
The Rabbit Hutch Quotes

The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty

The Rabbit Hutch Quotes
"The agony is sweet, as the mystics promised."
"He is done with the day, but the day is not done with itself."
"Mothering is the most valuable work you will ever do."
"The streets you walk, the food you eat, the job you work... everything affects everyone."
"You are not permitted to investigate the secrets of God more than the divine majesty wishes to reveal."
"Often, I feel the weight of phantom lumber on my back like a child."
"They’re worried that we’re the Big Bad Wolf, coming to blow down their favorite diner and replace it with a chain."
"Good wholesome family entertainment they don't make it like they used to."
"Pretty hard I must admit but she sure does perk up everytime she hears that 'meet the neighbors' theme song."
"Love the part in that 1st color episode when susie paints the dog blue bc she says everythings 'topsy turvy'."
"Understanding one's self helps one understand others."
"If we can understand our own motives and desires, we can better predict the motives and desires of others."
"Eating, sleeping, and breathing become unnatural tasks."
"Therapy was indispensable to his health, which made him wonder how he had survived for so long without it."
"She takes the medicine, willing it to treat whatever she has."
"He pictures himself as a Brachiosaurus, munching the forest canopy, irrelevant and doomed."
"The death of his mother had prompted the revelation that therapy was indispensable to his health."
"It was like discovering fruit at the age of thirty."
"I am a Christian, and we commit no wrongdoing."
"This is why Moses likes religion: it has a way of dealing with incidents like these—summarizing them, interpreting them, offering a course of action."
"What was your mother protecting you from, by abandoning you?"
"People are selfish. Sometimes that’s all there is to it."
"You live in this godforsaken town, where your serial killers probably hold the door open for you."
"Maybe your mother abandoned you to protect you from herself?"
"It’s true," said Marianne, smiling. "You’re like a godson to us, Moses."
"She wanted the opposite of death. Which ended up looking a lot like death, to me."
"If you had no choice but to obey every impulse, we wouldn’t call it a ‘sin’—we’d just call it an instinct."
"You’re just a series of messy, contradicting behaviors, like everyone else."
"You’re reducing Valentina to some man-made, stock character."
"Or maybe her motive is that she simply enjoys setting fire to people’s lives."
"The dinner went well. DIY spring rolls. Spicy basil tofu. Butterscotch cream pie. Champagne."
"All this is to say, you can probably understand why I didn’t want to invite Valentina to Beth’s birthday party."
"The remainder of the party is a blur to me now."
"It would have been perfect had I not found a rusted pipe beside the letters."
"I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I had been soliciting the letters for the past ten months, and the gift was fucking spectacular."
"The next thing I knew, I was waking in a gasp and a cold sweat from a nightmare that I had killed Beth with the pipe in a ballroom in Vermont."
"Never had the cause-and-effect of an action been so transparent to me."
"You have to understand. I wasn’t myself. None of us were."
"It felt good to control something alive like that, but it also felt like driving a car without brakes in a dream."
"You think they’re silent creatures, rabbits, until you try to kill one."
"I think it’s funny," replies Todd. "Passes the time."
"Human being! God is just, and therefore he has ordained all he has made, in heaven and earth, with justice and order."
"I want to check myself into a mental institution, but I’m afraid of being convicted."
"I became convinced that I had invented Valentina."
"I can’t reveal how I know this, I had to sign an NDA, you just have to trust me."
"I thought you’d come to understand that people were embarrassed for you, that referencing your nobody professors from your nowhere college didn’t impress people."
"But the wolf swallows you up saying: 'This sheep has wandered from the path; it refused to follow its shepherd and ran after me. So I will keep it, because it chose me and deserted its shepherd.'"
"I just love animals," Blandine was saying when I finally tuned back in.
"What I really want," I said, "is to guillotine the whole internet. Before it guillotines me."
"I am so sick," Blandine says, "of violence against women disguised as validation."
"This really hasn’t happened before?" Blandine asks.
"While I admire your passion," says James, "I think this argument is getting a little sloppy."
"How can I persuade you that, despite all the horrible—despite everything I’ve done, despite how reckless I was with you, I care about your well-being and always have?"
"It drives me nuts when people are too politically correct to call a spade a spade," Mary Kozlowski says.
"I thought I was in love with you. And maybe it was some strand of love, but so what?"