
Crookedstar's Promise Quotes

Crookedstar's Promise by Erin Hunter

"It's not your time yet. You have a great destiny ahead of you."
"The sooner we're out patrolling and fighting, the better it'll be for the Clan."
"When I'm leader I'll let kits go out of camp whenever they want."
"StarClan is watching over you. There's no reason why you won't be as big as Shel heart by next newleaf."
"I'm going to get big and strong and be the best apprentice ever."
"He’d been in pain, but after half a moon he’d been as bored and frustrated as a turtle up a tree."
"Stormkit!" He nudged Stormkit’s cheek with his muzzle as though he hadn’t seen his kit in moons.
"Everyone was making a fuss, saying how pleased they were to see him, how much they’d missed him, but there was something peculiar about the way they were looking at him."
"Eat," Oakkit ordered, stopping beside the fish."
"From this day forward, you shall be known as Crookedkit."
""Don’t they think you’re at the Mewstone?" "Moonstone." Crookedkit licked a paw and wiped it along his jaw."
"The best prey is the prey longest waited for."
"You’re not here to ask questions. You’re here to learn."
"You must be prepared to do anything for the sake of the Clan."
"What you want for yourself is nothing compared to the needs of your Clan. Nothing, remember?"
"I can do more than make you leader. I can give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of."
"My destiny is to be a RiverClan warrior no matter how long I have to wait."
"But I know more than you think! I’m being trained by StarClan! Frustration made his claws itch as Hailstar went on."
"RiverClan is the only Clan that should concern you! The other Clans are no more than dust and beetles."
"I will be loyal to my Clan above everything. What I want doesn’t matter."
"In the middle of battle, there’s no time to think. You just react."
"The only markers we’ll leave will be ThunderClan’s blood!"
"We're fighting to defend territory, not our Clan."
"Enjoy your training. Have some fun before the responsibilities of—"
"No cat with a drop of RiverClan blood could enjoy rabbit."
"It’s possible to care about cats outside the Clan and be loyal."
"Why do I have to have a mentor who thinks I’m a fish-brain?"
"I just like her as a denmate! That’s not against the warrior code, is it?"
"I’m going to do everything I can to make you glad I’m your son."
"You’ll never make me ashamed of who I am or what I look like."
"The most important thing in the world is to look after my Clan."
"I want to look after my Clan. That’s the most important thing in the world."
"I’ve never seen anything braver. Crookedpaw actually jumped on its back!"
"If our mother can’t be proud of you, it’s her loss."
"Feeling as if the bubble of happiness inside him might explode."
"Thank you for helping me to become a warrior."
"I’ve been waiting for you to come and train."
"I heard you talking to Wil owpaw. I’ve seen you, acting like mates-for-life."
"Then forget about love and friendship and what you want, you selfish mouse-brain, and put your Clan first like you promised!"
"You’re not upset because I reminded you of your promise, are you?"
"It’s been a good batch in ThunderClan this year."
"Why don’t you go and show them how she snores?"
"ThunderClan cats always were a bunch of kittypet friends!"
"Sometimes bad things happen. I did everything I could, but Brightsky was too sick and it made her kits sick, too."
"RiverClan has never owned that piece of territory!"
"The greatest leader of any Clan? Excitement flashed though Crookedjaw as Mapleshade went on."
"I worry every moment you’re out of my sight."
"I’m so happy just being with you, it feels like nothing can hurt me."
"Having a mate wouldn’t stop him from being a great leader."
"The ground flashed beneath Crookedjaw’s paws as he hared after them."
"It wasn’t much of a fight. Nothing worth mentioning. Why start a battle over something so small?"
"I want you to teach me everything you know. I want to become the best leader I can. My Clan deserves that."
"There's nothing as important as looking after my Clan, no matter what it costs me."
"Every cat knows that you’re going to be great, just from watching you."
"The power is within you to be a fine warrior."
"Too much blood has been shed already over these stones."
"No warrior wants to feel like he can’t help his Clan."
"I trust him the same way that I trust all my warriors."
"Fighting beside our Clanmates gives us all strength."
"RiverClan is like the river. Always flowing, yet never changing."
"Your mother never sent an omen telling your Clan to make you deputy, did she?"
"The Clan has always come first. What I want doesn’t matter."
"You’re the deputy of RiverClan. You have everything you want."
"We have the river and the willows. They have only the forest."
"I wonder if she believes what I just said. I’m not sure if I do."
"We can’t ask ThunderClan for anything! They already think we’re weak."
"We’re going to raise them as RiverClan. They are our kin, after all."
"I suppose you never boast, Loudbelly." "I have to keep count," Loudbelly meowed. "We've won so many battles these past moons, it’s hard to remember them all."
"I'm going to have kits." Crookedstar halted, his heart pounding with delight. "Really?"
"You should move to the nursery at once." Crookedstar wasn't taking any chances. Too many RiverClan queens had lost their kits.
"I have to tell everyone." He charged away, skidding to a stop as he hit the grassy path. "Willowbreeze is expecting kits!"
"It's okay, isn't it?" he asked, looking back. "If I tell everyone?" Willowbreeze nodded.
"I'm so happy Hailstar brought me back from WindClan. I've loved being with you and with RiverClan."
"Don’t talk like that!" Crookedstar fought to keep the panic from his mew. "You can’t leave the kits. They need you." I need you.
"Help me name our daughters." Numbness crept beneath Crookedstar’s pelt, deadening his heart, slowing his thoughts.
"They're beautiful," he whispered. "I know," she rasped.
"Mapleshade! Where are you? Is this another of your sacrifices? Is this so I can be the greatest warrior ever? I don’t want to be the greatest warrior! I take it back! I take back my promise!"
"I'm nothing like Rainflower. I'm doing what's best for Silverkit!"
"How can I love her when every cat I love dies?" Oakheart's eyes clouded. "I’m still here."
"You're realy just training?" Silverkit mewed. "Do you promise?" "I promise." Crookedstar ached with joy. "I'm your father, Silverkit, and that means I will always keep my promises."