-men that seem like they're gone in most people."
"It's so crazy to me that we have the ability to do this as humans."
"Nothing is impossible. We are the most infinite, amazing beings."
"Our bodies can do amazing things when you think about the quantum weirdness of the universe."
"I feel like almost anything might be possible within the laws of physics and perhaps even beyond the laws of physics."
"IQ is like your Pokemon stats for a human being."
"These people are real-life freaking ninjas, doing stuff I didn't know was even humanly possible."
"Magic is a natural human capacity, like speech and more specifically like music."
"Humans have fine tactile motor skills compared to other animals."
"Humans can do things that robots can never do, that's just a fact."
"There's so much more information that the human brain can gather."
"What is it you can do that GPT can't easily do?"
"This list will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about human potential."
"Your senses are kind of crazy. Your eyes can detect nuclear fusion happening trillions of miles away."
"Fixies aren't ones to believe in magic, but we do believe in what humans can do."
"She still couldn't believe that a human could rival a dragon."
"Humanity is incredible at adapting... technologies will be released to help humanity."
"Built by hunter-gatherer societies, it challenges our understanding of early human capabilities."
"We can be precise, we can be powerful, we can be gentle, we can be loving, we can be aggressive, we can be compassionate, we can be poetic, all with our hands."
"Humans, by all rights, deserve their title as apex predators."
"Humans excel in strategy games. They can play major battles from the last 50 years up to 5 years in every possible position of the battle."
"The ability to run at long distances is what distinguishes us from all other species."
"AI simply doesn't have the capacity to synthesize everything from research to data to having empathy for the user to the level of discernment that humans can."
"Humans have the capacity to learn a language... humans have a kind of internal natural propensity to learn language that is really unparalleled in other beings and other animals."
"Despite its inherent risks, base jumping attracts thrill-seekers who are willing to push the boundaries of human capabilities."
"Humans may have had astonishing senses of direction, like Polynesian navigators."
"Few would doubt that machines will eventually take on and even outdo many of the capabilities that we currently think of as uniquely human. The question is when."
"This is awesome. This is imposs-- no one knew humans could do this."
"You have brains way more sophisticated than anything we have yet."
"It's amazing what the human body can do."
"I think what's more relevant at this point is just measuring the abilities of the model and seeing how far they are from humans, and they don't seem terribly far to me."
"Every technological advance subtracts from our own capabilities."
"I'm always in favor of technology tools to augment humans' capabilities."
"The phenomenon of hysterical strength points us to something fascinating about humans."
"It's incredible what we can do with our body, the fact that we can hold our breath for 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 minutes."
"Given the right inputs, our brains can do some pretty amazing things."
"Humans are amazing; we can do a lot of things at once."
"We have become so conditioned by the 'crutch of print' that we have almost forgotten what the human memory is capable of."
"But there's a whole complicated set of reasons why we jump higher."
"We are sophisticated enough now to track other than the five senses."
"Man has been equipped by life with everything necessary to protect him on this dangerous journey which we call existence."
"This suggests we might still have much to discover about our own capabilities as humans."
"The purpose of technology is to augment human capabilities."
"Flying is pretty cool. It is something that you're not supposed to be able to do as a human being."
"In order for a human to fly with wings, the wingspan would have to be significantly bigger."
"Our toolboxes come equipped with an intuitive physics and intuitive psychology, a sense of space, rudimentary language skills, spatial and number sense."
"Conan has unusual strength, agility, and speed for a human being."
"Humans are the only species shown to be truly capable of being self-legislative and also having the ability to confront choices purely on the basis of morality."
"We are really stepping into a whole new consciousness around human capabilities."