
Idol Quotes

Idol by Kristen Callihan

Idol Quotes
"I’m trying to be realistic. I know what goes on during those tours."
"You want to get rid of me, you’re going to have to try harder, baby doll."
"This is rock. All of our success is part talent, part luck, and crazy determination."
"It’s like the first time I sang on a stage and felt the world open up with possibilities."
"It’s a horrible fruit salad, babe. And we both know it."
"You ever think about it? What it would be like? You and me?"
"Don’t give me that. You’ve always been like this, taking all our shit on as your own."
"We might as well clear the air now. Yeah, Jax, we were fucked up."
"If it took branching out and roaming the world to find our way back, if we all found different sounds and inspirations, that's a fucking boon, not something to bitch about."
"We’ve done the heavy. Can we just get over ourselves and drink our fucking beers?"
"If you don’t get your sweet butt on a plane, I’m going to send Scottie and Brenna to your house every other week until you or they crack."
"I want something real. Get back to that place we were when we wrote ‘Apathy’."
"I want to be that for you, Libby. You’re too talented not to at least try."
"Your voice, the passion in the way you play—that brought me back to music."
"Let’s get the hell out of here and go to a club. Find some premium, well-maintained kitty."
"I can’t believe I’m going to party with Killian James."
"If I have to keep coming back here, you’d better start making cookies!"
"I’m not going to sing them with anyone else but you."
"I hate it, you know. You think it’s easy for me to hide how I feel?"
"You’ll never have to know how it would be, because I’m not letting you go."
"The worst thing you can do in life is ignore an opportunity out of fear."
"Life moves forward, Libby. Trying to stop it or rewind is a waste of energy."
"I’m the one who should be sorry. I hurt you. And it hurts me too."
"You and me, Libby. We stick together, and everything will be okay."
"He thinks because we’re faux cousins I won’t kick his ass. He’s wrong."
"Love breaks your heart, fucks you up—perfect, all-consuming chaos."
"It isn’t the stardom that lights me up. It’s playing, singing. It’s being with you."
"Let’s make a life together, Liberty. It’ll be good. So fucking good."