
Between The Lines Quotes

Between The Lines by Tammara Webber

"If you’re a celebrity and over twelve, people don’t expect you to live with your parents, if they even imagine that you have parents."
"Alcohol-induced dreams are always weird and crude—and I mean that in the best possible way."
"I’m a better client than I am a son. Just ask my dad."
"I read scripts and review lines while exercising, do homework on set."
"I thought he was clear on how hard I work, at least."
"Even if you have what everyone else wants—if it isn’t what you want, it isn’t what you want."
"Chemistry is undeniable. She sways a bit when I release her, the green in her gray eyes sparking. She feels it, too."
"I’ve never worried about this sort of thing before, but then I’ve never been the star of anything before."
"You haven’t lived until just standing near a pack of girls makes them cry. Insanity."
"How does Brooke find the time for enough life experience to cause this level of sexual ennui when I don’t have time to go to a regular school or on a regular date?"
"I’d rather control who I kiss than leave it to fate and an empty bottle."
"I wasn’t ready to go out onto the balcony with… well. I mean, we’re all kinda smashed. Balconies aren’t safe."
"You don’t know what being in love feels like, but you sense that what you felt for Justin from Newark, or certainly anyone else since him, wasn’t it."
"Think you might be up for brunch and some shopping?"
"I’m just glad we didn’t play spin-the-bottle or… well, I’m not a fan of the whole, uh, kissing game concept…"
"I know more about comic books than any girl ever wants to know."
"Sorry, tequila attack. The keypad kept moving around."
"Somehow I’ve always pictured celebrity parties as more… sophisticated?"
"Sure. Don’t worry about me. All by myself in boring Sacramento. Alone. No life."
"You know, they call it ‘acting’ for a reason."
"I just can’t see any guy being as stupid as Will, if Lizbeth was as hot as you."
"The concept of using a personal filter in public escapes this woman."
"The people who know and love us will not hold our parents, or their crazy-ass behavior, against us."
"I’m a patient guy. Okay, that’s bullshit… but I can be patient with good reason."
"I want her. No marginal, semi-talented, indie-film asswipe like Graham is going to keep her from me."
"It’s never mutual. Somebody always wants more. People’s psyches are complex, man."
"The last thing I expected, after a kiss like that, was to run the trails alone this morning."
"I had no idea anyone could even see us. Oh, God."
"Sometimes, you just can’t tell. But I’ll say this, if what looks like the facts of the matter are conflicting with your feelings, then you need more information before deciding."
"Fame is people screaming your name, loving you, hating you, all on a whim."
"If I met you last night, and we had sex, that's what we asked for from each other. It's what I got, and what you got."
"For a brief time, when he began seeing Chloe, he was like that again—happy."
"Trying to turn it into anything further will ruin it."
"I’ve had enough of everyone else for one night."
"I like watching people making idiots of themselves, like that guy."
"The best thing to do in this business is adopt a live-and-let-live attitude."
"Like… high school. Theatre class. Homecoming football games. College plans. Prom."
"The getting is easy; the keeping is the important part."
"That sometimes a person needs a swift emotional kick in the pants."
"You’d think Jason would know that by now, but I guess not."
"I like me the way I am. I don’t want to change!"
"All that ‘If they’re your real friends, they’ll accept whoever you love’ is a load of crap."
"It’s like the sight of this place scares the confidence right out of you."
"I wasn’t feeling well last night, so I went to bed early."
"You should probably leave. I don’t know if I’m contagious."
"I’m sorry. I’m not trying to frustrate you, I promise."
"Independent films my ass. Who wouldn’t want this?"
"I have to be ready to protect you, since you suck so bad at killing zombies."
"Crazy famous and disgustingly rich is worth more than doing something that might have a social impact or garner critical acclaim."
"Is it enough to say that it’s what normal people do?"
"Every time I think about tonight I break out in a cold sweat, so any distraction is good, even homework."
"The loss of him can’t compare to how much it hurts to have lost my best friend."
"My disillusionment over the not-so-perfect Reid Alexander is the finishing touch to a miserable week."
"It’s hard enough just sitting in the same room with him."
"Delivering Will Darcy’s declarations of love to Lizbeth is torture. Touching her is torture. Kissing her is torture."
"I’m deaf once I’ve made up my mind, and I’ve always been good at shutting my emotions off. I’m getting better."
"We sat watching the other travelers: some bleary-eyed, some lost, some type-A frustrated with all the others."
"Doing that when I get home. We’ve got everything organized—which schools want an essay, which have extensive applications, which require recommendation letters."
"The way he paid no attention to the girls who turned to watch him pass. The way I felt the loss of him already, when he was still within my sight."
"I thought you and I could use a weekend getaway. Visit a winery or two… stay at a B-and-B?"
"These few lines and a few weeks of memories—countless conversations and one unforgettable kiss—are all I have left of Graham."
"I’ve never seen her like this. My best friend, independent and uncompromising our entire lives, has fallen in love. Hard."
"The thought of leaving him next fall stings, though I’ve been coming and going for years. But it’s good. The sting tells me I’ll miss him."
"Coffee and breakfast from room service delays the prospect of seeing any of them until the concierge calls to let me know the limo has arrived."
"Emma, at me. Reid, at her… longing, desire on your face." No problem there."
"I’m not going to settle for less than I want, less than I deserve."
"Whether from the grief of losing her mother, or guilt of never living up her to own expectations of being the perfect daughter, Mom tried rehab."
"New York will take some getting used to after a lifetime in California; very little resembles my suburban hometown—the local dialects, the crowds, the weather."
"Forgiving him is easier now, so close to separation. We’ve found each other again, and feeling bitter won’t bring back the years we’ve wasted."
"I keep running through everything I did wrong, looking for a way to repair the total clusterfuck of decisions I made that night."
"What do you say when the feelings don’t fit into words?"
"Unlike my periodic nights of insomnia in Sacramento, I’m not awake and alone here, in the city that never sleeps; I’m one of millions, like I already belong."
"How’s this for clear," his voice is low and hollow as his fingertips brush over my lips. "I haven’t wanted anyone but you since the night we met."
"And as much as I value our friendship… being friends with you is not what I have in mind."