
The Never War Quotes

The Never War by D.J. MacHale

The Never War Quotes
"The way things are going, I know what I want for my fifteenth birthday…the chance to have a sixteenth."
"If I don’t get that ring back, I’ll never be able to send this to you. The only thing I can do is keep writing, hang on to the journals, and hope that I get the ring back soon."
"If being a Traveler has taught me anything, it’s that nothing is impossible."
"I didn’t know that we were about to flume into the laps of two murderous gangsters who were waiting for us with machine guns."
"You shoot 'em up and they'll just start duplicatin'! That what you want? Bunch of little blue spacemen running around?"
"This whole First Earth thing makes me nervous."
"It’s like Saint Dane is coming closer. To us."
"Every territory is reaching a critical turning point. Saint Dane is doing his worst to influence these important events so that each territory will fall into chaos."
"I couldn’t believe it. Were the gangsters shooting up the place?"
"Traffic was just as hectic here as in my time, and the street was jammed with ancient vehicles."
"It was the most obvious difference for me was the cars. I’d seen old cars before, but always in some black-and-white movie or picture."
"I know you do," Gunny said. "I know all about it."
"This was First Earth. This was 1937. This was the past, but it was today. Totally whacked."
"I couldn’t bring myself to fire a gun. I tried, mind you. I really did. But it was the strangest thing. I’d pick up a rifle, point it, but couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger."
"I’ve lived most of a life thinking things were one way. Come to find out it wasn’t that way at all."
"I was lucky my poor old heart didn’t give out right then and there."
"It breaks about eighteen different hotel rules, but I’ve been here long enough to pull the right strings."
"Cheeseburger, French fries, Coke—food of the gods, my friend."
"Tomorrow’s my birthday and this is the best present ever."
"I hear things, you know? Being at the hotel and all, I see and hear it all."
"What I saw made me so happy I wanted to cry."
"This is all new to me," Gunny said. "Chasing Saint Dane, I mean. What do we do?"
"It sounds crazy," I said. "But one thing is for sure: Whatever Saint Dane is doing here, it’s definitely got something to do with these mob guys."
"We got eyes everywhere. You can run, but you can’t hide."
"I hope this journal finds you well, and that your lives are much simpler than mine."
"The idea of saving the lives of millions of people is almost too good to be true."
"We had to keep our eyes on the ball, and that meant not letting our emotions take over."
"There must be a lot of money in being a gangster."
"I'm afraid we're going to have our own war pretty soon."
"What mattered was figuring out the connection between the gangsters and Saint Dane."
"It was a swastika, the crooked cross that was the symbol of the Nazi party."
"We absolutely, positively have to be back in time and leaving now means we’ll be cutting it really close."
"It was truly disturbing. Seeing a man fall to his death is about as horrible and gruesome as it gets."
"It’s not like we could sign on to a search engine, input "Ludwig Zell, evil Nazi mobster plan" and get a complete history of the guy and what he was up to."
"Guys like Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr., Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas from the Supreme Court, and Nelson Mandela hadn’t broken down any barriers yet."
"The admission price was only twenty-five cents. Can you believe it?"
"Our games were like minivacations away from Traveler worries."
"The longer we went without finding out anything about Max Rose and the Nazis, the more anxious I became."
"She had on khakis and a worn, brown leather jacket. But she didn’t look like a guy. No way."
""Let’s be honest," she said. "You’re happy to see me because Uncle Sam is paying you to put on a big old party tomorrow night, right?""
""I’d never forget a handsome young man like you.""
""But because I’m a woman, well, I don’t get the chance.""
""You may be having a tough time, but someday soon there will be a lot of women fliers. People are going to realize they’re just as good as the guys. Things will change. I guarantee it.""
""Good thing," Spader said. "I probably would have run the other way if I gave it any thought. That was a natty-do, all right!""
""It’s back on, isn’t it?" "Yeah," I said. "No more basketball.""
""I know," said Jinx as she strode to the door. "But I want to. Get dressed. We’re going for a ride. Dress warm.""
""Hard to believe it’s all going to end." "What do you mean?" I asked."
""We hear things, you know," I said, trying to sound cocky but not disrespectful. "Can’t help it, working in a place like this.""
"Trouble is, I didn’t. There was no way I wanted to go meet this Winn Farrow dude."
