
The Moth Catcher Quotes

The Moth Catcher by Ann Cleeves

The Moth Catcher Quotes
"Huge places, big enough to contain her ambition."
"There was no fun in getting old, no matter what he said to the kids in the pub about having the perfect life."
"The bright conker eyes were looking at them."
"In shock you picked up details that you could miss later."
"But why would anyone be worried? A grown-up man."
"I hope so, pet. I’m after information." - Vera Stanhope
"Good God, woman, don’t despise the man because of the way he’s decorated his house." - Vera's internal thought
"You’ll have heard rumours, no doubt." - Vera Stanhope
"Life’s one big impromptu party, here in the farm conversions." - Nigel Lucas
"We might have noticed if there was a vehicle coming in the opposite direction." - Annie Redhead
"We don’t mix much with the Carswells." - Nigel Lucas
"You must be bored, pet. Someone like you doesn’t bake biscuits unless you need to fill your day." - Vera's internal thought
"We’re not in and out of each other’s houses all the time, but we socialize." - Annie Redhead
"I don’t think I’d have noticed." - Annie Redhead
"I don’t have to do this." - Holly's internal thought
"I’m not sure that I do, pet. Most of my colleagues are men, and I don’t really do girlie chats." - Vera Stanhope
"He said he’d been sworn to secrecy." - Frank, about Martin Benton
"We have nobody to worry about except ourselves." - Janet O'Kane
"We were going to eat next door too and I’d made a pudding." - Janet O'Kane
"He was a clever guy. He had some savings in the bank to see him through until he got set up." - Frank, about Martin Benton
"I don’t have to be in a scuzzy office in a scuzzy town asking questions about a man I don’t care about at all." - Holly's internal thought
"I’d love to have a dog of my own, but John’s not keen." - Janet O'Kane
"I need to know what happened, and why." - Alicia Randle
"I don’t have to live in a northern city with people who despise me, helping strange middle-aged men undress the dead." - Holly's internal thought
"I thought even when he was boy that he’d make a career of it, become an academic and continue his research." - Alicia Randle, about Patrick Randle
"I was at WI in the afternoon." - Janet O'Kane
"I’ve never heard the name before." - John O'Kane
"I was never going to be any good working indoors." - Frank
"Perhaps it’s not so much regression as a kind of desperation." - Janet O'Kane
"We see time trickling by and want to enjoy life while we can." - Janet O'Kane
"Nobody's perfect. But you come pretty close."
"You think the parents must be to blame if a child goes off the rails."
"I’d wanted to tell her about Aidan and the asthma tests."
"I need to jump into the shower, and Sam has been in the garden most of the day."
"I put the letter back in the drawer and went downstairs. I knew I shouldn’t have been in there. It was only me being nebby."
"Nobody else must know about Lorraine’s illness. It’s private. Not our business."
"I told Nigel when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer."
"Successful relationships are made up of white lies, small attempts at flattery, aren’t they?"
"We poke around into everyone’s business in a murder inquiry. That’s our job."
"I’m sorry. I got you out of your bed. I wanted to chat to you on your own."
"I would have liked a child. In fact, I was quietly desperate, as the biological clock ticked away and I approached my forties."
"He was the most beautiful man I’d ever met. And he needed me."
"I needed to concentrate on the new book...I had the feeling that this was my last chance to write something of value. Something that might outlive me."
"What attracted you to the house in the valley?... I could see the attraction. I needed to concentrate on the new book."
"We rub along very nicely on a superficial level. Socially, you know."
"That he had a brilliant story to tell. But that wasn’t why he’d come to Gilswick."
"She’s visiting friends in Kimmerston. And I don’t know how Lizzie can help you. She wasn’t even here when these dreadful things happened."
"You cracked the case for us. You found the connection that mattered: that Crow, Lucas and Hewarth had all been in the same institution."