
Darker After Midnight Quotes

Darker After Midnight by Lara Adrian

"That’s a currency he’s come up short on more than once lately."
"And with the night came the reminder of his hunger, the wild thirst that owned him now."
"His only concern had been protecting his friends."
"His body was already compromised from the Bloodlust that had been nipping at his heels for so many months."
"And he was losing blood. Too much, too fast."
"He wouldn’t be satisfied until the whole goddamn world was kneeling at his feet."
"Take as much as you want, all of you! There are no laws here tonight."
"There’s no room in our world for someone like him."
"With everything that’s been going on lately, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about it."
"Of course. We don’t want to block Santa from coming down the chimney with all your presents."
"Santa Claus is a myth. Only babies believe in him."
"I haven’t believed in Santa since I was five years old."
"Now the only thing kind of short and scraggly in here is you, kid."
"Nothing too unusual. Still a cyborg freak in progress."
"I’ll remind you of that the day I’m strong enough to kick your vampire butt."
"She knows she’s got me, any way she wants me. Forever, if I have anything to say about it."
"Look at this, Xander. Your very first Christmas tree."
"Don’t you fret about me, dear. You’re what’s important. And I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be."
"You’re what’s important. And I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be."
"Please, don’t do this. Tell me what you want from me!"
"They were called Hunters, stripped of their identities and all humanity from the time they were born."
"We're never going to be able to go back to the way things were."
"This was his family. This place he’d brought her to? It had once been his home."
"I'm not sure I've ever loved anyone. Christ, I'm not even sure I'm capable."
"You had similar reservations about me, if I recall. I haven’t murdered anyone in their sleep so far. Not even Chase."
"Nathan has something none of us ever knew. Or not for very long. He is loved."
"You are safe here, son. You are welcome here."
"I stake my own life on this decision, Lucan. I will not let you down. Neither will Nathan."
"No need for Lucan to guess how the damage was done."
"It just concerns me that the boy has been plucked out of one bad situation and dropped into another."
"Hunter nodded. 'I take full personal responsibility for him. Nathan will be my problem to manage, not the Order’s.'"
"There had been a time—a million years ago, it seemed—when he’d been all about restraint and honor."
"What he’d been in truth was a self-righteous prick who’d considered himself leagues above the rest of the unwashed masses."
"He had somehow become the thing he’d despised the most."
"True privacy was something she’d never known."
"You’re not a monster, Tavia. What you are is a miracle."
"Whether you live is up to him to decide. He owns you too. He’s owned you from the very beginning, child."
"I’m not going anywhere until I know more about who I really am and what’s going on."
"She was too uptight to bother with being polite."
"The only thing I care about right now is making sure you get out of here alive."
"Every living being on this planet is either a tool for him to use or an obstacle that needs to be pushed out of his way."
"I’m glad I met you, Sterling Chase. Right now, you’re the only friend I have."
"You want her," he growled, "then you're gonna have to come through me first."
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice rough, urgent.
"His rage had started earlier that day, when the vice president had failed to show at Senator Clarence's memorial service."
"His patience had reached its end and there would be no more delaying his birthright."
"The corruption has been there too long, and it goes too deep."
"I only knew that if I wanted to keep my sanity—keep my damned soul—I needed to get out."
"We hunt them down ... until we claim the head of every last one."
"It's just gonna take me a while to get used to the idea."
"You mean, other than the fact that there's some kind of alien roots in your history?"
"It's not real, just a nightmare. I'll be fine, Brock. I can do this."
"This is no goddamn time to be bringing another innocent life into the world."
"The entire planet trembled, as though about to crack open at its core."
"And out over the sea beyond, a great cloud was forming. It billowed high and furious, ashes churning up from a stalklike funnel crowned with a roiling mushroom head."
"One of the Ancients at her side pivoted his unfeeling amber eyes on her. The fools should have surrendered when they had the chance."
"As the waves rose up from all directions, Jenna tore her gaze away from the carnage about to take place."
"I'm sure," she replied, reaching up from where she lay on their bed to caress his strong jaw. "It's just a dream, after all. You don't have to worry about me."
"Knowing our son is on the way only gives me more cause to make this world a better place. For all our sons."
"The dread was an ache that refused to let him go."
"He understood. He, of all the warriors of the Order—down the many centuries since its original formation—knew the dread that was eating Lucan up inside."
"I might as well have stabbed him with my own hand."
"How can you be so caring after everything you’ve just heard?"
"You gave me truth, Chase. You have from the very beginning."
"She need only outlive you and your savage kind. And she will."
"That’s the megalomaniac villain version of using your favorite pet’s name, for crissake. Maybe there’s hope of beating this asshole yet."
"Raid them. Raze them. Mow the motherfuckers to the ground, if that’s what it takes."
"We didn’t start this war, but we’re damned well going to finish it."
"I want what’s good for the Order too. Right now, that’s not me."
"Try not to get your ass handed to you tonight on patrol, yeah?"
"Everywhere Chase looked, the scene was utter, bloody madness."
"The knowledge that she was safe now—that she was alive and unharmed—was a reassurance he clung to as the rest of the world was dissolving into bloodshed and ruin before him."
"Lock and load, everyone. It’s gonna be a long, bloody night."
"It wasn’t until daybreak pushed the attacking Rogues to ground that the terror had paused."
"Reality had shifted, and now that same alleged madman was the person she loved more than any other."
"A deadly scourge that required a focused and swift extermination."
"The whole damn city is falling apart out there."
"She’d taken the necessary steps, devised the method she would use to put herself in his presence and, with opportunity and any luck at all, kill the son of a bitch."
"I intend to show you a great many things, Tavia."
"The Order’s leader paced away from the bloody fallout to answer."
"She’s hurt. Ah, fuck… I’ve got to get to her!"
"I feel her. She’s here. She’s somewhere in this city."
"You brought the Order to me, right to their certain deaths."
"You have lost. You and the Order were never going to win this."
"I know," he whispered. "I know you are, but blood can’t help you now. It will only make it worse."
"I love you. You are mine. In my heart, I knew that from the beginning. You are my beloved, Tavia, my only one."
"We have lived among you for many hundreds of years. We are not monsters. In fact, part of us is human, not so different from you."
"I stand here before you tonight, addressing the world on behalf of my kith and kin... my long-lived race, called the Breed."
"We need to agree to move past these dark beginnings and set the course for a new path forward."
"I believe that we will find common ground and that we can, eventually, forge a lasting peace between us all."
"When I first met Lucan, he told me he was just a warrior, not an emissary for his race."
"This was Lucan’s true destiny. It’s always been in him to lead, to be the one clearing the way toward a better future."
"Love that would take physical form when their twins were born in the spring."