
Sweden Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Sweden's amazing. It's incredible. The people are beautiful. They've got no trash, their fish even tastes like candy, like nothing bad ever happens there."
"Sweden ranked as the sixth happiest country in the world."
"People, including women, can comfortably walk the streets at night in the country."
"In Sweden, if you live there and have a child, you can get 480 days of paid parental leave as a couple."
"Finland and Sweden, NATO's newest members, look poised to play a central role in European deterrence measures."
"Sweden has a world-class air force, a world-class submarine fleet, highly advanced anti-tank missiles, perhaps the best anti-ship missiles in the world."
"Sweden has developed capabilities that will ensure its national security for the foreseeable future."
"Sweden has become less generous in recent years; it's not quite the utopia that Bernie Sanders or Paul Krugman imagines."
"Sweden's ascension makes NATO stronger, Sweden safer, and the whole alliance more secure."
"Sweden is the most forward-thinking country in the world when it comes to questioning gender."
"If you look at examples in Sweden and Denmark, they have been lowering or cutting property taxes."
"We've got to learn how to open this up, and the best model here really ex post is the Sweden model."
"Sweden has maintained neutrality in European Wars for centuries."
"Sweden is more forested and has more farmland."
"Sweden generally has faster internet speeds."
"One of my favorite stores…actually the largest furniture store in the world, IKEA, started in Sweden."
"Sweden has announced a $133 million winter Aid package for Ukraine."
"Stockholm, often referred to as the Venice of the North."
"Leo's doppelganger hails all the way from Sweden."
"An 8-year-old girl found a 1,500-year-old sword in a lake in Sweden during a drought."
"Sweden cleverly positioned itself as a neutral entity."
"Tensions between Russia and Sweden have eased considerably."
"Sweden is one of the world's most well-connected countries."
"Sweden confirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament."
"The dirty little secret of the Swedish model is that we don't squeeze the rich we squeeze the poor."
"Sweden may be the smartest of all... Sweden may have beat this thing."
"It looks like Sweden may have beat this thing." - It may look like it's over in Sweden.
"Sweden had approximately 12,000 troops during the war of liberation, against 27,000, yet ended up winning with less than 4,000 casualties."
"During World War II, Sweden had approximately 300,000 troops, with their numbers peaking at 795 tanks and heavy armored vehicles."
"Sweden had the third largest air force in the world during World War II."
"Sweden has its own version of the Leopard 2 tanks, known as the Strv 121 and the 122."
"Little Sweden, with their own defense industry, they really punch above their weight."
"Sweden's coronavirus death toll is approaching zero."
"Sweden serves as a good reflection of all the Scandinavian countries."
"Sweden recycles 99% of the trash it produces."
"Sweden became the first country to explicitly ban spanking, sparking contentious debate about parental rights versus state responsibilities."
"Sweden didn't do a full lockdown and right now the capital Stockholm is expected to reach herd immunity in a few weeks."
"The Sun had set on Sweden's time as a great power."
"Sweden did this, made the same mistake. If they had just protected their nursing homes, their death rate would have been vastly lower."
"Let's go Sweden! Absolutely, let's go Sweden."
"Because it's like I mean in Sweden like and and do you just do you um I mean not only they probably have better leadership."
"Giant moose rescued from a swing entanglement in Sweden."
"So far around 3,000 people in Sweden as a microchip in theory you could use the microchip implant to replace a lot of stuff."
"Sweden is a great country, it's small but it's very sharp."
"Bernadotte’s legacy would prove the most lasting of any of Napoleon’s Marshals: the royal house of Bernadotte sits on the Swedish throne to this day."
"Sweden explores issuing a central bank digital currency amidst declining cash usage."
"We chose the most secure, the most powerful, most security country in the world, which is Sweden."
"We're now seeing whole countries go cashless... Sweden is already 99 percent cashless."
"Cheers from Sweden, where we just celebrated mid-summer last night. The sun didn't set at all."
