
Fire In His Kiss Quotes

Fire In His Kiss by Ruby Dixon

"I’m both awed and horrified at the sight of the creature. It’s the most beautiful, overwhelming, deadly thing I’ve ever seen."
"If you’re going to eat me, just do it. Because otherwise I’m about to pee myself in fear and I won’t taste as good."
"I’ve survived Tate. I’ve survived the Rift. I can survive anything."
"Sometimes you’re cowardly. I’ll do what it takes to come out the other side, just as long as I stay alive."
"I guess dragons feed their friends with their hands? Or something?"
"I hate sex. I hate being touched. I hate all of it, and I have Tate to thank for that."
"This won’t last forever, and it’s the only way to survive."
"I’m terrified I’ve somehow made him mad with my crying. Tate liked tears, but what if this guy—this dragon—views it as an insult?"
"Even after all these years in the After, years of doing anything and everything to survive, I have my limits. I still feel small and unsafe and vulnerable, and I hate it as much as I hate his touch."
"The human female leaks from her eyes again. I know what it means now, because it is accompanied by her fear-scent."
"The urge to destroy things—to destroy others—rocks through me."
"She is not leaving my grip. Not now. Not ever."
"It’s taken every ounce of courage I’ve had to remain calm and collected in the face of his— I don’t know, whatever fit he was having."
"That’s right," I whisper, half-surprised this worked so well, and a little alarmed that it did. "You like scents, right? I guess you like mine."
"I’ve never had control in a sexual situation before, and it feels forbidden and exciting."
"But I think of the way he licked my hand and shudder again, because that was the most obscene and intense and oddly sweet thing I’ve ever experienced."
"I’m a little afraid of his ferocity, but I’m also attracted to it, and that makes me wonder if there’s something wrong with my head."
"I am failing her again, this time because we cannot speak."
"It’s nice to be hugged, and I’m just so thrilled to be back here that nothing could ruin this day."
"Sometimes it’s just nice to be held and feel safe. That’s the rarest feeling in the world."
"His protection would offer me a lot more than Tate’s would."
"I decide I will put my arms around her, then. I move forward and embrace her, pulling her against my chest."
"This is about my survival, and I’m just going to have to suck it up. Women have been trading their bodies for safety ever since the Rift. I’m no different from any of them at the end of the day."
"I’ve always told myself I’d do what I have to do to survive, but sometimes getting my brain on board with the program is a little more difficult."
"This was never how I pictured my life, to be tossed between one man after another, nothing more than a possession."
"All right, Sasha. If he’s leaving you for good, you need a plan B."
"I could also go and look for Claudia and her dragon. That’s the most dangerous of the three options, because I’d be looking for dragons instead of running away from them."
"Maybe I’m allergic to dragon semen. Wouldn’t that just figure."
"My Sasha. I roll her name around in my mind as I return from my hunt."
"I did not imagine her scent. And while she might not have enjoyed all of my touches, that does not matter. If she enjoyed one touch, I will learn others so she will come to look forward to all of my touches."
"Whatever my mate needs from me, I will give her."
"I’m trying not to be angry, Dakh, but I don’t understand so much."
"I would find no greater pleasure than to watch you grow round with my young."
"I want you to be pleased with my touch. I want you to crave me as I crave you."
"I cannot help it. I am addicted to your thoughts. I need them."
"I am going to destroy every human in the hive."
"I am drakoni once more, though. I have a heart, and it is with Sasha."
"I cannot be the mindless beast she thinks I am."
"I must make him suffer, like he made my Sasha suffer."
"You will always be safe with me. I will always protect you."
"You did not like my silence before. I am trying to be better."
"I will always come back for you, Sasha. You are mine and I am yours."
"If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the After, it’s that everything can change in a heartbeat."
"You’re asking me to like it, and my response is going to determine how you respond, so I feel like I’m potentially ruining things for both of us."
"You are and will always be first in my heart, my sweet fires. Never doubt this."
"I would lick you from the tip of your toe to the top of your head."
"You did not smell good when I first snatched you from the skies. But I kept you anyway."
"I am glad for your mind, my sweet Sasha. You are the only thing that keeps me whole."
"Not sure a romance novel is the best way to do that, but we'll go with it."
"Oh, to have such a simple life where I don't have to worry about anything except eating."
"I need a plan. This place is nice, but I don't know that it's long-term nice."
"I will destroy anyone that tries to harm you."
"Somehow I knew that would be your suggestion."
"Is that what you view this as? A war? It's more like genocide to me."
"You are no longer on the losing side—you are on my side."
"I’m not trying to be accusing. It was just something we should have anticipated. Without a mate, their minds are like Swiss cheese—full of holes."
"Do not apologize. But you are wrong. I was focused—focused on you."
"It’s very intimidating at first, but then you figure out that all they want is to take care of you, and the fear starts to go away."
"You are no longer afraid. You are crawling all over me every morning when—"
"Just because he’s an animal doesn’t mean we have to be. I don’t want to live with his blood on my hands."
"At any rate, I’m glad you and Dakh are doing well. I was worried you’d gone from one bad situation to another, and when I met Dakh…he wasn’t the sanest of dragons."
"He gets better every day," I say with a smile.
"I’ve learned a bunch of random bits and pieces, but I don’t know that I have any answers yet."
"Anything would be more than I have," Claudia tells me.
"It’s a small, silly thing to be proud of, I guess."
"As long as I know I’m not having a flaming egg, that takes a lot of the worry off of me."
"Do not fear. I am strong and can keep both you and our young safe."
"The important thing is that you’re happy and healthy."
"And I will not let you hit the ground. I will catch you long before you even get close."
"Let’s take a turn around the building, shall we?"
"And you can quit laughing," I tell him primly.
"From up here, Old Dallas is green and gray, concrete and overgrowth."
"So everything worked?" Claudia moves to the saddle.
"And then we will return to our home. You are tired."
"With a bellow of fury, I charge into the building, still in battle form."
"I never realized until now how big this world is, how much land there is to cover."
"You are simply a tool. I want your dragon to come here and give himself over to me."
"We have to figure out a way out of this, Dakh."
"I hate this man. I hate everything that he is and everything that he stands for."
"I do not care if he is Salorian. He has no control over me in this world."
"He can’t," she emphasizes again. "Are you listening to me? They expect him to come for you."
"We can’t risk Emma," I tell him. "Or you. We’ll find a different way."
"There are two guards outside this room. We need to create a diversion and then distract them and steal their weapons."
"My family died because of dragons! Well, except for my dipshit brother."
"I can barely think straight," I tell her. I’m still groggy from the drugs.
"Let’s just do something before we second-guess ourselves into being found out. Hurry."
"I love you," I tell him. "Just in case this all goes south."
"I’ll scream for the guards. When they come in and check on me, try to take the gun from at least one of them and we’ll wing it from there."
"I can do this. Call the guards in. Steal a weapon. Figure shit out from there. No problem."
"I’m going to have him kill all of you if you don’t listen up."
"You’re the best of friends," I tell her quickly. "And if you need help, you tell me and I’ll come for you. I promise."
"I would destroy much more than a band of nomads if it meant I would get you back to my side."
"I’m so sorry I sent you away. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss you until you were gone."
"I love being yours and yours alone," Sasha says softly.