"If somebody’s gonna work for me, I gotta know they got the guts to do what I tell ’em, when I tell ’em, no matter how ugly it is."
"Either you boys make it back in one piece and I’ll know I won’t have any problems from Farrow, or you’ll come back in a bunch of little pieces, and I’ll have a war on my hands."
"It’s not going to come to that. We’re going to go down there, give him the message, and get out."
"The key to this whole thing is you, Pendragon."
"I feel like we just arrived at a party we weren’t invited to."
"You don’t want any trouble? Well, golly gee-whiz, we wouldn’t want you to get into any trouble!"
"I’m gonna get him back where it hurts the most."
"Whatever Max Rose did for the Nazis, he’s going to get his payment tomorrow, and it’s coming by LZ-one-twenty-nine."
"It's not the wave of the future," I said quietly.
"This isn’t just about two gangsters who hate each other. We’ve got a whole territory to worry about."
"Maybe people had finally learned how to get along with one another."
"Because I realized it may have taken a few thousand years, but we finally got it right."
"It stopped being about building more and bigger. People began to understand they had to respect what they had or it wouldn't be around for the future."
"The only businesses that stay above ground are farms and some solar power facilities."
"It took more than a thousand years, but by the year 4000, every commercial enterprise was moved underground."
"Once man began to pull back from the surface, nature began to take charge again."
"We took a vote. It was pretty much everybody’s favorite. Landslide victory."
"…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
"Think of how the caveman felt the first time he saw fire. It probably wasn’t much different than you’re feeling right now."
"Every bit of information that exists has been stored in the data banks."
"It was like tearing open a seam in time and peeking back into another era."
"Thirty-six people died. And it only took thirty-seven seconds. Unbelievable."
"Saint Dane hit the jackpot. He found the perfect moment in time that he could manipulate and send three territories into oblivion."
"The only people who have a chance of ending his evil campaign are the Travelers. It would be nice if we were a race of invincible superheroes with powers far beyond those of mortal men, but we’re not."
"Seeing the evil depths of Saint Dane’s vision locked me in. I know I’m in it now, for good."
"The true events that happened on May 6, 1937, will never be reported in any newspaper. They will not be part of recorded history."
"It was all just theory. But when I saw the images of what Saint Dane had planned for the Earth territories…man. It was like everything suddenly came into focus. Saint Dane had to be stopped, now and forever."
"Don’t close that door. It locks automatically."
"Probably," Gunny said. "We should do a quick check though."
"Congratulations, boys," the bogus woman purred. "I’m guessing you finally solved the riddle."
"You think you’re bothering me," Gunny said without missing a beat. "But you’re not."
"I suppose the loss of your uncle’s sage guidance has made it all the more difficult for you to keep up with me."
"You aren’t in control," Gunny said with authority. "Not anymore."
"I’ll tell you how it makes me feel," I answered with a very small voice. "I feel that as long as you’re trying to impress me, I can beat you."
"What are they going to do? Ground me? If I’ve gotta go, I’m goin’ out with a bang!"
"Thanks for the ride, Jinx," I said. "What are you doing?" she shouted back, stunned.
"My death dive from Jinx’s airplane was a waste of time and adrenaline."
"If they had any idea of how horrible that future was going to be, they wouldn’t be so happy."
"The deal he had going was to send the U.S. down the tubes by selling atomic secrets to the Nazis."
"I didn’t blame him. It was a lot to swallow."
"We have to make sure history plays out the way it’s supposed to."
"Everything he thought to be true had just been turned inside out."
"I realized all this as I stood on the road, alone, with no way to follow him or stop him."
"I couldn’t let those people die. I didn’t have it in me."
"The truth came clear to me in that one, horrible moment. Everything that had happened, all of Saint Dane’s manipulations, were about putting me here, in this exact spot."
"But now that my eyes are opening up to what life is really about, I honestly do believe what I said before. This is the way it is supposed to be."
"Maybe the whole reason I’m part of this is to do what I did."
"Hobey, if I had seen what was going to happen if we saved the Hindenburg, I never would have done the things I did."
"This isn't about getting revenge on Saint Dane. It's about saving the territories and protecting Halla."
"If we had stayed together, you would have seen all that."
"I don’t always like being told what to do, but it was good to know somebody was always looking out for me."