
Propaganda Quotes

There are 892 quotes

"Captain America was made as World War II propaganda during the Great Depression."
"People who assume propaganda will never work on them are always the most susceptible to being influenced by it because they don't think there's a need to be vigilant against it."
"A lot of these people are victims. They're victims of lies and they're victims of propaganda."
"A type of fighting which can combine conventional military power with unconventional techniques like propaganda or cyber-warfare."
"Even though when they teach you math, it has to be propaganda. Everything has to lead to one thing; it's brainwashing us."
"None of us knows what's happening on the ground because it's just wall-to-wall propaganda from at least five different...interest groups who've all got a stake in skewing the story one way or another."
"Movies are the easiest way; the population will enjoy it, they'll be so thankful for quality entertainment, and the entire movie would just be an ad for Kim Il Sung, the Kim dynasty, and devotion to North Korea."
"There's still an underlying undertone of propaganda, but it's an escape."
"If you question it, it's science; if you can't, it's propaganda."
"What did Goebbels say? The propaganda minister of the Third Reich: once people are afraid, give them a common enemy, they'll do anything you want."
"You combine social media with war propaganda, you're in a whole different environment."
"If you hear a word and that word triggers an emotional response from you, that is the result of propaganda conditioning."
"When education becomes a tool for propaganda, it ceases its means of empowerment and instead becomes a mechanism of control."
"The Party has been working for over 70 years to make 'red' synonymous with 'China'."
"We have a deeply skewed idea of what human history looked like, shaped by state propaganda, folk history, works of fiction, capitalist realism, and religion."
"Art gets the audience to think; propaganda does the thinking for the audience."
"Propaganda is lies... those who are pushing propaganda care about what they want, they don't care about what you want."
"They are effectively propaganda and they're supposed to be baked into the subconscious to get you to think one way or another."
"North Koreans are constantly inundated with anti-imperialist propaganda especially against America."
"There's a difference between making a movie that treats its subject matter with nuance, sensitivity, and respect...and then on the other hand making straight-up propaganda."
"Psychedelics are the antidote to propaganda in some ways. They help you develop a mindset that sees through all that."
"Captain America started out as a propaganda machine before he could take on Red Skull and Hydra."
"If science can't be questioned, it's propaganda." - Aaron Rodgers
"If you can question it, it's science; if you can't, it's propaganda."
"It's going to be a tough one because there's propaganda there; it's Warfare we're in fourth and fifth generational Warfare."
"Propaganda is very sophisticated; it's half-truth, selected truth, and truth out of context."
"The first pillar of Russian propaganda is to doubt truth itself. It rejects not just particular truths but the very idea of there being a truth to be discovered."
"Subtlety, it would seem, is an art wholly lost in this trash propaganda film."
"I want people to be hyper aware of the amount of propaganda coming at them."
"It's very much propaganda, but that's the great thing about Injustice. Maybe it's not. It all depends on what side you're sitting on."
"They're gonna eliminate every piece of history from before their rule. They're gonna just control the world and history and propaganda and all that stuff."
"A lot of people have a difficult time buying and digesting Chinese propaganda, but when Russia does it, now they finally have a crazy partner to inseminate this stuff with."
"Repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth."
"Seven parts propaganda, two parts profiteering, one part disaster relief—that's the Chinese Communist Party."
"The biggest liars are the United States government. They're the biggest perpetrators of propaganda."
"We didn't know of one single atrocity committed by the Cubans; it was pure raw false propaganda."
"Propaganda, surveillance, disinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation and rewriting of the past are textbook characteristics of a totalitarian state."
"Conservatives have done a very good job at building out a large propaganda network, making it in quick, digestible bites."
"Think tanks have dressed up ideological propaganda as objective studies."
"Propaganda is a weapon that has been developed over many decades that is designed to cater specifically to what our needs are psychologically. It creates a reward system, a punishment system; it's very powerful."
"Just think of any blockbuster movie that is based on historic events, and you'll find that it's riddled with overt propaganda and historic inaccuracies."
"We need to put out a thousand videos showing happy Uyghurs."
"The use of propaganda is ancient, but never before has there been the technology to so effectively disseminate it."
"People are susceptible to propaganda in this country. We think we're not, we are."
"Understanding rhetoric and knowing when it’s being used as a mask for one’s true intentions can allow us to challenge lies or propaganda."
"Social media enhances the ability of war propaganda because social media's AIs were designed for emotional manipulation."
