
The Inadequate Heir Quotes

The Inadequate Heir by Danielle L. Jensen

The Inadequate Heir Quotes
"Though in truth, even if they’d stood side by side the entire voyage, the result would’ve been the same: the taciturn silence of two men well aware that each wished the other dead."
"Sentiment was not one of King Silas Veliant’s faults."
"The smell of wine came with them, which accounted for their overloud voices as they shouted at the sailors to take care with their belongings or suffer the lash."
"If so much could be gained from shoveling animal feces, then stable boys would be revered."
"War is easy. It’s peace that is the challenge."
"The Empress had said this moment was inevitable—it was only a matter of when and how."
"Trust me. No one wishes more than I to fling those murderous rats back across the Anriot to their fellows as a warning of what fate awaits those who attack Valcotta, but circumstance demands it."
"Sometimes one must choose, and when one is in power, the sacrifices are a hundredfold harder."
"They say you’re supposed to let us retreat. Those are the rules. Those have always been the rules!"
"This is vengeance, you Maridrinian rat. An eye for an eye for the innocent lives you took."
"While you’ve led me on quite the merry little chase, having to climb down to retrieve your broken body is not how I wish to end it."
"If you truly believe in something, you should be willing to suffer for it. To die for it, if need be."
"There is something to be said for anonymity, especially when one’s mind is not aligned with the will of one’s country."
"I think we both know that the question is whether I should trust you."
"One step at a time, Valcotta. I’ve already bared my throat enough tonight."
"It’s easy to want change, but far more difficult to find ways to achieve it."
"It’s nothing. An old injury come back for a visit."
"When I find out if your word is good, Maridrina."
"She’s got an interesting way of showing it, given that the moment she got wind that there might be someone else in your life, she arrived to put an end to it."
"I would never have done this if I’d known who you were."
"Whether he was worthy or not, Aren’s people followed him, and without his leadership, their resistance to the Maridrinian invaders might crumple."
"You'll have to content yourself with my death, for I won't allow you to use me against my people."
"You’re the same as him. All the Veliants are. You’re monsters, just like him."
"I refuse to allow your face to join their ranks. My dreams are haunted enough as it is."
"Better for her to die with honor than to allow them to use her against her people."
"The fear of death was rarely enough to dissuade her."
"To rule is a burden, but perhaps especially so for a king who enters his reign desirous of change, for he will spend his life wading against the current."
"I can't trust someone who deceives me, no matter the motivations."
"You’re the same as everyone in your bloodthirsty family, but at least the rest of them don’t pretend to be anything different!"
"A spy’s worth is not always in what they see and hear, but in how they interpret it."
"You make me believe I can be better. You give me hope. You are my hope."
"I refuse to hate a nation of people because of the choices made by rulers and generals."
"I won’t take pleasure from you while you are a prisoner."
"If falling on my own sword would miraculously get you free of this mess, I’d do it."
"You are everything I can never be. You are powerful and strong and brave."
"The people need not love their king; they need only fear the consequences of crossing him."
"For all his faults, Keris is loyal to his family and to Maridrina."
"It’s never the simple path forward for you, is it?"
"It’s early afternoon, you lazy creature. You keep the hours of a prostitute."
"Be quiet," Aren replied, still deep in thought as he mulled through the revelations.
"She is neither of those things." There was anger in his aunt’s voice.
"I know you will, dear one. Just as I’ll do everything in my power to ensure you succeed."
"At least, I believe he is. There is a chance that he was killed in the blast, but I don’t think we’ll get that lucky."
"Be patient, I thought I might have to wait all morning."
"We’re going to get through this. All you need to do is ensure that no one suspects you, especially your father."
"I wasn’t expecting to come face-to-face with a group of armed women outside my goddamned bedroom door. How did this happen?"
"The old bitch arranged it as retribution. Stabbed me in the back."
"Coralyn conspired with Lara to free the Ithicanian."
"You need to leave. All of this will have been for nothing if your father believes you complicit."
"Fuck," she whispered, because the truth was damning.
"I already told you, Magpie, we don’t know. This is Coralyn’s doing."
"A lifetime wouldn’t be enough. Eternity wouldn’t be enough."
"I want you to call me Zarrah now. Because there will be no more walls between us. No bars. And no borders."
"I will have you or I will have no one, because where you go, my heart goes with you."
"I can’t keep doing this. I’ll get you pregnant."
"God help her, she did not want to give him up."
"I’d never have agreed to this plan if I’d known you intended to take the blame."
"It’s already hard enough not to fight for you."
"I’d say it best to leave the explanations to the general."
"No one can predict the future, Your Grace. Fate favors the strong. God rewards the good. And the stars never abandon those who dream of more."
"All that matters is that you are here, my lady. Her Imperial Majesty will be overjoyed."
"I understood your choice—knew you were acting in what you believed was the best interest of Valcotta."
"I will stand with Ithicana. I will fight for them!"
"It doesn’t matter where they are, because even if you board your ship right now, it’s too late."
"I take back everything I said about missing you."
"It was the worst form of torture knowing he had you, dear one. Every instinct in my heart demanded that I lead my armies north and take you back by force."
"You're suggesting I ignore orders from my father? From the king?"
"You are always particular in your phrasing, Keris. You say that I cannot win. Not that it cannot be won."
"Peace with Maridrina? Son of my friend or not, in this you go too far."
"What benefit we saw faded swiftly when you turned your shipbreakers on my fleet."
"Your people will never accept her as queen. She’s the traitor who cost them their homes and the lives of their loved ones."
"Better to die than to live having been befouled by one of those vermin, do you understand me?"
"If I lose the bridge because of you, I'm going to cut out your fucking tongue."
"What about Valcotta? What about all the good you would do as its empress?"
"My will and rule will continue after I’m gone—through you, my dearest."
"We are the cowards, my lady. We turned our backs."
"No, you are not! You will do no such thing! You—"
"Load your ships and sail home, Zarrah, because no one can accuse you of wrongdoing."
"I love you, Keris. God help me, I do. But right now, I also hate you because you are your father's son."
"Maridrina, Valcotta, Ithicana ... someone had to lose, Zarrah."
"I swear to pursue lasting peace and true alliances."
"You say you did it for our kingdoms, but that isn't it, is it? You did it for me."
"There was another way—my way! But you didn’t like my choice, so you took it away."
"I will never forgive you for that, Keris Veliant."