
Hard Road Quotes

Hard Road by J.B. Turner

Hard Road Quotes
"He let his cell phone ring a few times, knowing what lay ahead."
"The silhouettes of the tall oaks and maples in the garden, shorn of their leaves, bent and creaked in the wind."
"He remembered his father cursing the snarled-up traffic in his rental car."
"The appearance was crucial. Greys, navy tracksuits and business suits were good."
"The beauty of the drug for assassinations was that enzymes in the body begin to break down the drug almost immediately, making it virtually impossible to detect."
"This was summary justice, as practiced by every government in the world."
"Her privileged upbringing... had led to numerous offers from law firms from New York to Los Angeles."
"The best solution was, as Maddox said, for Luntz to be taken off his hands so Reznick could disappear back into the shadows."
"The more he thought of it the more he was inclined to believe that only Maddox could provide the logistical help he needed."
"He knew Maddox would find a way to get to a man like Merceron. That’s what he did. That’s all he did."
"He felt conflicted. He didn’t know what to believe."
"She was first, last and everything to him. She was all he had."
"He thought of his daughter. All he wanted was her back."
"He needed to focus. He needed to get back in the game."
"He had such high hopes for his own daughter despite not going on to college himself."
"But all that seemed so very far away just now, embroiled in a race against time with some crazy kidnappers."
"Shit, the guy really was a diplomat. This meant diplomatic immunity. Untouchable."
"The more he read the more he wondered if he had the wrong guy."
"Reznick knew that the temptation was to get into the car and drive at breakneck speed up to Palm Beach and storm into the club, trying to find Merceron or anyone who knew where he resided. But that wasn’t the smart way."
"He would gladly give up his own blood for his daughter. He would die for her. He would kill for her."
"Trust me, this guy is indeed a scientist. I don’t know if your handler, or whatever you call him, is in control of this situation. He won’t save you or your daughter. Only we can."
"It’s not bullshit. It’s the law. Whether we like it or not."
"This is America. I don’t give a shit about international law."
"We can come to that obstacle later. As of now, you either play ball, or it becomes a lose-lose situation."
"Jon, look at me. I’ve been in this job a long time. And I’ve always played it by the book."
"We need to focus. So, are you going to help us or not?"
"I need my daughter to be somewhere they’ll never get at her."
"Leave this with me. I’m going to make a call."
"I can tell when people are lying to me, Jon."
"If there’s anything else I can do, Jon, for you or your daughter, don’t hesitate to contact me."
"We have issued you a warrant to search the premises."
"I don’t care about that now. Get my daughter to Pensacola and get her well."
"You didn’t have to. You could’ve hauled me in. Couldn’t you?"
"America is going to suffer, and it’s going to suffer a bit earlier than we planned."
"The more he thought of it the more he wondered if he hadn’t miscalculated."
"You see, Jon, America is going to feel what real pain is."
"But I want you to know that we’re here to help."
"This is not a court of law. We’re just wanting to talk to you."
"The raw intercept was just audio of a pop song."
"In this digital morphing world, nothing is as it seems."
"We’re getting there. We’ll find the son-of-a-bitch."
"He knew that passive infrared sensors (PIRs) reacted only to drastic changes in levels of infrared radiation omitted in the surveillance area, usually caused by the movement of a person or person."
"Suddenly there was a flash of white light and an almighty explosion that deafened O’Hare."
"Meyerstein was watching, transfixed, the real-time feed from Special Agent Kevin O’Hare’s camera."
"Hang on a few moments, Martha…the readings from Kevin’s bacterial spore detector are just coming in."
"We will need fifteen minutes to confirm if this is indeed the virus."
"I think we’ve got to assume the worst. We must prevent widespread contamination, Adam."
"The substance had tested positive. There had been a confirmed biological attack on New York City."
"This guy gets a knock at the door in the middle of the night."
"His wife said shortly before he was dismissed, he was working on an intercept call, which apparently he had decrypted."
"I want the two best computer specialists we have over to Congressman Drake’s office."
"She wanted to hold her children tight to her chest."
"He struggled hard to get free, but the straps only cut deeper into his wrists."
"I’m an American. A patriot. You can’t do this to me!"
"The sound of the man’s footsteps across the concrete floor, opening the heavy door, and then slamming it shut, before it was locked."
"Fluorescent strip lights were switched off and a moment later the blindfold from his face was ripped off."
"The hypnotic and terrifying beats were cranked up a notch for several moments."
"He saw snakes crawling in the bloody darkness, circling him."
"He felt himself floating on the black water."
"He thought of his wife and saw her smiling eyes."
"What she wouldn’t give for a long, hot bath and a great sleep."
"The atmosphere of sexism and racism were still ingrained from the Hoover generation of special agents."
"The advice I’m getting is that Caan didn’t use all the virus in New York, and we’re assuming Washington is his next target."
"We’re leaving no stone unturned, I can assure you, sir."
"They’ve just dragged a body out of the Potomac."
"The good news is that we’ve just had an update from the hospital in Pensacola."
"You got it. Caan is super bright. If he had a decoder and the cell phone number of the guy who made the call, with his knowledge, this is a serious possibility."
"The embedded message was hiding a target address in Washington."
"The Pentagon is of the belief that if this gets into the hands of the transport authority, then it will definitely leak out."
"The rushing trains would help keep the virus aloft and efficiently spread the bacteria around the platform."
"This man must not get on a train under any circumstances. He has to be apprehended, taken down, whatever it takes."
"It felt good to be involved, even in a peripheral capacity."
"We must assume this is the day and this is not a dry run."
"I don’t give a damn if it’s a four-star general or a cleaner, no one gets in or out until I say, got it?"
"While the Americans look for weapons, the Israelis look for terror suspects."
"Restraint was admirable and it was essential to think of the consequence of your actions."
"The chances of staying calm under such pressure were low."