"The most important lesson is to be learned from countries like Sweden that followed a much more moderate path."
"I've just bought myself a little slice of Sweden, or dare I say, a big slice of Sweden, a Torslander!"
"Eurovision is massive where I'm from in Sweden. How cool would that be, just sit here in front of the Opera House on the steps watching an actual concert?"
"The Swedish monarchy: a blend of modernity and tradition."
"After helping to defeat his old Ally Napoleon, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte was crowned King Charles XIV John of Sweden in 1818."
"Sweden is known for having a ton of inventions and discoveries such as nicotine gum, the pacemaker, the three-point seat belt, GPS, the ultrasound, dynamite, and the Celsius temperature scale."
"In Sweden at Upsala University, every evening at 10 p.m. it's a tradition for Swedish students to open their windows and start screaming."
"Sweden's military assets combined with those of the Navy, the Air Force, and the entire NATO would suggest that Sweden could soon be a world power that not even Russia would want to mess with."
"Sweden brought child mortality down by a factor of a hundred."
"The system is sometimes referred to as the tibana or tunnelbana which means tunnel rail in Swedish."
"I would move to Sweden for the chocolate."
"I wanted to be in Sweden in the deepest, darkest, coldest winter."
"The country of Sweden was literally built for being mobile without needing a car."
"Swedes take their coffee very seriously over here."
"The holy grail of Swedish foods: the Swedish meatball."
"Swedish recycling is so efficient that they ran out of trash."
"In 1967, Sweden was the first country in the world to establish an environmental protection agency."
"Sweden became the first country in the world to ban the smacking of children."
"The world's first ice hotel was built in the 1980s."
"Sweden has managed to accrue seven Nobel prizes for Literature."
"The world's largest scale model of the solar system can be found in Sweden."
"Possibly Sweden's most celebrated scientist is Carl Linnaeus, who was born in the countryside of a small island in southern Sweden in 1707."
"Sweden's northernmost town is Karuna and is located well within the Arctic Circle."
"The Swedish people just know about their pastries."
"Sweden has led the way in terms of making or keeping people healthy."
"The site of ecotorp in Orland Sweden has been of enormous importance at two different points in Swedish history."
"Sweden enjoys a remarkable sense of Tranquility across its expansive geography."
"Sweden's ability to steer clear of global catastrophes like World War I and World War II has allowed it to quietly progress."
"Life in Sweden offers a unique blend of Tranquility, natural beauty, and cultural richness."
"Despite economic challenges and high living costs, immigrants find themselves drawn to Sweden's inclusive society and opportunities for personal and professional growth."
"Sweden loves their quiet luxury... encourages healthy activities."
"Welcome to Sweden, home of IKEA, ABBA, and the works of Ingmar Bergman. But it's also home to something even more delicious: Pommac. This is a unique Swedish soda that you can't find anywhere else, which is a shame because it's basically alcohol without the alcohol."
"Full time, we have a champion. It's Sweden, and everyone's on the field. Unbelievable!"
"Sweden holds a groundbreaking claim in the realm of human rights."
"Raoul Wallenberg served as Sweden's special envoy in Budapest between July and December 1944. In this position, Wallenberg issued protective passports and sheltered Jews in buildings designated as Swedish territory."
"There is evidence to suggest that people have been living in what's now known as Sweden since as early as 12,000 BC."
"They're listed by the Swedish government as a far-left extremist organization. But the head of their organization is an imam who's been kicked out by the government for his extremism, leading labor politicians."
"Sweden has 10 million inhabitants."
"Helsingor: the crown jewel bridging Denmark and Sweden."
"Sweden's political and economic success has been credited to a blending of socialism and capitalism."
"We are eating so well here in Sweden"
"Sweden has few people and much tranquility."
"The rise of health and wellness and how important it is to Stockholm and to people in Sweden is really amazing."
"I discovered we had a society in Sweden and that was like Christmas Eve for me."
"Sweden... just has a select few parks that have built up some truly spectacular roller coaster collections."