"Hollywood's hit on purpose is to act as the greatest, most effective propaganda machine that's ever been created."
"The easiest way to inject a propaganda idea into most people's minds is to let it go through the medium of an entertainment picture when they do not realize they are being propagandized."
"Americans are the most propagandized people in the world."
"Propaganda is the manipulation of the emotional process attached to a political issue or a political goal."
"In a world of propaganda, the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
"All Americans think they're immune to propaganda, but they're not."
"As if we just realized 10 minutes from the end, 'Oh [ __ ], we just made our movie propaganda for the oppressive, anti-feminist bourgeois elites of the 18th century.' Quick, make it empowering at the end so they won't notice."
"Sometimes propaganda can be bad propaganda, and that was the case in point."
"I feel weird about propagandizing kids I don't think that I should be giving them the one true truth about reality you know I think they should be presented with a variety of viewpoints."
"I'm not concerned about Russian propaganda, not even a little bit."
"Propaganda manipulates people lacking critical thinking skills, perpetuating societal debasement."
"Portraits in Elizabeth's Reign aren't simply to be hung on walls and to accurately represent the queen. Elizabeth was the Mistress of propaganda."
"If you're not hearing both sides of the story you're not hearing the truth. I mean that's the that that's what you should just accept you're hearing propaganda."
"The superiority of German engineering will secure an Aryan victory."
"How'd we get here? We've been carpet-bombed with racial propaganda."
"We are not alone in this universe. We have never been alone in this universe."
"Either the constitution matters and must be followed... or it is simply a piece of parchment on display."
"The Triumph of the Will... one of the most effective pieces of political propaganda ever made."
"It uses all the tools at the Kremlin’s disposal: the state-sponsored television that it beams into the West, the proxy groups, the Web trolls and Twitter trolls, the cutouts and surrogates."
"Successful propaganda doesn't mean convincing you that black is white or up is down. It means confusing you to the point where you lose your mind."
"I think Joe Manchin understands that successful propaganda doesn't mean convincing you that black is white or up is down. It means confusing you to the point where you lose your mind."
"This stunning act of propaganda would be emulated by all subsequent Olympics. It was an operatic production lavish in scale; it really invented Olympic ritual for all time to come."
"The war is won before it's ever fought. It starts with the mind, with propaganda."
"Maybe I'm wrong for not understanding, but not all propaganda is bad."
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for a lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to danger."
"The benefits are coming directly to them. People of Southern countries are smart enough to understand false propaganda."
"I think that the United States is a propaganda machine."
"If you could use propaganda for war, you could certainly use it for peace."
"Propaganda is scientifically developed persuasive communication... our revolution would benefit the vast majority of society and so the truth is on our side."
"Every movie has some liberal propaganda nowadays."
"To wish upon a star is to raise your eyes above the horizon and to focus on something transcendent."
"Propaganda is taking over and I gotta say it's making me pretty pessimistic."
"Propaganda can be good and honest if it presents information accurately and fairly."
"The real tragedy of the New York Times is that their propaganda isn't even interesting."
"White supremacy is at war with us, and we're at war with their propaganda organ, the media."
"There's a kind of an Ultimate Reality propaganda versus a post-modern propaganda where people are inclined to have fatigue from the information environment followed by apathy."
"Smoking weed makes you go crazy and smoking weed makes you violent is directly anti-black and anti-brown white supremacist propaganda."
"If you care about people being killed illegally in Wars then yes, but you know what the world's like and you know how we are deluged with propaganda."
"Twitter has a form of a propaganda arm of the United States government because it's willingness to de-platform accounts."
"It's just an example of how propaganda works: the LIE is told, the victims are blamed, and then 20 years later, whatever it is, we finally get the truth."
"Putin's Nazi rhetoric reveals his terrifying war aims in Ukraine."
"This is how you know they're already setting the propaganda mills up."
"Continuous exposure to misinformation and propaganda will lead to widespread cynicism."
"The media has effectively become propaganda."
"Stop liking, stop sharing, stop commenting on absolutely every single piece of propaganda put up by the club."
"So there is no war in Ba Sing Se, pass it around."
"Propaganda is basically two conflicting sides fighting to see who can tell the most convincing lies."
"Do not fall victim to mainstream media's fake false narrative pushes. Stay the course. Where we go one, we go all."
"The goal of CDO is to achieve what the PLA refers to as mind dominance, defined as the use of propaganda as a weapon to influence public opinion."
