
Emotional Maturity Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Acting in a certain way makes you become a person, and then you can decide whether you want to still be that person after you become more emotionally mature."
"Your soulmate is going to be very emotionally mature, never going to take advantage of your kindness or your people-pleasing."
"A sign of a mature person, emotionally mature, is being able to say, 'Now is the happiest time of my life, here is the happiest place of my life, and happiness is located within myself.'"
"Learning how to really be emotionally mature with your emotions and learning how to respond to your emotions as opposed to react."
"A true emotional grown-up, a true grower and builder, he has the capacity to be vulnerable, authentic, and transparent."
"Learning the difference between emotional immaturity and emotional maturity is going from criticizing and gossiping about others to being extremely conscious about how you speak about other people because you never know what they're going through."
"You're developing even more emotional maturity, and you're growing and evolving."
"Emotionlessness is not the masculinity we should be aspiring towards; emotional maturity is."
"Understanding how you feel and can read that into other people is a sign of emotional maturity."
"Financial riches can create relational poverty if there is not the emotional maturity to help us to steward with understanding what we've been given."
"Emotional maturity at a young age can be a key indicator of long-term success."
"An entire book could be written about this subject, but we can boil it down to one powerful truth: an emotionally mature person knows that their partner is not responsible for making them feel happy, attractive, secure, or lovable."
"Mature people express their emotions in the right place, at the right time, in the right way."
"You're attracting a new relationship, a new happy ending, and a happily ever after with someone who is patient, kind, and emotionally mature."
"Having emotional maturity is probably one of the biggest flexes you can have."
"And whatever your IQ, the path to a satisfying adulthood is the same: develop emotional maturity, face the past, and learn to appreciate a life that's far from perfect."
"We're past that. There has to be love now instead of war."
"Love doesn't solve relationship woes. What solves relationship issues is emotional maturity and alignment."
"This isn't about a screaming match and a showdown, this is about you having a compassionate understanding about where one generation came from but giving yourself the freedom to move into a different direction."
"Emotionally immature people insist on having the last word."
"Teenagers don't behave this way. They don't have the emotional maturity and empathy of 12-year-olds."
"Break up with people because you don't see a future, not to use the breakup as a grand gesture."
"Intellectually dishonest... trying to take the minority relationships and say all women are not more emotionally mature than men."
"They feel like you're being emotionally mature."
"Just be willing and ready to accept apologies that you've never gotten."
"This is someone that's very emotionally mature, and they're not going to try to beg you or force you to be with them."
"A grown woman is focused on healing, not weaponizing her pain."
"Emotional maturity over physical attractiveness."
"The essence of the distinction between a child and an adult is the ability and the expectation to decide when and where and in what context to show certain emotions."
"Their reconnection feels earned on both sides... their chemistry and grown-up conversation about their feelings, flaws, and needs."
"Just because you give me hate doesn't mean I gotta give your hate back."
"It is beneath my dignity as a human being to indulge in adult temper tantrums."
"No one's called me a butthead since about the ninth grade."
"Bless them, bless your exes, bless your adversaries, bless everyone."
"Teaching you how to vet for emotional maturity, that's my area of expertise."
"I'm seeking an emotionally mature person, so what do I do? I use the techniques I teach in my coaching practice on how to vet for emotional maturity."
"Attracting stable, mature love into your life."
"Let's treat each other like independent adults who don't need to have strangers curate their [ __ ] feelings."
"Many people are also very neurotic, repressed, and lack any degree of emotional maturity."
"Some people are just meant for that time in your life, and you guys can move on maturely and still have love for that person."
"Playing in the face of adversity is an indicator of emotional maturity, having this mindset encourages fun and buffers against pessimism."
"I want to see what kind of books a person reads. That's a great way to get a sense of their emotional maturity."
"The more he accepts those parts of himself, the more grown up he feels."
"Stepping away from passive aggression and hyper-emotion helped me step into maturity and improve my relationships."
"I think it takes a lot of emotional and mental maturity to be able to not confront somebody in the heat of the moment."
"You're not gonna settle for someone that's unbalanced or emotionally immature."
"Learning to stand up for ourselves and learning to feel and learning to set a boundary is all part of the adult process."
"I realize that I don't take things as personally as I used to. If someone doesn't like me, it's really not a reflection of something inherently wrong with my being as a whole."
"Holding grudges is stupid, sorry, that's baby stuff."
"Real men don't base their feelings off of boyish behavior, real men act like real men."
"We really have grown so much... we really have grown so much."
"I don't have bad blood with anyone that I've ever dated."
"I feel like you're moving towards someone who's emotionally mature."
"Sometimes it is the right person, wrong time, so you gotta let them go with love."
