
The Lonely Hearts Club Quotes

The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg

The Lonely Hearts Club Quotes
"Everybody always joked that one day we’d get married for real."
"My first kiss (in my tree house when we were eight; I punched him, then cried afterward)."
"The heart involved wasn’t made from construction paper—it was living, beating…real."
"I found out the hard way that fairy tales and true love don’t exist."
"And then it happened. He was taller. He was older. He was no longer cute—he was sexy."
"The answer had been in front of me all along."
"I’d never been so relieved to hear the last bell of the day."
"I tried to wrap my head around it. Diane dumped me for Ryan, Ryan dumped Diane, and now she expected us to be friends again."
"I’ve got my own guy problems, thank you very much. I’m so canceling on her."
"The only reason she didn’t cancel on you is because she doesn’t have a boyfriend."
"I can't begin to imagine what it must’ve been like for you."
"It was hard for me to realize that I really didn’t have any true friends."
"You can’t really have a club with one person."
"I just need to figure out what’s next for me."
"Are you kidding me? Please tell me this is a joke."
"I don’t want you to take Penny away from me."
"I’ve had it with all these guys at school, especially after what Brian Reed did to me in seventh grade."
"Roses are red. Violets are blue. Garbage gets dumped, and now so have you."
"I’m more than happy to banish these idiots from my memory."
"It’s so stupid, but I hadn’t really met a guy who I really clicked with before, and it all seemed to be there with him. It was too good to be true."
"You are the shadow that haunts me, the vision of who I want to be."
"Tyson Bellamy wasn’t a punk wannabe—he was a musical prodigy."
"I’m tired of doing things for other people or because it’s expected of me. I’m not going to do it any longer."
"Members must be supportive of their friends, despite bad choices in clothing, hair, and/or music."
"Everything you see in the movies and on television is such crap. I did not see fireworks, and there was no sweeping symphony playing in my head."
"I’m just tired of it all. The games…guys…everything. I doubt that there is a single girl among us who hasn’t obsessed about whether that guy is going to call, or if we’re going to have a date to go to a party. And because of the pressure to go to this and that with a guy, we settle for someone who isn’t worth our time."
"We can do anything if we stick together. We just have to believe in ourselves."
"Had I known that getting dumped would be such a positive influence on everyone else, I would’ve had Ryan dump me a long time ago."
"We’ve single-handedly changed the social structure at McKinley High."
"If one of us needs help with a test, we should be there for that person. If one of us wants to pursue our dreams, no matter what anybody else seems to think of it, we will be there for that person."
"Every Saturday night, we have a standing date with one another. We need to be here for one another to remind ourselves how special we are."
"You know, it’s really hard for a guy to get up the courage to ask a girl out."
"You can’t join because we only allow people who have an IQ."
"No, I mean cute in a completely irresistible way."
"You have got to hide your love away. You can’t just hide your feelings. You have to destroy them. Kill them before they kill you."
"Hey, I wouldn’t blame a guy for trying. You’re a hottie!"
"It's the Beatles, after all, and they do have a lot of classics."
"Just like Ryan, who turned out to be a wonderful surprise."
"Seriously, Penny, how big of a loser do you think I am?"
"Because she likes you. She has for a very, very long time."
"What happens in The Lonely Hearts Club, stays in The Lonely Hearts Club."
"I have absolutely zero interest in Ryan Bauer and I never will."
"You’re not allowed to say that. You lied to me."
"You’re going to get a job next summer back at home and stay with someone there. You’re not going to spend any more summers with us. Do you understand?"
"Something good did come from this summer. I deserve so much better than you. I always have."
"And, Nate? You kiss like a slobbering dog, you have bad breath, and you wouldn’t know how to push the right buttons on a girl if we came with manuals. Happy Thanksgiving, Jackass."
"Your mother would kill me if she knew we did this with all of the leftovers still in the house."
"Everything’s going to be fine," Dad said. I couldn’t tell if he was talking to Katie or Ryan.
"You have no idea how frickin’ exhausting it is to be me sometimes."
"We’d rather hang out with each other than go out with any of you."
"You know what? Maybe the reason why all the girls in the school are in this Club is because all of you guys are complete jerks."
"Could that woman, for once in her life, just try, try to not embarrass me?"
"Rita had made it very clear to Lucy that we needed to be involved because she refused to look 'like a pink taffeta nightmare.'"
"I’d had weeks—months!—to ask him out. But I had stayed silent."
"I couldn’t take my eyes off the bracelet. It was the nicest thing anybody had ever given to me."
"Sometimes I really wonder about you. Go for it, girl."
"Penny, I’m not going to take you away from your friends."
"We pulled our lips away and he hovered an inch from my face. 'I’ve been waiting all year to do that,' he told me."
"I try to steady my breath. Logan’s always been very touchy-feely with me, but I still get butterflies in my stomach. Every. Single. Time."
"That’s because you don’t need hair and makeup."
"I learned a very important lesson that day: Hands off the talent."