
An Abundance Of Katherines Quotes

An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green

An Abundance Of Katherines Quotes
"One of his general policies in life was never to do anything standing up that could just as easily be done lying down."
"But mothers lie. It's in the job description."
"Crying adds something: crying is you, plus tears. But the feeling Colin had was some horrible opposite of crying. It was you, minus something."
"Colin Singleton could no more stay cool than a blue whale could stay skinny or Bangladesh could stay rich."
"What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?"
"You can see into the future if you have a basic understanding of how people are likely to act."
"The future lay before him, inevitable but invisible."
"Prodigies can very quickly learn what other people have already figured out; geniuses discover that which no one has ever previously discovered. Prodigies learn; geniuses do."
"He felt a sudden twinge in his gut—in retrospect, it was the first hint that some piece of him might soon go missing."
"The world contains precisely two kinds of people: Dumpers and Dumpees. Everyone is predisposed to being either one or the other."
"You can love someone so much... But you can never love people as much as you can miss them."
"That's absolutely true, about the eight glasses a day. There's no reason whatsoever to drink eight glasses of water a day unless you, for whatever reason, particularly like the taste of water."
"The bigger a deal you are, the worse your life is."
"I just want to do something that matters. Or be something that matters. I just want to matter."
"Normal kids come home late; normal kids drink warm forties of malt liquor in alleys with their friends (normal kids have more than one friend)."
"If I can't be a genius—and clearly I can't be—I can at least burn my work like one."
"I’m an inside person. I’m all about refrigeration and indoor plumbing and Judge Judy." - Hassan
"You’re a genius. No shit. I honestly do. I think you can do whatever the fug you want to do in your life, and that’s a pretty sweet gig." - Hassan to Colin
"It was, like a good-bye or something. But I’m really sorry." - Katrina
"I’ve never been here with someone else. It’s different being invisible with someone." - Lindsey
"I just sit here. When I was a nerd, I came here to be somewhere where no one would find me. And now—I dunno, I guess the same reason." - Lindsey
"Do you ever wonder whether people would like you more or less if they could see inside you?" - Colin
"Because then you’re not being a good friend or a good boyfriend or whatever, because you’re only thinking they-might-not-like-me-they-might-not-like-me, and guess what? When you act like that, no one likes you." - Hassan
"It’s just that I learned a while ago that the best way to get people to like you is not to like them too much." - Lindsey
"I think it’s right criminal," Katrina said of hog hunting. "Although those pigs are sort of horrible. But there wouldn’t even be any wild hogs except we pen up so many pigs to eat."
"Lord, I sure am glad Thursday only comes around once a week." - Hollis
"I think maybe you try to be odd on purpose. I think you like that. It makes you you and not someone else." - Katherine I to Colin
"We’re on a Trail / a Trail of Tears / There’s Dip on My Chin / and We’re Gonna Die Here." - Hassan's song
"The Golden Rule was really Colin’s only Rule."
"But there was more to consider than the Golden Rule: there was the small matter of liking Lindsey."
"They burn like the fire of ten thousand suns."
"You matter as much as the things that matter to you do."
"I don’t think your missing pieces ever fit inside you again once they go missing."
"You don’t remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened."
"Something about telling that story made my gut grow back together."