
Erotic Stories For Punjabi Widows Quotes

Erotic Stories For Punjabi Widows by Balli Kaur Jaswal

Erotic Stories For Punjabi Widows Quotes
"The narrow corridor connecting Nikki’s bedroom to the kitchenette was not suitable for pacing."
"Tell Mum that I’ve got nothing valuable to steal."
"The remainder of the lesson passed slowly and silently, with the women scrunching up their faces in concentration."
"‘A is for apple,’ she said. They repeated ‘Apple’ after her."
"‘My grandchildren use these books and charts,’ sniffed Preetam. ‘It’s insulting.’"
"‘English is such a stupid language,’ Tarampal said. ‘Nothing makes sense.’"
"It’s going to be a long time before we can start writing stories, ladies. It’s really difficult unless you have a sense of how the words are spelled and how the grammar works."
"‘We signed up for these classes because we wanted to fill our time,’ Manjeet said."
"‘I’d rather be telling stories,’ said Arvinder. ‘I’ve survived all this time without reading and writing; what do I need it for now?’"
"Is there anything that gives you a better idea of how it would feel and taste than a description of it as a juicy-juicy aubergine?"
"But whenever I try on a pair of trousers and they feel too tight, I know what’s to blame."
"Living with them took some getting used to at first, but everything’s about adjusting."
"Unfortunately, it works. The whole Fair and Lovely thing."
"It’s not that bad. Takes the effort out of it on your part."
"If you want something, always make your parents or in-laws think it’s their idea."
"I’ve been turning twenty-nine for the past six years."
"In a flat above a pub. Don’t think I could spin that one to make it seem like it was my parents’ idea."
"People will talk. How Nikki hated that cautionary adage."
"Widows aren’t supposed to remarry, let alone go on dates."
"It’s one of those places where you take yourself for a rare treat but otherwise you make do with a cheaper manicure."
"Sometimes you mix the English words with the Punjabi words."
"The house was silent except for the chorus of rain outside."
"‘I’m not angry,’ Nikki said. ‘I’m shocked. I’m … I’m sort of impressed.’"
"Native to Australia, this amphibian mammal lays eggs."
"What’s the difference between a nightmare and a bad dream?"
"‘I can do everything your wife can do,’ she says softly."
"‘I’ve ripped it,’ she said. ‘Bloody hell. Tonight’s stories are gone.’"
"You’re joking. Affordable? I know this company. I called them for a quote when I wanted to remodel the restrooms. They charge through the roof."
"‘Don’t embarrass me again,’ Kulwinder had said when Maya came home and declared her marriage over."
"It’s complicated for me. I need a chance to explain myself. There are circumstances which are quite out of my control."
"‘Your writing classes have certainly been very popular,’ remarked Sarab."
"‘I thought Customs in Australia was strict about muddy shoes from overseas because of foreign soil particles mixing with theirs,’ Harpreet said."
"I’m not sure what I was expecting, marching into the bank and thinking we’d just chat over the counter about it."
"‘I’m sure they told you a very good story,’ Sheena said."
"I knew I should have asked you before passing those stories around. You’re upset, aren’t you?"
"Yes. If anything, they’re the ones spreading the word."
"They had to stop the classes – they had to, otherwise the women were in danger."
"These women have come from all over. Let’s go on with the session tonight and then we’ll think about what to do later."
"I have better things to do with my time than go around poking my nose into other people’s lives."
"I don’t want to hear any more excuses. You’ve gambled with my reputation."
"Do you realize how hard it was to ask the men of the Board to fund these classes?"
"Just because I like it, doesn’t mean I can’t change my mind and decide to take things slow, all right?"
"I’m not searching the place. I want you to bring it to me."
"You wanted her out of our lives so we could be together."
"There’s no need to make a scene. We can talk about this later."
"They’re strong women; you couldn’t force them to do anything."
"The last time I told the truth in this house, there was an epic argument and I moved out. I was called selfish for not wanting what everybody else wanted for me."
"For the first time in their lives they could openly share their most private thoughts and know that they weren’t alone."
"My daughters were taught to make their own choices about success."
"I helped them to discover that, and I became willing to learn from them as well."
"This is why your father thought you’d be a good lawyer, 'That girl can find the logic in anything.'"
"I didn’t want to get you involved. I know it seemed like I was creating that distance from you because I wasn’t interested, but it was the opposite – I was afraid that if we got closer, things would go disastrously wrong."