
Lilac Quotes

Lilac by B.B. Reid

Lilac Quotes
"Our instincts dictated we run to strangers on the internet the moment we experience pain, to tell the world how deeply gutted we are over the loss of our loved ones—as if the multitude of absentminded apologies and offers of prayers would actually mend the rip."
"Even though I’d shown up for this meeting and filled my lungs with hope, I was still pretending to be normal, still pretending I wanted to be cured."
"The only things I wore that were mine were my thong, second-hand Docs, and the black choker around my neck with a gold crescent moon hanging from the center."
"No one else was beating down my door to give me an opportunity like this. I wanted to make some noise, and now I had my chance."
"Despite the shitshow the meeting had turned into, I felt like I was walking on a cloud."
"I wasn’t convinced ten guards could control a hysteric crowd that large."
"They could crowd my space, but it would still belong to me. They could make my belly ache with want, but I’d still hold all the power."
"There was no one on the lineup who could have sparked such an explosive reaction."
"I didn’t linger on how much that annoyed me."
"You might as well," Loren retorted with a shrug and a snort. "Everyone already thinks you are. Congratulations, groupie. Now you’re a part of the band."
"I’m going to offer you the same advice you gave me two weeks ago. Get out of my sight and get lost."
"All that lip and you have the nerve to run and hide?"
"So that’s why you’re here? To assert your dominance and put me in my place?"
"You aren’t ready for what I’m made of, Houston."
"If I do this, will you cut the macho bullshit and be professional?"
"Find what you love and let it kill you. If I’m what you love, you’re already dead."
"You’re out of time. Stop stalling and show us what you’re made of."
"I can’t let an unknown tomorrow stop me from living today."
"You ready? Or do you need another couple of hours to get ready?" he deadpanned.
"How are you twenty-seven years old and still can’t knot your own tie?"
"You look nice," I complimented after slowly looking her over once more.
"You shouldn’t ask questions you already know the answer to."
"I know that you’re incredibly responsive to unusual persuasion."
"At this time of night?" he spat as if I’d done something out of line.
"Don’t you dare hang up," he ordered, but it sounded more like a growl.
"If you want me to quit, you’re going to have to try harder than being an asshole who thinks too highly of himself."
"Be a good girl, do what we say, and you’ll never have to find out what kind of man I really am."
"The rest is just noise," Loren added as he closed in. "You don’t hear it."
"Forget how you got here. All that matters is why you stayed."
"Let’s go. My order broke the tension as everyone shifted gears."
"I caught my smile before it could slip. She wasn’t sloppy. I’d give her that."
"Each time felt like the first. With a new member, it was more like I was fresh out of my grandmother’s basement."
"Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply, scattering my thoughts to the wind."
"How do I silence these whispers How do I face what I’ve become."
"Led astray by beautiful lies You took my blood, sweat, and tears."
"After living both sides of the tracks, baby fawn, I’ve learned that I’m no happier with money than I am without."
"Because when I start, I won’t stop until long after you’ve had enough."
"I could hear the crowd outside getting restless. The show had already begun but little did I know, it wasn’t one that would be happening on a stage."
"With each song we performed together, it felt less like I was some weird attachment that Bound couldn’t shake and more like I was Bound."
"They were mine now, but they hadn’t earned me yet."
"I allowed myself to linger on the fact that I’d claimed them before realizing that it was calmness I felt."
"My dinner usually consisted of cheap wine and string cheese."
""Was there a sign I missed that I should have hung up, or was the running water not a clue that this room was occupied?""
""If you had any brain cells left, you’d get up and go."
""I don’t see anyone else two seconds from losing their balls, do you?""
""Whatever I did, I’m sorry. I’m stupid when I drink.""
""You succeeded," I told him while I pushed him away."
""You’re too good for me, Brax. Consider last night me making sure you knew it too.""
""Good morning, baby fawn," he mumbled when he was done."
""Everything I owned was packed and waiting for me on the curb.""
""This is fine. I’m just worried everyone will think I’m a diva or something.""
""You could call me that, but then you’ll still want me to fuck you.""
""If we’re not careful, I will be," he told me seriously."
""I can run circles around your demons, Braxton. Just let me in, and I’ll handle the rest.""
"For me to answer that, I’d have to believe you cared."
"You question me like you have all the facts."
"Now who’s bringing a knife to a gunfight? Treating me like I’m inferior, pretending that I don’t mean anything… It stopped working when I realized it’s your only move."
"You look at me like I’m someone you never thought you’d see. You want me, but you can’t have me, and that pisses you off, so you punish me."
"We make them hate us, and then we hurt them before they can hurt us."
"That’s the beauty of everyone underestimating you," I told him. "They tend to drop their guard."
"Is that what you did to each other? No wonder Rich and Loren hate you."
"If you find yourself with an itch you can’t control, I’m the one who scratches it."
"Whatever happens next, the two of them deserved each other."
"We both knew you’re too full of yourself to settle for my sloppy seconds."
"We’re expected to act like friends, like we can stand to breathe the same air. We can’t."
"Jealousy was an ugly thing, and mine was about to rear its head."
"And there lies the problem with our inherited human nature. We only bothered to take care of one another when it was too goddamn late."
"Some have a natural instinct for sex. Some need to be taught to let go. The rest spend their entire lives fucking and never quite get it."
"If I truly had a sickness, I hoped I never found a cure."
"Men never do. It’s why women made better spies and were ten times as lethal."
"The only thing messier than sex was feelings."
"All I’d end up doing was piling my broken pieces on top of theirs."
"You might lose love. It might fade in the wind as if it had never been."
"You might curse the lonely ones that follow."
"And when you wake up, you realize. It’s only the beginning."
"No matter how much Houston and Rich hurt me, I’d keep coming back for more."
"The three of us were toxic as fuck, together and apart, but we were all we had."
"We get to define what true love is for ourselves. No one is entitled to do it for you."
"Once she’s mine, I’d never hurt her, neglect her, or let her forget that she’s the axis on which I spin."
"Eavesdropping is only wrong when you’re not the topic of conversation, right?"
"All right, you stingy motherfucker," Loren griped. "Quit hogging her. We want to celebrate too."
"I’m just glad to be a top and not a bottom, is all."
"I didn’t understand why I was on top of Rich until I turned my head left and then right and found that Houston and Loren were in bed with us too."
"My mind was too restless to sleep through the morning."
"The questions and doubt were back now and with a vengeance."
"Braxton saying yes was the only reason I was in the mood to deal with Oni’s shit right now."
"Why does it feel like I’m still chasing you, Bambi?"
"Not really," she answered hesitantly. "Just…questions."
"To start, it helps that you’re ambidextrous."
"It wouldn’t be right for me to marry one of you and not all of you. I’m sorry."
"Marriage is as binding as shoelaces tied by a five-year-old."
"Are you implying you’ll tie me up if I try to leave?"
"I hadn’t expected this when I said yes to them. Any of it."
"My grandmother had always warned me to appreciate the tortoise because I’d be up against the hare one day."
"I’d been too afraid to chase my dreams, so my dreams found me instead."
"The problem had always been that I’d succeed."
"Your mother sent me down here to see what’s keeping you."
"Braxton was no help as we searched for accommodations. The brat sat and brooded in the backseat with Rich while Loren rode up front as I drove around aimlessly for half an hour."
"I knew that she held onto her grudges because she hated the truth that she was hopelessly forgiving."
"Yet there were large and notable gaps that needed to be filled."