"Mentally and emotionally you're more mature and evolved than the conflict you're dealing with."
"Emotional immaturity is the inability to be with, process, navigate, regulate our emotions."
"They're emotionally mature... they're going to try to be emotionally understanding."
"Who does this kind of thing? Well, the person that does this kind of thing is emotionally underdeveloped."
"Real men, real adults can have these conversations without acting like [] children and getting on to their [] feelings because that's the way we move forward as brown and black men."
"It takes someone of real emotional development and character to acknowledge what you don't know and to ask for help."
"I'd much rather be single and create my own happiness than be with somebody who is emotionally immature emotionally unavailable."
"Put your petty differences aside. My love is unconditional."
"Everybody can't handle a relationship because everybody is not mentally, physically, and emotionally ready for a relationship."
"If he just hurt your feelings or broke your heart, that's not an excuse to harass them."
"Accept emotional depth, release fear of commitment."
"Just because a person has a different opinion or set of values doesn't mean I should get mad or hate them or even offended by anything they think or say."
"Emotional maturity is giving someone what they need, even if that's counter to what you want."
"You're responding differently to situations that have challenged you in the past. You're maturing in some way."
"It's not an adult or healthy way to get these needs met."
"Jealousy can't exist in the same space as maturity."
"The leaders of our world are essentially angry, fearful, 5-year olds with Nuclear Weapons!"
"This person is in love with you, but unfortunately, they don't have the maturity or the independence level or the communication level to really express that to you."
"Men take women for granted because they're not as emotionally mature."
"I think insecurities are just part of that portion of life."
"I think he's lacking in emotional maturity, basically like a teenager."
"I don't forgive people 'cause I'm weak. I forgive them 'cause I'm strong enough to know people make mistakes."
"Sometimes when somebody's being nasty over here in the corner, the best to do is to not react at all and just walk through."
"They look at you as someone that's very emotionally mature, you know, a good mom or a good dad."
"Love is not a feeling. Love is a responsibility."
"I've emotionally matured to the point where I know what I am and am not willing to accept."
"It's not that he no longer gets angry, it's that he is in charge of his nafs, not the other way around."
"It takes someone with maturity to say I [ __ ] up, I mistreated this, I mistreated us. I saw it as one thing and now I screwed up. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I wanted to put it out there."
"So, if we want to be able to speak freely, we have to stop being so sensitive and emotional as men. That's number one. Number two, we're gonna have to start having healthy dialogue that we're not so showboaty."
"A passionate new beginning coming in, emotionally mature and emotionally available for you."
"Make sure y'all emotional maturity at us all right."
"Most people are not emotionally mature. They don't have the capacity in them to just see something they don't agree with and just move about their day."
"They're done with denying their feelings; they're older and wiser."
"You're very emotionally mature and very resilient, so not much can really affect you."
"The guys who are emotionally mature press forward, and the guys who are not usually fade away."
"You're emotionally mature and know how to be tough when you need to, but also caring and sweet."
"If I could reach that level of emotional maturity that you have, that's where I want to be."
"You appreciate that; you appreciate that it doesn't make you feel anxious. You don't feel nervous; you feel like, 'Okay, this person has healthy boundaries; this person seems very emotionally mature. There are no red flags being raised in this situation.'"
"Your level of emotional maturity only has to do with the skills you were taught usually at a younger age, the skills you were taught to be able to manage your emotions, to be able to understand your emotions, to be able to work with and through big emotions when they came up."
"Another sign of emotional maturity is learning how to ask for what you want or what you need in a clean, clear, and classy way."
"Shutting down or giving the silent treatment in the face of conflict is a sign of emotional immaturity."
"It's like they become immune to the manipulations and the maneuvers of the emotionally immature person."
"Their core energy is the Queen of Cups, someone who is emotionally mature and nurturing."
"It's about you being emotionally mature, emotionally stable, grounding yourself, grounding your energy, working on healing."
"Setting boundaries with emotionally immature people."
"You cannot be spiritually mature if you remain emotionally immature."
"Your person sees you as emotionally mature and emotionally intelligent."
"When you marry a man who is not emotionally mature, you become mentally deranged."
"Becoming more emotionally mature."
"They wish that they were more emotionally mature with this King of Cups as well, too."
"I think the more emotionally mature you are and the more emotionally developed you are you're going to attract that as well."
"The way a man leaves reveals his integrity, intentions, and emotional maturity."
"This person is trying to work on their emotional maturity, vulnerability, allowing themselves to be open."
"heartbreak or being broken up with it's awful but I think an important Growing Experience"
"They're very emotionally immature, you're a lot more evolved and self-aware than someone that's coming through here."