"Fact: Sweden has the highest number of McDonald's restaurants per capita. Simmer on that one, Dubai."
"The around the orison pass is amazing if you can get one at a tourist um Visitor Center then definitely do it if you want to go to Sweden I think it's the best value way to make the trip and uh yeah Sweden is cool."
"For Swedes, their coffee and pastry break is a ritual embraced with all the vigor of a constitutional right."
"This summer's been so beautiful here in Sweden."
"I think fika is one of my favorite parts about Sweden."
"Sweden is a country with a lot of light, okay, and it's also a country with a lot of darkness."
"For a couple of weeks, the sun never rises above the horizon, which means that there is no sunlight for about a month, and that is called the polar night."
"It's quite a historic institution, I believe, in Sweden."
"A lot of places in Sweden do not take cash."
"In 1907, Volvo Penta was started in Gothenburg, Sweden."
"Welcome to Sweden, this is magical and probably, in my mind at least, one of the best perch fishing venues in the world."
"The Kungsleden is one of the most well-known trails in Sweden."
"Sweden is home to one of the highest standards of living in the world."
"Sweden boasts the third lowest income Gini figure in the developed world, only falling behind Iceland and Finland."
"Sweden has a disproportionately high rate of business ownership as compared with other developed nations."
"Sweden seems to have a majestic regal presence, very good musicians."
"I love Sweden taking care of their people."
"Sweden does have better treatment for prisoners, better prison systems, and I like that y'all focus more on rehabilitation."
"The concept of fika, meaning a coffee break or light meal, originated in which country?... The answer is Sweden."
"Who knew that Saskatchewan was bigger than the entire country of Sweden?"
"Their rides are 100% designed, engineered, and developed in Sweden."
"Sweden is so proud of the fact that its natural lands are accessible to everyone."
"I moved to Sweden back in 2020 to play hockey, and in the last two years that I've been here, I've absolutely had my eyes open to Swedish culture, how Swedes lived their lives, their values."
"You can't get more Swedish than Ikea, Volvo."
"The best thing about Sweden for me is probably the food."
"Sweden, for decades, people have been coming here to try to learn the secrets of this country's multiple success stories."
"Sweden is a lodestar in a polarized world, people come here looking for confirmation of their existing worldview."
"Good job Sweden, so proud of you."
"Welcome to Stockholm, I am so excited to be here in Sweden."
"Every year, Sweden recovers on average about four millimeters of land from the sea."
"Sweden and Switzerland are different places, and everybody, we have a running joke that people think they're the same place."
"Sweden waives mechanical inspections altogether, don't even need to do it, which is fantastic."
"The rock carvings of Tanum are among Sweden's most ancient and historically significant monuments."
"Sweden's economy is booming. Swedish industries like Skype, Spotify, Minecraft, the tech industry is doing extremely well."
"Leaving Sweden had been a matter of necessity, not choice."
"Moose, bird, or sledge, we take a look at how hunting dogs are worked in Sweden."
"Critical thinking is a big part of the curriculum in Sweden."
"Sweden is like an even better nice place where everyone is just more on average considerate and thoughtful."
"What percentage of Swedes speak English? 80 percent."
"Merry Christmas wishes from Sweden."
"Buckle up and prepare a journey through the heart of Scandinavia as we unravel astonishing facts about Sweden."
"Sweden has the most islands in the world."
"Sweden is home to the famous Ice Hotel."
"Sweden offers some of the most generous paternity leave in the world."
"Sweden was the first European country to establish a national park."
"Believe it or not, this place is the biggest exporter of pop music per capita of any country on the planet."
"I would love to live in Sweden one day."
"I have been to Sweden, and I absolutely loved it. It was not that far of a drive for us from Denmark."
"Sweden is really known for their work-life balance."
"Sweden, this is good, oh yeah, that's really really good."
"Summer in Sweden, so lovely. Midnight Sun, I love it."
"It is believed that by 1850, Sweden was the most literate country in Europe, with only about one in ten adults unable to read and write."