"It seems like our whole society's gone nuts and we're all under the spell of a ruling class that peddles its propaganda."
"When you see an empire propagandist fraternizing with the CIA director while surrounded by media celebrities and government insiders at a party hosted by a media-owning plutocrat, you know you're in a country where power is held to account."
"Vladimir Putin created a narrative that suggested most Ukrainians desired reintegration as they longed for the good old days of the Soviet Union. This, of course, was not true."
"The success of the big lie is really amazing."
"Whatever's running the government would have so many backups upon backups and they would just start churning out propaganda."
"It's not only historical revisionism, it's actual propaganda and it sucks."
"They have to learn decades of bumper sticker talking points and corporate propaganda. They will likely lose donors in the process. They will be criticized."
"Disney will not change because they have been transformed into a propaganda machine instead of focusing on what they were known for."
"It is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugliest kind, the kind that kills people."
"You shouldn't trust any narrative they push. They're out-of-the-closet propagandists on behalf of the Democratic Party, just trying to push Joe Biden to a second term on a gurney. It's unreal, and they'll do it any way they can."
"We need to see when we're being used for propaganda."
"Polish Cavalry mounted a futile Cavalry attack against German tanks in World War II... false... it was all propaganda."
"Join the system Alliance now! Service guarantees citizenship." - News Anchor
"Exposing this agenda is difficult, it's multifaceted, it's global in scale, and frankly a ton of people have accepted the propaganda surrounding it because it preys on people's compassion. Who doesn't want to be the good guy saving the planet?"
"Propaganda is no more than the communication of ideas designed to persuade people to think and behave in a desired way."
"If you centrally process a piece of propaganda meant to be peripherally processed, it doesn't work."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when absolutely everything the people believe is false." - William Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1981.
"We're in the middle of a propaganda war that's destroying this country."
"We don't have a Fourth Estate anymore; we have pushers of propaganda." - Jimmy Dore
"The masses were led to believe the world’s boogeyman had been defeated."
"If you can't question the science it's not science it's propaganda."
"If the situation was hopeless, that propaganda would be unnecessary."
"If science cannot be questioned anymore, it is not science; it is propaganda."
"This isn't about clickers folks, this is about gay propaganda."
"If you repeat a lie enough, people will believe it."
"If you repeat a lie long enough people will believe it."
"There is a way out... we can use the very instrument that they are trying to spellbind as a weapon against their propaganda."
"They obsess over it so I love this, this whole thing just exposes the fox propaganda is grift and hypocrisy."
"Manufacturing consent is a demonstrably successful way of controlling the population."
"Meanwhile, one of my favorite things is the Chinese government trying to put out propaganda."
"The fact that Putin rolls these things out in speeches is pure propaganda."
"They haven't stopped selling hate Russia since I was born."
"Hitler's long relationship with the power of propaganda began... the Allied forces had won the First World War through their superior use of propaganda."
"Propaganda had emerged as a powerful tool of psychological warfare... and its place in a democratic society."
"The propaganda was deliberately designed to create conflicts, disorientate the IRA, and unnerve them."
"Terrorism is fundamentally a propaganda war that is backed up by armed conflict."
"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, especially if it's a big lie."
"We have to understand propaganda and learn how to combat it."
"It just shows you how everything they're doing right now is to spread their propaganda."
"Misinfo is an extremely important part of propaganda."
"This is very different than when Winston and I criticized Chinese propaganda for being sloppy or whatever."
"So if you ever see any Chinese content that is on YouTube with a good following, yeah, it is run by a state-run Chinese government propaganda arm, yes, simple as that."
"Authoritarianism depends on the facade of strength and power and big crowds of support and a media that is willing to spread or is compliant in the spread of propaganda."
"Donald Trump and the Maga movement is weak they're losers they're bullies but they're losers and that facade of strength the propaganda spewed by the media is starting to show some serious cracks."
"Republicans have dedicated an entire political campaign to fear-mongering over sexually explicit material being shown to children."
"Fox is a propaganda Network... that's just what it is."
"You aren't immune to propaganda, but the first step to counteracting it is recognizing it."
"This is exactly right. The divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement is contrary to all we stand for as Americans and should have no place in the federal government."
"War is peace, um this is a statistical version of that right mostly peaceful is uh a way to ignore the violence right now um ignorance is remind me freedom is slavery is the second one and ignorance is strength."
