
Doll Bones Quotes

Doll Bones by Holly Black

"An ant crawled out from one of them, marching across her eye and up over her forehead into the thicket of her hair."
"Baby carrots were tossed around in the dirt. The peanut butter was smeared on the bark of a nearby tree."
"Looking back at the night before... all of those things felt distant, like they’d happened to someone in a book."
"Out in the middle of nowhere with an angry ghost and no idea how to get to her grave."
"Turning back to where the doll rested, he wondered about other impossible things."
"But as he said it, he realized that it still did feel like an adventure—maybe even more than it had before."
"If they were real, then maybe the world was big enough to have magic in it."
"The man behind the counter had a thick, wild head of black hair."
"If I was murdered, then yeah, definitely," Zach said. "So I could haunt my killer and get revenge."
"Even if you couldn’t talk to anyone?" Zach asked.
"Well, what if you decided you wanted to come back from the dead and then changed your mind, but you were stuck?"
"He walked a little ways, inhaling the smell of diesel and river and tar baking in the sun."
"Despite reading tons about pirates... Zach had never been on a boat."
"He couldn’t imagine the sort of people who owned boats like that."
"And despite the fact that Alice hadn’t even wanted to come, she was laughing."
"They were shouting at each other, but Zach didn’t pay attention."
"The sailboat was at a strange angle, closer to shore."
"Poppy screeched, and Zach gasped, but it was too late."
"The Queen hit the waves with barely a splash."
"Clutching the Queen to his chest, leaving only a single free arm with which to paddle."
"He knew he’d been the bad friend, the liar, the one that had started everybody fighting."
"It wasn’t the same dream, but it was kind of the same."
"Maybe after we die, we don’t get choices like that."
"Everything seemed to pause, as though the universe had taken a moment to draw its breath."
"It feels like each of you is being possessed and I’m next."
"Protecting somebody by hurting them before someone else gets the chance isn’t the kind of protecting that anybody wants."
"I am not her killer, but I am the one who has given her new life."
"And I hate that both of you can just walk away and take part of my story with you and not even care."
"But even that was strange. Instead of his regular skin, he saw a face made from cracked white china with black holes where the eyes should have been. And when he opened his mouth to scream, his reflection stayed perfectly serene, lips motionless on what seemed almost like a mask."
"He told himself that maybe Poppy had gotten up in the middle of the night and come down to use the bathroom. Maybe she’d been half-asleep and had left the Queen on a sink and the doll had fallen into the trash. It was a weird explanation, but he was going to assume that was what had happened."
"You found the Queen." Poppy smiled at him. She hadn’t smiled like that since before he’d lied to her about William, since before they started the quest."
"No worse than taking the boat," Poppy said, climbing up onto the front of the bike. "We’ll bring them back. If we’re fast enough, maybe whoever they belonged to won’t even have finished their game yet."
"We did it," Zach said. "You found the Queen."
"I’ve been a jerk," Zach said. "I know. We’ve all been mad at each other, and I know a lot of it is because of what a jerk I’ve been."
"The Queen is dead," she said. "Long live the Queen."
"Quests are supposed to change us," Zach said.
"This was real. This was a story that we lived. Maybe we can live other stories too."
"With the Queen gone, the kingdoms are going to be in turmoil. Lots of people want her throne, all of them willing to manipulate, scheme, and battle to get it."