
If I Stay Quotes

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay Quotes
"Everyone thinks it was because of the snow. And in a way, I suppose that’s true."
"It’s true. When Teddy gave his first harp concert, he was cool as cucumber. Such a prodigy."
"As long as you’re not switching me to decaf."
"Dad’s way of announcing that he used to be a punker but is now a middle-school English teacher."
"Immediate cardiac arrest. When your heart can’t pump blood, you don’t really bleed. You seep."
"We are like Humpty Dumpty and all these king’s horses and all these king’s men cannot put us back together again."
"Your mother is probably right. Social services frowns on drunk ten-year-olds."
"He’s like the post office, neither sleet nor rain nor a half inch of snow will compel him to dress like a lumberjack."
"I’ve never seen anyone get as into music as you do. It’s why I like to watch you practice."
"They don’t tell you how you’ll lose your family at the same time you’re finding yourself."
"You were like an experiment," Dad said. "Surprisingly successful. We thought it must be a fluke. We needed another kid as a kind of control group."
"Fake it till you make it," Mom sometimes said to me when I was feeling insecure.
"That's poppycock," he would say when Mom recounted the story. "I did no such thing."
"It's just another word for feminist," she told me with pride.
"People believe what they want to believe," she said.
"I love that you're fragile and tough, quiet and kick-ass. Hell, you're one of the punkest girls I know, no matter who you listen to or what you wear."
"This is the you I like. You definitely dressed sexier and are, you know, blond, and that's different. But the you who you are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the same you I'll be in love with tomorrow."
"All day long, I’ve been imagining Adam’s arrival, and in my fantasy, I rush to greet him, even though he can’t see me."
"I could no sooner quit cello cold turkey than I could stop breathing."
"I was overwhelmed with gratitude to be friends with someone who often seemed to understand me better than I understood myself."
"Mom said that lots of girls had given Henry ultimatums, tried to force him to settle down, and lots of girls had been left crying on the sidewalk."
"Women can handle the worst kind of pain. You’ll find out one day."
"He held my gaze as the midwife suctioned out his nose."
"I know that all the magic kisses in the world probably couldn’t have helped him today. But I would do anything to have been able to give him one."
"I race through the hospital like a trapped wild animal. Teddy? I call. Where are you? Come back to me!"
"It is unfair. If one of us should have been left behind, if one of us should be given the opportunity for more life, it should be him."
"But that’s what I want and I could see why it might not be what you want. So I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you go. It’s okay if you have to leave us. It’s okay if you want to stop fighting."
"Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you."
"I’m not choosing. But I’m running out of fight."
"Promise me. Promise me you’ll spend New Year’s with me next year."
"All relationships are tough. Just like with music, sometimes you have harmony and other times you have cacophony."
"Music can’t do that. Life might take you down different roads. But each of you gets to decide which one to take."
"Either way you win. And either way you lose. What can I tell you? Love’s a bitch."
"I’m still here. And I’m still crazy in love with you."
"Even going to jail would be easy compared to losing you."
"Once you live through something like this, you become a little bit invincible."
"We are each other’s only close friend at school."
"The feelings pile up, threatening to crack my chest wide open."
"I am looking at my hand, being held by Adam’s hand."