"Sweden abolished the death penalty in 1921."
"The war now ended on 9 May 1945 with Sweden intact as an independent and neutral state. The battle for independence against Hitler was now ended. The struggle to resist the Soviet Union would continue for some time."
"One of the most famous inscriptions in short twig is Sweden's Rök Stone."
"It kind of epitomizes everything I thought Sweden would be."
"Sweden's actually one of the most environmentally friendly countries."
"Happy New Year wishes from Sweden, one of the most beautiful countries in the world."
"Good morning from Stockholm, Sweden."
"In Sweden, Fika is a huge tradition."
"Welcome to Sweden, it was a beautiful day this morning, now there's ice coming from the sky."
"Here in Sweden we get free lunch every day in school."
"The Swedish move breaks the unanimity of the West in refusing to join the world on this issue."
"Hello friends, here I am in Sweden."
"Muscovy has gotten a personal Union on Sweden."
"Happy holidays from Sweden. My vacation started on the 23rd, hey that's cool."
"In Sweden we call them smultron and I used to forage these in the woods behind my grandparents' house."
"Lots more cool stuff coming from these videos very very soon on my trip here to Sweden and Finland."
"How many countries does Sweden share a land border with? It is two: Norway and Finland."
"This week we take an icy plunge in one of Sweden's most incredible underground caves."
"Sweden is the best globally; they preserve freedom."
"History will likely vindicate Sweden."
"Here in Sweden, we get free lunch every day."
"When you graduate in Sweden, it's a pretty big thing."
"One more very nice detail is this small Swedish flag."
"Best greetings for all of you from Sweden."
"That's not usual in Sweden. I assume we will get like two weeks of rain now because of this displeasure that we have of the two days of sun."
"Sweden continued to build some of the world's most impressive coastal defense craft."
"Welcome to our video about the top things to do in Sweden, from stunning natural landscapes to vibrant cities filled with history and culture."
"Frederick Nilsson, a Swedish sea captain, had adopted Baptist views and began his evangelistic efforts toward the people of Sweden."
"Sweden, thanks for showing us exactly what that kind of collaboration looks like."
"It's for good reason that the Swedish outfit is hotter than ever these days."
"Let's tell each other where we're from; I'm living in Sweden, the capital called Stockholm."
"The first recorded document describing the flag dates back to 1562 with a royal warrant describing it and its colors."
"The three crowns image has been a symbol of Sweden for centuries."
"Sweden, a nation of almost 10.5 million people, is full of unique traditions."
"The air in Sweden is so clear, you can actually smell the fresh air."
"I love Sweden; Sweden's one of my favorite countries."
"For the lynxes in Sweden at least, it's all good news."
"It's absolutely fantastic tap water in Sweden."
"Welcome to Sweden, the land of inner peace and harmony."
"A very good afternoon from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and the start of a new trip."
"Maybe a little tour of Sweden is in order."
"Why has everyone been hiding Stockholm from me? Why has everyone been hiding Sweden from me?"
"I'm excited to see what Sweden has in store for me."
"I'm Eastern Norway, on the east side of Norway, touching Sweden, the country."
"This is the Kingdom of Sweden, we're the 21 counties and our geographical Eden."
"I'm the country of Sweden, the northern European country, my capital is Stockholm, by is what we'd like to see."
"We are having good fun here in Sweden, and this fabulous place."
"Sweden's not a bad place, makes a great vacation destination."
"The picturesque landscape of Central and Northern Sweden are situated on the plateau laced by lakes and rocks."
"The construction of the Uppsala castle was ordered by Gustaf Vasa."
"Sweden's climate is not as harsh as you might think."
"And that is Rally Sweden done, my first time here in Sweden and it's been absolutely an amazing experience."
"Step into the captivating realm of yemplanth, a Hidden Gem in the heart of Sweden where nature's Splendor and cultural heritage intertwine."
"Welcome to Sweden, guys, so more videos coming, and let me know what you wish to see from Sweden while I'm here."