"If your parents didn't do that, that just means that your parents were emotionally immature."
"He's emotionally immature and is trying to push the guilt of him cheating onto her."
"What pissed me off then does not piss me off now."
"If you're gonna get attached at the first kiss then maybe you should wait for someone who you feel is special."
"If he cannot control his impulsivity, if he's always ready to cut up, yell, fight, shut down at the first sign of discomfort, that man is emotionally immature."
"If he matches your energy in times where you get emotionally heightened, that man is emotionally immature."
"Not reacting is emotional maturity."
"The emotional maturity of the X-Men is mighty impressive."
"I'm ready to find love because, um, at that age I have healed and I feel like I am emotionally mature now to find love."
"If I cheated, then we broke up, and then you had sex with someone else, how can I be upset?"
"Life was what it was. Getting angry at his father wouldn't change anything. He was a slime ball. But wasting his anger on him would only make Eli a bitter person."
"I think everybody's different like I still have stuff from my long ago ex but it's just like now like instead of having hatred or like anger or guilt or shame it's like you know what this is a good memory."
"It's more of not like getting rid of it as in like a hatred feeling but just more of like a not you don't need to be reminded you know that's how I feel 100% for sure."
"You don't have to get angry about the fact that somebody isn't a good person; you can just let them go."
"The No Contact Rule is not only a mature response... but it also is very strategic."
"Women are emotionally intelligent, but they're in their feels. So the biggest, easiest place where your daughter's going to go wrong is when her feelings make her decisions for her."
"It bums me out, but at the same time, I've got to a stage in my life where it doesn't completely destroy me anymore. I'm just like whatever."
"You don't feel like your age. You may be 40, but you feel that your emotional age is about 10."
"If you're going to have healthy communication, you've got to learn to live a life where you are unoffendable."
"The emotional maturity that allows you to delay pleasure is a real indicator of Building Wealth. No discipline seems Pleasant at the time but it yields a harvest of righteousness."
"Sometimes you just gotta be more mature than how you feel."
"We need mind renewal so that we're not like the three-year-old having a hissy fit over an ice cream cone."
"An emotionally mature person is approachable, able to talk with people and not at them."
"I just want to be a better man. It's hard when you don't communicate. But crying about it and acting up in front of people ain't cute."
"Emotional maturity is the ability to remain in self-government."
"The older you get, you realize love isn't enough. Just love isn't enough."
"It's not that I'd stopped trying, it's just how relationships progress; they start with infatuation but over time mellow into something more comfortable."
"Emotionally mature Christians understand that flexibility means you're able to adapt."
"Forgiveness... there's a lot of power and maturity in forgiveness."
"It opened me up to being vulnerable, being more emotionally mature."
"They work best with a partner who is absolutely emotionally mature and expressive and supportive, but also a personality that is practical and grounded."
"One of the ways you know you're maturing is when you can separate your feelings from facts."
"Being emotionally mature isn't dependent on friends."
"Don't take rejection personally, don't get butt hurt about it, and don't feel like it's the end of the world."
"My major attraction was the fact that you loved the Lord, and then I liked that you're also very emotionally mature."
"The level of a person's emotional maturity is absolutely related to these four areas of emotional well-being."
"Character and emotional maturity are the foundational pieces of all romantic relationships."
"I don't like holding grudges against people or being mad at people over time like that."
"I have a level of emotional maturity a lot of people don't."
"Emotionally mature people make you feel seen and safe."
"You are an adult; your emotional validation should come from actual accomplishments, and you should be able to handle criticism."
"It takes a certain level of emotional maturity to recognize that's part of who we are."
"I think a toxic man would be someone that lacks emotional maturity."
"All enlightenment traditions teach the importance of ethical living and responsible living and growing to emotional maturity."
"This is someone who is receptive to love, they're open to giving and receiving love, very compassionate, very emotionally mature."
"You're emotionally mature, balanced, and open to giving and receiving love."
"If you're normal, you're also emotionally mature, emotionally stable, and have a sense of fair play."
"This person feels like you're really loving, giving, emotionally mature."
"You're not emotionally reactive; you're very mature."
"People change; that's what life is supposed to be about: changing, getting mature emotionally."
"An emotionally mature person knows what they don't know."
"When you're emotionally mature, you are resilient."
"Approachability is a sign of emotional maturity."
"It's very emotionally mature, very stable, higher grade, higher mature love here."
"This person definitely has more confidence, they're more emotionally mature."
"You are manifesting a divine counterpart, someone who equally is very emotionally mature and who wanted to give you happiness."
"Two people who love each other unconditionally, two people who are emotionally mature."
"They're emotionally mature, they have a lot of respect."
"They see you as someone who is smart and has this emotional maturity."