
The Demolished Man Quotes

The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester

The Demolished Man Quotes
"Make your enemies by choice, not by accident."
"The essence of murder never changes. In every era it remains the conflict of the killer against society with the victim as the prize."
"An army needs Intelligence. A war is won with Intelligence."
"Audacity, bravery, and confidence aren't enough. An army needs Intelligence. A war is won with Intelligence."
"The test of intellect is the refusal to belabor the obvious."
"Be audacious, be brave, be confident and you will not fail. Against these assets society can have no defense."
"If you believe yourself a natural killer, avoid planning too carefully. Leave most to your instinct. Intellect may fail you, but the killer instinct is invincible."
"Every man is a balance of two opposed drives... The Life Instinct and the Death Instinct."
"You can bribe, blackmail, intimidate... bless, dazzle, fascinate."
"You may not like his ethics, but you’ve no right to call him unethical."
"One of my assistants will tape the oral statements from those of you who care to make statements."
"The law makes the silliest damned fuss about death."
"No, mass mind-reading is a trick no peeper can perform."
"The organized campaign of your clique to cut down Guild Taxation and appropriations for the education of Espers and the dissemination of Esper training to mankind is conceived in a spirit of treachery and fascism."
"Every man’s got his own honor and ethics, and so long as he sticks to them, who's anybody else to point the finger?"
"He’s a successful man. He’s had a string of victories that’s made him cocky."
"Death, disappearance, and time-theft… we can find out all about them through motive."
"He’s got charm. That’s what makes him doubly dangerous."
"What price Demolition!" @kins answered fiercely.
"Hell! Mary’s the only one who knows I’m here. Hope nothing’s happened to the D’Courtney girl."
"Good old Gus. What price the Esper Pledge now?"
"If you want anything, you’d better come back to Terra and get it yourself."
"Who? Oh yes. The murder. Whatever put that into your mind?"
"Stand by, peepers! We’re pulling a fast one."
"Shall we tour?" Powell took Jordan’s arm.
"Would I call you Interplanetary if he would? No, boss. He’s got money-measles."
"You do understand." Jordan shook Powell’s hand effusively.
"I don’t think that’s true of Ben Reich," Powell replied, striking the noble note.
"I’m sorry to interrupt, Doctor, but your hour is finished and you’ve got important business to—"
"Your attention, please. You are liable for any damage to this vehicle."
I don’t give a damn!" Tate cried. "I don’t take that kind of medicine for Reich.
This is Dr. Wilson Jordan," Powell announced. "He specializes in visual physiology and he’s got information I want him to volunteer. Lets make him feel paternal.
I don’t know," Church said at last. "I can’t make up my mind.
"Then why the hell did he take Ellery West away from me, and Breen?"
"And you’re acting more like you’re wanted dead or alive than like a free man."
"You’ve got to think. Why don’t you think? What’s happened to you? Why don’t you think?"
"He was lying. You know he was lying. You were right the first time. A giant booby-trap. WWHG. Refusal. Refusal. But why did he lie? How is that going to help him?"
"The Man with No Face. Breen could have told him. Gus Tate could have told him. Think!"
"There is no Man With No Face. It’s just a dream. A nightmare!"
"But the booby-traps? What about the booby-traps? He had me cold in his house. Why didn’t he pull the switch? Telling me I’m free. What’s he up to? Think!"
"I’m telling you that I was almost murdered three times today. This boy just found me in the Inlet Esplanade more dead than alive. Look at me, for Christ’s sake. Look at me!"
"He’s telling the truth about you. The Prosecution Computer has declined to authorize any action against you for the D’Courtney murder."
"I’ll complete the picture with the D’Courtney Cartel stuffed into my pockets. By God, give me time, I’ll complete a picture with the Galaxy inside the frame!"
"Now how the hell did he fall down there? Do we have to keep him tied?"
"Listen, normals! You must learn what it is. You must learn how it is. You must tear the barriers down. You must tear the veils away. We see the truth you cannot see… That there is nothing in man but love and faith, courage and kindness, generosity and sacrifice. All else is only the barrier of your blindness. One day we’ll all be mind to mind and heart to heart…"