"If you are in journalism and you don't take a moment out of your day to push back against this kind of stuff, then you're not a journalist, you're a propagandist."
"We are in a massive cycle of manipulation and propaganda that is leading the world down a very dark path."
"Baroque art was propaganda... it convinced people to obey."
"The Chinese government is spending billions of dollars annually on foreign information manipulation efforts."
"Don't invest your energy into it, it's all propaganda."
"This story demonstrates perfectly the distinction between public rhetoric and propaganda and the actual behavior and administration of governments."
"Stalin's main tool to maintain his cult was the press, presenting him as a wise, much-loved genius."
"Fox News is spreading Ron DeSantis propaganda."
"It's important we talk about honestly and right now there's just a lot of propaganda going on in revisionism about radical Marxism."
"There are no political solutions, only technological. The rest is propaganda."
"I don't like the movie... there is nothing more laughable than right-wing propaganda."
"We live in this weird world and I think that videotape cut through all the propaganda like a hot knife through butter."
"Our narrative is the best narrative. All things need to show our narrative."
"The deaths from zero COVID in China are uncountable."
"Things are not under control as much as the Chinese government tries its absolute best to push the propaganda narrative that zero COVID is working."
"Modern propaganda is a consistent, enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea or group."
"Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos."
"Russia's propaganda plays very well with people's overconfidence as to how they view their media literacy."
"Russia's tactics play well with people's emotional vulnerability, especially on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels."
"Aren't you angry at how you've been propagandized to think this is some crazy animal medicine?"
"The Nazi message was clear: they were the natural inheritors of history's greatest civilizations."
"Most of those influencers are not good people to begin with and most of those media outlets that platform those creators are designed to sell you propaganda and hide the truth."
"This is the kind of delusional propaganda that Russia was putting out."
"You can't just brainwash people; propaganda needs resonance."
"Is it possible that you've been impacted by cultural apologetics and propaganda?"
"Some of the document contents don't seem to be propagandistic... I don't think they're that smart but yes that makes sense okay fine good."
"And that's what they want. So, you know, you can kind of piece it together as to why they are so insistent in spending so many hundreds of millions of dollars of propaganda money to dumb down society."
"State media here will call on every Chinese citizen to go be xenophobic. Yes, right? Whereas the American government say we put together this team. They don't say Americans, let's all stand together."
"This is propaganda and this is why you have people much more willing to understand and take in this propaganda than actual facts."
"The CCP celebrated its 100th anniversary on Thursday. For the party, it's about glorifying its past. But what kind of past? It's a black day in history."
"Repeat the lie often enough and people will believe it."
"Propaganda makes its way into your head much much easier when people are in an emotionally heightened state."
"We've all been subjected to some manner and measure of control or psychological operations propaganda."
"But Braille’s system wouldn’t be adapted in his lifetime, so he went to his grave not knowing the profound affect he would have on generations of the blind."
"He forced his way into power, and used propaganda and strict censorship to legitimize his regime."
"Bernays had helped win America over to an unpopular war using precisely the techniques he'd used to promote."
"The Russians are fighting a massive information campaign... they want to undermine the Biden Administration."
"The mainstream media is Joseph Goebbels' propaganda department."
"In any kind of battle and war the first thing you want to do is to try to get propaganda out there."
"Propaganda is being used to silence dissent."
"We're living through a propaganda drive that's unprecedented in human history."
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
"I write Wonder Woman as a new kind of propaganda to show the world what a woman could be."
"The big lie involves that if you tell a gigantic lie frequently and forcefully that people sort of assume there must be truth to it."
"Entertainment isn't about money, it's about propaganda."
"This is the power of propaganda to convince a person to make them truly believe what they want to believe."
"Propaganda happened in World War I and World War II, and we're in another kind of war with extremists."
"The media and the Democrats now have enough power to bully, to bully and to lie to and to create propaganda and to successfully win."
"The party is intent on shaping global narratives to provide cover for aggression."
"What if PLA commanders believe the propaganda that touts the CCP's achievements, maligns its enemies, and makes its ascent appear inexorable?"
"China used targeted Facebook ads to spread preferred CCP narrative worldwide."
"You defeat a propaganda narrative by planting questions."
"Goebbels' propaganda work was highly successful."
"Goebbels' writings glorifying the war effort were rarely absent."
"It's just going to continue until it reaches a crisis point because you know it's it's it's weaponized propaganda I'm sorry it just is."