
Angel Quotes

Angel by James Patterson

"I know he’ll come for me. He has to come for me."
"Our goal is to bring everyone to the One Light."
"Don’t you get it? People like that—mad-scientist types—we aren’t human to them. We’re experiments."
"That’s all we’ll ever be, isn’t it? Lab rats."
"I’m a girl who has been tamping down her emotions and keeping them tightly guarded her whole life. And that works really well for me. But that approach didn’t seem possible with Dylan."
"The rest of the world seems to think that emotions are only valid if they're loud and obvious and dramatic."
"Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is resting on my shoulders and I’m expected to save everyone, but who saves me?"
"I’ve learned that trust isn’t something that comes easily, especially when every part of your life has been a fight for survival."
"There’s something terrifying about taking a leap of faith, especially when you can’t see where you’re going to land."
"It's easy to fight when you're angry; it's much harder to fight because you care."
"In a world that constantly tries to make you something you're not, being true to yourself is the bravest thing you can do."
"The hardest battles we fight are the ones that rage within us."
"Sometimes, the most heroic act is to choose hope over despair."
"The most profound discoveries are often hidden in the places we're most afraid to look."
"There’s nothing more dangerous than someone trying to act for the greater good."
"I mean we should make a pact, today. A pact that from now on, no matter what, we will never again trust a grown-up."
"We need to close ranks right now, to protect ourselves."
"The One Light will show us how to become less and how to become more."
"You’re the flock leader when Fang is there, and you’re the flock leader when Fang is gone."
"Quit letting everything else get in the way."
"We all need to fight the Doomsday Group. So we need to coordinate our efforts."
"Be with one or the other or neither of them. But just do it and quit whining about it."
"And I’m just glad to be here, with you. Even if we are trying to stop mass destruction."
"The weird, weird thing about devastating loss is that life actually goes on."
"The thing about being a princess," I managed to say, "is that… you have to… kiss… a lot of… frogs!"
"But this was the hard stuff, the leader stuff, the save-the-world stuff that I just couldn’t stand having to deal with."
""If we haven’t found her body yet, then she’s still alive," I said."
"We’d combed all the hospitals and trauma units, pushing aside curtains, bursting into rooms, praying we’d see Angel’s filthy, wounded face—alive. But we didn’t."
"We have to kill the plant at the roots, or it'll just grow back."
"It's about being happy. And right now, what would make me happy is not walking!"
"Despite everything, in the end, the earth had been savagely claimed back for nature."
"But super humans are. Beings that are more than human, better than human. You'll see."
"Don’t throw waffles at me! I’m trying to get dressed!"
"Just because I can talk doesn’t mean I’m human," he complained.
"For parents looking for something more than a thrill for their young-adult readers, this book series might just be it. With messages about friendship, loyalty, and even the environment, the Maximum Ride series is top-flight."
"This is my fault, Angel thought. All of this is my fault."